WI871081000021 Rev.00 蒸汽轮机及发电机吊装.doc
CSPC Nanhai Petrochemicals ProjectSEPCO Electric Power Construction CorpCSPC NANHAI PETROCHEMICALS PROJECTCSPC 南 海 石 化 项 目蒸汽轮机及发电机吊装STEAM TURBINE AND GENERATOR HANDLINGWORK INSTRUCTION: WI-8710-8100-0021SEPCO Electric Power Construction Corporation山东电力基本建设总公司 REV版次DATE日期REASON FOR ISSUE修订原因BY编制CHKD审核REVIEW审查APPR批准A23.Mar.2004Issued for ApprovalGongXiYuGUANYIXIAOTPTIANGHB22.Apr.2004Issued for ApprovalGongXiYuGUANYIXIAOTPTIANGHC10.JUN.2004Issued for ApprovalGongXiYuGUANYIXIAOTPTIANGH0024.JUN.2004Issued for UseGongXiYuGUANYIXIAOTPTIANGHRevision informationRevDate Section No.Description of main changesA23.Mar.2004 All初版First issueB22.Apr.2004All翻译为中英文对照Translation to englishC10.JUN.2004 13.根据PMC 审核意见进行修改according to PMC comments modification0024.JUN.2004 9.2澄清每个千斤顶使用9根钢索confirm 9 strands in the each jack 9.7.3 9.8.3增加吊板现场修改的有关内容add : modification for the lifting plate on site 目 录content1.0 范围 scope 2.0 目的 purpose 3.0 职责 responsibilities 4.0 概述 general 5.0 编制依据 6.0 施工准备 references7.0 主要施工机械、工器具 major construction machines, tools8.0 劳动力组织 labor force9.0 施工工序和施工方法 process and method10. 相关计算书 related calculation11. 措施性材料清单 measure materials list12. 附图 attached sketch13. 附录attachment14工作安全分析(JSA) 1.0 范围:scope本程序适用于南海石化项目汽电联产部分汽机房内四台蒸汽轮机和发电机的吊装就位。主要包括:液压提升装置的安装;发电机的吊装就位;汽轮机的吊装就位;液压提升装置的拆除。This instruciton applies to lifting and postioning of 4 STs and generators in ST house, including :Installation of hydraulic lift unit,Lifting and positioning of generators,Lifting and positioning of STs,Removal of hydraulic lift unit.2.0 目的:purpose编制本程序旨在为了保证汽轮机和发电机的吊装工作安全顺利进行。To ensure the lifting and positioning to be taken safely and smoothly. 3.0 职责:responsibilities3.1 sepco1负责全部的吊装工作。Sepco1 for all lifting and positioning.3.2 SEPCO负责协调和质量验收工作。 Sepco for coordination and quality/inspection.4.0 概述:general 4.1本项目汽机房内设计安装四台机组,顺列布置在汽机房+18.00m(绝对标高)运转层上,蒸汽轮机台板底部标高为+18.00m,发电机台板底部标高为+18.780m,且发电机基础周围有一标高为+18.890m的台阶;发电机朝向扩建端(1柱);蒸汽轮机和发电机均由SIEMENS AG公司制造供货。4 units designed to be arranged in sequence on the running level (elevation: +18.00m) of ST house. The bottom elevation of ST table is +18.00m, and the bottom elevation of generator is +18.780m. STs and generators supplied by SIEMENS AG.4.2 汽轮机和发电机均为组装在一个底板上,整体组装模块式供货;除个别无法包装在整个模块之内外露的、超过规定高度的部件,需拆掉单独运输。Turbine and generator on baseframes are delivered essentially complete. For shipping, only those parts are dismantled which protrude sideways from the baseframe or which exceed the specified height.4.3设备主要尺寸及重量Major dimension and weight of equipmentDescriptionDimension(l*w*h)Transport Weight(t)Steam turbine8964*5900*4124148Generator 8027*3700*2921112.64.4四台机组的汽轮机、发电机使用一台200t液压提升装置进行吊装。1 of 200t hydraulic lift unit for lifting STs and generators of 4 groups.5.0 编制依据:references5.1 设备厂家SIEMENS AG公司提供的有关图纸资料;Related drawings from SIEMENS AG.5.2 DL5011-92 电力建设施工及验收规范(汽轮机组篇);Electrical power construction and acceptance specification-ST 5.3火电施工质量检验给评定标准(汽机篇) 1998版Power construction quality inspection and evaluation- ST 19985.4 设计施工图纸;Design construction drawings5.5 有关的DEP和SP Related DEP and SP5.6液压提升装置有关图纸Hydraulic lift unit drawings6.0 施工准备:preparation6.1汽轮发电机基础已施工完毕并办理交接手续。基础准备工作已完成。基础准备工作主要包括以下内容:The foundations have been completed and handed over. Concrere foundation preparation as follows:l 基础表面清理干净,无油脂等杂物。