security rope fence. (2) must be equipped with the rope tube protection. (3) position of the switch box must be placed correctly, prohibit reverse switch operation sight must be good, if push button switch, the operator has a power switch, move the button switch must be in the 36-Volt . (2) power cord into the drop of bend, entry must be entered after the fuse before going into the switch inside the oven to complete the grounding and zero connection terminal Board, metal casing should be zero protection. (3) tap inside the box where the air switch, GFCI above to set a separate switch. (4) the box to separate single-phase three-hole outlets, top loading protector, using single-phase equipment must be equipped with a monophase plug of the power supply. (5) where a mobile switch box, housing a reliable protection of zero (ground), equipped with a brake leak. (6) to be clearly separated from the "power", "illumination", "welding". 3, electricity lines: (1) electric line, required for overhead installation of resilient rubber sheathed cable or plastic. Adopted at the lane or road protection pipe buried underground, set up signs, connectors must be overhead or located connector box. (2) rubber cable portable power tools, lead length not more than 5 m from the switch box, without joints. (3) use mobile power tools and lighting are soft rubber cord, do not use plastic resin line instead. (4) temporary wiring installations, use a rubber or plastic insulated wires must be knob cables set up, switch set. 4, grounding and zeroing device: (1) grounding electrode available angles, steel of not less than two, depth of not less than 2 m and not less than 2.5 metres in distance between two grounding, grounding resistance is less than 4 ohm. (2) ground (neutral) wires using insulated copper wire, do not use aluminium wire for grounding (neutral) wire joints by welding, crimping a reliable electrical connection. (3) rubber cable core in the "black" or "green/Huang Shuang-color" line as the ground wire. 5, high voltage line protection: (1) in the vicinity of overhead power transmission line construction, erection of bamboo protection frame. (2) in the vicinity of high voltage cable erection Derrick (gantry), scaffolding outside power lines above the water, all safety nets (Booth). 6, handheld or mobile motor: switch box must have leakage protection devices, leakage current 30ma/0.1s, 15mA/0.1s wet job (includes the following equipment: vibration machine, polishing machine, ramming machines, submersible pumps, electric hand Planer, hand drills, grinders, cutters, pipe threader, moving lights, and so on). 7, mixer, mortar machines: (1) it must be against objects made-and rain-proof sheds. (2) drainage must be smooth, with gutters and sedimentation ponds. (3) the mixer lever must have a safety device. (4) must have a good ground (zero) device. (5) the gravel yard walls must be sturdy and reliable. (6) complete horizontal mortar mixing Drum booth. 