' wages in arrears. 2.5 organization a group of high quality excellent construction team, responsible for construction. Project optimization, choose in the main technicians from company employees. 2.6 in the course of construction, maintain close contacts with Labor departments, according to the project plan in full and on time, quality of labour provided. 2.7 the operator entry, admission to education and technology to give the low-down the project, make it clear the quality of projects and various operational requirements, and sign a labour agreement, defining their responsibilities and rights. 2.8 project to formulate a detailed service assessment methods and approach evaluation in a timely manner, unsatisfactory services exit in a timely manner, notify the Labor Department added to reward the good services to ensure project quality and progress. 2.9 in the labor Primary materials, components dosage name unit number notes drainage project security plan materials cast iron manhole cover 161 on October 1-November 20 cast iron rainwater grate level of 420 October 1 November 20 reinforced 10 t 12.96 coarse clean sand M3 155 September 11-October 1 November 20 November 20 m3 453 NET sand gravel 40mm M3 113 on September 11 in the September 11 to December 20-November 2 0 days thousand machine brick block 541 P.C32.5 t 185.4 on September 8, 2010-January 30, 2011 October 1 November 20 cement reinforced concrete pipes 1200 m 925 on September 11 to November 20 reinforced concrete pipe of 1800 1500 m 325 on September 11 to November 20 reinforced concrete pipe reinforced concrete pipes m 107 on September 11 to November 20 2000 m 96 on September 11 to November 20 bars Concrete pipe diameter of 2200 m 46 on September 11 to November 20 HDPE pipe DN400 m 540 on September 11 to November 20 DN300 m 1399 on September 11 to November 20 HDPE HDPE pipe tube DN600 m 950 on September 11 to November 20 DN800 m 1692 on September 11 to November 20 HDPE HDPE pipe tube DN1000 m 290 on September 11 to November 20 pumped commercial concrete impermeability P6C25 (corrosion-resistant) M3 279 September 11-November 20, pump-delivery commodity concrete C15 M3 1797 September 11-November 20, pump-delivery commodity concrete C25 (corrosion-resistant) M3 80 on September 11 to November 20 road projects in coarse clean sand M3 688 November 1 December 30 clean sand M3 105 5-80mm M3 16206 November 2 August-December 17th of November 1 to December 30 gravel, gravel 40m M M3 5799 November 2 August-December 17th, rock fragment 15mm M3 8139 December 15 November 26 25-40mm M3 17876 December 15 November 26 gravel 60mm cement P.C32.5 t m3 18902 December 15 November 26 55.48 on September 8, 2010-January 30, 2011 Xiangfu East Road, Changsha, Wuhan-Guangzhou high-speed railway station construction project, Yuhua district, as well as the municipal level of the network's main road, construction of society and the