concrete surface which are to be grouted in the course of installation must be free of loose particles and from weakly adhering cement wash and must be free from dust ,grease and oil.l 划好纵横中心线,并确定标高控制点。Establish machine longitudinal and transverse axes and elevation and mark the position of the leveling plates.l 将调整垫板按照图纸规定位置布置好,(临时支撑垫板的尺寸要比正式调整垫板的尺寸大)。所有的垫板必须水平,且标高符合要求。Set the leveling plates (approximately 30mm thick )in grout at the marked positions.(the leveling plates used as temporary support points are larger than the standard leveling plates and incorporate jacking screws.) the top surfaces must be level ,and all at the same height if at all possible .check height against the elevation datum point provide or against the installation plan or against a machine that the turbine is to be aligned to .l 将需要灌浆的位置进行灌浆,安装汽轮机灌浆模板。Partition the surfaces to be grouted ,and install permanent formwork if necessary.l 用垫片调整临时支撑点A1 to A4的标高,使其标高比设备的正常就位后的标高低1mm左右。Shim the leveling plates for the temporary support points “A1 to A4”(see layout drawing )such that their top surface are at uniform height. The height should be 1 mm lower than required after the turbine set down on the foundation .l 其余有关要求详见由SIMENS提供的安装手册。Other requirements refer to the ERECTION MANUAL STEAM TURBINE by SIMENS.6.2施工人员应熟悉有关图纸及本作业指导书,了解吊装程序并经技术、安全交底。Personnel shall be familiar with related drawings and this work instruction and lifting procedure, and safety issues to be instructed.6.3汽机房行车已投用。ST hall travelling crane available. 6.4汽机房固定端18至20柱以西20m范围内之间的场地平整夯实,标高为+6.770m。The ground from column 18# to 20# in row A and B of ST house has been compacted and level, and its elevation +6.770m.6.5汽机房18-#20轴线之间屋架缓装;固定端的山墙缓装。Roof structure between axis 18# and 20# pending, and wall structure of fixed side pending.7.0主要施工机械、工器具major construction equipment and tools7.1 主要施工机械major construction equipment汽机房行车 40/10t ST hall travelling crane 1台CX1800 180t履带吊 crawler crane 1台 20t运输车 truck 1台50t汽车吊 truck crane 1台30t龙门吊 gantry crane 1台7.2 主要工器具、吊索具 main tools序号item名称description规格specification数量qty备注remarks1卷尺tape30m1把2敲击扳手、电动扳手strike and electrical spanners各1套1 set of each type3磨光机grinders2台4钢卷尺steel tapes30m;5m各1套1 set of each type5钢板尺steel ruler1m1把6线锤plumbL=10m2只7撬棒tommy bar32×12003根8电、火焊工具electrical and flame welding tools各1套1 set of each type8.0劳动力组织 labor force 总指挥: 一名 1 supervisor chief技术负责人: 一名 1 technical leader质量负责人: 一名 1 quality leader施工负责人: 一名 1 construction leader安装工: 八名 8 erectors起重工: 四名(含起重指挥1名)4 lifters including 1 conductor电焊工: 一名 1 welder架工: 四名 4 scaffold erectors液压系统操作工: 五名 (含操作指挥1名) 5 hydraulic system operater including 1 conductor吊车操作工: 三名 3 crane operater9.0施工工序及施工方法process and method9.1施工工序process 提升装置安装#1发电机、汽轮机吊装就位2发电机、汽轮机吊装就位 3发电机、汽轮机吊装就位 4发电机、汽轮机吊装就位 提升装置拆除 installation of lift unit 1# generator and ST lifting and positioning 2# generator and ST lifting and positioning 3# generator and ST lifting and positioning 4# generator and ST lifting and positioning dismantling of lift unit9.2 提升装置有关数据related data for lift unitl 汽轮机、发电机的吊装使用国电电力建设研究所设计、山东丰汇设备技术有限公司制造的200t液压提升吊装架装置进行吊装。吊装架主要由固定架、移动架、吊板、泵站、吊杆、千斤顶、下锚头吊架等组成。详见附图B。有关技术参数如下:200t hydraulic lift unit fabricated by Shandong Fenghui Equipment Co. Ltd. Is to be applied for lifting STs and generators, which including fixed structure, moveing structure, lifting plate, pump station, boom, jacks, lower anchored lifting hook, etc. Details refer to sketch B. Performance as follows :液压千斤顶安装方式:千斤顶悬挂式吊装 每个千斤顶使用9根钢索installastion type of hydraulic jack : jack suspending lifting;9 strands in each jack.