The Importance Of Creativity,Creativity is the key to a brighter future.With the development of society,it gets more and more important.We are entering a new area,full of opportunities and challlenges.,In Scientific,Creativity is the vitality of scientific housingEvery major scientific discovery began with someone imagining the world to look from the way others saw it.Imagine the world in a new way.The more creative we are,the more achievement we will attain.,Tuyouyou,who find a new kind of drug which treat with malaria.,Newton,who discovered law of universal gravitation.,In daily life,Regarding life as the salt of life,which transfers boring life into colorful and meaningful.Being creative,we will acquire more ability and insight.Therefore,those who are creative are always capable and enjoy life.,In Enterprise Development,Unlimited creativity,unlimited wealth.In the creative economy,we must always study the new problems and find new things to keep pace with times,otherwise we may fall behind and become a stumbing block.,Job Stephen and iphone VS NOKIA,