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    剪切泵Shear Pump安装使用说明书Diections For Installation AndOperation成都西部石油装备有限公司Chengdu Weast Petroleum Equipment Co.,LTD目录1. 作用12. 原理13. 型号说明34. 性能表35. 结构图56. 安装、使用、维护指南7引言 7强调说明7安装8使用11维护12DERECTORY1. Introduction152. Principleofoperation 153. Explanation of model 4. Performance table175. Structural drawing186. Guidle to installation, operation andmaintenance206.1 Foreword206.2 Emphases 206.3 Installation206.4 Operation 246.5 Maintenance25WJQ5” 6J-10剪切泵使用说明书1. 作用WJQ5 6J-10剪切泵是一种专门用于剪切聚合物和粘土并已被 现场使用和理论证实有效的机械。在钻井液系统中,聚合物(或粘土)应提前充分地剪切以后, 再进入钻井液系统,才能充分发挥其效用,改善钻井液性能,如 果没有充分剪切,聚合物在第一次循环中就可能堵塞振动筛网, 损失大量的聚合物,增加钻井成本,并且还可能使钻井液中的大尺寸的固相颗粒变硬而难以除掉;在完井液中,由于没有充分剪 切,聚合物会产生许多“鱼眼”。这些“鱼眼”会伤害地层,使地 层渗透率降低,油气层减产。经过事实证明WJQ56J-10剪切泵具 有优良的性能,它能为高分子聚合物(也能为粘土)迅速水合提 供高度的剪切,解决聚合物(或粘土)在钻井液中或完井液中因 水合不好而存在的突出问题。同时,使用WJQ56J-10剪切泵能使 聚合物用量减少15%以上,膨润土用量减少30%以上,并且改善了 泥饼和液流损失,降低钻井液剪切比速率,提高凝胶强度,达到 了国外同类产品的先进水平,其轴封结构更可靠,使用维护更方 便。2. 原理WJQ5 6JC-10剪切泵密封采用了非常可靠的机械密封,保 证无泄漏。泵内部配有一个300mm不锈钢涡轮(其上有导叶、 叶轮、44个喷嘴、4个收集室),及一个剪切板,能够产生超 过s的小端剪切(液体剪切),当液流通过剪切泵时,有一半 (50%)的液体在涡轮收集室的强力推进下将被剪切两次。该 涡轮剪切泵安装在一专用底座上,并用皮带轮、窄 V带和 55KW/75kw防爆电动机驱动,与剪切泵配套使用的还有一个尺 寸适合的ZHP150混合漏斗,这样组成了一个完善的剪切及水 合作用系统。由于该泵轴封的改进,使其寿命大大提高。如遵循该泵安装及特殊条件应用的规则,将进一步提高其 性能。本公司将对在油田及工业应用中有利于提高该泵性能的一 般及特殊建议进行处理。注意:该泵不能用于活性泥浆系统,因为系统中的钻井固 体及重晶石,它们在受到剪切时将很快损坏该泵。原理如图一:7 TI I图一WJQ5 6JC-10剪切泵原理图聚合物流体从V流道进入,并以平行与剪切板P的方向抽 送,收集室内液流量的50%通过44个喷嘴N射出,并以高速 冲击剪切板P,然后在M处90方向进入泵的蜗壳收集室。总 流V及射流N沿着剪切板流动到达剪切盘的尖端T,在尖端有 许多牙齿,高速旋转的牙齿使聚合物(或粘土)再一次被剪切。 这样就完成了聚合物(或粘土)高度剪切而迅速水合。3. 型号说明WJQ 5" 6J-10涡轮名义直径(英寸)密封形式泵进口直径(英寸)泵出口直径(英寸)涡轮剪切泵4. 性能表(表1)型号流量 (m3/h )扬程 (m)转速 (r/min )效率 (%)汽蚀余 量 (m)功率(kw)轴功率配套功 率WJQ56J-101553222802834655WJQ56J-101553222802834675图二可山5 6J-10剪切泵特性曲线5. 结构图图三WJQ5" 6J-10剪切泵结构图WJQ5"X6”J-10”剪切泵零件明细表(表2)序号数量零部件名称序号数量零部件明称11泵壳274螺母21叶轮组件284垫圈31剪切板291压板组件41加强板301O型密封圈55 X51护板311填料61填料箱321销71右端盖331轴套82油封XX12341机械密封92轴承2313 (GB/T281-94)351加强套101油孔盖361盖型螺母111泵座371方螺母121轴承座381垫圈131O型密封圈140X391前护板142轴承 7311ACM/DB (GB/T292-94)151O型密封圈125X161油杯 GB1152-89172圆螺母GB812-88182锁紧垫圈GB858-88191左端盖201油封XX10211轴221油标A12231丝堵ZG1/2241挡泥环251堵头ZG3/4264调节螺栓6. WJQ5X6”J-10"剪切泵安装、使用、维护指南引言本指南仅就WJQ5X6”J-10”剪切泵的安装、使用、维护中的一般性问题作了介绍,供参考,本指南不能解决的问题, 请与本公司售后服务部门联系,将会及时地给你答复。强调说明该泵只能在设计范围内使用。该泵主密封是机械密封,填料密封为辅密封,当机封失效后, 方可压紧填料密封,否则造成密封不必要损坏。该泵空转不能超过5秒,必须注满液体泥浆方可运转,否则会 造成机封损坏。安装图四WJQ5 6J-10剪切泵安装系统流程图剪切泵系统由剪切泵、混合漏斗、管线及聚合物(或粘土) 水合罐组成。为便于安装和运输,聚合物(或粘土)水合罐由 井场泥浆罐的一个隔仓组成。1/3 I :: | ' 'V图五WJQ5' 6J-10剪切泵外形图法兰尺寸(单位:inch)表泵法兰盘DNDdb(mm)n-d出口法兰51081/2268-7/8进口法兰6113/891/2268-7/8注:DN法兰通径,D法兰外径,d连接螺纹孔中心距旧法兰厚度,n-d连接螺栓孔数及孔径。