2015 onwards, County County-6 townships field hospital personnel expenses according to 3800 per person per year into the budget allocated annually, effectively alleviate the hospital funding shortages. Third, accelerating the information construction of township. In 2015, put on by the fiscal part, self-financing part of medical institutions, build his system of Township to County 6. Four were speeding up standardization construction of rural health institutions. According to autonomous regions Government on issued XX Uighur Autonomous Regions township hospitals and village health room standardization construction implementation programme of notification (new deal do (2014) 68th,) spirit, the township hospitals according to standardization construction programme in the personnel configuration, and based facilities, and medical equipment, and service capacity four aspects specific requirements, is adjustment layout, and reasonable partition, and existing personnel optimization configuration, points three years strive to all reached standardization construction requirements. Currently, 2 hospitals (Riverside Township Center Hospital in town, Torrey Town Center Hospital), 29 village clinics meet the standards. Five is active in "building Township health centers in satisfaction of the masses". Job requirements formulated the "Township of XX County building to satisfy the crowd" implementation programme, held startup, crowd-pleasing Township and in accordance with the construction of evaluation index system for mapping and advance work. VI effectively enhance disease prevention and control and full implementation of a free health emergency vaccination measures vaccination rates of more than 95%.完 . And citellus undulatus 3 strains of Yersinia pestis bacteria was detected in organ and the adoption of autonomous region confirmed; completion of Hydatid disease serum check b-1000, 100 people, 200 sheep in the County slaughterhouse inspection 1-2; test salt 300 residents, iodized salt, 297, was 99%. Do a mortality surveillance work, 369 medical institutions to report the death card at all levels, a mortality rate of 2.3 per thousand. To further improve the County, Township and village levels and health emergency management system, constantly enrich the health emergency response teams, enhancing standardized management, and conscientiously implement the measles epidemic preparedness and response measures, continue to plague prevention and control work. VII the further strengthening of maternal and child health work further to strengthen maternal and child health service system and improve the management level and service quality of maternal and child health care institutions. 