Isochore processing-Extra Structure grid-to-well tie,1.Calculate ERROR points(see QC Structure grid-to-well tie slide),3.Make a copy of the structure grid and rename it(For example:TIED STRU),2.Build ERROR grid(see Build isochore slides)-Build default grid-Tune algorithms-Consider post process clip and smooth-Retie to ERROR points if smoothing was done,4.Subtract ERROR grid from TIED STRU grid,5.Re-check structures grid-to-well tie.,Surface operations(2D grids),Surface operations Lecture and exercise purpose,Purpose:Learn how to perform operations on surfaces and between surfaces.You will learn to:Manipulate a surface using Surface OperationsCalculate azimuth and dip values from a surfaceUse the surface calculatorBuild rock gross thickness gridsCalculate volume between surfacesAreal calculationsInside polygonFor defined nodes in a grid,Surface operations Surface Operations,Contains tools for manipulating on existing surfacesRotate and smoothExtrapolateExpand and shrinkFlip valuesShift valuesMerge surfaces,Remember:Only ONE undo!,Surface operations 2D Volume processing;General procedure,Given top and base structure gridsIncorporate fluid contacts into top and/or base gridsBuild gross rock thickness grid Discount gross rock thickness by N:G,Phi,and(1-Sw)Calculate volume for positive thicknessCalculate area for positive thickness,Volume processing(2D Grids)Top and base structure grids,Should define the zone of interestShould not contain missing node values over area of interestNo volumes for missing nodesFault gaps should be filled with nodesShould be tied to the top picks,B,Volume processing(2D Grids)Incorporate Fluid Contacts,3-A,3-B,3-C,1.Use grid or constant,2.Merge with a structure grid,3.Merging processA.Copy structure to be mergedB.Rename copied grid“BASE HYDROCARBON”or“TOP HYDROCARBON”C.Incorporate fluid contact“Set Z=A where:”ZA(base)or ZA(top),A,Volume processing(2D Grids)Build gross rock thickness grid,1.Open the Surface calculator(right click on a surface and select calculator),3,2,2.Type in:GROSS ROCK=TOP HYDROCARBON-BASE HYDROCARBON,3.This will produce a new GROSS ROCK grid,4.Clip negatives to a small negative number(reduces total Z-range),Volume processing(2D Grids)Petrophysical parameters,Common petrophysical parameters are:Net-to-grossPorosityWater saturation(used as 1-Sw)Parameters represent average value for zoneMay be either constant or gridZ-range between 0.0 and 1.0(ratio)If percent then divide by 100If outside 0-1 range then clip,Volume processing(2D Grids)Build hydrocarbon pore thickness,Gross thickness*Net-to-gross=net thicknessNet thickness*Porosity=pore thicknessPore thickness*(1 Water saturation)=hydrocarbon pore thickness,Note:For each step,copy the input thickness grid,rename it to the output thickness,and then perform the calculation.,Volume processing(2D Grids)Calculate volumes,There are three methods for calculating volumes,Between two surfaces,Between a surface and a plane,Volume/area versus depth,Volume processing(2D Grids)Calculate volumes-between two surfaces,Double-click on the top horizonGo to Operations tab,Calculations folder,and select Volume below surface(surface).Select the base surface for the Surface above parameter.Execute and inspect the result in the Petrel Message log,Between two surfaces,Volume processing(2D Grids)Calculate Volumes-between surface and a plane,Double-click on the top horizonGo to Operations tab,Calculations folder,and select Volume below surface(constant)Specify base levelExecute and inspect the result in the Petrel Message log,Volume processing(2D Grids)Calculate Volumes Volume/area versus depth,Double-click on the top horizonGo to Operations tab,Calculations folder,and select Volume/area versus depth Specify min and max Z values(the depth interval to calculate volumes)and the increment to report the results Execute and inspect the result in the Petrel Message log.The result is also given as volume/area vs depth functions in the input tab.,Volume/area versus depth,Volume processing(2D Grids)Calculate areas,There are two methods for calculating areas for an isochore grid.,Volume processing(2D Grids)Calculate areas un-blanked grid cells,Go to Calculator tab.Blank the thickness grid below a constant(if lowest thickness=0.0 then use.01 or.1)Go to Operations Tab,Calculations folder,and select 2D and 3D area of surface.(Multiply the resulting units squared number by the desired conversion factor).,Volume processing(2D Grids)Calculate areas inside a polygon,Go to Operations Tab-Convert Points/Polygons/Surfaces folder,and select Create Intersection with plane.Display the polygons in a 2D or 3D windowMake sure they closeMake sure they encompass the correct areaIn the Select/pick mode(arrow)touch a polygon to see its area,or Execute for Area and Length in Calculations for the Polygon.,Volume processing(2D Grids)Changing project units,Often Petrels default units are meters when the project units are feet.,To change units:Click on projects in the Menu bar and select SettingsGo to the Units Tab and make appropriate adjustments.,Volume processing(2D Grids)Exercises,Build a hydrocarbon thickness grid and calculate area and volume for that grid.,Intersections Lecture and exercise purpose,Purpose:To understand how to use intersections