第五章 不良地质现象及防治,第一节 Collapse(崩塌),一、Introduction The collapse is considered as a process of huge rock block rolling along mountain slop and stopping at the slope foot.The damage of collapse:building is damaged highway or railway is buried,so the traffic is intermitted blocking the river course,二、happening conditions and influencing factors 1)deep slope 2)hard rock and soft rock distributing in turn.A great many joints existing near the slope surface,软硬岩层相间,不利的结构面组合,岩性、节理与崩塌的关系,三 Prevention method 1)clearing the rock which is easy dropped using exploding and wedging 2)Injecting cement mortar to stabilize the dangerous rock body 3)To build protective wall to prevent falling rock,崩塌的防治方法,挡墙,护坡,支撑垛,钢轨插别,钢轨,拦石网,防崩塌明洞,崩塌的防治,第二节 landslide(滑坡),一.The definition of landslide The soil or rock body slide down along the fixed sliding surface on the action of gravity.The happening of landslide may cause the damage of building,endanger human life,also cause the artifical earthquake.,滑坡形态描述,三.The classification of landslide,1.Accord to the materials difference of sliding body 2 According to the mechanics condition 3 according to the landslide scale size,表6-1 滑坡类型及其特征表,四、The analysis influence factors of sliding,The influence factor can be considered as the factors which have the contribution to the change of safety factor(K)slope appearance slop high;slope angle,slope shape rock and soils properties soft rock(shale,sand rock)soil with montmorillonite which is easy to absorb water and expanding.structure the condition of strata plane,joint,fault,(dip angle,dip direction),water to soft rock and soil earthquakes to stimulate the liquefaction(液化)to produce the inertia force to rock or soil body artificial factors improper cutting slope putting on(piling)(over lapping)soil or building structure,五、The mechanics analysis and influencing factor,土层均匀时:,BACK,滑坡力学平衡示意图,折线滑面的滑坡稳定计算示意图,六、the control(harness)of land slipping,Control principle(防治原则)first prevention;second harnessThe controlling measure(方法)Discharging water(surface water and ground water),Landslide ground Water Drainage Works,Deep foundation works would be enforced according to the thrust of the landslide and depth of the sliding surface under such conditions that ordinary piles would not work well enough.In the Kamenose area,these works have been carried out mainly with ferroconcrete piles of 3.5x4.0 meters in diameter and 30 x60 meters in length.At present,the works are enforced with larger structures of 6.5 meters in diameter and 100 meters in length.,Prestressed Anchors,Anchored Walls for Landslides,挡土墙,抗滑桩,锚固工程,树枝状排水系统,地下排水,滑坡的支挡加固,第三节 mudflow(泥石流),泥石流:是一种由水充分浸润饱和的大量泥、沙、石块等固体物质沿着冲沟向下流动的特殊洪流。这种洪流突然爆发,历时短暂,来势凶猛,具有强大破坏力。,泥石流的形成条件:1、大量的碎屑物质:山区:崩落、洪积、坡积物丰富,为泥石流提供了碎屑来源;2、储存碎屑的地形:三面环山,一面有出口的洼地中,不可陡20;3、充分的水源:降水量大的地区,雨、雪、冰雪融水,为泥石流提供了充足的水源。干旱地区不易形成泥石流;4、外界触发:雪崩、地震、暴风雨,山区的暴雨之后常发生泥石流现象。,泥石流地形条件,形成区,汇水动力区,物质供给区,流通区,沉积区,河流,泥石流防治方法,格栅坝,拦挡墙,泥石流的防治,泥石流的排导措施,