Manipulator is now used as a industrial robots in use, the control objectives often appear often in industrial automation. Industrial automation technology has gradually matured, as mature a technology line has been rapid development in industrial automation as a separate subject. Manipulator application began to filter into welding, logistics, mechanical processing, and other industries. Especially at high or very low temperatures, full of poisonous gases, high radiation case, robot in similar circumstances showed great use also brings great convenience to the staff. Precisely because of this robot to get people's attention began to be a high degree of development. Labor rates, working conditions, labor intensive aspects of promoting development. Both at home and abroad to develop the PLC (programmable logic controller) is in various special circumstances and under special conditions set for mechanical devices. Now turned on the development of the microelectronics automatic control technology and the rapid development of the trains, the success of PLC hardware software and simulation control win big and successful development, now continues to develop as a factory automation standards. Because robots are good development of the technology makes a good optimization of productive capital, and robot shows this unique advantages, such as: has good compatibility, wide availability, hardware is complete, and programming that can be mastered in a short time, so in the context of industrial PLC applications became ubiquitous. Manipulator in many developed country agriculture and industry has been applied, such as the use of mechanical harvesting large areas of farmland, repeated operations on the high-speed line that uses a robotic arm, and so on. Today, the high level of automation combined with restrictions on the manipulator development level is slightly lower than the international. The design is mainly arm welding machine by PLC Automation control. This of design let designers on in school by learn of has a must of consolidation, understand has some usually didn't opportunities awareness in world range within some leading level of knowledge has has must awareness, hope designers can in yihou of design in the can success of using in this design in the proceeds of experience 1.2 manipulator in both at home and abroad of research profile automation mechanical arm research began Yu 20th century medium-term, after years with with computer and automation technology of development, Makes mechanical arm on the Grand stage of industrial automation and shine, gradually became an industrial evaluation standards, and its importance can be seen. Now original robotic arm spent most of mass production and use on