1,英语专业毕业论文写作,第六讲:毕业论文格式规范2011年3月30日,2,课前提示,是否已与论文指导教师见面是否已确定论文选题初稿写作遇到何种问题、困难务必严格遵守论文写作时间节点是否已下载“毕业论文模板”,3,毕业论文格式规范,论文组成部分封面(统一格式,以后发放)致谢摘要(英文、中文、关键词)目录(第8讲介绍)正文(参见“毕业论文模板”)参考书目(同上),4,Acknowledgements(致谢),Whom to thank:-Advisor,teachers-Colleagues,mates,friends-Loved onesFormal and polite-First of all/To begin with,Id like to-My thanks also goes to-In addition,I also want to-And finally,I have to,5,Abstract(摘 要),篇幅简短(仅一段文字,150字左右)内容简炼,结构完整简要说明论文的主题、主要论点和结论不用引文,避免主观(not:I/we,but:The paper/thesis focuses on/tries to prove/show)先用中文概括,再译成英文排列:英文在前,中文在后(如够短小,可放在一页内)示例,6,Key words(关键词),罗列35个与论文内容最密切相关的关键词各关键词的顺序按与论文内容的密切程度排列关键词需另起行排列于“摘要”之后 关键词之间均用“,”隔开最后一个关键词后无标点符号关键词可以不是论文题目中出现的词示例,7,论文常见格式、规范错误,题目:大小写、行数、移行;用“:”or-时态一致性:“现在时”还是“过去时”数字表达:“全拼”还是“阿拉伯数字”单复数、词性、指代不明引文信度:时效性恰当引文:改写+标出处,8,论文时态的一致性,The youngest daughter Lydia eloped with Wickham was come as a surprise to us in the story.As Mrs.Bennets favorite daughter,Lydia was empty-headed,idle and enjoyed searching of the officers in Merydon.Wickham is one of them.She cannot resist his sweet words and go off with him.Sometimes one officer has been her favorite and sometimes another.On the other hand,Wickham did not really love her and had no intention to marry her.,9,数字表达问题,Jane Austen was born in Hampshire on 16th December 1775.She was the 7th daughter of an 8 children family.The first 25 years of her life Jane spent in Hampshire.She died in 1816,aged only 41.In 2000,BBC has made survey“The Choice of Thousand Years Writer”,Jane followed after Shakespeare,ranked 2nd,moreover,she was the only women on the top ten.Jane started her writing in her 20-year-old,including 6 river novels.用阿拉伯数字:年份、日期、时间;100非整数;百分比,10,指代关系、单复数不清;词性混用,Mary,the third daughter,a nerd,she is pedantic,pride,affected and silly.Both Mary and Elizabeth want to be a knowledgeable lady through reading books so that they could be improved.She always finds chances to demonstrate her talent.But Mary seems that she hasnt the talent to be accomplished,on the contrary,she give people an impression of stupid and silly.They would like to marry a man for live without any passion.Their marriages are unhappy.They are looked down by their husbands and submitted to them without respect.,11,论文中的引文信度:时效、数据,National Crime Victimization Survey data(?)show that both crimes aimed at property and crimes against persons decline.And in 1998 the FBI data showed that the murder rate was the lowest in the past 30 years.But unluckily,we still have to say that this country is still a violent society.After the decrease,there are still 16,000 homicides each year.Each day about 70 persons die of homicide(?).And people who die of handguns in one day are five times more than that in England in a whole year(?).Government estimates that four out of five Americans may be a victim of violence in their life(?).365x70=25550,12,引文恰当性:改写+标注(1),when Mr.Bennet talked about her five daughters,he said“They have none of them much to recommend them”(p.2).“They are all silly and ignorant like other girls;but Lizzy has something more of quickness than her sisters”(p.2).when Mr.Bennet talks about her five daughters,he does not think they have“much to recommend”because they are“all silly and ignorant like other girls,”but he refers to Elizabeth as one who“has something more of quickness than her sisters”(p.2).,13,引文恰当性:改写+标注(2),e.g.From the book,the impression of Mrs.Catherine we get is haughty,domineering andcondescending,This great lady was not in the commission of the peace for the county,she was a most active magistrate in her own parish,the minutest concerns of which were carried to her by Mr.Collins;and whenever any of the cottagers were disposed to be quarrelsome,discontented or too poor,she sallied forth into the village to settle their differences,silence their complaints,and scold them into harmony and plenty(p.134).,14,In the novel,Mrs.Catherine is described as a proud(haughty),demanding(domineering)and elegant(condescending)lady,a dominant figure“in her own parish”.If anyone in the village tends to be quarrelsome or shows any discontent,she is ready to be there to“settle their differences,silence their complaints,and scold them into harmony”(p.134).This great lady was not in the commission of the peace for the county,she was a most active magistrate in her own parish,the minutest concerns of which were carried to her by Mr.Collins;and whenever any of the cottagers were disposed to be quarrelsome,discontented or too poor,she sallied forth into the village to settle their differences,silence their complaints,and scold them into harmony and plenty(p.134).,15,End of Presentation 6,16,请准备下次的课堂测验,测验形式:开卷但不能互助测验题型:定义、填空、选择、改错等内容:讲稿、教材-相关概念、定义-论文、引文的规范格式Good Luck!,