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    第六周四年级英语上册周测一根据汉语意思把单词补充完整。(10分)1. str_ng健壮的2. th_n瘦的3. m_sic音乐4. sc_ence科学5. n_me名字6. qu_ et安静的7. ph_to照片8. sh_rt短的9. fr_end朋友10. st_dent学生二、读一读,写一写,译一译(10分)1. quiet 2、strong 3、science( ) ( ) ( )4、music 5、forty ( ) ( )三、看一看,根据图片和所给字母补全单词。(10分)地面台灯尺子风筝门 oor ite r ler amp loor短头发长头发墙男孩扇子 an bo all l ng hair sho t hair四、单项选择,将序号填入题前括号。(30分)( )16. -Whats _ name?-His name is Edward. A. HeB. hisC. him( )17. Please listen _ music. A. toB. onC. in( )18. My friend _ music. A. likeB. likesC. to like( )19. He _ short black hair. A. haveB. hasC. is( )20. Is your friend a boy _ a girl?A. andB. orC. with( )21. -Boy or girl?-_. A. YesB. A girlC. No( )22. My friend _ strong. A. isB. hasC. likes( )23. He _ short black hair and big eyes. A. likesB. is C. has( )24. She _ computer games. . A. likesB. haveC. like( )25. -Whats his name?-His name is _. A. AmyB. Chen JieC. Zhang Peng( )26. Look, this is _ photo. A. hesB. hisC. he( )27. I _ a new friend. A. likesB. hasC. have( )28. Hes strong, _. A. toB. tooC. also( )29. My friend likes _. A. paintingB. paintC. strong( )30. She has long _and ears. A. hairs B. hairC. a hair五用所给字母组成单词并写出汉语意思。(20分)31. e, a, e, r, h, c, t _32. g, r, l, i _33. r, i, f, n, e, d _34. t, d, n, t, e, s, u_35. y, o, b_36. k, o, b, o_37. l, r, e, r, u_38. g, a, b_39. n, e, p_40. c, l, i, n, e, p_六、连词成句,注意标点符号和大小写。(10分)41. friend, strong, my, is_42. his, what, is, name_43. games, likes, computer, he_44. friend, is, your, who_45. her, long, friend, has, hair _七、选择填空。(5分)( )1、This is his photo. Look! is tall. A. He B. She C. Hes( )2、He short brown hair.A. haveB. has C. there is ( )3、Listen music.A. toB. of C. for( )4、She is a girl. Name is Lucy.A. HisB. Her C. Its ( )5、She music. A. likeB. likes C. to like八、根据汉语,完成句子。(10分)1. Are you a (老师)or (学生)?2. Shes a (女孩), not a (男孩).3. I have a (好朋友).4. May I use your (尺子)?5. This is my (书).6. There is a (包),a (铅笔)on the desk.第七周四年级英语上册周测九阅读短文先在横线上写出画线单词的中文再根据短文判断正(T)误(F)填在括号里。This is a girl. Her name is Betty. She is my good friend. She is eleven. She is tall and thin. She has long hair and a big mouth. She is quiet. She likes music. Sam is her brother. He is nine years old. He has short black hair and big eyes. Hes short and thin. He is very active. He likes painting. Betty, Sam and I are good friends. 1. Betty is nine years old. _( )2. Betty is tall and thin. _( )3. Sam is my brother. _( )4.Betty likes painting. _( )5.Sam has short hair and big eyes. _( )十、情景交际,选出正确的选项。(5分)( )1、当你向同学们介绍你的好朋友留着黑色短发时,应该说:AHe has long black hair.B。He has short black hair.C.He has big eyes and long hair.( )2、当你要告诉同学们你喜欢科学课时,应该说:AI like math. B. I like science.C. I like computer games.( )3、当你问你的同学是否会拼写新学的英文单词时,应该说:A Can you help me? BCan you see the words?C.Can you spell these words?( )4、当你鼓励同学勇敢地试一试时,应该说:A.Please have a try. B. Please come in.C. Please help me.( )5、当你告诉妈妈你有一位美国朋友时,应该说:A.Mom, I have a new friend.B。Mom, I have an American.C.Mon, I have a Chinese friend.十一、选择填空。(5分)( )1、This is his photo. Look! is tall.A. He B. She C. Hes( )2、He short brown hair.A. haveB. has C. there is( )3、Listen music.A. toB. of C. for( )4、She is a girl. Name is Lucy.A. HisB. Her C. Its( )5、She music. A. likeB. likes C. to like十二把下列每组单词排列成正确的句子,只写序号。(3分)1 books , many , I , have. 2. have a look, Lets , and , go. 3. his, is , name , Zhang Peng. 十三、读一读,把相对应的句子连线。