额定起吊重量rated load capacity :200t单点最大允许负荷single point maximum allowable load:70t行走机构行走速度小于travel speed less than 10m/min吊点位置沿汽轮发电机轴线可在4.1m 至5.5m范围内调整;沿垂直于汽轮发电机轴线可在3.6m 至5.9m范围内调整lift point can be adjusted within 4.1m and 5.5m along ST generator axis, and within 3.6m and 5.9m along vertical line to the axis.吊装架体内部净宽6.4m。inner net width of lifting structure : 6.4ml 提升装置的安装主要包括汽轮发电机基础上轨道梁、固定架和移动架的安装。详见附图B。Installation of lift unit includes track beam, fixing frame and moving frame on turbogenerator foundation. Details refer to attached sketch B.9.3汽轮发电机基础上轨道梁的安装 installation of track beam on turbogenerator foundationl 用CX1800履带吊配合,按照附图C 在STG-8133和STG-8134汽轮发电机基础上安装轨道梁。轨道梁与基础之间铺垫厚度一层厚度约为50mm架板。To install track on foundations of STG-8133 & STG-8134 turbogenerators by CX1800 as per attached sketch C, and 50mm thick wood plate placed in bwteen track and foundation.l 轨道梁横向定位尺寸为:距汽轮发电机中心线3500mm;纵向定位尺寸见附图C 1/3 2/3;轨道梁底部标高为+18.05m。transverse dimension : 3500mm away from the center of generator. Longitudinal positioning dimension refers sketch C 1/3 2/3. the bottom elevation of track is +18.05m.l 两基础上的轨道梁分为长为8800mm的两根梁;两基础之间的轨道梁为一根10400mm的梁。The track beams on the two foundations are two beams 8800mm long respectively, the track beam in btween the foundations is one beam 10400mm long. l 轨道梁利用基础上按设计已预埋好的铁件进行固定,固定方式为:在轨道梁接头处的两侧使用挡板进行固定。详见附图C 1/3。To fix the tracks by the embedment on the foundations, which to fix the two sides of track joint by retainer. Details refer to sketch C 1/3.l 技术要求: technical requirement 两侧轨距偏差±5mm track distance deviation : ±5mm 轨道端部两相邻连接的高差和平面的偏差1mmelevation and level deviations of adjacent joint on the track end : 1mm 轨道顶部标高的误差±10mmdeviation of the track top elevation ±10mm.9.4固定架的安装installation of fixing frame on turbogenerator foundation9.4.1吊装区域地基的处理treatment of lifting basel 汽机房A、B排18至20柱之间零米层(+7.00m)的场地自+5.00m开始每30cm逐层回填夯实,承载按15.27t/m2考虑。最后回填标高为+6.770m。The ground from column 18# to 20# in row A and B of ST house to be compacted in layers of 30cm each from elevation +5.00m up to +6.720m, and its bearing capacity to be 15.27t/m2 .l 按照附图D所示尺寸在固定架底部基础梁的安装位置铺设道木厚度约为250mm。考虑到将来吊装时吊装架的沉降(按20mm左右考虑),道木顶部最终标高为+6.970mm。道木顶部必须平整。To place 250mm thick wood beams on the location of base beam as per sketch D. considering settlement of lift unit, the top elevation of wood beams to be +6.970mm.9.4.2按照定位尺寸用CX1800履带吊将固定架的基础梁吊放在道木上。复查基础梁的定位尺寸和水平度,不得超差。To lift base beam on the wood beams by CX1800 crawler crane as positioning dimension. The dimension of beam and level shall be checked for compliance.9.4.3确认基础梁定位尺寸准确后,安装吊装架的四根立柱。先在地面将一侧的两根立柱组合起来;在每根立柱中间和顶部须紧固螺栓的位置搭设好脚手架,并沿立柱的通长固定好爬梯,以便于施工人员的上下;在每根立柱的两侧拴好浪风绳。To install 4 posts of lift frame after confirmation of correct position of base beam. To assemble 2 posts of one side on the ground. Scaffold to be set up in the center of column and the top to be installed with connection bolts. Ladder along the post shall be fixed, and tag lines on both sides of post to be attached.9.4.4用CX1800履带吊将组合好的一侧立柱吊起,按照标记将立柱就位在基础梁上。调整好立柱底部与基础梁连接法兰的定位尺寸,将连接螺栓穿入并紧固。拉好浪风绳,测量立柱的垂直情况。确认螺栓紧固完毕、浪风绳拉设可靠后吊车可松钩。To lift the assembled columns by CX1800 crane and position on the base beam. After position adjustment, to fix and tighten connection bolts.9.4.5用同样的方法安装另一侧的两根立柱。