the production line, which is programmed robotic arm. As the first generation of manipulator position control systems main features, although not back several generations that can detect the external environment, but can still successfully complete like welding, painting, delivery as well as for materials simple movements. Second generation mechanical arms are equipped with sensors and manipulators have the environment there is a certain amount of "sense", when the mechanical arm is to use the program as a basis. Difference is that the robot begand22框筒结构电信大厦编制日期:2004年5月10日编制单位:目录第一卷 工程概况及说明3第一章 工程概况、特点3第二卷 工程的组织机构7第一章 工程技术管理机构7第二章 经济技术管理机构8第三卷 施工准备与部署13第一章 施工准备工作13第二章 施 工 部 署14第三章 施工临时用电方案16第四卷 施工方案及冬雨季施工21第一章 主要项目施工方法21第一节 场地整平及护砌工程21第二节 大直径灌注桩工程21第三节 地下结构工程35一、 1围堰与支护的设置35二、 2土方开挖50三、 3基坑排水64四、 4模板支设64五、 5钢筋绑扎安装65六、 6混凝土浇筑66第四节 吊装工程69第五节 爆破拆除工程71第二章 季节性施工措施78第五卷 施工进度计划及保证措施82第六卷 工程质量保证措施83第一章 质量目标及保证体系83第二章 保证工程质量措施83第一节 质量的过程控制措施84第二节 质量管理措施85第七卷 工程安全、消防保卫措施86第一章 安全措施86第二章 消防、保卫工作86第一节 消防、保卫工作87第八卷 成本控制与节约措施88第九卷 现场安全文明施工89第一章 文明施工与环保措施89第二章 履约保证措施89第十卷 施工总平面布置82第一卷 工程概况及说明第一章 工程概况、特点图5-58 电信大厦剖面图本工程由主楼、附楼两部分组成,主楼建筑面积27005,附楼建面积3000。主楼为框筒结构,平面尺寸30m×30m(轴距),地下两层,地上楼体23层,塔楼8层,共33层。首层层高3.9m,2层3.6m,323层4.2m,建筑物总高150m(图5-58)。主楼为箱形基础,底板下皮标高-11.50m,自然地坪标高-1.9m,基础埋深9.60m。底板厚1.8m,底板下为直径800mm、长32.1m的钢筋混凝土灌注桩248根。主楼平面双向均为5个开间,柱网间距为6m、7m两种,四角为4个筒体,其余部分为框架。除筒体外整个楼板为钢筋混凝土现浇密肋楼盖,密肋梁中距1.2m。主楼局部外墙、附楼外墙采用无砂大孔陶粒混凝土砌块,内墙采用轻质隔墙。标准层平面见图5-59。外檐装饰13层为花岗岩板,3层以上为银白色复合铝合金板及玻璃幕。内墙除普通抹灰外,营业厅有花岗岩墙面,会议室有吸声墙面,电池室有耐酸瓷砖墙面等。楼地面有花岗石、水磨石、地面砖、耐酸瓷砖、木地板等。吊顶为吸声顶棚、防潮顶棚、保温顶棚等。图5-59 标准层平面图楼内设两部楼梯,三部电梯。工艺用房有机房、线房、非话机房、发展机房、微波机房、电力电池房、数据库、电话会议室、交换台、充气室、线务室、办公室等。附楼内为办公及营业大厅。设备管线系统有供水系统(冷、热),排水系统,空调系统,供电系统,供热系统,火警系统,烟感温感自动灭火系统。通迅方面内设两个方向128孔,有微波通信、非话通迅、移动通讯、长途自动交换台,微波天线为四方八面。主楼主要实物工作量见表5-25。主 楼 主 要 实 物 量 表 表5-25 项 目单位数量项目单位数量灌注桩混凝土地下连续墙混凝土土 方支护钢结构地下室混凝土主体结构混凝土塔楼混凝土砌 体m3m3m3tm3m3m3m3519910871477412748371480011653770内檐墙柱抹灰吊顶顶棚花岗岩地面水磨石地面水泥地面外墙玻璃幕外墙铝合金墙板221586700156017500304069907290计划采用的新技术、新工艺、新材料如下:(1)采用地下连续墙加钢管内支撑进行深基坑支护;(2)地下室混凝土掺加UEA膨胀剂形成自防水混凝土;(3)主体结构采用早拆支撑螺旋调节器和塑料模壳支模;(4)框架柱钢筋接头采用电渣压力焊和套管挤压;(5)外檐采用整体爬升脚手架;(6)外檐装饰采用复合铝合金板及玻璃幕;(7)采用干挂法施工外檐花岗岩饰面。第二卷 工程的组织机构第一章 工程技术管理机构20mL30mL water washing tapered bottle and the residue, merged filtrate Yu measuring arsenic tapered bottle in the, makes general product about for 50ml around. 38.1.2 vegetables and fruits: weighing 1.00g10.00g into homogenized or chopped into powder sample, reset the 100mL with an Erlenmeyer flask add equal amounts of concentrated hydrochloric acid, add 10mL20mL hydrochloric acid solution, according to 38.1.1 "for 70 ° c water bath." action according to law. 38.1.3 meat and seafood: weighing .d M1-quality of samples for the determination of arsenic in the solution, in micrograms (g g); M2-of arsenic in the reagent blank quality, measured in micrograms (g g); M3-mass or volume of the sample, expressed in grams or milliliters (mL or g). Results to two significant figures. 