concern of the public, according to the characteristics of the project,We will continue to improve the company's internal control system, and steady improvement in ability to manage and control, optimize business processes, to ensure smooth processes, responsibilities in place; to further strengthen internal controls, play a control post independent oversight role of evaluation complying with third-party responsibility; to actively make use of internal audit tools detect potential management, streamline, standardize related transactions, strengthening operations in accordance with law. Deepening the information management to ensure full communication "zero resistance". To constantly perfect ERP, and BFS+, and PI, and MIS, and SCM, information system based construction, full integration information system, achieved information resources shared; to expand Portal system application of breadth and depth, play information system on enterprise of Assistant role; to perfect daily run maintenance operation of records, promote problem reasons analysis and system handover; to strengthening BFS+, and ERP, and SCM, technology application of training, improve employees application information system of capacity and level. Humanistic care to ensure "zero." To strengthening Humanities care, continues to foster company wind clear, and gas are, and heart Shun of culture atmosphere; strengthening love helped trapped, care difficult employees; carried out style activities, rich employees life; strengthening health and labour protection, organization career health medical, control career against; continues to implementation psychological warning prevention system, training employees health of character, and stable of mood and enterprising of attitude, created friendly fraternity of Humanities environment. To strengthen risk management, ensure that the business of "zero risk". To strengthened business plans management, will business business plans cover to all level, ensure the business can control in control; to close concern financial, and coal electric linkage, and energy-saving scheduling, national policy trends, strengthening track, active should; to implementation State-owned assets method, further specification business financial management; to perfect risk tube control system, achieved risk recognition, and measure, and assessment, and report, and control feedback of closed ring management, improve risk prevention capacity. To further standardize trading, and strive to achieve "according to law, standardize and fair." Innovation of performance management, to ensure that potential employees "zero fly". To strengthen performance management, process control, enhance employee evaluation and levels of effective communication to improve performance management. To further quantify and refine employee standards . Work, full play party, and branch, and members in "five type Enterprise" construction in the of core role, and fighting fortress role and pioneer model role; to continues to strengthening "four good" leadership construction, full play levels cadres in enterprise development in the 外墙保温施工方案1 工程概况昌邑市文昌花园3#住宅楼为框剪结构,建筑面积8334,总总高度56m。