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    南关学校2013-2014学年度八年级英语上册第七单元导学案八年级上册英语Unit 7 Will people have robots?导学案 Period 1 (Section A 1a2c) 备课组长:_学习目标: 1.熟练掌握词汇:will, robot, everything, paper, use, fewer, less, pollution2.熟练掌握以下句型: (1) Kids will study at home on computers. (2) There will be more pollution. (3) A:Will people live to be 200 years old? B:Yes, they will./ No, they wont.(4) A:Will there be fewer trees? B:Yes, there will. /No, there wont. 3. 学会运用there be句型的一般将来时和will 构成的一般将来时态对未来进行预测。4. 学会运用more, fewer, less。教学重难点:1. there be句型的一般将来时和will 构成的一般将来式结构及用法。2. more, fewer, less的用法。导学过程:一、课前预习:看看下面几句话有什么特点?你能总结出来吗?A) I'm going to be a basketball player when I grow up. There is going to be a sports meeting next month.这两句话都使用了_时态,它们的基本结构是_、_。 翻译下列句子:(1)我打算下周去看望我的爷爷。_                      (2)明天将会有一场篮球比赛。_B)People will have robots in their homes in 50 years. Kids will study at home on computer in ten years.想一想这两句话是什么意思?有什么共同_二、课堂导学: 1.全班进行讨论,交流展示预习成果。 2.小组讨论1a对未来的预测,并总结1a中的句子在结构上有什么共同点。3.听1b录音中对未来的预测,完成1b的听力任务。4.Pairwork:练习对话A:Will people use money in 100 years? B: Yes, they will /No, they wont. A: Will there be one country? B: Yes, there will./ No, there wont.5.自主探究:观察1a中预测未来的句子,请你来总结: (1) 表示将来发生的动作或情况应该用_ +_来表达。其否定形式为_+_。你能写出它的疑问句式吗?_ (2) There be 句型的一般将来时结构为:_,其否定形式为:_,一般疑问句式为:_。 练习:将下列句子译成英文。 一百年后人们将会拥有机器人。People _ _robots in 100 years. 每样东西都将会免费吗?_everything _ _? 将来会有严重的污染吗? _ _ _much pollution? 6.听2a,2b录音,完成听力任务。7.再听一遍录音,完成下面的对话。Woman: OK, now I want to hear everyones predictions about the future. Girl 1: Well, I think there will be _ _. Woman: More people? OK. What else? Boy 1: I think that there will be _ _ _. Woman: I hope not! Girl 2: Well, I think there will be _ _. Woman: You do? Girl 2: Yes, people will use the subways more. Woman: Thats a great idea. Lets hear another prediction. Boy 2: There will be _ _. Woman: That will be good for the earth! Girl1: I think there will be _ _. And cities will be really big and crowded because there will be a lot more people. 观察与思考:根据所填内容,请你来总结一下: (1) fewer译为_,是_的比较级,修饰_(复数/不可数) 名词。 (2) less译为_,是_的比较级,修饰_ (复数/不可数)名词。 (3) more译为_,是_或_的比较级,修饰_(复数/不可数)名词。练习:用fewer, less, more填空。 In 100 years There will be _ houses. There will be _pollution. There will be _ schools. There will be _clean water. There will be _snow. There will be _movie theaters. 8. Pairwork:借助2c的对话形式,结合2b内容,两人一组,练习对话。 三、 达标检测:. 将下列句子译成英语。 1. 城市的汽车会更少,地铁会更多。 There _ _ _cars and _subways in the city. 2. 城市的污染会更少,人口会更多。 There _ _ _ _ and more people in the city .4. 这位老人非常健康,他可以活到100多岁。 The old man is very healthy, he can _ _ _ over 100 years old. .句型转换1. There will be one country.否定句:_一般疑问句:_肯、否定回答:_2. The students will work in the supermarket. 否定句:_一般疑问句:_肯、否定回答:_提问:_Period 2 ( Section A 2d-3c ) 备课组长:_ 【学习目标】1. 熟练掌握词汇:future,environment,planet,building,play a part .2. 熟练掌握以下句型 (1) In the future,there will be. (2) A:Will there be. ?B:Yes,I hope so. 【重点难点】1. will构成的一般将来时的结构及用法。2. fewer, less, more的用法。【导学过程】一、课前预习1. 用所给词的适当形式填空(1)There is a lot of _(pollute) in the air here.(2)More and more tall_(build) will be built in our city in the future.(3)In the future, people will have_(much) time to do their own things.2. 改错(1)We played volleyball next week_(2)There is going to have a basketball game in five days._(3)Peter has little good friends so he feels lonely(孤单的)._二、自主学习、合作探究(一)自主学习1. 预测未来。可使用以下句型:I will/ wontin 50 years./There will be/ wont bein our town in 50 years.2. 小组合作表演2d对话。3. 朗读Grammar Focus总结语法点。4. 独立完成3a,3b,组内检查。(二)合作探究1. 仿照2d对话,小组合作编出新对话并表演。2. 观察与思考:一般将来时态有哪些常用的时间状语?_ 三、达标检测1. We should try our best to protect(保护) our e_.2. We have to _(搬到)other city.3. Many animals are in great _ (dangerous) now.4. She plays an active part in _ (teach) these poor children. 