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    初中英语语法知识梳理一、 英语五种基本句型 1主语谓语(SV) It rained just now. A car runs fast. The train leaves at 8:30. Tom came to borrow my bike yesterday.2. 主语谓语宾语(SVO) We clean the classroom every day. He plays the guitar quite well.Few students like taking exams. 3. 主语谓语宾语宾语(SVOiOd) She showed me her photos just now. The tie cost me ten dollars. Mr. Wang passed him a book. Mr. Wang passed a book to him. My mother made me a birthday cake. My mother made a birthday cake for me. He always offers us help. Our head teacher told us a story in English.记住:(ask, answer, give, offer, send, bring, pass, tell. show, teach, promise)4主语谓语宾语宾补(SVOiOc) We all call him tiger. You keep your eyes closed. We should keep our class room clean and tidy. You d better keep the food in the fridge. I often help my mother (to) do housework My teacher asked me to work hard at English. 记住:(ask, tell, order, want, persuade, allow) You let us go home. I often hear him sing English songs. 记住:(see, watch, hear, feel, make/have, let) 比较:Listen! Can you hear him singing an English song? 记住:(see, watch, hear) I hag my hair cut yesterday. (have sth done)5. 主语系动词表语 (SVP) The boy is a student. The woman is heavy. Im thirteen. Its me. The movies are exciting. She is interested in maths My mother is in the kitchen. My hobby is to collect stamps. Her job is washing clothes. Seeing is believing. Chinese food tastes delicious. Does Chinese food taste delicious?Your idea sounds great. Your idea doesnt sound great. She seemed happy then.记住: (be, become, get, turn, taste, sound, look, smell, feel, keep, go, seem, remain ) 注意:一个汉语句子如找不出实意动词,就是系表结构, 一定要加上系动词“be”:我弟弟个子高。My brother is tall. 有些形容词听起来像动词,但不能当动词用,是系表结构:ill, busy, back, tired, early等。He was ill yesterday. They will be busy tomorrow. Tom can be back in an hour. Be quiet, please.6. There be 句型 与 Have/has My father has a car. A table has four legs. There is a dictionary on the table. There is a dog and two cats under the tree. 比较There are two cats and a dog under the tree. There is going to be an English movie at our school next week. 不能用have 练习:将下列汉语译成英语,并说出是哪种句型。1我们通常进行小组学习。2我叔叔通过听收音机学习英语。3我打算给我爸爸买件衬衣作为生日礼物。4我经常听到他唱英语歌曲。5我们明天会很忙。6这鱼非常好吃。6明天我们学校将放一场英语电影。7一个人只要开始学习从来都不嫌晚。8高分贝音乐使人紧张。二、 句子成分 1、主语:1) 动作的发出者或句子述说的对象。 I go to school by bike. My sister is outgoing. 2) 可以作主语的词有:名词、人称代词主格、其他代词、动名词和动词不定式The children study English by watching TV.They help us.Both of them does dell in English. Seeing is believing. Its no use crying. Its no good eating fast food.Playing computer games is fun. Waiting for her made me angry.To learn English well is important. It is important to learn English well.To go to school by bike takes me half an hour every day. 比较: It takes me half an hour every day to go to school by bike. (sb spend doing sth)It is wrong for us to tell lies. It is kind of you to say so. 2谓语: 由动词充当,I listen to the music every day. 1)分两类: 系动词(系表结构的句子)和实意动词(主谓结构,主谓宾结构,主谓宾宾结构,主谓宾补结构)。(参看上面基本句型里的句子) 2)谓语还要注意与其主语保持人称和树的一致,称主谓一致原则。It often rains hard. 3)谓语还要注意时态问题。(祥见“五”)I saw the movie last Sunday. I have already seen the movie. 4)谓语还要注意语态问题。(祥见“九”)The window was broken by my partner. 3宾语: 1)动作的乘受者(实意动词。We help them. 2) 可作宾语的词有:名词,人称代词宾格、其他代词、动名词、动词不定式和宾语从句 I dislike oranges. I often help her. I know both of them. I like to play soccer. 比较 I like playing soccer. (like, begin, start, hate, love )My sister enjoys listening to light music. 记住:( finish, mind, avoid, admit, consider, give up, put off, practice, cant help dong, 又have fun/problem/difficulty doing, feel like doing) I want to go hiking this Saturday. 比较: I went to see the animals.记住:(want, need, try, learn, afford, offer, agree, manage, decide, happen, refuse, expect, plan, prepare, promise, hope, wish, would like) 口诀:要想拒绝忘记(want, refuse, forget)需要劳力学习(need, try, learn)喜欢同意帮助(like, agree, help,)希望决定开始(hope, wish, decide, begin, start)注意:stop, remember, forget, try, go on, regret, mean等接动名词和不定式意义有区别。 3) I found it hard to remember these words in a short time. 不定式是宾语,it是形式宾语。4) 介词宾语There are two desks in the room. And there are some books on themHe sits between you and _ (I). Thank you for _ (tell) me the news. The boy is afraid of being alone at night.5)宾语从句 (祥见“十一”) I hope that I will be a top student in my class.4定语: 修饰和限定名词。I like the red car. (而不是其它的车) 可以作定语的词有:名词,形容词, 数词,地点副词,介词短语,动词不定式,定语从句。