外墙保温为50厚硬泡聚氨脂泡沫塑料板(PU板)薄抹灰保温涂料墙面。2 材料组成2.1聚氨脂泡沫塑料板(PU板)规格为1200mm×600mm×50mm,平头式,阻燃型,表观密度44kg/立方米,尺寸收缩率小于1.5%,吸水率小于1.5%。2.2 专用聚合物粘结、面层砂浆厂家已配制好,现场施工时加水用手持式电动搅拌机搅拌,重量比为水:聚合物砂浆等于1:5,可操作时间不小于2h。2.3 固定件采用自攻螺栓配合工程塑料膨胀钉固定聚氨脂泡沫塑料板(PU板),要求单个固定件的抗拉承载力标准值不小于 0.6kN。2.4 耐碱玻纤网格布用于增强保护层抗裂及整体性;孔径 4mm×4mm,宽度1000mm,每卷长度100m。3 施工要求及条件3.1 经建设单位、监理、总包、外保温施工单位联合验收1#住宅楼外墙体垂直、平整度满足规范要求,门窗框安装到位,空调板、阳台栏板、挑檐等突出墙面部位尺寸合格,办理交接单后即可进行施工。3.2 雨天施工时,须采取有效防雨措施,防止雨水冲刷刚施工完但粘结砂浆或面层聚合物砂浆尚未初凝的墙面。3.3 施工现场环境温度及找平层表面温度在施工中及施工后24h内均不得低于5,风力不大于 5 级。3.4 外墙保温防火隔离带沿建筑物高度每1层设置一道,即在每层设 50mm 厚岩棉,沿楼板设置,300宽水平防火隔离带。4 施工工具电热丝切割器或壁纸刀(裁聚氨脂泡沫塑料板及网格布用)、电锤(拧胀钉螺钉及打膨胀锚固件孔用)、根部带切割刀片的冲击钻钻头(为放固定件打眼用,切割刀片的大小、切入深度与膨胀钉头一致)、手持式电动搅拌器(搅拌砂浆用)、木锉或 粗砂纸(打磨用)、其他抹灰专用工具。5 工艺流程操作工艺流程如下:基层清理 刷专用界面剂 配专用聚合物粘结砂 预粘板边翻包网格布 粘贴聚氨脂泡沫塑料板(PU板) 钻孔安装固定件 聚苯板打磨、找平、清洁 中间验收 拌制面层聚合物砂浆 刷一遍专用界面剂 抹底层聚合物砂浆 粘贴网格布 抹面层聚合物抗裂砂浆 分格缝内填塞内衬、封密封胶 验收5.1 基层清理5.1.1 外墙面已经按照规定施工完毕,需要将表面的浮尘、杂物清除干净。5.1.2 要求粘贴聚氨脂泡沫塑料板(PU板)表面平整度偏差不超过 4mm,超差时对突出墙面处进 行打磨,对凹进部位进行找补(需找补厚度超过 6mm 时用 12.5 水泥砂浆抹灰,需找补厚度小于 6mm 时由保温施工单位用聚合物粘结砂浆实施找补;确保整个墙面的平整度在 4mm 内,阴阳角方正、上下通顺。5.2 配制砂浆5.2.1 施工使用的砂浆分为专用粘结砂浆及面层聚合物抗裂砂。5.2.2 施工时用手持式电动搅拌机搅拌,拌制的粘结砂浆重量比为水:砂浆=1:5,边加水边搅拌;搅拌时间不少于 5min,搅拌必须充分、均匀,稠度适中,并有一定黏度。5.2.3 砂浆调制完毕后,须静置 5min,使用前再次进行搅拌,拌制好的砂浆 应在 1h 内用完。5.3 刷专用界面剂一道 为增强聚氨脂泡沫塑料板(PU板)与粘结砂浆的结合力,在粘贴聚氨脂泡沫塑料板(PU板)前,在聚氨脂泡沫塑料板(PU板)粘贴面薄薄涂刷一道专用界面剂;待界面剂晾干后方可涂抹聚合物粘结砂浆进行墙面粘贴施工。5.4 预粘板端翻包网格布预粘板端翻包网格布在窗板、挑檐、阳台、空调板等位置预先粘贴板边翻包网格布,将不小于220mm 宽的网格布中的 80mm宽用专用粘结砂浆牢固粘贴在基面上(粘结砂浆厚度不得超过 2mm)后期粘贴聚氨脂泡沫塑料板(PU板)时再将剩余网格布翻包过来。5.5 粘贴聚氨脂泡沫塑料板(PU板)5.5.1 施工前,根据工程外墙立面的设计尺寸编制聚氨脂泡沫塑料板(PU板)的排板图,以达到节约材料、施工施工速度的目的。聚氨脂泡沫塑料板(PU板)以长向水平铺贴,保证连续结合,上下两排板须竖向错缝 1/2 板长,局部最小错缝不得小于 200mm。5.5.2 施工总包单位指定某一基面处理完成的楼层作为样板层交与外保温单位进行样板层施工。聚氨脂泡沫塑料板(PU板)的粘贴应从细部节点(如阳台、空调板、挑檐)及阴、阳角部位开始向中间进行。施工时要求在建筑物外墙所有阴阳角部位沿全高挂通线控制其顺直度(注:保温施工时控制阴阳角的顺直度而非垂直度),并要求事先用墨斗弹好底边水平线及 100mm 控制线,以确保水平铺贴,在区段内的铺贴由下向上进行。5.5.3 粘贴聚氨脂泡沫塑料板(PU板)时,板缝应挤紧,相邻板应齐平,施工时控制板间缝隙不得大于2mm,板间高差不得大于1.5mm。当板间缝隙大于 2mm 时,须用发泡聚氨脂将缝塞满,板条不得用砂浆或胶结剂粘结;板间平整度高差大于1.5mm的部位应在施工面层前用木锉、粗砂纸或砂轮打磨平整。图1 外墙聚氨脂泡沫塑料板排列示意图' wages in arrears. 2.5 organization a group of high quality excellent construction team, responsible for construction. Project optimization, choose in the main technicians from company employees. 2.6 in the course of construction, maintain close contacts with Labor departments, according to the project plan in full and on time, quality of labour provided. 2.7 the operator entry, admission to education and technology to give the low-down the project, make it clear the quality of projects and various operational requirements, and sign a labour agreement, defining their responsibilities and rights. 