40 precision under repeatability conditions obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent test results shall not exceed the arithmetical average of the 10%. Section I of the seventh chapter of food testing in aquatic products and testing of dried seafood seafood and aquatic senses sensory identification of differential diagnosis when the quality of aquatic products and its products, mainly through the cuticles, fresh levels, colour, odour, fleshy flexibility and cleanliness of sensory evaluation. For aquatic products, first of all is to watch how fresh it, does have a certain life, followed by the appearance of integrity, notice that there are no injuries, able to fall off, separated; again, is to observe the health and cleanliness of the body surface, that is, free from dirt and impurities. Then its color, smell its scent, ifmanipulator control mode and programmable controllers introduction 2.1 Select discussion with manipulator control 2.1.1 classification of control relays and discrete electronic circuit can control old industrial equipment, but also more common. Mainly these two relatively cheap and you can meet the old-fashioned, simple (or simple) industrial equipment. So he can see them now, however these two control modes (relay and discrete electronic circuits) are these fatal flaws: (1) cannot adapt to the complex logic control, (2) only for the current project, the lack of compatibility and (3) not reforming the system with equipment improvements. Spring for the development of China's modern industrial automation technology the substantial increase in the level of industrial automation, completed the perfect relay of the computer too much. In terms of controlling the computer showed his two great advantages: (1) each of the hardware can be installed on one or more microprocessors; (2) the official designer of the software writing content control is all about. Now in several ways in the context of industrial automation can often be seen in three ways: (1) Programmable Logical Controller (referred to as IPC); (2) Distributed Control System (DCS for short), and (3) the Programmable Logical Controller (PLC for short). 