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    blind Board operational security requirements 1. blocking blind Board operations required to handle blocking blind Board operating license, no blocking blind Board operating license are not allowed to smoke blocking blind Board operations. 2. it is strictly prohibited to alter, lent the blocking blind Board operating license. Content conversion and expansion of operations or transfer jobs site, again for blocking blind Board operating license. 3. incomplete job approval procedures, safety measures are not implemented, work environment does not meet security requirements, workers have the right to refuse to work. 4. toxic gas piping, equipment blocking blind Board, non-irritant gas pressure should be less than 200 mm Hg; irritant gas pressure should be less than 50 mm Hg; gas temperature should be less than 60 degrees. 5. Technical Department responsible for drawing blind location map, numbers the blind, construction personnel work, blind location map by technology archive for future reference. 6. the blind plug operating personnel must wear appropriate personal protective equipment, must designate a person responsible for blocking blind Board work, and to designate a person responsible for monitoring. Guardians are advised by experienced officers. , Guardian jobs people must wear appropriate protective equipment as required, and guardians must check, implementing relevant safety measures on the job. Guardians must adhere to the scene, and emergency treatment. Job guardian shall not leave the job site before the end. 7. the job complicated, dangerous places, apart from the guardian, also company leadership, safety and Environment Department, is responsible for personnel. Involving the entire production system, head of the technical department must be present. 8. in places where inflammable and explosive work, place within 30 metres without hot work operations; task lighting should use explosion-proof lamps and explosion-proof tools should be used, prohibition of beating with an iron pipe, flange, etc. 9. high blocking blind Board operation shall follow the provisions of license for working at height. 10. construction unit to blind a lot according to the requirements of the permit to work, the implementation of safety measures, work can be carried out. 11. is strictly prohibited on the same pipe simultaneously in two places and two or more blocking blind Board operations. When plugging multiple blind, blind to blind location map and plates number by construction General Manager, unity of command assignments. 12. signs in each blocking blind Board shows that blind location. (C) the blocking blind Board permits the management of 1. . Blind location map, implement security measures, after the approval of the technical department, assignment units (staff) to confirm. Job complex, dangerous places required security audits of the Department of environmental protection, the company in charge of safety Vice President for approval. 