WJQ5X6"J-10”剪切泵总成明细表俵4)序号数量零部件名称序号数量零部件名称11底座116销轴21剪切泵126开口销38螺栓132螺柱48垫圈144螺母54螺母154窄V1561电机 55KW/75KW161大皮带轮71键81帐套91小皮带轮101护罩泵安装泵的安装位置应尽可能靠近抽送源,以缩短吸入段的长度,减少吸入损失。泵安装基础应水平,牢固可靠,以避免振动。皮带轮的安装A. 两皮带轮轴线必须平行,且端面误差不得超过2mm。B. 皮带必须找正、绷紧。C. 电机安装必须平稳、牢固。进口管路安装A. 吸入管路截面积必须大于或等于泵流道断面积。B. 吸入管路中不允许安装节流阀,但可以安装常开阀以减少液 流紊乱,该阀只能在拆泵进行检修时才能关闭。C. 为避免吸入管路中产生汽泡,抽送源和泵之间应从高到低逐 渐过渡。如果用户需要泵在有吸程状况下使用,请采用真空泵或 底阀引水。D. 泵入口处的管路必须平直,其长度至少为吸入管路直径的 二倍。E. 当临时使用软管吸入管路时,必须保证软管不被压缩,这 是因为吸入段管内压力一般都比大气压低,在大气压作用下,软 管被压缩,从而导致流量降低甚至断流。出口管路A. 为便于泵的检修,出口管路中应该安装常开阀。B所有管路(包括入口管路)必须有自己的支撑,绝不允许 由泵承受管路重量。C. 当工作条件不明或不稳定时,出口管路中必须安装节流阀, 以保证泵在设计点运行。D. 当泵出口与压力设备相接时,在节流阀和泵出口之间必须 安装止回阀,以防止液体回流,否则,回流液会导致泵发生“水 锤现象”而损坏。使用准备A.用手转动泵轴,必须保证运转灵活,各处不得有摩擦声。B检查转向,必须确保与泵体所示转向一致。C. 全开入口段的阀门。D. 给泵体和入口段管路注满液体,以排出空气。运转操作A.准备工作全部结束后,开动电机。润滑A.轴承润滑a. 轴承采用30号机油润滑,润滑油应加至油标的中线, 不要加过多油,否则将导致轴承振动和过热。每90天 或1000小时换油一次。b. 在特殊情况下,轴承可用与润滑油相容的润滑脂润滑。B. 填料腔润滑a. 填料腔必须经常润滑,以防止填料过热而损坏,一般要 求每天至少一次。b. 注入润滑脂时必须旋转泵轴,以使其充分进入填料腔, 直到填料压盖端有油脂渗出为止。维护(参照图三及零件明细表2)A.拆卸:a. 拆下皮带轮组件。b. 拆下填料压板组件(26)。c. 卸下泵壳(1)。d. 拆除叶轮组件(2)、剪切板(3)、加强板(4):先拆下 螺母(33、34)(螺母为反扣)及垫圈(35),注意如无 叶轮扳手,则用木制垫块和木榔头敲击涡轮背部辐筋, 退出叶轮组件(2)(拆出时应先在皮带轮端卡住轴,以 防转动)。e. 拆除加强套(32)和机封动环组件(31)。f. 拆除护板(5)和填料箱(6)。g. 退出轴套(30),如果轴套过紧,可用楔形块敲击其尾 部(轴肩处)使其松动。h. 退出挡泥环(24)。i. 拆下左、右端盖(7、19)。j. 从轴承托架内退出轴承总成。k. 松掉锁紧垫圈,拆出锁紧螺母(17)和锁紧垫圈(18)。l. 拆下轴承托架,退出轴承(14)(用垫块垫上,敲击轴 中心)。m. 退出轴承(9)(用3英寸套筒对准轴承内圈,敲击套筒 使内轴承退出)。B. 检查a. 叶轮:严重汽蚀(特别是主叶片)、过度腐蚀、磨损、 破损时,要求更换叶轮。b. 轴:径向跳动超过,轴承座及油封位置严重擦伤,轴上 螺纹、沟槽、台肩及其它表面有损伤时,要求修整轴, 无法修整时,则更换轴。c. 轴套:表面粗糙及损伤严重时,更换轴套。d. 经过拆卸的油封必须更换。e. 滚动轴承:对过度磨损,运转时过紧、过松或有噪声的 轴承必须更换(新轴承只有在更换时才能开封,所换轴 承必须和泵原用轴承型号、尺寸一致)。f. O型密封圈:一般经过拆卸的。型密封圈应更换,对其 它密封垫片等,只要没有破损,也可以再用。C. 装配(参照图三及零件明细表2)a. 装配前所有零件必须清洗,特别是O型圈密封槽,螺纹、 轴承及轴承润滑部位,要仔细清洗,对一些粗糙部位还 应用细纱布打磨。b. 装轴承(14)时,两轴承应背对背安装,旋进锁紧螺母 后要扣住锁紧垫片,锁紧螺母紧固力矩:346牛米。c. 在装轴套(30)时,在轴上涂一薄层减摩剂。d. 叶轮背面和护板之间的间隙为。e. 填料压盖不能拧得过紧,否则泵运转时可能导致填料烧 坏。f. 装配顺序按拆卸逆方向进行,装配好后,转动轴应灵活, 各部位不得有阻卡。如有阻卡,调节螺栓26)和螺母(27)。上紧螺栓(26)是将泵轴及轴上的零件向右移 动,松动螺栓(26)是将轴及轴上的零件向左移动。注意:无论是将轴左调或右调,调整完毕后,一定要将螺 栓(26)上紧,螺母(27)并紧,以防止轴运转时轴向窜 动。D. 故障及排除a. 填料密封泄漏严重,填料严重磨损,轴套表面磨损。拆下填料,用一细铁丝弯曲90,在轴套壁上移动,如 果检查到有过深的沟槽则更换轴套,填料压盖压得过紧 导致填料磨损严重。b. 聚胺脂油封(20)磨损严重导致泄漏。排出:更换聚胺脂油封(20)。一般情况,当泵运转3-6个月后,应更换一次轴封处的 聚胺脂油封和轴套。c. 填料烧坏。原因:填料压盖压得过紧,引起发热。排出:更换填料,压盖不能压得过紧。d. 叶轮或副叶轮转动不正常。原因:叶轮背面和护板间隙过小,或副叶轮与护板和 填料盒之间间隙过小。排出:用螺栓(26)和螺母(27)调节间隙。调节完后用手转动轴,各部位不得有阻卡、摩擦声,转动灵活。e. WJQ5 6J-10剪切泵一般故障及排除一览表5。WJQ5 6J-1。剪切泵故障及排除(表5)序 号故障原因排除方法1轴功率过大1、叶轮与泵壳端面或叶轮 与衬套发生摩擦或副叶 轮发生摩擦。2、泵在比设计点扬程低得 多的条件下运行。3、填料压盖压得太紧。4、皮带打滑。1、调整叶轮与泵壳端面及叶轮 与衬套的间隙,或副叶轮的间 隙,消除摩擦。2、检查所配工作机是否符合要 求,并关小排出阀门,使泵在 设计点工作。3、重新调整压盖紧固力。4、张紧皮带(检查两皮带轮安装 位置是否合适)。2扬程下降 流量下降1、大块颗粒堵塞吸入管和 叶轮流道。2、泵转速|、降。3、叶轮磨损。4、叶轮与泵壳端面间隙过 大,泄漏增大。5、进口阀门开度太小。1、清除堵塞物。2、使泵在额定转速、运彳丁。3、更换叶轮。4、调整叶轮与泵壳端面的间隙。5、开大进口阀门。3轴承过热1、润滑油太多或太少。2、油中有杂质。