2015, County pregnancy maternal number 1400 people, system management 1235 people, management rate 88%; hospital delivery live produced number 1391 people, hospital delivery rate for 99%; no pregnancy maternal death; 3 age following children number 4648 people, system management 3956 people, management rate 85.12%; 7 age following children number 9989 people, accept 1 times above health service 8460 people, coverage 84.69%; annual live produced number 1400 people, newborn death number 9 people, mortality 7.56 ; 5 number of deaths of children under age 15, mortality in 12.61. Steadily implementation maternal and child health project, carried out rural pregnancy maternal hospital delivery grants 584 people, grants amount 292,000 yuan, completed 73%; carried out agricultural and pastoral areas women free cervical cancer check 焊 接 工 艺 规 程 产品编号 12222 项 目 焦化废气综合利用制烯烃 用 户 宁夏宝丰能源集团有限公司 位 号 160V1101 编 制 人 图 号 70-401/01 审 核 人 名 称 新鲜催化剂罐 会 签 共24页第1页 NO.08-03.1 共24页第2页 NO.08-03.1 焊 接 工 艺 规 程接 头 编 号 示 意 图示意图: A5-A6、A9-A10、A13-A14、WPS12222-20G-Fe1-15S-Fe1-21GTAW-Fe-6G-12/60-FefS-02/11/12SMAW-FeII-3G-12-Fef3J按工艺卡要求E2WPS12222-20S-Fe1-21SMAW- Fe-2G-12-Fef3J按工艺卡要求E1WPS12222-19S-Fe1-118 S-Fe1-21SMAW- Fe-4G-12-Fef3J按工艺卡要求D19、D20、D18、D17、D21、D22、D24、D23WPS12222-18S-Fe1-21SMAW-Fe-6G(K)-13/159-Fef4J按工艺卡要求B31WPS12222-17S-Fe1-118 S-Fe1-21SMAW-FeII-6G(K)-13/159-Fef3J按工艺卡要求D2、D16WPS12222-16S-Fe1-118 S-Fe1-21SMAW-FeII-6G(K)-13/159-Fef3JSMAW-FeII-5FG(K)-13/57-Fef3J按工艺卡要求D5、D7、D8、D13、D14、D15WPS12222-15 S-Fe1-21SMAW-FeII-6G(K)-13/159-Fef3JSMAW-FeII-5FG(K)-13/57-Fef3J按工艺卡要求D11WPS12222-14G-Fe1-13 G-Fe1-164S-Fe1-01 S-Fe1-132GTAW-Fe-6G-12/60-FefS-02/11/12SMAW-FeII-1G(K)-12-Fef3JSMAW-FeII-2FG(K)-12/57-Fef3J按工艺卡要求D4WPS12222-13S-Fe1-21 SMAW-FeII-1G(K)-12-Fef3JSMAW-FeII-5FG(K)-13/57-Fef3J按工艺卡要求D1、D12WPS12222-12S-Fe1-118 S-Fe1-21SMAW-FeII-6G(K)-13/159-Fef3JSMAW-Fe-5FG(K)-13/57-Fef3J按工艺卡要求D3、D6、D9、D10WPS12222-11S-Fe1-118 S-Fe1-21SMAW-FeII-6G(K)-13/159-Fef3JSMAW-FeII-5FG(K)-13/57-Fef3J按工艺卡要求B20WPS12222-10G-Fe-119GTAW-Fe-6G-12/60-FefS-02/11/12按工艺卡要求B18、B19WPS12222-9G-Fe-1-164S-Fe1-118GTAW-Fe-6G-12/60-FefS-02/11/12SMAW-FeII-1G(K)-12/60-Fef3J按工艺卡要求B14、B22WPS12222-8G-Fe-53S-Fe1-01GTAW-Fe-6G-12/60-FefS-02/11/12SMAW-FeII-1G(K)-12/60-Fef3J按工艺卡要求B15、B16、B17、B21、B23WPS12222-7G-Fe-53S-Fe1-01GTAW-Fe-6G-12/60-FefS-02/11/12SMAW-FeII-1G(K)-12/60-Fef3J按工艺卡要求B4-B13WPS12222-6G-Fe1-15S-Fe1-21GTAW-Fe-6G-12/60-FefS-02/11/12SMAW-FeII-6G(K)-13/159-Fef3J按工艺卡要求BI、B2、B3WPS12222-5G-Fe1-15S-Fe1-21GTAW-Fe-6G-12/60-FefS-02/11/12SMAW-FeII-6G(K)-13/159-Fef3J按工艺卡要求A48-A49WPS12222-4S-Fe1-118SMAW-FeII-1G(K)-12-Fef3J按工艺卡要求A36-A47WPS12222-3G-Fe1-15S-Fe1-21GTAW-Fe-6G-12/60-FefS-02/11/12SMAW-FeII-6G(K)-13/159-Fef3J按工艺卡要求A18-A35WPS12222-2G-Fe1-15S-Fe1-21GTAW-Fe-6G-12/60-FefS-02/11/12SMAW-FeII-3G-12-Fef3J按工艺卡要求A1-A4、A7-A8、A11-A12、A15-A17WPS12222-1M-Fe1-27SMAW-FeII-6G(K)-13/159-Fef3JSAW-1G(K)-07/09/19按工艺卡要求接头编号焊接工艺卡 编 号焊接工艺评定编号焊工持证项 目无损检测要 求 NO.08-03.3 共24页第 3 页 焊 接 工 艺 规 程焊 接 材 料 汇 总 表母 材焊条电弧焊SMAW埋弧焊SAW气体保护焊MIG/TIG/MAG焊条/规格焊材烘干温度及时间焊丝/规格焊 剂温度烘干 时间焊丝/规格保护气体纯 度Q345RJ507 3.2 4.0按焊条包装说明书执行H10Mn 4.0SJ101按包装说明书执行Q345R与20J507 3.2 4.020与20J427 3.2 4.0 JG-50 2.4Ar99.99%Q345R与16MnJ507 3.2 4.0 JG-50 2.4Ar99.99%Q345R与Q235BJ507 3.2 4.0注:其它结构件的焊接焊材选用及角焊缝焊脚高按图纸要求。