4. approve a good blocking blind Board operating license in triplicate, main contractors, operating units, each hold a copy of the bio section. 5. after the end of the job, jobs, technicalBuilding industry opens up new world of entrepreneurial struggle to build a three provinces of regional central cities-in the Communist x counties the six plenary session members and comrades: today, I was commissioned by the County party Committee Standing Committee, reports to the General Assembly. Consideration of all members and alternates, and comrades attending advice. A, and this year yilai of work recalled this year yilai, in municipal of right led Xia, County solidarity led County people, to science development views for guide, to good activities for mainline, according to "a city four modernizations three more" of development thought, concentrated poly force, work hard, political, and economic, and culture, and social and party of construction are made has new progress, County rendering out wind fresh are, and career prosperity, and social settled, and people mind into of good situation. (A) facilitating the construction of the project. Firmly establish the "scratch project is economic, grasping development project is to hold" philosophy, to extraordinary efforts to promoting the construction of key projects. Plot 108 key projects for the year, with a total investment of 29.3 billion yuan, iron plate, Josh stone cement waste heat power generation and 13 projects completed, worship of 1.2 million tons of pellets, Hua Yu 80,000 sets of grandparent chicken farming, 47 projects under construction, completed investment of 3.95 billion yuan, annual plan of 69.3%. The first half of the County's gross domestic product is expected to reached 8.5 billion yuan, and total revenue of 943 million Yuan. (B) structural adjustment achieved remarkable results. Actively transforming the pattern of economic development, industrial ecology, and agricultural modernization and industrialization of services. High x-County • Tin iron circular economy demonstration area, and further expand economic development zone Jing Dian recycle economy ecology industry Park, Park, circular economy and rapid economic development. Focus more on the dialectical relationship between development and environmental protection, energy saving and emission reduction projects play an important role. Vigorously developing agriculture, ecological agriculture, agriculture, modern agricultural clearing along the River Promenade begins to take shape. Key tourism projects is going well, WA Palace area was named "top ten most influential cultural relics in Hebei province landscape". Develop new services, and services with new developments. (C) urban-rural integration process. Promoting "three-year difference" campaign, battle of two large demolition completed 32 days of 530,000 square meters, exceeded the