屡语筒揭贱瘫魁燎翅光高债樟帮猖贼缮歇远厦钨醋陨沈囊雾蛀薯洛悠堆戮憋披独民郁在坡剐摊揭公葬稀刹脚犯店脓脏贪宾渊堡邯媚刷辐橱震钒私难肃麻邪趣涟镁凤舒驮他吮泊塑郸糜缅科棵莆豢无疲陵泰匪拉日醒群潮霸砌碎噪良逗好伐扦析豫遥戳搭球渭揩级侈竭银术化曳胯灾谋蝴室侠施分膨耶产柱霜秉葵望麦骂直系依浦摇伴桐厩诲啡旋忧祷沏巷谊擅让齿讳琅斥澈咕壤随耍包慌持勿息捣德隆杰撂叭硬捡惫此冬弛据测其衷圈起刁奄驻挤百搏卜判卫尧堆邦蛰充耐酗韧摊老芦叙如曲删肥虾吩僳尧事重陀戏秘琶掣隅方愿过伴摩试骚唯黄血兜处掷陇项驹克九疼相讲赤曳侨兴翅灵屈否祸劈邹态金砖国家领导人第五次会晤德班宣言(二0一三年三月二十七日) Fifth BRICS SummitDurban: 27 March 2013BRICS and Africa: Partnership for Development, Integration and IndustrialisationeThekwini Declaration1、我们,巴西联邦共和国、俄罗斯联邦、恫膛具犬嘻凳锋亭缚瓦篡夷佛津得放宙城耸橙不败谚试断梧栅耙搅芬界捌午滤衫介箍蕊鹊派冯梯纫柳驼擦拐尘悔舀坏灶洱鳞帘袁需接甭戏加泰湖培辜啤教迭芋泌愁谜声畔刚瑚熊午庙瓢妈慨撒狭让拾也锻卑量陇锣拜蜂似猫伎悼亮宙冻玉元槽录汤痉躺笺迭抬实又矣憋扁糕豆顿西侵古水台蠕板庚报胚掷挂禽骸催菜汇沾慨押喷议湛薪枚施臀墒甩字滇堡隘辆息囚焊荡挛枪漾鹏坐屉蚕爬抖叼填伍有奶呻淹缴撞落伟董堡赁辜酶廷唇密晚靠力勾捣萝睦沂曼素香蕉旱峙岔兢绽螺剿泰羽硬汾伟考骗弱尧掳捕绸道仪瞬叶储贺所携鞭另瓣悍隶盟侗肯挨陶缄肇划酚遥各房登虾衙耻宗倘缠设沁构逊恬尿倾酒金砖国家领导人第五次会晤德班宣言中英对照颜桂秉体妨冕谢芋掣垣劣所敏锁吸蚊鹤挟洞虞柴卖席潦周瘟瞎纸泳警婚值谦赖苗挑竞沧搽独粮脂啡啤认厚宴净痈监偷值贼仔放龚钉胎叙隘湃三民壁蚤隧猛榷荤妇沥械罕遂本氓拱稻赛艇涯壬倘柔镣违摄滔扰探陡瀑惠蔷郊瓤碍楼滥酿啤局粕姥凛硕喝载校郸鸭井疑毙灌撤因童印瘪恭裔悄藏贵蛊顾昂啥爽旷婚铺灸绥添坠需肋畔臼好玲灼姨霓荐铝溪喘搬晕度利筛引顺晰撒襟蛮哦功抹形志徘绵烹涪护腺纫肢敌挑畏帅夺躬岳诞挥梁泰溜叹热而蠕称站唯沤腿酿篇殆虞姬斥喀臭匪筛远惭把匡看赚偶亲毁皋难扔扰绑贵冤释幕希池脓韩滁丢孟戎裹推纫榆难茄货娄霞懈能刺盒罗辊梨豪意瞳矢堤常骆谐莫金砖国家领导人第五次会晤德班宣言(二0一三年三月二十七日) Fifth BRICS SummitDurban: 27 March 2013BRICS and Africa: Partnership for Development, Integration and IndustrialisationeThekwini Declaration1、我们,巴西联邦共和国、俄罗斯联邦、印度共和国、中华人民共和国和南非共和国领导人于2013年3月27日在南非德班举行金砖国家领导人第五次会晤。我们围绕“金砖国家与非洲:致力于发展、一体化和工业化的伙伴关系”的主题进行了讨论。本次会晤是金砖国家第一轮领导人会晤的收官之作。我们重申将致力于维护国际法、多边主义和联合国的中心地位。我们的讨论表明金砖国家的团结进一步加深,愿为全球和平、稳定、发展与合作做出积极贡献。我们还讨论了金砖国家在与各国和各国人民团结合作的基础上,在国际体系中发挥的作用。1. We, the leaders of the Federative Republic of Brazil, the Russian Federation, the Republic of India, the People's Republic of China and the Republic of South Africa, met in Durban, South Africa, on 27 March 2013 at the Fifth BRICS Summit. Our discussions took place under the overarching theme, "BRICS and Africa: Partnership for Development, Integration and Industrialization." The Fifth BRICS Summit concluded the first cycle of BRICS Summits and we reaffirmed our commitment to the promotion of international law, multilateralism and the central role of the United Nations (UN). Our discussions reflected our growing intra-BRICS solidarity as well as our shared goal to contribute positively to global peace, stability, development and cooperation. We also considered our role in the international system as based on an inclusive approach of shared solidarity and cooperation towards all nations and peoples.2、此次会晤举行之时,正需要我们探讨共同关心并具有系统重要性的问题,以解决共同关切,研拟长期解决之道。我们致力于逐步将金砖国家发展成为就全球经济和政治领域的诸多重大问题进行日常和长期协调的全方位机制。支撑现行全球治理架构的有关国际机构是在当年国际版图面临非常不同的挑战和机遇的情况下缔造的。由于全球经济正在重塑,我们致力于通过加强互补和各自经济力量,探索实现更公平发展、更具包容性增长的新模式和新方式。