例如:(注意观察例句中定语的位置) These are apple trees. They are men doctors. 作定语的名词用单数形式,但“man, woman”除外.I live in an old house.Jack has three brothers.The people here are friendly.The poor children have no food to eat.I have something important to tell you.We have enough time to do it. We have time enough to do it.The girl is old enough to babysit the babies. He listened to the teacher carefully enough to catch what he saidThe man in the car is my uncle.The man who is sitting in the car is my uncle. (定语从句祥见“十四”)5状语:修饰形容词,副词,动词。 1)可以作状语的词有:名词,副词,介词短语,动词不定式,现在分词,状语从句。 He is very tired. 修饰形容词 He likes play volleyball very much. 修饰副词 My little sister draws well. 修饰动词 I will call you tomorrow. 名词修饰动 I take a shower at home at six. 修饰动词,表明动作发生的地点和时间 I listen to the teacher carefully. 副词修饰动词 He didnt go to school because of illness . 介词短语修饰动词 We go home for lunch every day. 介词短语修饰动词 He usually sleep with the window open. 介词短语修饰动词 We go home to have lunch every day. 动词不定式修饰动词 I went to visit my grandpa yesterday. 动词不定式修饰动词 He didnt go school because he was ill. He didnt go school because of his illness. I go fishing if it doesnt rain tomorrow. (状语从句祥见“十四) He will call me after he gets to London. My cousin is so old that he can go to school. I got up early so that I could catch the early bus. 比较:I got up so early that I caught the early bus.He does much better in physics than I. 2) 频度副词 I usually take a walk after supper. Usually I take a walk after school. Peter is never late for school. 3)副词的构成 本身是副词:here, there, now, then, already, etc. Please come here.形容词、副词不同形:good-well He speaks Japanese well. His Japanese is good 形容词、副词同形:early-early, fast-fast I got up early enough to catch the early bus. The car is fast. The car can run fast 由形容词变为副词:careful- carefully, lucky -luckily, heavyhealthilybad, slow, happy, angry, soft, quick, easy 其副词分别为:The rain is heavy. It is raining heavily now. 有些以ly结尾的词是形容词而不是副词:daily, monthly, friendly, lonely, lovely:This is a monthly magazine.We are friendly to each other.4) 副词比较级、最高级。祥见“六”He usually listens to the more carefully than me.He runs fastest in our class.He writes _ of the three. (bad)6宾语补足语 We all call him tiger. You keep your eyes closed. We should keep our class room clean and tidy. You d better keep the food in the fridge. I often help my mother (to) do housework My teacher asked me to work hard at English. 记住:(ask, tell, order, want, persuade, allow) You let us go home. I often hear him sing English songs. 记住:(see, watch, hear, feel, make/have, let) 比较:Listen! Can you hear him singing an English song? 记住:(see, watch, hear) I had my hair cut yesterday. (have sth done)练习: 用所给词的正确形式填空1. _ (them) were used to _ (get) up _ (early) in the morning.2. It is important for _ (we) _ (learn) English well.3. If you dont know the words, youd better look _ (it) up in a dictionary.4. Mr. Wang _ (teach) _(we) English. Each student _ (like) _(he).5. Thank you for _ (tell) _ (I) the _ (well) news.6. The teacher said _(angry) to _ (I). The Teacher was _ (angry) with _ (she).7. _ (eat) fast food is bad for our _(healthy).8. Mother always has a lot of housework _ (do).9. He came _ (visit) his grandpa last weekend. 10. He wanted _ (visit) his grandpa last weekend.11. If there are _ driving, there will be _ air pollution, and the air will be _ (fresh). A. less, less B. fewer, fewer C. fewer, less D. less, fewer12. In an, exam, the _ you are, the _ mistakes you will make. A. careful, little B. more careful, fewest C. more careful, fewer D. more careful, less13. I am looking forward to _ (be) a scientist when I grow up.14. Do you mind my _ (smoke) here?15. Im going to have MP4 _(repair) tomorrow. 16. They want me _ (sing) an English song at the party.17. Its cold, Let _ (we) _ (keep) the windows _ (close). 三、代词 一)代词的分类英语中常把代词分为人称代词、无主代词、反身代词、指示代词、疑问代词、连接代词、不定代词和相互代词。二) 代词的用法1. 人称代词:人称代词是指人的代词,有性、数、格的区别。 主格作主语:She is my English teacher.You, he and I are all the winners. I, Li lei and you are wrong. We should do more for the project1) 宾格作宾语:They dont want me to go there alone. Dont worry. I can look after her. Tom sits between you and me.2) 宾格还可以作表语。特别是在口语中:- Whos that? - Its me.注意:代词的下列用法: We love our country, we hope shell be stronger and stronger. It is about 10 kilometres from here. Its four oclock. It is not easy to learn English well. I found it difficult to sleep.2物主代词:1)形容词性物主代词在句中具有形容词的特征。在句中作定语, 后面跟名词。