3、轴承磨损。1、使油面保持在油标规定位置。2、更换润滑油。3、更换轴承。4泵运行产生振动和异常 噪声1、叶轮磨损不平衡。2、轴承磨损。3、联接松动。4、泵产生汽蚀。1、更换叶轮。2、更换轴承。3、紧固各松动部位。4、改善吸入条件,防止空气进入 泵内。5密封泄漏严 重1、机封损坏。2、轴套磨损严重。3、密封填料磨损过大。4、盘根环斜卷。5、杂质、异物进入盘根环。6、盘根环斜口一致。1、更换机封。2、更换轴套。3、装填新的盘根环。4、重新组装盘根环。5、清除杂质、异物,清洗密封件。6、重新按要求错位装填盘根环。1. IntroductionThe WJQ5 6J-10 shear pump generation is uniquely designed pump for shearing polymers and clays.To improve the drill fluid properties, the polymers or clays should be highly sheared before adding them to the drill fluid system. If not sheared, the polymers maybe jam the strainer and will result in losing amount of polymer and increasing drilling costs, and the large-size solids in the drill fluid will harden and difficult to clear away as well. The WJQ5 6J-10 shear pump has proven best for applying the high shear necessary to hydrate polymers and clays and to their best properties. Using the WJQ5 " 6J-10 shear pump reduces the bentonite clay needed by 33% or more and polymer needed by 15% or more. It also improve fluid loss and filter cake, builds gel strength, and low shear rate viscosity to better hold up solids. With reliable shaft seal structure and more convenient in operation and maintenance, it comes up to advanced world standards in the same products.2. Principle of operationThe WJQ5 6J-10 shear pump adopts a set of mechanical seal for no leakage at stuffing box. Inside pump is a 300 series stainless steel turbine containing 44 nozzles, four scoops and shear plate. Fifty percent of the fluid is sheared twice each time through the pump. This turbine shear pump is mounted on a special base with belts and sheaves to drive pump, OSHA type belt guard and a 75HP/102(55kw/75kw) 1480RPM EXPLOSION PROOF U/L approved electric motor, 460 volts, 3 phase 60 cycle. Included is a special hopper(ZHP150) with nozzle sized for this application and one mud kit as a package in order to build a complete shear and hydration system. The pump is designed to give longer service life through the improved shaft seal.There are many principles of proper pump installation and application as well as special considerations for the pump design which, if followed, will further enhance the performance of your WJQ5" 6J-10 turbine shear pump.This document will deal with both general and specific recommendations for improved WJQ5" 6J-10 turbine shear pump performance in both oilfield and industrial applications.Warning! This pump can not be used on active mud system since it will shear drill solids and barite. These solids will also damage pump very quickly.The principle sees figure 1.Figure 1 Principle diagram of WJQ5" 6J-10 shear pumpFluid