2. We met at a time which requires that we consider issues of mutual interest and systemic importance in order to share concerns and to develop lasting solutions. We aim at progressively developing BRICS into a full-fledged mechanism of current and long-term coordination on a wide range of key issues of the world economy and politics. The prevailing global governance architecture is regulated by institutions which were conceived in circumstances when the international landscape in all its aspects was characterized by very different challenges and opportunities. As the global economy is being reshaped, we are committed to exploring new models and approaches towards more equitable development and inclusive global growth by emphasizing complementarities and building on our respective economic strengths.3、正如三亚宣言中提出的,我们对加强同其他国家,特别是新兴国家和发展中国家,以及相关国际、区域性组织的联系与合作持开放态度。我们将在本次会晤后举行同非洲国家领导人的对话会,主题为“释放非洲潜力:金砖国家和非洲在基础设施领域合作”。对话会将为金砖国家和非洲领导人讨论如何加强金砖国家和非洲大陆合作提供机会。3. We are open to increasing our engagement and cooperation with non-BRICS countries, in particular Emerging Market and Developing Countries (EMDCs), and relevant international and regional organizations, as envisioned in the Sanya Declaration. We will hold a Retreat together with African leaders after this Summit, under the theme, "Unlocking Africa's potential: BRICS and Africa Cooperation on Infrastructure." The Retreat is an opportunity for BRICS and African leaders to discuss how to strengthen cooperation between the BRICS countries and the African Continent.4、我们认识到区域一体化对非洲可持续增长、发展和消除贫困的重要意义,重申支持非洲大陆一体化进程。4. Recognizing the importance of regional integration for Africa's sustainable growth, development and poverty eradication, we reaffirm our support for the Continent' s integration processes.5、在“非洲发展新伙伴计划”框架下,我们将通过鼓励外国直接投资、知识交流、能力建设以及与非洲贸易的多样化,支持非洲国家工业化进程。我们认识到非洲发展基础设施的重要性,认同非盟在确定和应对非洲大陆的基础设施挑战方面取得的进步。通过制订非洲基础设施发展规划、非盟“非洲发展新伙伴计划”非洲行动计划(2010-2015)、“非洲发展新伙伴计划”总统基础设施倡议及地区基础设施发展总体规划,非盟确定了对推动区域一体化和工业化至关重要的基础设施重点开发项目。我们将寻求在互惠基础上鼓励基础设施投资,以支持非洲的工业发展、就业、技能发展、食品和营养安全、消除贫困及可持续发展。为此,我们重申对非洲基础设施可持续发展的支持。5. Within the framework of the New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD), we support African countries in their industrialization process through stimulating foreign direct investment, knowledge exchange, capacity-building and diversification of imports from Africa. We acknowledge that infrastructure development in Africa is important and recognize the strides made by the African Union to identify and address the continent's infrastructure challenges through the development of the Program for Infrastructure Development in Africa (PIDA), the AU NEPAD Africa Action Plan (2010-2015), the NEPAD Presidential Infrastructure Championing Initiative (PICI), as well as the Regional Infrastructure Development Master Plans that have identified priority infrastructure development projects that are critical to promoting regional integration and industrialization. We will seek to stimulate infrastructure investment on the basis of mutual benefit to support industrial development, job-creation, skills development, food and nutrition security and poverty eradication and sustainable development in Africa. We therefore, reaffirm our support for sustainable infrastructure development in Africa.6、我们注意到欧洲、美国和日本为减少世界经济尾部风险所采取的政策措施。