2.1.2 PLC and the IPC and DCS contrast contrast 1, each of the three technologies of origins and development requirements for fast data processing makes it invented the computer. The men brought in terms of hardware there, using a high level of standardization, can use more compatibility tools, is a rich software resources, especially the need for immediacy in operational systems. So the computer can effectively control is used to control and meet its speed, on the virtual model, real-time and in computational requirements. Distributed system started with a control system for industrial automatic instrument used to control, whereas now it is successfully developed into industrial control computer used as a central collection and distribution system and transition of distributed control system in analogue handling, loop control, has begun to reflect the use of a huge advantage. Though distributed system has great advantages in loop regulation, but only as a means of continuous process control. Optimization of PLC is the corresponding relay needs was born, its main use in the work order control, early primary is replaced relay this hulking system, focused on the switch controlling the running order of functions. Marked by the microprocessor in the early 1970 of the 20th century emerged, micro-electronics technology has developed rapidly, people soon microelectronics processing technology will be used in the Programmable Logical Controller (that is- 7 -第二章 经济技术管理机构公 司 经 理宋 国 军财务科水电处设备科生产科材料科项 目 经 理周 柏 松计育 周划专 荣生干 喜生统 罗 计 军出 华 连纳 佳会 华 登计 美宣 管传 理政 检策 查, 、计 办生 证建 负立 责统 各计 项台 报帐 表, 发 务票 计审 帐核 核对 算财 工 料程 款款 工拔 资付 发, 放材 1、施工员近几年来承担工程的施工经历及业绩周宏军,男,现年30岁,中专文化,土建工程师,施工员经历8年,该项目任施工员。1998年12月竣工的衡阳市计生委服务大楼任施工员,该工程框架八层,建筑面积8587平方米,跨度14米,合同工期420天,施工工期380天,竣工验评时一次被评为98度湖南省优质工程湘建(1999)建字第196号文件,衡阳市优质工程衡建工字(1999)第18号文件,市优良工程(98衡质监字第96号),芙蓉奖工程,现场文明施工受到衡阳市建工局、建设单位一致好评,在施工过程中未发生过任何安全、质量事故。1997年9月竣工的衡阳市国税分局综合楼工程任施工员,该工程框混结构七层,建筑面积6980平方米,跨度13米,合同工期320天,施工工期320天,竣工验评时一次被评为衡阳市优良工程(97衡质监字第07号证书)。现场文明施工受到衡阳市建工局、建设单位一致好评,在施工过程中未发生过任何安全、质量事故。2、质检员近几年来承担工程的施工经历及业绩张克武,男,现年40岁,中专文化,土建工程师,该项目作质检员。1996年10月竣工的核工业四一五医院门诊楼工程,任质检员。该工程框架六层,建筑面积6400平方米,跨度14米,合同工期300天,施工工期290天,竣工验评时,一次被评为湖南省优质样板工程、衡阳市优质样板工程。现场文明施工受到衡阳市建工局、建设单位一致好评。在施工过程中未发生过任何安全、质量事故。1999年6月竣工的衡阳市邮电局南岳培训中心工程任质检员。该工程框混九层,建筑面积10358平方米,跨度14米,合同工期390天。施工工期380天,1998年9月份被评为“湖南省施工现场综合考评样板工程”、99年年度湖南省优质工程湘建(2000)建字第136号文件、衡阳市优良工程(99衡监字第43号证书)、衡阳市优质工程(衡建工字2000第20号)、金雁奖工程(衡建工字2000第19号)。在施工过程中未发生过任何安全、质量事故。1997年9月竣工的衡阳市国税务局二分局综合楼工程,任质检员。该工程框混结构七层,建筑面积6980平方米,跨度13米,合同工期320天,施工工期320天,竣工验评时一次被评为衡阳市优良工程(97衡监字第07号证书)。现场文明施工受到衡阳市建工局、建设单位一致好评,在施工过程中未发生过任何安全、质量事故。3、安全员近几年承担工程的施工经历及业绩伍团结,男,现年31年,中专文化,土建工程师,该项目任安全员。1995年8月竣工的衡阳市人事局综合楼工程,任安全员。该工程框混结构七层,建筑面积4190平方米,跨度14米,合同工期280天,施工工期为260天,竣工验评一次被子评为湖南省优质样板工程、衡阳市优质样板工程,现场文明施工受到衡阳市建工局、建设单位一致好评,在施工过程中未发生过任何安全、质量事故。1999年6月竣工的衡阳市邮电局南岳培训中心工程任安全员。该工程框混九层,建筑面积10358平方米,跨度14米,合同工期390天,施工工期380天,1998年9月份被评为“湖南省施工现场综合考评样板工程”、99年年度湖南省优质工程湘建(2000)建字第136号文件、衡阳市优良工程(99衡监字第43号证书)、衡阳市优质工程(衡建工字2000第20号)、金雁奖工程(衡建工字2000第19号)。在施工过程中未了生过任何安全、质量事故。1998年5月竣工的衡阳市高新技术开发区水口山矿务局3号住宅楼工程,任安全员。