enters at "V” and is pumped parallel to the shear "P”. The chambers scoops 50% of the volume being pumped and jets that fluid through 44 nozzles "N” and impacts the shear plate "P" at very high velocity at “M” 90 degrees to the fluid entering the pump. The total fluid "V" and "N" travels down the shear plate to “T" where the fluid is further sheared due to the shapeand speed of the plate tip.3. Explanation of modelWJQ 5" 6J-10I Turbine nominal dia.(Inches)Seal form Pump inlet dia. (Inches) Pump outlet dia. (Inches) Turbine shear pump4. Performance Table(Table 1)ModelCapacit y (mh)Head(m)Speed (r/min)Efficiency(%)NPSH(m)Power(kw)Shaft powerMotorpowerWJQ5 6JC-101553222802834655WJQ5 6JC-101553222802834675Performance curve:WJQ56JC-105. Structural drawingFig. 3 WJQ5HX6"JC-10H Shear pump parts list(Table 2)Item No.Qty.Part NameItem No.Qty.Part name11Pump Case274Nut21Impeller assembly284Washer31Shear Plate291Press plate assembly41Strengthening board301O-Ring(55 X51Protecting board311Stuffing61Stuffing Box321Pin71Right cover331Shaft sleeve82Oil XX12341Machine seal92Bearing(2313)351Reinforce sleeve101Oil hole cover361Cap Nut111Pump seat371Nut121Bearing Housing381Washer1310-Ring(140X391Front ProtectingPlate142Bearing(7311AC/DB)1510-Ring(125X161Grease cup172Lock Nut182Lock Washer191Left cover201Oil XX10213Shaft221Oil mark231Pipe plug ZG1/2241Mud throwing ring251Pipe plug ZG3/4264Bolt6. Guide to installation, operation and maintenance of the WJQ5"X6"JCT0" shear pump.ForewordThe general problems to installation, operation and maintenance of the WJQ5" X 6"J-10" shear pump are introduced in the guide(for your information only), please contact our company for insolvable problems in this guide and will be replied in time.EmphasesOperate the pump only in the performance range and service for which it was designed.This pump employs mechanial seal as its primary seal and packing seal as its secondary seal. Packing seal can be compacted only when mechanical seal is disabled. Otherwise, the seal may be damaged.No-load running time of the pump cannot exceed 5s. The pump must run under the condition of being filled with liquid slurry. Otherwise, the mechanical seal may be damaged.Installation厂1丁F "Isy:Flow diagram of WJQ5'X6"JT0" shear pump installation systemThe shear pump system is formed by shear pump, mixing hopper, pipeline and polymer/clay hydrator. For installation and transportation, the polymer/clay hydrator is formed by a separate compartment.WJQ5' 6JC-10 Shear pump SketchFlange Dimensions (inch)(Table 3)FlangeDNDdb (mm)n-dDischarge Flange51081/2268-7/8Suction Flange6113/891/2268-7/8Note: DN-Flange inside dia., D-Flange outside dia., bolt circle, b-Flange thickness, n-dNo.