5. I believe that there will be _ pollution and _ trees.A. fewer, more B. less, more C. fewer, fewer D. more, less6. There _ a big exam next week.A. is going B. is going to C. is going to be D. is going to have7. She _ (be) a doctor in ten years.(提问)【教学反思】Period 3 (Section B 1a1e) 备课组长:_【学习目标】1熟练掌握以下词汇:astronaut, rocket, space, space station, fly, took, moon,take the train 2. 继续学习will表将来的用法并能熟练运用will句式对未来进行预测。 3. 通过时间对比复习一般过去时态、一般现在时态,巩固一般将来时。【导学过程】一、课前预习 1.收集有关职业和交通工具的名词。 Job:_ Transportation:_ 2. 用所给动词的适当形式填空。1.I_(study)in high school ten years ago, and now I_(be)a college student. In ten years, I_(be)a lawyer. 2. He_(live)in a big city now. He _(go)to the country next month. 3. Kate often _(watch)TV at night, but this evening she _(watch)a new movie in the cinema. 4. I_(be)a little kid ten years ago. I_(be)a middle school student now. I_(be)a college student in five years. 二、自主学习、合作探究(一)自主学习1.朗读la单词,完成表格。 2.Groupwork:除了1a中列举的这些词汇,你还掌握哪些类似词汇?结合课前准备的内容,进行小组讨论。比一比哪一组收集得最多。 3.听录音,完成1c、1d任务。(二)合作探究 1.Pairwork:根据自己的实际情况与同伴进行交流,可参考如下对话形式: A: Where did you live five years ago? B: A: How did you get to school five years ago? B: A: How do you get to school now? B: A: Where will you live in ten years? B: A: How will you get to work in ten years? B: 2.观察与思考:观察听力1d中的句型用了哪几种时态?试着总结一下这几种时态的用法。_三、当堂检测1.句型转换 There was a heavy rain last night. (用tomorrow代替last night) There _ _ a heavy rain tomorrow. His father will play golf next evening.一般疑问句_ _ _play golf next evening? 用every evening改写 His father_ golf every evening.用last night改写 His father_ golf last night.用now改写 His father _ _golf now.2. 用所给词的适当形式填空1. Tom _ too much food this morning.(not eat)2. Susan often _ morning exercise in the park.(do)3.I think he _(be)back in a week.4._ you _ (have) a good time at the cinema last night?5. I _ (show)you the photo tomorrow.6. We_ (help) the farmers _(pick) apples last October.7.Who _(teach) you English last term?8. _ they _ (go) skating next week? No, they _.9.Jeff _(get)up at seven, but I didn't.10. The rain _(stop) in a few hours.【教学反思】Period 4 (Section B 2a-2c) 备课组长:_【学习目标】1.熟练掌握以下词汇: scientist, already, made, factory, simple, human, shape, snake, possible, seem, impossible, housework, hundreds of , be able to,over and over again,fall down,look for,for example,look like,wake up ,bored,such2.疏通文章,完成课本阅读任务。【导学过程】一、 课前预习 .用所给词的适当形式填空1. Its _(danger) to play football in the street.2. Nothing is _(possible).3. The old man _(fall) off his bike and was hurt.4. There is a lot of _(pollute) in the air here.5. In the future, people will have_(less/fewer)time to do their own things. 6. The pilot _(fly) to New York two days ago, and he_(be) back soon.7._(be) you at school yesterday evening? We had an _(excite) party.二、 自主学习、合作探究(一)自主学习1. Free talkWhat do these robots look like? What can they do? 2. 听短文录音,划出短语。3. Fast reading.快速阅读短文,完成2b。4. 再快速阅读一遍短文,完成2c。5. Careful reading仔细阅读短文,根据文章内容,判断各句正误。 The robots help people do the most pleasant jobs. Scientists try to make robots look different from people. Robots will never get bored to do simple jobs over and over again. Humans will have more work to do in the future. Space rockets seemed possible a hundred years ago.(二)合作探究1. There be sb. /sth. +doing sth. 意思为_ Listen! There is a girl _(sing)in the next room.2bored/boringThis movie is_, I feel very_.3It is +adj.(for sb.) to do sth.意思是_(1) 学好英语对我而言很难。_is difficult for me _ _English well. (2) 按时到校对我而言很容易。_is easy for me _ _to school on time.4. hundreds of 意思为_,当hundred 表示具体数量时,不可以+s,也不可以和of 连用。例如:400_。There are _books in our school library. A. hundred of B. hundreds of C. nine hundreds D. nine hundreds of 5. 小组讨论seem用法;take. spend, cost, pay用法区别;help用法;有关look的短语。三、当堂检测(一)根据句意及汉语提示完成句子1. When we watch _(关于未来的电影), we sometimes see robots.2. Robots help with the housework and do jobs like working in dirty or_(危险的地方).3. Scientists agree it may take_(数百年).4. He thinks that it will be difficult for a robot to do_(同样的事)as a person.5. Robots do simple jobs_(一遍又一遍).