(10分) A B1. Whats in your schoolbag? a. Yes, I do.2. Do you like music? b. Some book.3. Whos your best friend? c. I have many friends.4. How many friends do you have? d. Zhang Qiang is.5. What colour is your eraser? e. Its green.十四读一读连词造句。1.have, new, I, a, friend 2.very, She, music, likes, much 3.is, heavy, You, too, schoolbag4.do, have, How, you, bananas, many 5.black, short, has, He, hair 十五、从B栏中找出A栏句子的中文意思将其序号填在前面的括号里(3分)A栏 B栏( )Happy Teachers Day! 教师节快乐!( ) Look,I have a new schoolbag . 谁是你最好的朋友?( )I m from China. 让我们来绘画吧!( )Whos your best friend? 我有40本故事书.( )Lets paint! 我来自中国( )I have forty story-books. 看,我有一个新书包。十六、填上所缺字母使单词完整。(3分) b_ k p_ncil  t_ cher b_g stud_ t  r_ le_第八周四年级英语上册周测十七、选择最佳答句。(5分)( )1.How are you?A.Im eleven.B.Fine ,thank you.C.Thank you.Really?( )2What colour is it?AIts a vest.B. Yes,it is.C.Its blue.D.Its nic( )3.Isthis yourpencil?A.Goodidea.B.Yes,itisntC.No,itis.D.No,it isnt.( )4.How many books do you have?A.All rightB.Thirty.C.on your head. D.Purple.( )5.Good night!A.Good morning. B.Good afternoon. C.Good night.D.Im full.十八、选出不同类的单词,并将序号写在前面括号中。(6分)1( ) A goose B strong C tall D quiet2( ) A noodles B hamburger C rice D pencil case3( ) A monkey B lion C lock D kangaroo4( ) A desk B chair C bed Dpencil5( ) A beef B jeep C taxi D car6( ) A cake B open C egg D noodles十九、根据英文写出中文。(5分)wall fan notebook long hair fifty classmate thin teachers desk thirty-one math book 二、 写出下列字母的前后邻居(10分)1.Cc Ee 2.Hh Ll3.Pp Rr Ss Tt Vv苹果二十请圈出下列单词中的元音字母。(10分)汤蔬菜1、a p p l e 2、 v e g e t a b l e 3、s o u p 一盒奶电脑4、 m i l k 5、 c o m p u t e r 二十一、判断下列各组单词划线部分读音是否相同,相同的打“”,不同的打“×”。(10分) 1、cake name ( ) 2、bike this ( )3、ruler bus ( ) 4、that three ( ) 5、good go ( ) 6、boxsix ( )7、my many ( ) 8、your thirty ( ) 9、what where ( ) 10student cute ( )二十二、找出与其他单词不同类的一个。(5分)( )1A.fish B.long C.short( )2A.hot dogB.hamburgerC. hat( )3、A. kangaroo B. monkey C. key( )4、A.eraserB.crayon C.light( )5、A. notebook B. math book C. sports二十三判断下列单词画线部分读音一致的在题前括号写“S不一致的写“D”11. ( )student short ( )tiger tea12.( )cup cute( )yellow baby13. ( )window who( )opennose14. ( )ant apple ( )kitekey15. ( )rulercup( )hisbus二十四请以“My friend”为题写一篇短文字数不少于50字用上以下词。My friend_Amy,a girl,13,America,thin andshort long hair,big eyes,Small nose,like,math,like, her, very much二十五读一读根据上下文的意思从方框内选择适当的句子将正确句子的编号填在横线上。John: Hello, Bai Ling. _. Bai Ling: Really? _?John: Sure. Here you are . Bai Ling: Wow! It is a squirrel. I like it.A.Whats in it?B.What colour is your schoolbag?C.May I have a look?D.How many story-books do you have?E.I have a new schoolbagJohn: Thank you! My bag is orange. _?Bai Ling:Its pink. My schoolbag is heavy.John: _? Bai Ling: Look, I have many books.John: _?.Bai Ling: One, two, three, sorry, too many.第九周四年级英语上册周测一、选择最佳答案。( )1. -Whats her name?- A. My name is Amy.B. His name is John.C. Her name is Amy.( )2. -What do you like?- A. I like sports.B. I have music.C. She likes painting.( )3. is he? -He is Ling Ming .A. What B. Who C. Where ( )4. -I have a new friend.- A. Hes tall.B. Boy or girl ?C. He likes music.( )5. -Lets clean the classroom.- A. Certainly. Here you are.B. Thank you so much.二、选择合适的答案,并将其序号填在相应的横线上。A. big B .long C. strong D. short E. black1. I have a short ruler. He has a one . 2. Wei Hua is tall. I am .3. Amy has hair and Mike has white hair 4. I like apples. Jim likes small apples.5. My father is . I am thin.三、找朋友。( )1. Whats his name? A. He is my teacher.