【AutoCAD三维建模 01 】拉升、倒角、并集【三维练习题01】 三维练习的第一题很简单,主要命令就是拉升、倒角,再加几个辅助命令。下面,是本习题的详细绘图步骤讲解,最后面是绘图步骤讲解的Flash动画演示: 1、打开CAD,先用二维的“矩形”命令,画1200*800和400*800两个矩形。 2、用二维的“移动”命令,将小的矩形移动到大的矩形上去,移动基点为小矩形的左上角,目的地为大矩形的左边线的中点。 3、点击“东南等轴侧视图”按钮,将绘图的界面转到东南视图,注意看一下,在东南视图下的UCS坐标的样式,XYZ的方向,这与其他视图是不同的。 4、从二维平面转换到三维实体,最主要的是2个命令:“拉伸建模”和“旋转建模”,现在用“拉伸”命令,拉伸高度600,注意UCS坐标中的Z轴,朝Z的方向为正向,输入拉伸的数值时是正值,反之,则为负值。UCS的坐标方向,在CAD三维绘图中的作用很大,希望能够引起足够的重视。 5、用与上一部相同的方法,将小的矩形也作拉伸,拉伸高度为450。 6、接下来做倒角,用到的倒角命令是二维的“倒角”命令,点击“倒角”命令后,点击大实体上的一条边,则CAD会选中一个基面,如图,但我们要选择的基面是顶面,则要输入“n”后回车,选下一个。 7、当CAD选中的基面转到顶面(虚线状况为选中的面),符合要求时,回车确认。 8、在CAD做三维用到倒角命令,一般是以边为倒角对象,边的两边有两个面,在选中的面这一边,是“基面”,另一边就是“其他面”,这个搞清了,倒角的距离就好办了。本题大的矩形倒角距离是:基面400,其他面300。 9、距离输好后,要选择需要倒角的边,选中后呈虚线状,如下图的两条边。如要倒角一圈,则要另输入“L”加以区分,以后会用到。 10、选中要倒角的边后,回车确认,倒角就完成了,看下图。 11、接下来继续为小实体做倒角,点击“倒角”命令后,点击小实体上的一条边,则CAD会选中一个基面,如图,但我们要选择的基面是顶面,则要输入“n”后回车,选下一个。 12、这时CAD会将选中的基面转到顶面(虚线状况为选中的面),符合要求时,回车确认。 13、小的矩形倒角距离是:基面200,其他面150。 14、距离输好后,要选择需要倒角的边,选中后呈虚线状,如下图的两条边。 15、回车确认后,小实体的倒角也完成了,看下图。 16、接着,做“并集”,点击“布尔运算”的“并集”按钮后,选中两个实体,回车确认,两个实体就合二为一了,成为一体了,如下图。 17、可以看看所画实体的消隐图,输入:“hide”命令,或快捷键:“hi”即可显示为消隐图,下图即为消隐图。 18、也可以点击:菜单上的“视图”,“着色”,“体着色”命令,看到着色图。 influence and the weak. In recent years, diversification of sources of rural middle school teachers, teachers ' professional qualities and also more uneven, and many young teachers lack expertise, competition consciousness and ability in the workplace also lead directly to the loss of students, affecting the social reputation of the school, to the construction and management of rural middle school teachers sounds the alarm. Therefore, in a certain sense, attention to professional growth of young teachers in middle schools in villages and towns, focus on the future development of rural middle school. According to yingde green Tang town middle school Township middle school young teachers professional development research subject research programme, we subject group in objective real, and science actual, and development need of principles, design survey questionnaire, full volume total 69 problem, main content is divided into three a part: first part: basic information second part: teachers professional development status, and is divided into eight a part: a, and teachers expertise and skills II, and teachers workload and burden three, and education resources and textbook using four, and research and teaching situation five, and The six teaching reflective behaviors of teachers, teachers ' learning and training in seven, teachers on the professional identity of eight, the leisure part teacher professional development of teachers through questionnaires, questionnaires, record computer processes such as statistical analysis, cost of the sky survey report. Second, the purpose of the investigation, methods and objects (a) the purpose of the survey the purpose of the survey is that real, comprehensive, fully understand our school (if there