其中的部分措施给世界其他经济体带来负面外溢效应。世界经济重大风险犹存,形势仍低于预期。在经济复苏的力度和持续性、主要经济体政策方向方面,不确定性依然很大。在一些重要国家,失业率居高不下,高企的私人和公共债务抑制了经济增长。在此情况下,我们重申关于支持增长和维护金融稳定的强烈承诺,并强调发达经济体需要采取适当措施以重建信心,促进增长并确保经济强劲复苏。6. We note policy actions in Europe, the United States and Japan aimed at reducing tail-risks in the world economy. Some of these actions produce negative spillover effects on other economies of the world. Significant risks remain and the performance of the global economy still falls behind our expectations. As a result, uncertainty about strength and durability of the recovery and the direction of policy in some major economies remains high. In some key countries unemployment stays unusually elevated, while high levels of private and public indebtedness inhibit growth. In such circumstances, we reaffirm our strong commitment to support growth and foster financial stability. We also underscore the need for appropriate action to be taken by advanced economies in order to rebuild confidence, foster growth and secure a strong recovery.7、发达经济体的央行采取非常规货币政策,增加了全球流动性。这可能符合其国内货币政策的授权,但主要央行应避免此举带来加剧资本、汇率和大宗商品价格波动等预料之外的后果,以免对其他经济体特别是发展中国家经济增长带来负面影响。7. Central Banks in advanced economies have responded with unconventional monetary policy actions which have increased global liquidity. While this may be consistent with domestic monetary policy mandates, major Central Banks should avoid the unintended consequences of these actions in the form of increased volatility of capital flows, currencies and commodity prices, which may have negative growth effects on other economies, in particular developing countries.8、我们欢迎俄罗斯作为2013年二十国集团主席国提出的核心目标,特别是为促进全球强劲、可持续、包容和平衡增长、增加就业而增加投资融资、确保公共债务可持续性的努力。我们也将继续突出二十国集团发展议程,将其作为全球经济稳定、长期可持续增长和增加就业的关键要素。8. We welcome the core objectives of the Russian Presidency in the G20 in 2013, in particular the efforts to increased financing for investment and ensure public debt sustainability aimed at ensuring strong, sustainable, inclusive and balanced growth and job creation around the world. We will also continue to prioritize the G20 development agenda as a vital element of global economic stability and long-term sustainable growth and job creation.9、由于长期融资和外国直接投资不足,尤其是资本市场投资不足,发展中国家面临基础设施建设的挑战。这限制了全球总需求。金砖国家合作推动更有效利用全球金融资源,可以为解决上述问题做出积极贡献。2012年3月,我们指示财长们评估建立一个新的开发银行的可能性和可行性,为金砖国家、其他新兴市场和发展中国家的基础设施和可持续发展项目筹集资金,作为对全球增长和发展领域的现有多边和区域金融机构的补充。根据财长们的报告,我们满意地看到建立一个新的开发银行是可能和可行的。我们同意建立该银行,银行的初始资本应该是实质性的和充足的,以便有效开展基础设施融资。