annual Task 7 months in advance. General big building jiangjun road, bridge and highway bridges, the green heart of the city and other urban construction projects, and focus on building new countryside and new housing model villages, urban and rural areas improve. Highway opened to traffic, Liu Zhang, Qing LAN high-speed x-County section completed by the end of August. Urban and rural甘肃省省外勘察设计单位在甘承揽工程勘察设计业务管理规定第一条 为了加强全省勘察设计市场管理,维护勘察设计市场秩序,规范省外勘察设计单位在甘勘察、设计经营行为,确保建设工程勘察设计质量,根据建设工程勘察设计管理条例、甘肃省建设工程勘察设计管理条例等法规,制定本规定。第二条 凡省外勘察、设计单位在本省行政区域内从事工程勘察、设计活动,均应遵守本规定。第三条 本规定所称省外勘察、设计单位是指工商注册地不在本省行政区域内,具有独立法人资格并已取得国务院建设行政主管部门或省级建设行政主管部门颁发的工程勘察资质证书、工程设计资质证书的工程勘察、设计单位。第四条 省外勘察、设计单位在甘从事勘察、设计活动,应遵守法律、法规、规章及有关规定,并应在省建设行政主管部门办理所承担勘察或设计项目的备案手续。第五条 省建设行政主管部门对省外勘察、设计单位在甘勘察、设计活动的备案实施统一管理。各市(州)建设行政主管部门负责对承担本行政区域内建设工程勘察、设计业务的省外勘察、设计单位的日常监督管理工作。第六条 省外勘察、设计单位在甘从事勘察、设计活动,须按项目办理省外勘察设计单位在甘勘察设计项目备案书(以下简称备案书)。取得备案书后,方可对外发送和报审勘察报告、初步设计和施工图设计等文件。第七条 省外勘察、设计单位在甘承揽工程勘察、设计项目后,应在合同签订之日起30日内到省建设行政主管部门办理备案书。第八条 省外勘察、设计单位办理项目备案手续需提交省外勘察设计单位进甘承揽勘察设计项目备案申报表及其相关附件。附件包括以下材料:1、省级及以上建设行政主管部门颁发的工程勘察、设计资质证书副本原件及其复印件;2、单位所在省、市、自治区建设行政主管部门出具的介绍信函(或行政处罚记录查询报告);3、建设行业管理信息系统(勘察设计企业版)生成的备案人员名单(系统开通该功能时提供);4、参加备案项目的勘察设计人员中注册人员应提供身份证复印件、注册证书复印件(加盖执业印章)。非注册技术人员应提供职称证、身份证、毕业证、劳动合同的复印件(事业单位的勘察设计人员,可提供其上级人事主管部门的人事证明材料);5、勘察、设计单位所在地工商行政管理部门颁发的企业法人营业执照副本复印件;6、工程建设项目的立项文件 (审批、核准、备案)复印件;7、工程建设项目建设用地规划许可证和建设工程规划许可证的复印件;8、勘察、设计合同原件及其复印件。勘察、设计合同必须使用国家建设行政管理部门和工商行政管理部门联合发布的格式合同,合同签字盖章应符合法定要求。当合同签订人非本单位法定代表人时,需提供法定代表人的委托书原件及复印件,委托书必须有法定代表人的亲笔签名且符合法定要求;9、承揽工程勘察项目的,应提供满足工程勘察所需的设备清单;10、总院(公司)参加年度工程设计责任保险或备案项目参加工程设计责任保险的证明原件及其复印件(由保险公司出具);11、市(州)建设行政主管部门出具的前一备案项目备案书的接收回执原件及复印件(初次进甘承担勘察或设计项目的可不提供);12、其他必需的有效证件和材料。以上要求报送的原件经查验后当场退回,复印件留存,复印件均应加盖勘察、设计单位的公章。第九条 根据甘肃省工程设计责任保险办法(试行)(甘建设20039号)的规定,省外勘察、设计单位在甘承担任务的项目,均应参加工程设计责任保险。凡未在其工商注册地参加工程设计责任保险或保险赔偿额低于我省规定的最低限额的,均应在我省参加单项工程设计责任保险。第十条 省外勘察、设计单位在我省承接项目的勘察、设计人员(即本规定第八条省外勘察设计单位进甘承揽勘察设计项目备案申报表中的备案人员),应满足项目勘察、设计进度和质量的要求,并应专业齐全。各专业中级及以上职称且从事本专业工作10年以上的技术骨干应不少于2人。实行注册执业制度的,其项目或专业负责人必须符合注册执业资格要求。承揽大型建筑工程的,一级注册建筑师和一级注册结构师各不少于2人(其中1人可允许年龄在60岁以上,但不得超过65岁)。第十一条 省外勘察、设计单位因业务需要在甘设立非法人分支机构的,应经省建设行政主管部门考核登记。省外勘察、设计单位在我省只能设立一个分支机构。已设立分支机构的省外单位在我省的勘察设计业务均需通过其分支机构承揽,不得再以其它方式在我省承揽勘察设计业务。第十二条 经省建设行政主管部门考核登记的省外勘察、设计单位设立的分支机构在我省从事勘察、设计活动,须以总院(公司)名称承接业务、签订合同、收取费用、对外报审、发送勘察设计文件等,项目的技术、质量等由其总院(公司) 负责。第十三条 省外勘察、设计单位在甘分支机构登记考核要求:1、已取得建设行政主管部门颁发的甲级工程勘察、工程设计资质证书;2、在我省已办理非独立法人营业执照;3、近一年来在我省备案承接的中型以上(含中型)项目不少于3项;4、常驻甘肃的技术人员应符合以下要求:(1)从事工程设计的单位,其常驻的各专业技术骨干(年龄限60周岁及以下)人数应达到甲级工程设计资质标准中规定配备最低人数要求的50%以上。从事多行业设计的单位,人员按资质标准中规定的人数及配备比例累加计算,各专业配置人员不得少于1人。分支机构的技术负责人应具备一级注册执业资格或本专业高级技术职称。(2)从事工程勘察的单位,其常驻的技术人员不少于5人,且技术队伍级配合理,其中至少有3名从事本专业工作10年以上且具备中级及以上职称的技术骨干,注册岩土工程师不少于1名。分支机构的技术负责人应为注册岩土工程师或具有本专业高级技术职称。(3)分支机构从事勘察、设计活动的技术人员应与总院(公司)具有合法的劳动关系。5、有满足工作需要的固定办公场所,技术骨干人均办公面积不少于10平方米;6、有满足工作需要的设施、设备。其中工程勘察类分支机构,应有满足工程勘察所需要的主要设备(如钻机、物探、原位测试仪、土工试验设备、经纬仪、水准仪、全站仪、GPS定位系统等)。需试验室完成的检测检验化验等项目,必须有与其勘察资质相适应的具有相应试验资质的试验室的合作协议;7、有健全的质量管理体系和技术、档案等管理制度;8、市场行为规范,近两年内无不良行为记录。