该工程混合结构八层,建筑面积3700平方米,跨度13米,合同工期180天,施工工期160天,竣工验评时一次被评为衡阳市优良工程(98衡监字第09号证书),在施工过程中未发生过任何安全、质量事故。4、资料员近几年承担工程的施工经历及业绩何怀军,男,现年31年,大专文化,土建工程师,该项目任资料员。1998年8月竣工的衡阳市农校食堂、礼堂工程任资料员,该工程框架结构三层,建筑面积3909平方米,跨度21米,合同工期280天,施工工期270天,竣工验评时一次被评为市优良工程(98衡监字第38号证书),现场文明施工受到衡阳市建工局、建设单位一致好评,在施工过程中未发生过任何安全、质量事故。1999年8月竣工的衡阳市卫生学校教学楼工程,任资料员。该工程框混九层,建筑面积8500平方米,跨度13米,合同工期300天,施工工期280天,在施工过程中和竣工验评时分别获得安全部检优良工程(湘安监0799安监字第008号),衡阳市优质工程(衡建工字2000第20号)、金雁奖工程(衡建工字2000第19号),99年度湖南省施工现场考评综合样板工程(铜牌),99年度衡阳市施工现场综合考评样板工程(证书),衡阳市优良工程(99衡质监字第88号),国家安全达标优良项目(衡建工字1999第45号文件),湖南省优质工程(湘建2000建字第136号文件),在施工过程中未发生过任何安全、质量事故。第三卷 施工准备与部署第一章 施工准备工作(1)施工现场非常狭窄,现场内不能形成循环道路,因此在西面、南面设两个进出口,进出口处在现场浇筑60mm厚混凝土地面。(2)场地原有老房基础影响桩机钻孔,进场后先对地下障碍进行处理,用挖土机泛槽1.5m,清出地下障碍物,然后进行平整碾压。(3)组织技术人员收集学习深基坑支护的有关资料,掌握深基坑支护技术的概况和现状。(4)摸清大直径钢管支撑的货源、价格,了解灌注桩、地下连续墙施工队伍的设备、技术水平等状况,为选择可靠的分包队伍作准备。(5)经计算,现场施工用电设两台315kVA变压器(计算过程略)。(6)该工程由于采用商品混凝土,结构施工用水量不大,装修阶段用水量一般,经过比较,基础灌注桩、地下连续墙施工用水量最大,因此以灌注桩、地下连续墙及消防用水为依据,计算出供水管径为100mm(计算过程略)。(7)施工设备机具计划见表5-26。施 工 设 备 机 具 计 划 表5-26 名 称规格单位数量名 称规格单位数量推土机潜水钻机液压抓斗挖土机塔吊电梯电焊机对焊机切断机吊车卷扬机T3-100型BH12200HC76-BX3-250100kWGJ5-4016t、40tJJM-3台台台台台台台台台台台1311111222各12砂浆搅拌机高压水泵混凝土输送泵发电机蛙夯磨石机纸筋灰浆机电锯无齿锯电动吊篮龙门架HJZ-2002B-19型IPF-185BHW-201型350台台台台台台台台台套套3221220224163第二章 施 工 部 署(1)本工程采用项目法施工,组建项目工程部。项目工程部由项目经理、项目工程师、工长、计划员、质量员、安全员、预算员、成本员、器材组组成。(2)总施工顺序:场地处理地下连续墙施工灌柱桩施工土方开挖基础结构施工回填土主体结构施工附楼主体施工主、附楼装修施工设备管道安装室外配套工程施工竣工。主体平面面积较小,主体施工不分流水段。(3)施工进度计划桩基及地下连续墙工程3个月土方及支撑安装1个月地下室结构2.5个月地上主体结构7.5个月塔楼结构2个月内外装饰工程15.5个月 (与塔楼及主体穿插进行)安装工程8.5个月室外工程1.5个月总工期30个月各阶段实行穿插作业,主体到达8层时插入砌墙施工,主体到16层时插入内檐底灰施工,在8层、16层设隔离层,把漏水孔洞控制在最小限度,防止上层抹灰浇水时对下层抹灰的冲刷。具体计划见施工进度网络图(图5-60)。图5-60 施工进度网络计划及劳动力曲线图(主楼)(4)垂直运输设备布置:在建筑物西侧设德国利勃海尔200HC塔吊一台,最大工作幅度60m,最大起重量8t,最小起重量2.3t,吊钩高度可达180m,负责钢筋、模板的运输。主体到8层时设龙门架两台,主体到10层后,在建筑物南侧设一台附壁式人货电梯,负责砌墙、抹灰材料的运输。因受塔节数量限制,该塔吊只能完成100m以下的垂直运输,因此塔楼施工时在98m屋顶上靠塔楼搭设龙门架一座,塔楼施工所需的工具和混凝土先由塔吊运至98m屋顶,再用龙门架运至施工面。第三章 施工临时用电方案施工用电负荷计划序号名称规格单位数量装接容量(KW)最大操作容量(KW)小计1砼搅拌机台22020202砂浆搅拌机M3-20013333立升机SSB80-8011616164照 明2020205泥浆泵12366振动泵41.11.14.47电焊机121(KVA)21(KVA)21(KVA)8钢筋加工设备11818189木工加工设备1151818合计容量 105.4(KW)+21(KVA)电流选择三相五线制线路一路35(mm2)用线负荷能力250(A),故此在该施工区一路35(mm2)用线能满足用电。250(A)>232(A)c、配电线路、配电箱设计根据用电负荷的容量表明,主电源线用3×35mm2+2×15mm2电力电缆穿钢管埋地引入施工现场配电室。根据需要装一个总配电箱,六个分配电箱和一个照明配电箱,配电箱应装设在干燥、通风、常温场所,周围不得堆放任何妨碍操作、维修的物品。配电箱应采用标准铁配电箱(核工业第二十五公司自动化设备厂生产),应装设端正、牢固,下底与地面的垂直距离1.4米,PX6移动式分配电箱,下底与地面的垂直距离为1米,严禁用木板做箱体。所有配电箱均采用TN-S系统,三级配电并有二级漏电保护装置,一机一闸,每机都要重复接地。所有配电箱由专业电工负责开启,并有醒目的标志。d、防雷立升机顶端应装设一根4米长的金属避雷针,以防雷击。e、安全用电电气装置和线路周围,禁止堆放易燃、易爆、强腐蚀介质,禁止使用火源。在电气装置相对集中的场所,如配电箱所在地等,应配置绝缘灭火器材,并严禁烟火,有禁止烟火的标志。施工项目负责及专业电工应对所用现场工作人员进行电气防火宣传教育,提高防火意识。发现问题及时处理。在施工现场专用的中性点直接接地的低压电力线路,必须采用TN-S接零保护系统,保护零线可由配电室的零线引出,采用绿、黄双色线,与工作零线分开,单独敷设,不作它用。保护零线在配电线路始端、中间和末端至少三复接地。电气设备正常情况下不带电的金属外壳、框架、轨道、金属操作台等均作保护零线,且不得一部分设备作保护零线。临时用电与外电线路的安全距离,应按JGJ46-88施工现场临时用电安全技术规范,采用相应的防护措施。