Necklace,林惠珠2010522073,Different Types of NecklacesHow to Choose NecklacesHow to Wear the Right Necklaces in Different OccasionsTop Ten Brands of NecklacesConclusion,1.Different Types of Necklaces,White metal Necklaces,Pearl Necklaces,Gold Necklaces,Beaded silver Necklaces,Diamond Necklaces,Crystal Necklaces,2:How to Choose Necklaces,1.Consider the Factors of Your Face 尖形脸:短的项链及横的条纹可以将你的面不太尖的线条柔和。圆脸形:宜佩戴长一些的项链,可以使脸形看起来长一些。椭圆脸形:各种款式的项链适合于椭圆形脸的人佩戴。方形脸:戴“v”字形的项链加上吊坠,中至长的项链都可以让脸儿看起来比较修长。,2,According to the Characteristics of the Neck Long necks of people shouldchoose a short necklace so that it can reduce the visual length of the neck.Short neck of the people can select the small and long necklaces.,3.It Depends on Your Style,If you are a romantic white-collar,you should choose the platonic necklace and the diamond pendant.But if you are an innocent girl,you had better select a silver necklace and a ruby pendant.Or as an elegant lady,the pearl necklace and crystal pendant are your best choice.,4.Should Fit Your Skin Color.肤色白皙的女性,可以佩戴浅色宝石项链(如珍珠、浅红色玛瑙项链等),也可以佩戴颜色较深的宝石项链(如紫水晶、澳洲玉、蓝玛瑙项链等)。肤色稍黑的女性,可以选择咖啡色、深米黄色的宝石项链(如茶晶、黄晶项链等),5.It should Match the Clothes,Light color sweaters can match some deep or bright color stones necklaces.While white or light color woolen sweaters can match amethyst or red agate necklaces.,Part3:How to Wear the Right Necklaces in Different OccasionsIn business negotiation situation:1.Wear fewer necklaces,wear the same texture and color.2.Dont wear black jewelry.3.Wear fewer Linear chains,tight chain is suitable 4.Dont wear cross necklace,In the Interview:Dontweartooexaggerated jewelry.Dont wear too muchornaments.Its appropriate to wear abunch ofelegantpearl necklaceorsimple elegantgold chain,In Office:You should not wear jewelry be extravagant or too adventurous.wearing a bunch of pearl necklace is enough.,When take a part in some activities,meetings or dinner,suggested to choose fashion jewelry which is simple lines and designed on clean luster based.,Part 4.Top Ten Brands of Necklaces周大福(Chow Tai Fook)施华洛世奇SWAROVSKI(世界水晶行业领导品牌)蒂芬尼(Tiffany&Co)(以钻石和银制品著称于世)金伯利 Kimberley(世界著名钻石品牌)5 TOUS(世界著名的珠宝配饰品牌),6 谢瑞麟(名珠宝集团)7 百泰(浙江名牌)8 六福(香港名牌)9 老凤祥(十大项链品牌)10 伊泰莲娜italina,References:,Conclusion1.The General Introduction of Jewelry 2.Different Types of Earrings and How to Select the Right Earrings,Thank You!,