8, hoist: (1)problems that cannot be ignored. Some leaders unwilling to do masses work, masses concept weak, on masses feelings not deep, pendulum not are with masses of relationship, think masses work is revolutionary war era of things, now obsolete has, buried business work, ignored masses work of situation compared General; some leaders not do masses work, old method regardless of with, new not with, not understand masses psychological, not understand masses wishes, not said masses language, work method simple stiff, caused masses of conflict and antipathy; some leaders can't do masses work, Faced with a lot of contradictions among the people worry about fear, panic set in encounter group events, and some are even mismanaged, inflame, so work has suffered heavy losses, and so on. These problems we are soberly aware, enhancing the party's ruling capability, the maintenance and development of the party's advanced nature and purity, and to enhance the ability of party committees and leading cadres are good people. Attach great importance to and is good at doing mass work, has become the new urgent situation strengthening the party's governing capacity-building tasks. Combined practice of maintaining flesh-and-blood ties with the masses, urged the broad masses of party members and cadres, especially all levels . Processing to improve as a guide to the country. "" What I did is summed up these new things, be promoted. "This is a vivid manifestation of the Deng Xiaoping's mass. Deng also put people "support does not support", "agreed not to agree", "happy happy", "promise not to promise" as a starting point and destination of developing guidelines, policies, and as the only standard for measuring compliance with the wishes of the masses of the people. Under the guidance of Deng Xiaoping theory, Central Government adopted a series of important measures to strengthen links with the masses. In December 1989, the CPC Central Committee made on adhering to and perfecting the system of multi-party cooperation and political consultation under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party, closely for CPC and the democratic parties and the relationship between the part of the masses that they contact, effectively carrying out the mass line, played a positive role. In March 1990, the 13 plenary session adopted the decision on strengthening contacts with the masses of the Party noted that "created and developed in the long struggle of the party's mass line, is to realize the party's ideological line, the fundamental political and organizational work route", can always maintain flesh-and-blood ties and development of the masses, is directly related to the rise and fall of the rise and fall of the party and State. In September 1994, 14 adopted by the plenary session of the Party on strengthening decision on several major issues of party building. The requirements of the decision of the party's leading bodies and leading cadres should develop a democratic style of work, come from the masses, to the masses, together, stick to the mass line. Party of 13 session four in the plenary yihou, to Jiang comrade for core of party市政工程资料用表施工组织设计审批表施工组织设计(方案)报审表图纸会审记录技术交底记录工程开工、竣工报告表工程开工报告承包人申报表签证单施工设备报验单 永久工程材料报验单基准点复测报验表施工放样报验单测量复核记录控制点交接点水准基点交接点施工现场质量管理检查记录分项分部工程开工申请批复单分项工程质量检查记录分部工程质量检查记录中间计量表 