2.8 project to formulate a detailed service assessment methods and approach evaluation in a timely manner, unsatisfactory services exit in a timely manner, notify the Labor Department added to reward the good services to ensure project quality and progress. 2.9 in the labor Primary materials, components dosage name unit number notes drainage project security plan materials cast iron manhole cover 161 on October 1-November 20 cast iron rainwater grate level of 420 October 1 November 20 reinforced 10 t 12.96 coarse clean sand M3 155 September 11-October 1 November 20 November 20 m3 453 NET sand gravel 40mm M3 113 on September 11 in the September 11 to December 20-November 2 0 days thousand machine brick block 541 P.C32.5 t 185.4 on September 8, 2010-January 30, 2011 October 1 November 20 cement reinforced concrete pipes 1200 m 925 on September 11 to November 20 reinforced concrete pipe of 1800 1500 m 325 on September 11 to November 20 reinforced concrete pipe reinforced concrete pipes m 107 on September 11 to November 20 2000 m 96 on September 11 to November 20 bars Concrete pipe diameter of 2200 m 46 on September 11 to November 20 HDPE pipe DN400 m 540 on September 11 to November 20 DN300 m 1399 on September 11 to November 20 HDPE HDPE pipe tube DN600 m 950 on September 11 to November 20 DN800 m 1692 on September 11 to November 20 HDPE HDPE pipe tube DN1000 m 290 on September 11 to November 20 pumped commercial concrete impermeability P6C25 (corrosion-resistant) M3 279 September 11-November 20, pump-delivery commodity concrete C15 M3 1797 September 11-November 20, pump-delivery commodity concrete C25 (corrosion-resistant) M3 80 on September 11 to November 20 road projects in coarse clean sand M3 688 November 1 December 30 clean sand M3 105 5-80mm M3 16206 November 2 August-December 17th of November 1 to December 30 gravel, gravel 40m M M3 5799 November 2 August-December 17th, rock fragment 15mm M3 8139 December 15 November 26 25-40mm M3 17876 December 15 November 26 gravel 60mm cement P.C32.5 t m3 18902 December 15 November 26 55.48 on September 8, 2010-January 30, 2011 Xiangfu East Road, Changsha, Wuhan-Guangzhou high-speed railway station construction project, Yuhua district, as well as the municipal level of the network's main road, construction of society and the concern of the public, according to the characteristics of the project,of backbone backbone role; to full strengthening members youth work, full play youth employees in company development in the of force role; to improve independent Commission against corruption work level, strengthening on enterprise business key link of effectiveness monitored. , And maintain stability. To further strengthen publicity and education, improve the overall legal system. We must strengthen safety management, establish and improve the education, supervision, and evaluation as one of the traffic safety management mechanism. To conscientiously sum up the Olympic security controls, promoting integrated