To install the other side of two posts by above method.9.4.6 测量调整两侧立柱的定位尺寸符合要求后,安装两侧立柱之间的联系剪刀撑梁。After adjustment and position compliance, to install the braces in between two posts of each side.9.4.7复核四根立柱的整体安装尺寸,确认无误后安装固定架顶部的轨道梁和两轨道梁之间的连接横梁。To check the integral dimension, to install the track on the top of fixing frame and tiebar in between two tracks.9.4.8两轨道梁在汽轮发电机基础上的固定方式与9.3条中所述的轨道梁的固定相同。The fixing method of the two tracks on the turbogenerator foundation same as that of tracks mentioned in above 固定架顶部与汽轮发电机基础上的轨道梁标高应一致,标高的调整可通过调整汽轮发电机基础上的轨道梁来实现。The top of fixing frame and track on the foundation have the same elevation. 9.4.10 有关技术要求: technical requirement 轨道端部两相邻连接的高差和平面的偏差1mmelevation and level deviations of adjacent joint on the track end : 1mm 轨道顶部标高的误差±10mmdeviation of the track top elevation ±10mm.9.5移动架的安装installation of movable frame on turbogenerator foundation9.5.1在汽机房外20柱以西的场地上组合安装移动架。用CX1800履带吊将移动架的行走梁分别吊放在轨道梁上,用道木和链条葫芦将行走梁固定牢固。To assemble the movable frame on the ground west of column 20# out of ST house. To lift the travel beam on the track and fix the movable beam by crosstie and chain block.9.5.2确认行走梁定位尺寸准确后,安装移动架的四根立柱。先在地面将一侧的两根立柱组合起来;在每根立柱中间和顶部须紧固螺栓的位置搭设好脚手架,并沿立柱的通长固定好爬梯,以便于施工人员的上下;在每根立柱的两侧拴好浪风绳。To install 4 posts of movable frame after confirmation of correct position of base beam. To assemble 2 posts of one side on the ground. Scaffold to be set up in the center of column and the top to be installed with connection bolts. Ladder along the post shall be fixed, and tag lines on both sides of post to be attached.9.5.3用吊车将组合好的一侧立柱吊起,按照标记将立柱就位在行走梁上。调整好立柱底部与行走梁连接法兰的定位尺寸,将连接螺栓穿入并紧固好。拉好浪风绳,测量立柱的垂直情况。确认螺栓紧固完毕、浪风绳拉设可靠后吊车可松钩。To lift the assembled columns by crane and position on the base beam. After position adjustment, to fix and tighten connection bolts.9.5.4用同样的方法安装另一侧的两根立柱。To set up the other side two posts by same method.9.5.5组合安装好移动架的上部结构部分,包括液压泵站等。用CX1800履带吊吊装就位。吊车工况为:45m主臂、工作半径18.0m、最大吊重36.7t。To assemble the upper structure of movable frame, including hydraulic pump station. And lift and position it by CX1800.:main boom is 45m, work radius is18.0m, maximum lifting weight is 36.7t. 9.6提升装置的整体调试和验收 integral adjustment and acceptance of lift unit9.6.1对提升装置的整体进行全面的检查,重点检查所有的螺栓是否按要求全部紧固完毕。To make a complete check to the lift unit, elspecially all bolts.9.6.2检查确认油泵站接线完毕,千斤顶的油管已接好。钢索已穿好。To check cable connection of pump station, oil pipe of jack and wire rope available. 9.6.3按照说明书操作油泵站,进行千斤顶的全行程试验;对移动架的行走机构进行全行程的行走试验及刹车试验;确认整体性能良好。如有缺陷和问题必须提出并解决。As per instruction, to operate pump station and carry out whole travel test of jack, to make whole travel test and brake test of movable frame. 9.6.4整体调试完毕后,提交验收。After complete commissioning, to submit for inspection and acceptance.9.7 1(STG-8131)发电机的吊装 1(STG-8131) generator lifting9.7.1将千斤顶的吊点调整至吊装发电机的位置。To adjust lift point of jack to the lifting location of generator.9.7.2将1发电机的运输车倒进固定架的内部,停至预定的吊装位置。To reverse the truck loaded eith 1# generator into the fixing frame and park it at the predetermined location.9.7.3因发电机吊耳的尺寸与吊板的尺寸不匹配现场须修改发电机的吊耳;下锚头与发电机本体相碰,须将发电机四只吊耳上部对应的人孔盖板拆除。然后将吊板挂在发电机吊耳上,检查确认一切正常后,起动泵站,使千斤顶稍微受力,此时可将发电机的封车绳解开。Modification the generator lifting lug and dismantle the manhole plate up the generator lifting lug(4pcs). After to place lift palte into the generator lift lug, after check and acceptable, start pump station, to lift jack slightly and remove the bind