& size of bolt holes.WJQ5X6"JC10"Shear pump assembly list(Table 4)ItemQty.Part NameIte mQty.Part Name11Base-plate116Clevis Pin with Head21Shear Pump126Split Pin38Bolt132Stud48Washer144Nut54Nut154Narrow V-belt(15)61Electric Motor (55kw/75KW)161Driving Pulley71Key81Expanding Sleeve91Drive Pulley101HoodPump installationThe pump should be located near the liquid source so that the suction line can be short and reduce losses. The foundation should be sufficiently rigid and substantial to absorb any vibration and support the base plate at all points. The base plate should be installed in a level position.Pulley installationA. The axes of two pulleys must be parallel to each other and the end surface error can not exceed 2mm.B. The belts should be aligned and tightened.C. The electric motor must be mounted stably. Connection of suction pipesA. The suction line should be equal to or larger than the pump suction.B. The capacity of a centrifugal pump should never be adjusted by throttling the suction line, but a positive shut-off valve of a type to cause minimal turbulence should be installed in the suction line to permit the closing of the line for removal of the pump for inspection and maintenance.C. The suction line should be designed to eliminate any air pockets. The pipes should gradually slope downwards to the supply source to eliminate air pockets. Please use a vacuum pump or foot valve for priming if you operate the pump the pump under the condition of suction lift.D. The suction line should have a straight section into the pump of a length equivalent to at least two times its diameter.E. For temporary hook-up when flexible hose is used, a non-collapsing hose is essential since the suction line pressure is often below atmospheric pressure. A collapsed suction line will result in below average or complete loss of flow.Discharge pipesA. A positive shut-off valve should be located in the discharge pipe to permit the closing the line for removal of the pump for inspection and maintenance.B . All pipes(including suction pipes) should be independently supported and accurately aligned. The pump must not support the weight of pipe or compensate for misalignment.C. If operating conditions are not known with sufficient accuracy, it will be necessary to provide a throttle valve in the discharge line to ensure that the pump operates at the design point.D. If the pump is connected to a pressurized system, it is important to install a check valve between


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