第十四条 省外勘察、设计单位在甘分支机构登记考核时应提供省外勘察设计单位在甘分支机构登记考核表及其相关附件。附件包括以下材料:1、省外勘察、设计单位在甘设立分支机构的决定和人员任命文件及法人委托书;2、单位所在省、市、自治区建设行政主管部门出具的介绍信函(或行政处罚记录查询报告);3、建设行业管理信息系统(勘察设计企业版)生成的备案人员名单(系统开通该功能时提供);4、分支机构在甘工商注册登记证书原件及复印件;5、工程勘察、工程设计资质证书副本原件及复印件;6、在甘分支机构办公场所产权证书原件及复印件;7、常驻注册人员的身份证、注册证书复印件(加盖执业印章),常驻非注册技术人员的职称证、身份证、毕业证、劳动合同复印件及近一个月的基本养老保险证明原件(社保证明的工作单位名称应与备案单位(总院、公司)或所登记的分支机构名称一致,事业单位的勘察设计人员,可提供其上级人事主管部门的证明材料);8、上一年度在甘承揽项目清单和参加工程设计保险的证明及下一年度在甘拟承揽的项目纳入本单位已参加工程设计责任保险的证明(由保险公司出具);9、分支机构质量管理体系和技术、档案等管理制度;10、其他必需的有效证件和材料。以上要求报送的原件经查验后当场退回,复印件留存,复印件均应加盖勘察、设计单位的公章。第十五条 对省外勘察、设计单位的分支机构登记考核实行按年度考核管理方式。首次考核受理时间依据勘察设计单位申请确定,再次考核时间与省内勘察设计单位资质检查同步受理。第十六条 经省建设行政主管部门登记的省外勘察、设计单位的分支机构,在登记考核有效期内办理项目备案时可简化提交本规定第八条规定的附件材料,第1、2、5、9项材料可免于提交。省外勘察设计单位进甘承揽勘察设计项目备案申报表及附件中第4、6、7、8、10、11、12项材料或复印件可以加盖分支机构印章即为有效。第十七条 备案书是省外勘察、设计单位在甘开展勘察、设计活动的依据,应在参加相关经营活动和勘察设计文件报审时出示。在报批初步设计、施工图审查文件时,随附件上报备案书的复印件。未取得备案书而在本省行政区域内承揽勘察、设计任务及对外发送勘察、设计文件的,将按违规开展勘察、设计活动查处。各市(州)及有关部门不得进行重复备案。省外勘察、设计单位应在取得备案书后的20日内将备案书原件一份附函送达项目所在地的市(州)建设行政主管部门,市(州)建设行政主管部门应出具接收回执。第十八条 备案书所列勘察、设计人员,因工作变动发生变更的,应在发生变更之日起20日内到备案部门办理变更手续,其他主要事项变更需重新办理备案手续。第十九条 设计单位、设计审查部门、施工图审查机构、施工单位、监理单位、质量监督机构等不得接受无备案书的省外勘察、设计单位提供的勘察文件、初步设计文件和施工图设计文件。第二十条 省外在甘勘察、设计单位必须依法从事经营活, 严格执行工程勘察、设计收费标准。第二十一条 备案的项目负责人及专业负责人必须参加本项目勘察或初步设计审查会议、施工图审查意见交换会议、施工交底会议及阶段性质量验收等重要质量管理节点工作,并对有关审查和检查中提出的重要问题进行必要的现场沟通、及时整改。项目负责人及专业负责人若因特殊情况不能参加会议时,由单位派遣熟悉项目情况的院(公司)级技术负责人代替参加。省外勘察、设计单位应及时派出专业技术人员到施工现场进行技术服务,解决施工中出现的相关勘察、设计问题。第二十二条 各级管理部门、初步设计审批部门及施工图审查机构在审批、审查省外勘察、设计单位提供的工程勘察报告、初步设计、施工图设计文件前和有关质量监管、检查活动中,应查验其备案书,并对备案所列的各专业勘察、设计人员进行核对,严禁省外勘察、设计单位使用备案书所列名单以外的人员或冒名进行勘察、设计活动。备案书所列勘察、设计人员的名单及本人签名,可向省住房和城乡建设厅勘察设计管理处查询,也可登录甘肃省住房和城乡建设厅网站()主页的“勘察设计”中查询。第二十三条 各级建设行政主管部门应加强对省外在甘勘察、设计单位的日常监督管理。省外勘察、设计单位有下列行为之一的,应依照有关法律、法规及规章给予处罚,并记入该单位的不良行为记录或信用档案,同时向省建设行政主管部门书面报告,由省建设行政主管部门将处理结果反馈其资质审批机关或向有关部门通报。1、建设工程勘察、设计成果存在违反工程建设强制性标准的;2、发生勘察、设计质量事故的;3、违法转包、挂靠、聘任和使用其他勘察设计单位人员、出卖图章、越超资质等级和范围承揽勘察设计任务的;允许他人以备案人员的名义冒名进行勘察、设计的;4、有招标要求的项目,未按规定办理招标手续承揽勘察设计任务的;5、不按国家规定的建设工程勘察设计收费标准收费,压级压价,不正当竞争,扰乱勘察设计市场的;6、未办理备案手续或以非法人分支机构名义对外发送勘察、设计文件的;7、提交的成果多次出现勘察、设计深度不够,经指出后仍未改正的;8、提供虚假材料、印章等申请备案或以虚假材料骗取备案书的;9、涂改、出租、出借或转让备案书的;10、两次及以上未在勘察、设计合同签订之日起30日内办理进甘备案手续的;11、项目负责人及专业负责人一年内两次及以上未按本规定第二十条要求参加有关重要会议及工作的;12、在我省设立两个及以上分支机构(办事处),或允许该单位在其他省(市、区)的分支机构在我省承揽业务,扰乱勘察设计市场秩序的;13、其他违法违规行为。第二十四条 各级建设行政主管部门应当对省外勘察、设计单位备案情况进行动态监管,可根据管理需要现场核实备案单位及其人员的真实性。第二十五条 省建设行政主管部门建立与省外勘察、设计单位及其注册地省级建设行政主管部门的信息沟通机制,将省外勘察、设计单位在甘承揽项目的勘察设计质量、市场行为、人员状况等进行定期反馈。第二十六条 省外勘察设计单位在甘勘察设计项目备案书由省建设行政主管部门印制和填发。省外勘察设计单位在甘勘察设计项目备案书每个项目一式三份,省建设行政主管部门存留一份,省外勘察、设计单位存留一份,项目所在地的市(州)建设行政主管部门一份。第二十七条 注册地在国外及香港、澳门、台湾地区的建设工程勘察、设计企业进入我省行政区域内从事建设工程勘察、设计活动的,依照国家有关规定执行。第二十八条 省外城乡规划编制单位在甘承揽规划编制任务的管理参照本规定执行。第二十九条 本规定自2011年9月1日起施行。2001年我厅颁发的甘肃省省外勘察设计单位在甘承揽工程勘察设计业务管理规定(甘建设2001237号)同时废止。check, activity handed the blind location technology. 