( )2. What colour is it? B.Her name is Amy.( )3. Whos that man? C. Its yellow.( )4. How many books do you have? D. His name is John.( )5. Whats her name?E. I have 12.四 选择题,将正确答案的序号填在括号内。(   ) 1. We      a new classroom.     A have  B has   C there is(   ) 2. Let      clean the window.    A we  B I   C me(   ) 3. Please have a look      the picture.     A /  B at  C in(   ) 4. Whats      the kitchen?    A in  B on  C at(   ) 5. What      they?     A am  B is  C are(   ) 6. Good morning,         ?   A miss White  B Miss White  C miss white(   ) 7. Its      many     count.      A toto  B totoo  C tooto(   ) 8.        nice!     A How  B What  C How many(   ) 9. Can you       these words?     A spell  B spelling  C to spell(   ) 10. Many school is very heavy,        .     A to  B two  C too(   ) 11.         ? - 50 yuan.      A How many  B What many  C How much(   ) 12. Everything       in your bag.    A am  B is   C are (   ) 13. He        short black hair.      A has  B have  C is(   ) 14. My friend      sports.          A like  B likes  C to like(   ) 15. Sure. Here you      .        A am  B are  C is五、从B栏中找出A栏相对应的答语,将其字母填在题前括号内。           A                                 B(  ) 1.  How much is it ?              a. Thank you .(  ) 2.  Where is my pen?             b. Zhang Li is my best friend.(  ) 3.  Who is the boy?               c. 5 yuan.(  ) 4.  Whats twenty plus ten?         d. He is my brother.(  ) 5.  Sure. Here you are.              e. Thirty.(  ) 6.  Who is your best friend?         f. Its in your desk.六、阅读理解,判断下列各题是否正确,对的打,错的打×。    My name is Linda. I am from Canada. Im eleven years old. I have a best friend. Her name is Amy. She has long black hair. She has a round face.They are two big blue eyes, a small mouth, and a big nose on it. She is very quiet. She is thin. She likes music.   I like her best. Do you make friends with Amy?1. My name is Amy.             (   )2. Linda comes from Canada.      (   )3. Amy is Lindas best friend.      (   )4. Linda has long black hair.       (   )5. Amy is very strong.            (   )七、阅读,判断正误(正确“T ”,错误“F”)I am Amy. I am a student. I have a good friend .Her name is Sarah. Shes tall . Shes quiet. She has long hair and big eyes . She likes English and math. We help each other.( ) 1.Amys friend is Sarah.( ) 2.Sarah is strong.( ) 3.Sarah has short hair .( ) 4.Sarah likes Chinese .( ) 5.Amy and Sarah are good friends. 四、选择句子,完成短文。Amy: I have a friend. A. Boy or girl ?B. Whos she ?C. Youre right.D. Whats her name ?E. Whats his name ?Wei Hua: ?Amy: A girl. Wei Hua: ?Amy: Guess. Shes quiet. She likes music. ?Wei Hua: Her name is Sarah. Amy: Yes. Wei Hua: I have a friend too. Hes strong.He likes sports. ? Amy: His name is John.Wei Hua: .一根据提示完成单词。 st d nt b y t cher g rl一、  补全下列单词。                                        m  sic       p     nting     l     g  hair      p  nc  l-case         str     g            t     cher四、 连词成句,注意标点符号。1.     look, Lets ,have,go, a ,and                                          2.     many ,I ,books, my, have ,in, schoolbag                                           3.     do ,have, How, notebooks, many, you                                           4.     long ,has ,brown ,My, hair, friend                                           5.     like, me, Friends, you ,and, are                                           


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