(二)用所给词的适当形式填空1. There_(be)much paper and two books on the desk.2. Betty read_(many)fiction books than Mary.3.There are nine_(hundred) students at the meeting.4.He makes his students_(read)English every day.5. There is a boy_(swim)in the river.6. He often helps his mother _ the housework, but he never _ . A. with, get bored B. with, gets boring C. to do, get bored D. with, gets bored 7. It _ her ten years to make money _ the big house. A. takes, to pay B. take, pay for C. took, paid D. took, to pay for8.The man over there seem_(be) a new teacher.【教学反思】Period 5 (Section B 3a-3c) 备课组长:_【学习目标】1.熟练掌握以下词汇: probably, be good for,wear, holiday, during the week,interesting,on the weekend 2.完成阅读任务并能够运用3a核心句型,写出对自己未来生活的预测和设想。【重点难点】1. 运用提供词汇完成短文。2. 仿照范文写作。【导学过程】一、 课前预习1. I think kids will study at home on computers _ ten years. A. At B. for C. after D. in 2. Hurry up! The train _ in two minutes. A. go B. went C. will go D. goes3. There will be a sports meeting this weekend. (改为同义句) There _ _ _ be a sports meeting this week.4. There will be fewer people in 100 years. (改为一般疑问句) _ there _ fewer people in 100 years?5. My classmates often help me learn English. (改为同义句) My classmates often _ me _ my English.二、 自主学习、合作探究(一)自主学习1. Free talk: What do you think your life will be like in ten years?2. 快读短文,回答问题: (1) What will Jill be in 20 years? (2)What does Jill mention(提到)in 3a?(多选题) A. 职业 B. 居住地点 C. 爱好 D. 衣着打扮 E. 薪水 F. 度假计划 3. 仔细阅读短文,完成3a的填空。(二)合作探究细读全文,提出疑难问题,小组讨论,互助解答。三、当堂检测 用所给词的适当形式填空1. There are many new _ (build) in our city. 2. We can do the work with _ (little) money and _(few) people. 3. Maybe he wants to go _ (skate). 4. There are _ (hundred) of people on the ground. 5.There are three _ students in their school.A. thousands ofB. thousand ofC. thousandsD. thousand6. There _ an important meeting this afternoon. All of you should attend it. A. will haveB. will beC. will holdD. has【课后作业】Write about your life 20 years from now.【教学反思】Period 6 (Self Check and revision) 备课组长:_【学习目标】1.复习并熟练掌握fewer, less, more的用法。2.复习已学过的四种时态(一般现在时、现在进行时、一般过去时和一般将来时)的用法并熟练应用。【导学过程】一、课前复习1. There _(not) be any paper books. Everyone will have books on computers.2. My friend Liz often _ (wash) her clothes on Wednesday.3. There will be_(many) tree and _(little) pollution in ten years.4. Five years ago, Jim _in high school. Today, he _in college. In five year, he_(be) married.5. Which movies _(win) award next year?6. The boss often makes Tom _(go) to bed late.7. I helped my parents _(do) some housework yesterday.8. There are _(hundred) of shops in the street.9. They think that robots_(be) able to talk to people in 25 to 50 years.10. He usually _(go) for a walk alone last term, but now he often_(do) with his parents.二、自主学习、合作探究(一)自主学习1. 完成Self Check 1。总结fewer, less, more的用法。2. 完成Self Check 2并朗读对话,总结一般将来时的结构及用法。(三)合作探究1. 目前我们学过的时态有四种,分别是:_2. 你能说出每种时态的标志词吗?三、当堂检测一、用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Today is a sunny day. We _ (have) a picnic this afternoon.2. My brother _ (go) to Shanghai next week.3. Tom often _(go) to school on foot. But today is rain. He _ (go) to school by bike.4. What _ (do) you do last Sunday? I _ (pick) apples on a farm. 5. Liu Tao _ (fly) kites in the playground yesterday.6. I _ (plan) for my study now.二、句型转换1. They plant some trees in the park every year. (用next year 改写) They_ _some trees in the park . 2. There will be an English film this evening. (否定句) There _ _an English film this evening.3. She will finish her homework in twenty minutes. (划线提问) _ _ _she finish her homework?4.Will there be more pollution? (作否定回答)_, _ _.5. He studied English for five years. (划线提问) _ _ _ he_English?【教学反思】Period 7 Revision and check


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