焊 接 工 艺 规 程 版 次版 次阶 段说 明修改标记及处数编制人及日期审核人及日期备注容 器 技 术 特 性部 位设计压力MPa设计温度试验压力MPa气密试验压力MPa焊接接头系数容器类别备 注0.78/-0.1300/4501.261.0I NO.08-03.4 共24页第4页 焊 接 工 艺 规 程接 头 焊 接 工 艺 卡接头简图:焊 接 顺 序件 号11检查坡口尺寸,并清理。接 头 名 称锥形封头纵缝对接接头2按要求组对并点焊固定,30-50mm等距分布。接 头 编 号A1-A4、A7-A8、A11-A12、A15-A173SAW焊接内侧。焊 评 编 号M-Fe1-274外侧气刨清根打磨后SAW焊满。焊工持证项目SMAW-FeII-6G(K)-13/159-Fef3JSAW-1G(K)-07/09/195外观检查。 焊接工艺卡编号WPS12222-16100%RT无损检测。预 热 温 度15层 间 温 度15-250焊 后 热 处 理检验序号本厂特检院第三方或用户 1/2/5E母 材(1)Q345R厚度326HH母 材(2)Q345R厚度32层道焊接方法焊材及尺寸电流种类及极性焊接电流A电弧电压V焊接速度cm/min气 体 保 护 焊备 注钨极直径mm喷咀直径mm气体成份气体流量L/min脉冲频率脉宽比%正面背面定位焊SMAWJ507 4.0DCEP14017022-24内1-6SAWH10Mn2 4.0 SJ101DCEP48054032-3640-46外1-3SAWH10Mn2 4.0 SJ101DCEP52056032-3640-46 NO.08-03.4 共24页第5页 焊 接 工 艺 规 程接 头 焊 接 工 艺 卡接头简图:焊 接 顺 序件 号71检查坡口尺寸,并清理。接 头 名 称筒体纵缝对接接头2按要求组对并点焊固定,30-50mm等距分布。接 头 编 号A18-A353GTAW焊接打底。焊 评 编 号G-Fe1-15S-Fe1-214SMAW填充、盖面。焊工持证项目GTAW-Fe-6G-12/60-FefS-02/11/12SMAW-FeII-3G-12-Fef3J5外观检查。焊接工艺卡编号WPS12222-26100%RT无损检测。预 热 温 度15层 间 温 度15-250焊 后 热 处 理检 验序号本厂特检院第三方或用户1/2/5E母 材Q345R厚度286H母 材Q345R厚度28层道焊接方法焊材及尺寸电流种类及极性焊接电流A电弧电压V焊接速度cm/min气 体 保 护 焊备 注钨极直径mm喷咀直径mm气体成份气体流量L/min脉冲频率脉宽比%正面背面定位焊SMAWJ507 4.0DCEP14017022-24 内、外1GTAWJG-50 2.4DCEN12016011-158.0-122.510Ar8-12 内、外2 SMAWJ507 3.2DCEP12014020-2212-15内3-6SMAWJ507 4.0DCEP14017022-2414-18外3-4SMAWJ507 4.0DCEP14017022-2414-18 NO.08-03.4 共24页第6页 焊 接 工 艺 规 程接 头 焊 接 工 艺 卡接头简图:焊 接 顺 序件 号101检查坡口尺寸,并清理。接 头 名 称封头拼接对接接头2按要求组对并点焊固定,30-50mm等距分布。接 头 编 号A36-A473GTAW焊接打底。焊 评 编 号G-Fe1-15S-Fe1-214SMAW填充、盖面。焊工持证项目GTAW-Fe-6G-12/60-FefS-02/11/12SMAW-FeII-6G(K)-13/159-Fef3J5外观检查。焊接工艺卡编号WPS12222-36100%RT无损检测。预 热 温 度15层 间 温 度15-250焊 后 热 处 理检 验序号本厂特检院第三方或用户1/2/5E母 材Q345R厚度286H母 材Q345R厚度28层道焊接方法焊材及尺寸电流种类及极性焊接电流A电弧电压V焊接速度cm/min气 体 保 护 焊备 注钨极直径mm喷咀直径mm气体成份气体流量L/min脉冲频率脉宽比%正面背面定位焊SMAWJ507 4.0DCEP14017022-24 内、外1GTAWJG-50 2.4DCEN12016011-158.0-122.510Ar8-12 内、外2 SMAWJ507 3.2DCEP12014020-2212-15内3-6SMAWJ507 4.0DCEP14017022-2414-18外3-4SMAWJ507 4.0DCEP14017022-2414-18 NO.08-03.4 共24页第7页 焊 接 工 艺 规 程接 头 焊 接 工 艺 卡接头简图:焊 接 顺 序管 口 号8-1、8-21检查坡口尺寸,并清理。接 头 名 称人孔短接纵缝对接接头2按要求组对并点焊固定,等距分布。接 头 编 号A48-A493SMAW焊接内侧。焊 评 编 号S-Fe1-1184外侧清根、打磨清理。焊工持证项目SMAW-FeII-1G(K)-12-Fef3J5SMAW焊接外侧。焊接工艺卡编号WPS12222-46外观检查。预 热 温 度157100%RT无损检测。层 间 温 度15-250焊 后 热 处 理检 验序号本厂特检院第三方或用户1/2/6E母 材16MnR(Q345R)厚度127H母 材16MnR(Q345R)厚度12层道焊接方法焊材及尺寸电流种类及极性焊接电流A电弧电压V焊接速度cm/min气 体 保 护 焊备 注钨极直径mm喷咀直径mm气体成份气体流量L/min脉冲频率脉宽比%正面背面定位焊SMAWJ507 3.2DCEP12014020-22 内1SMAWJ507 3.2DCEP12014020-2212-15 内2-3 SMAWJ507 4.0DCEP14017022-2414-18外1-2SMAWJ507 4.0DCEP14017022-2414-18 NO.08-03.4 共24页第8页 焊 接 工 艺 规 程接 头 焊 接 工 艺 卡接头简图:焊 接 顺 序件 号11检查坡口尺寸,并清理。接 头 名 称锥形封头环缝对接接头2按要求组对并点焊固定,30-50mm等距分布。接 头 编 号B1、B2、B33GTAW焊接打底。焊 评 编 号G-Fe1-15S-Fe1-214SMAW填充、盖面。焊工持证项目GTAW-Fe-6G-12/60-FefS-02/11/12SMAW-FeII-6G(K)-13/159-Fef3J5外观检查。焊接工艺卡编号WPS12222-56100%RT无损检测。预 热 温 度15层 间 温 度15-250焊 后 热 处 理检验序号本厂特检院第三方或用户1/2/5E母 材(1)Q345R厚度326H母 材(2)Q345R厚度32层道焊接方法焊材及尺寸电流种类及极性焊接电流A电弧电压V焊接速度cm/min气 体 保 护 焊备 注钨极直径mm喷咀直径mm气体成份气体流量L/min脉冲频率脉宽比%正面背面定位焊SMAWJ507 4.0DCEP14017022-24内、外1GTAWJG-50 2.4DCEN12016011-158.0-122.510Ar8-12内、外2