中间交工证书检验申请批复单隐蔽工程检查验收记录挖填方路基检验批质量检验记录软土地基处理检验批质量检验记录路基回填检验批质量检验记录道路工程高程测量记录表路基、路面纵断面高程检测表压实度实验报告(环刀法)路床(道胎)检验批质量检验记录石灰(水泥)工业废渣稳定土检验批质量检验记录石灰(水泥)粉煤灰稳定碎石检验批质量检验记录检查井、收水井与支检验批质量检验记录透层、粘土和封层检验批质量检验记录沥青混凝土面层检验批质量检验记录水泥混凝土面层检验批质量检验记录砌块面层检验批质量检验记录侧石、缘石、分隔带检验批质量检验记录人行道检验批质量检验记录防裂工程土工合成材料分项工程质量检验评定表配套设施预埋与处理检验批质量检验记录市政排水沟槽开挖检验批质量检验记录沟槽高程测量记录表沟槽开挖工序施工质量检验评定表管道基础检验批质量检验记录管道安装检验批质量检验记录管内底高程测量记录表接口检验批质量检验记录管道基础及管节安装分项工程质量检验评定表回填检验批质量检验记录检查井检验批质量检验记录井内管底高程测量记录表井内底高程测量记录表工地会议纪要会议纪要联络单工程洽商记录安全技术交底安全例会记录安全交底会议出席人员名单案卷目录签 证 单签证号 工程名称项目内容内容说明序号项目名称单位工程量备注1施工单位建设单位监理单位签字(盖章):年 月 日签字(盖章):年 月 日签字(盖章):年 月 日水准基点交接点工程名称桩 号交桩单位交桩负责人接桩单位接桩负责人监理工程师交接时间水准基点测量标志及测量资料交接记录: 附件: 注:附件亦需三方签字 控 制 点 交 接 点工程名称桩 号交桩单位交桩负责人接桩单位接桩负责人监理工程师交接时间控制点及测量资料交接记录: 附件:注:附件亦需三方签字监表02基 准 点 复 测 报 验 表承 包 人: 工程名称:监理单位: 合 同 号:致 :根据合同要求,业已完成 工程基准点复测,清单如下,请予以查验。承包人: 日期:基准点编号基准点位置复测成果备注附件:监理工程师意见: 监理工程师: 日期:总监理工程师结论: 总监理工程师: 日期:监表03施 工 放 样 报 验 单承 包 人: 工程名称: 表 号:006监理单位: 编 号: 致 :根据合同要求,也已完成 施工放样工作,清单如下,请予以查验。 承包人: 日期:桩号或位置工程或部位名称放样内容备注附件:测量及放样资料 监理工程师意见: 监理工程师结论: 监理工程师: 日期:中 间 计 量 表承 包 人: 工程名称: 监理单位: 编 号: 支付项目编号项 目 名 称起 始 桩 号部 位图 号中间交工证书号计量草图几何尺寸:计量单位工程数量计 算监理工程师校 核承 包 人施工现场质量管理检查记录 开工日期: 年 月 日工程名称施工许可证建设单位项目负责人设计单位项目负责人监理单位总监理工程师施工单位项目经理项目技术负责人序号项 目内 容1现场质量管理制度质量例会制度;三检及交接检制度;2质量责任制岗位责任制;设计交底制度;技术交底制度;3主要专业工种操作上岗证技术员、质检员有证4施工图审查情况审查报告及审查批准书5地质勘察资料/6施工组织设计、施工方案几审批施工组织设计、编制、审批、批准齐全7施工技术标准沥青路面施工技术规范8工程质量检验制度有原材料及施工检验制度;抽测项目的检查计划9搅拌站及计量设置有管理制度及计量设施精度及控制措施10现场材料、设备存放与管理砂、石灰、石料的管理办法11分包方资质与分包单位的管理制度12其它检查结论:现场质量管理制度基本完整总监理工程师:(建设单位项目负责人) 年 月 日隐蔽工程检查验收记录 工程名称施工单位隐检部位(分部)隐检工序(分项)检查情况检查结果施工技术负责人监理工程师质检员 注:本表一式二份,监理单位、施工单位各一份。 年 月 日测 量 复 核 记 录第 页共 页 工程名称施工单位原施测人签字复核测量人签字复核部位日 期测量复核情况草图监理意见监理工程师签 字图 纸 会 审 记 录 工程名称施工单位图纸会审部位日 期会审中发现的问题:处理情况: 参加会审人签字: 填表人: 年 月 日技 术 交 底 记 录 工程名称施工单位分部分项工程名称交底时间 交底内容: 交底人参加人注:含设计和施工方案交底。 记录人: 施 工 组 织 设 计 审 批 表 工程名称建设单位施工单位监理单位施工单位审批意见: 签字(公章) 年 月 日监理工程师审批意见:签字(公章) 年 月 日建设单位审批意见:签字(公章) 年 月 日注:施工组织设计附后监表09承包人申报表承 包 人: 工程名称: 表 号:002监理单位: 编 号: 致 ; 。申报内容: 。 。附件:承包人: 日期: 年 月 日挖填方路基检验批质量检验记录 工程名称分部工程名称验收部位施工单位施工员项目经理施工执行标准名称及编号质量检验标准规定施工单位检查评定记录监理(建设)单位验收意见主控项目1路基必须分层填筑、压实、每层厚度应符合设计要求;挖方路基不准超挖第5.2.1条2经碾压后的填方或挖方路基,不的有弹软、松散、起皮等现象第5.2.2条一般项目3填筑路基的工业废渣,其稳定性、最大颗粒径应符合设计要求第5.2.3条4填土中不得含有腐殖质的淤泥、冻块、垃圾和草根第5.2.4条5用于路基填方材料碾压时的含水量不得超过最佳含水量的±2%第5.2.5条6每一压实层表面应平整、密实,路拱适宜,排水良好第5.2.6条7允许偏差(%)路基顶以下深度(cm)填方压实度(重型)080快速路和主干路95一般道路9380150快速路和主干路93一般道路90150快速路和主干路90一般道路90挖方压实度(重型)030快速路和主干路95一般道路93施工单位检查评定结果项目质量检查员:年 月 日监理(建设)单位验收结论监理工程师:(建设单位项目技术负责人) 年 月 日 软土地基处理检验批质量检验记录 工程名称分部工程名称验收部位施工单位施工员项目经理施工执行标准名称及编号质量检验标准规定施工单位检查评定记录监理(建设)单位验收意见主控项目1灰土处理必须符合设计要求,必须分层回填、夯实,压适度应符合设计要求第5.3.1条2土工合成材料的力学性能、铺设方法、锚固长度的应符合设计要求第5.3.2条3软基处理的各种桩的桩径、桩位、长度、强度等必须符合设计要求第5.3.3条一般项目4严格控制石灰质量,石灰剂量应符合设计要求第5.3.4条5各种桩的水泥标号、用量应付和设计要求第5.3.5条6真空预压的砂砾厚度和渗透系数应符合设计要求第5.3.6条7抛石挤淤的石料应符合设计要求,不得使用风化片石第5.3.7条施工单位检查评定结果项目质量检查员:年 月 日监理(建设)单位验收结论监理工程师:(建设单位项目技术负责人) 年 月 日监表08检验申请批复单承 包 人: 工程名称: 监理单位: 编 号: 工程项目工程地点及桩号具体部位检验内容要求到现场检验时间:承包人递交日期、时间和签字:监理工程师收件日期、时间和签字:监理工程师结论:本项目可以/不可以继续进行质量证明附件:监理工程师: 日期:承包人收到日期、时间、签字监表16中间交工证书 承 包 人: 工程名称: 监理单位: 编 号: 下列工程以完成,申请交验,以便进行下一步的 作业。工程内容:桩号日期和时间承包人监理工程师收监日期、时间和签字:监理工程师评语:签字:日期: 检验申请批复单编号:承包人收件日期、时间和签字: 分项工程质量检查记录 工程名称分项工程名称施工单位项目经理检验批数量技术负责人序号检验批 施工单位检验评定结果监理(建设)单位验收意见123456789101112检查结论项目技术负责人: 年 月 日验收结论监理工程师:(建设单位项目技术负责人)年 月 日 分部工程质量检查记录 工程名称分部工程名称施工单位项目经理技术部门负责人质量部门负责人项目技术负责人序号分项名称检验批数施工单位检查评定验收意见12345678质量控制资料安全和功能检验(检测)报告外观质量验收验收单位分包单位施工单位勘察单位设计单位监理(建设)单位验收结论总监理工程师:(建设单位项目负责人)