to QC,display and plot data You will learn to:Create a general intersectionManipulate intersectionsCreate a polygon intersectionCreate a Well intersectionAdjust the settings for intersectionsGeneral Intersection and an Intersection Window,IntersectionsIntroduction,There are three methods for generating cross sections.The chosen method depends on the needs of the user.,A,B,C,A.General Intersection:Cuts across entire modelCan be moved and rotatedCan be visualized in the Intersection window,B.Polygon Intersection:User defines location and shape of intersection,C.Well Path Intersection:Intersection through well pathsCan be used for proposed as well as existing wells.,IntersectionsTips&Hints,Most data within the Input and Models tab can be displayed(exceptions include well log curves and tops).Display is controlled by the Toggle visualization on plane Ctrl+B icon(player bar).Can clip data to the plane(if no turning points).If seismic is displayed,then you can interpret on the intersection.,IntersectionsDisplay,Activate intersection.Turn on Toggle visualization on plane Ctrl+B icon.Objects available for display turn blue.Turn on objects to display.Objects are added to the intersection plane.,1,2,3,4,5,Intersections Polygon Intersection,Intersection between 2 or more arbitrary pointsUseful for showing detail between 2 or more points.For example,between wells across multiple faults.,A polygon is digitized(Make/Edit Polygon process)or imported.,A,B,C,A vertical intersection is generated from it(right click on polygon).,Data is placed on the intersection to view relationships(blue button).,Intersections Well Intersection,Intersection along coordinates of well path.Help to QC a digitized(proposed)well or to visualize data along existing well path(s).,Select Create Vertical Well Section for a well or a folder of wells.,Display any or all available data on the new vertical intersection.,A,B,Intersections Plane settings,3D view settings-Transparency-Clip offset,Settings for the map view-Color-Line width,Plane extension-Extend start and end,Intersections Input settings,Distance limit,How objects will be displayed when the plane is used in a 3D window.SurfacesWellsSeismicPolygons,Intersections 3D grid settings,Color and display settings for:-Horizons-Faults-Zones,Property filter,Grid lines,Position the intersection to the desired position by:Manipulate plan in 2/3D windowUse the intersection player,Intersection windowSetting up an intersection window,Insert a new intersection window,Click on an existing General Intersection or insert a new one,1,2,3,Intersection windowSetting up an intersection window,Toggle on data from the Input ot Model panes,Add on desired marginaliaAxesLegendsHeaderInformation box Bitmap of intersection position,4,5,Intersections Exercise,Generate and Display data on general intersections,well intersections and polygon intersections,Plotting Lecture and exercise purpose,Purpose:Learn tips and tricks to help improve your maps You will learn to:Set a fixed scaleUse the Set home functionLink to coordinate groupLink to visual groupAnnotationsPrinter setupPrinting using the Process Manager,PlottingFixed scaled,Go to the windows pane,3,1,Open the settings for the Map viewport under the active map window,Set scale and tick on the Fixed option,Push apply,PlottingSet home scale function,Open a map viewportDisplay data and adjust until satisfiedClick on the set home scale iconTo use the home position click on the use home scale icon,3,4,Open settings for viewport one and select”Linked to coordinate group:First”Do the same for viewport number twoScrolling and panning is synchronized,PlottingLinked to coordinate group,This option will synchronize all scrolling and panning actions for each linked viewport e.g.in a montage plot,1,2,3,Open settings for a window(from the windows tab)and select”Linked to visual group:First”Do the same for another windowAny object displayed in one window is also displayed in the other,PlottingLinked to visual group,This option will link windows to share display events.Once the windows are linked then any object displayed in one window will automatically be displayed in the other,1,PlottingAnnotations,Select New Annotations from the Insert menu,1,2,3,The annotations will appear in the Input tab,Open the Settings and specify text style,font settings e.g.,PlottingAnnotations,4,5,6,7,Define the annotations to insertPremade objects e.g.SegmentsFree text,Specify position,Specify Show/Show always,Text Style,Printing Plot size,Each plot window/viewport may have an independent plot size and paper size.,Open the Show paper and margin settings,Specify the Plot size,Note:This size,not the printer paper size will be used for graphic export(PDF,CGM,EMF),1,2,Printing Paper size,Specify the paper size,1,Specify the margins on the plot,2,Plot windows multiple viewports,A plot window may consist of different viewports combined with arrows,textboxes e.g.,Insert a new plot window from the window menu,Insert viewports manualy,1,2,Or use the”Setup multiple viewports”,3,Printing Process Manager,Use the predefined workflow:”Make a scaled plot of each horizon in the active 3D grid”,Add the”Get Name”and”Export Graphic”into the workflow,Define the variable and the output path,1,2,3,