例如:To our surprise, he has passed the exam. 2) 名词性的物主代词具有名词的特征, 在句中作主语、表语、宾语。例如: May I use your bike? Mine is at school. (作主语) Whose glasses are these? They are hers. (作表语) My dictionary is lost. Can I use yours? (作宾语) 3) 名词性物主代词可以与of 连用, 作定语。 例如:A friend of ours are waiting for us.3反身带词:用来表示“某人自己”的代词称为反身代词。如下表所示:单 数myselfyourselfhimselfherselfitself复 数ourselvesyourselvesthemselves 1)作宾语,主语或宾语的同位语。例如: Her sister is too young to dress herself. (作宾语) He himself is always making such mistakes. (主语同位语) Youd better ask your wife herself. (宾语同位语)2) 反身代词可与其他词构成固定搭配,例如:make oneself at home, teach oneself, learn by oneself, help oneself to,etc4指示代词:this, that, these, those 指示代词可在句中作主语、宾语、表语、定语等。例如: Those are my parents. ( 作主语) Throw it like that. (作宾语) The toys little Tom likes are those in the basket. ( 作表语) These pictures are drawn by an old blind man. ( 作定语)注意:1)前面刚刚提到过的东西, 常用that, those 表示:Im sorry to hear that.2 )下文将要提到的事情, 可用these, this 表示, 起启下的作用。 例如:Tell the children to do like this: knock the stick into the earth first, then tie the tree to it.5疑问代词:who, what, which, whose, whom, 在句中常作主语、宾语、定语、表语。What make you so happy? 作主语Who / Whom is your manager talking with? 作宾语Which subject do you like best? 作定语Whats your mother. 作表语6相互代词:用于表示相互关系的代词。 常用的有:each other, one another.作宾语、定语 We should help each other. The villagers have looked after one another these year. We put the presents in each others stocking.7连接代词: 用来连接宾语从句、表语从句、主语从句的代词叫连接代词。常用的有:what, which, who, whom whose, that: I know what he said at the meeting. The problem is who will mend it. Could you tell me which is the way to the post office?8. 不定代词:几组不定代词的区别 1) one, it: The shirt is too small for me. Will you please show me a bigger one? The new car is nice. I like it very much.2) some, anyThere is some water in the glass. Is there any water in the glass? There isnt any water in the glassCan I borrow some books?3) both, allMy parents both work hard.My parents are both workers.There are twenty boys in our class. They all like English.There are many trees on both sides of the street.There are trees on either side of the street.4)neither, either Neither of the answers is right. Here are two chairs. You sit on either chair.5)a few, a little, few, little We need a few strawberries to make the drink. Im lonely because I have few friends here. In winter there is little rain here, so it is very dry.6) one, the other, other, another He is always ready to help others. I have two pens, one is red, the other is black. There are 40 students here, 20 are boys, the others are girls. I dont like this skirt. Will you show me another one?9. many, few, a few修饰可数名词,much, little, a little修饰不可数名词。both, either, neither, each用于指两者,all, any, none, every, another用于指三者或三者以上。 例题解析:1. This isnt _ pencil case. I left _ at home.A. my, mine B. me, my C. I, my D. my, myself2. The English novel is quite easy for you. There are _ new words in it.A. a little B. little C. a few D. few3. - Can I come this evening or tomorrow morning?- _ is OK. Im free today and tomorrow. A. Either B. Neither C. Both D. None4. The population of China is much large than _ of Asia.A. this B. those C.it D. that5 . - When shall we meet again? - Make it _day you like. Its all the same to me.A. one B. any C. another D. all6. He said _ at the meeting and just sat there silently. A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything7.- Do you know the lady _ is interviewing our headmaster?- Yes, she is a journalist from CCTV.A. which B. who C. whom D. whose8. Dont worry. We still have _ tome left. A. little B. a little C. few. D. A few练习与巩固:熟能生巧,取得好成绩!一)用适当的代词填空Help _ to some ice cream, girls.He came up with an idea at last, the idea of _ was very good.Hurry, up, theres _ time left.There is hardly _ in the basket, its empty.Lili and Coco dont know _ address. Lili has never been to Cocos home and Coco has never been to Lilys home, either.He is _ a kind friend that _of us like him.He have two English novels, but he has read _ of them.I dont like the color of this jacket. Could you show me _ one?You may take _ of them, theyre both good.Dont worry. _ goes well here.二)选择最佳答案填空:1. These two books are very interesting. You can choose _ of them.A. both B. each C. either D. any2. He had _milk but_ bread for breakfast.A. many; few B. much; little C. few; much D. little; many3. Is there _you want to say?A. some


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