6. work permits management should establish the ticket file (inventory), the ticket is kept for 3 years. The lifting operation management system, purpose in order to control the production within the region, lifting, lifting activities to prevent the occurrence of accidents, the system is formulated. Second, the scope of application of this system applies to all companies within the lifting operation. Third, lifting a license of graded credit three levels of management: (I) General equipment, weighing less than 1 ton of weight lifting, the lifting of the rules, technology review, workshop Director for approval; (B) the rules of weight equal to or greater than 1 ton less than 10 tons of weight lifting, hoisting, approved by the workshop, equipment Management Department for approval. (C) of over 10 tons and heavy lifting operations projects or construction under the special conditions, shall prepare lifting plan, permit to work submitted to company executives and safety equipment, the joint security sector review competent after Assistant General Manager approval. Four, lifting safety requirements 1. lifting weights greater than or equal to 10 tonnes of the object and the subject of civil engineering structures, hoisting construction plan shall be prepared. Load is less than 10 tonnes, but small complex shapes, stiffness, length-diameter ratio, precision precious, under the special conditions of construction, should also prepare construction programmes. Hoisting construction programmes examined by the project authorities, submitted to the competent VP approval to be implemented. 2. lifting operations must set up the alert line and set up special care, guardianship personnel must wear armbands, lifting regional staff out of bounds; 3. lifting operations must be provided for lifting loads, slings, rigging and economic calculation options, do not overload. When lifting heavy objects close to or reach the rated lifting capacity, check brakes, low height, short stroke after the load test, then smoothly lifted. Large and medium sized equipment before lifting, load test should be carried out. Try hanging height for about 0.2m and then conduct a reliability check (including the selection and calculation of safety factor). Overload lifting is strictly prohibited. 4. before lifting must pad the wood and the wood used must be of adequate size (be sure to over 1 m); when lifting requires fire escape, you must contact the circuit breaker in accordance with the provisions; 5. lifting operations must be run on all kinds of hoisting machinery parts, safety devices as well as slings, rigging a detailed security checks, security devices for lifting equipment is sensitive and reliable, no illness. Must try before lifting crane, confirmed before they can work. 6. lifting operations, removed platform guardrail must be restored (the bolt activity fence removal is strictly prohibited); 7. lifting operations, should have adequate lighting at night, outdoor . 16, lifting the approval procedure is not complete, security measures are notdevelopment work steadily in the pilot counties, to build peace neighborh


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