management to a higher level, higher standards, a higher level of development. Employees, today is lunar calendar on December 24, the ox Bell is about to ring, at this time of year, we clearly feel the pulse of the XX power generation company to flourish, to more clearly hear XX power generation companies mature and symmetry breathing. Recalling past one another across a railing, we are enthusiastic and full of confidence. Future development opportunities, we more exciting fight more spirited. Employees, let us together across 2013 full of challenges and opportunities, to create a green, low-cost operation, full of humane care of a world-class power generation company and work hard! The occasion of the Spring Festival, my sincere wish that you and the families of the staff in the new year, good health, happy, happy5.5.4 按照事先排好的尺寸(见图1)切割聚氨脂泡沫塑料板(用电热丝切割器),从拐角处垂直错缝连接,要求拐角处沿建筑物全高顺直、完整。5.5.5 用抹子在每块聚氨脂泡沫塑料板(PU板)周边涂 50mm 宽专用聚合物粘结砂浆,要求从边缘向中间逐渐加厚,最厚处达 10mm;注意在聚苯板的下侧留设 50mm宽的槽口, 以利于贴板时将封闭在板与墙体间的空气溢出。然后再在聚氨脂泡沫塑料板(PU板)上满抹聚合物粘结砂浆5.5.6 用满沾法涂好聚合物砂浆的聚氨脂泡沫塑料板(PU板)必须立即粘贴在墙面上,速度要快, 以防止粘结砂浆表面结皮而失去粘结作用。粘贴时不允许采用使板左右、上下错动的方式调整预粘贴板与已贴板间的平整度,而应采用橡胶锤敲击调整;目的是防止由于聚氨脂泡沫塑料板(PU板)左右错动而导致聚合物粘结砂浆溢进板与板间的缝隙内。5.5.7聚氨脂泡沫塑料板(PU板)按照上述要求贴墙后,用 2m靠尺反复压平,保证其平整度及粘结牢固,板与板间要挤紧,不得有缝,板缝间不得有粘结砂浆,否则该部位则形成冷桥。每贴完一块,要及时清除板四周挤出的聚合物砂浆;若因聚苯板切割不直形成缝隙,要用木锉锉直后再张贴。5.5.8聚氨脂泡沫塑料板(PU板)与基层粘结砂浆在铺贴压实后,砂浆的覆盖面积约占板面的100%,以保证聚氨脂泡沫塑料板(PU板)与墙体粘结牢固。5.5.9 网格布翻包:从拐角处开始粘贴大块聚氨脂泡沫塑料板(PU板)后,遇到阳台、窗洞口、 挑檐等部位需进行耐碱玻纤网格布翻包;即在基层墙体上用聚合物粘结砂浆预贴网格布,翻包部分在基层上粘结宽度不小于 80mm,且翻包网格布本身不得出现搭接(目的是避免面层大面施工时在此部位出现三层网格布搭接导致面层施工后露网)。见图3图3 门窗洞口附加网络布示意图5.5.10 在门窗洞口部位的聚氨脂泡沫塑料板(PU板),不允许用碎板拼凑,需用整幅板切割,其切割边缘必须顺直、平整、尺寸方正,其他接缝距洞口四边应大于200mm。见图4图4聚氨脂泡沫塑料板洞口处切割及接缝距离要求示意图5.5.11 为防止外窗漏水,本工程要求窗洞口四周侧壁的保温采用20厚聚氨脂泡沫塑料板(PU板)保温层,外窗台下口要求放坡3cm。5.5.12 在遇到脚手架连墙件等突出墙面且以后拆除的部位,按照整幅板预留,最后随拆除随进行收尾施工。56 安装固定件5.6.1 聚氨脂泡沫塑料板(PU板)粘结牢固后,应在 824h 内安装固定件,按照方案要求的位置用冲击钻钻孔,要求钻孔深度进入基层墙体内50mm(有抹灰层时,不包括抹灰层厚度)。5.6.2 固定件个数按照图 5要求放置(横向位置居中、竖向位置均分),任何面积大于 0.1m2 的单块板必须加固定件,且每块板添加数量不小于 4 个。图 5各层固定件布置图5.6.3 操作时,自攻螺栓需需拧紧,使用根部带切割刀片的冲击钻,切割刀片的大小、切入深度与钉帽相一致,将工程塑料膨胀钉的钉帽比聚苯板边表面略 拧紧一些;如此才可保证聚氨脂泡沫塑料板(PU板)表面平整,利于面层施工;同时方可确保膨胀钉尾部膨胀部分因受力回拧膨胀使之与基体充分挤紧。5.6.4 固定件加密:阳角、孔洞边缘及窗四周在水平、垂直方向 2m范围内需加密,间距不大于 300mm,距基层边缘为 60mm,如图 6 所示。图 5-6墙体边角、洞口处固定件示意图5.7 打底聚氨脂泡沫塑料板(PU板)接缝处表面不平时,需用衬有木方的粗砂纸打底。打磨动作要求为:呈圆周方向轻柔旋转,不允许沿着与聚氨脂泡沫塑料板(PU板)接缝平行方向打磨,打磨后用刷子清除聚氨脂泡沫塑料板(PU板)表面的碎屑。5.8 涂刷专用界面剂5.8.1聚氨脂泡沫塑料板(PU板)张贴及胀钉施工完毕经总包、监理验收合格后,在膨胀钉帽及 周圈50mm 范围内用毛刷均匀的涂刷一边专用界面剂。待界面剂晾干后,用面层聚合物砂浆对钉帽部位进行找平。要求塑料胀钉钉帽位置用聚合物砂浆找平后的表面与大面聚氨脂泡沫塑料板(PU板)平整。注:这样做的目的是为了避免顶帽位置由于面层聚合物粘结砂浆过厚,将来在成活后的面层出现流坠、干缩痕迹。5.8.2 待塑料胀钉钉帽位置聚合物砂浆干燥后,用辊子在聚氨脂泡沫塑料板(PU板)板面均匀的 涂一遍专用界面剂。5.9 抹第一遍面层聚合物抗裂砂浆5.9.1 在确定聚氨脂泡沫塑料板(PU板)表面界面剂晾干后进行第一遍面层聚合物砂浆施工。用抹子将聚合物砂浆均匀的抹在聚氨脂泡沫塑料板(PU板)上,厚度控制在 12mm 之间,不得漏抹。5.9.2 第一遍面层聚合物砂浆在滴水槽凹槽处抹至滴水槽槽口边即可,槽内暂不抹聚合物砂浆。5.9.3 伸缩缝内聚氨脂泡沫塑料板(PU板)端部及窗口聚氨脂泡沫塑料板(PU板)通槽侧壁位置要抹聚合物砂浆,以粘贴翻包网格布。5.10 埋贴网格布5.10.1 所谓埋贴网格布就是用抹子由中间开始水平预先抹出一段距离,然后向上向下将网格布抹平,使其紧贴底层聚合物砂浆。5.10.2 门窗洞口内侧周边及洞口四角均加一层网格布进行加强,洞口四