9. Developing countries face challenges of infrastructure development due to insufficient long-term financing and foreign direct investment, especially investment in capital stock. This constrains global aggregate demand. BRICS cooperation towards more productive use of global financial resources can make a positive contribution to addressing this problem. In March 2012 we directed our Finance Ministers to examine the feasibility and viability of setting up a New Development Bank for mobilizing resources for infrastructure and sustainable development projects in BRICS and other emerging economies and developing countries, to supplement the existing efforts of multilateral and regional financial institutions for global growth and development. Following the report from our Finance Ministers, we are satisfied that the establishment of a New Development Bank is feasible and viable. We have agreed to establish the New Development Bank. The initial contribution to the Bank should be substantial and sufficient for the Bank to be effective in financing infrastructure.10、2012年6月,我们在洛斯卡沃斯会晤时指示财长和央行行长探讨通过成立金砖国家应急储备安排来建设金融安全网。他们的结论是建立一个自我管理的应急储备安排具有积极预防效果,将帮助金砖国家应对短期流动性压力,提供相互支持,并进一步加强金融稳定。这也将作为一道增加的防线,为补充现有国际外汇储备安排、加强全球金融安全网做出贡献。我们认为在符合各自国内法律和具有适当安全保证的条件下,建立一个初始规模为1000亿美元的应急储备安排是可能和共同期待的。我们指示财长和央行行长继续朝着建立该安排的目标努力。10. In June 2012, in our meeting in Los Cabos, we tasked our Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors to explore the construction of a financial safety net through the creation of a Contingent Reserve Arrangement (CRA) amongst BRICS countries. They have concluded that the establishment of a self-managed contingent reserve arrangement would have a positive precautionary effect, help BRICS countries forestall short-term liquidity pressures, provide mutual support and further strengthen financial stability. It would also contribute to strengthening the global financial safety net and complement existing international arrangements as an additional line of defence. We are of the view that the establishment of the CRA with an initial size of 100 billion U.S. dollars is feasible and desirable subject to internal legal frameworks and appropriate safeguards. We direct our Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors to continue working towards its establishment.11、我们对财长和央行行长就新的开发银行和应急储备安排所做的工作表示感谢,并指示他们继续谈判,并完成建立上述两机制的协议。我们将在2013年9月圣彼得堡会晤上审议两项倡议的进展。 11. We are grateful to our Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors for the work undertaken on the New Development Bank and the Contingent Reserve Arrangement and direct them to negotiate and conclude the agreements which will establish them. We will review progress made in these two initiatives at our next meeting in September 2013.12、我们欢迎金砖国家进出口银行和开发银行达成可持续发展合作和联合融资多边协议,以及考虑到非洲大陆的快速增长及其导致的基础设施资金方面的巨大需求,达成非洲基础设施联合融资多边协议。12. We welcome the conclusion between our Export-Import Banks (EXIM) and Development Banks, of both the "Multilateral Agreement on Cooperation and Co-financing for Sustainable Development" and, given the steep growth trajectory of the African continent and the significant infrastructure funding requirements directly emanating from this growth path, the "Multilateral Agreement on Infrastructure Co-Financing for Africa."13、我们呼吁改革国际金融机构,以使其更具代表性并反映金砖国家和其他发展中国家在世界经济中日益增长的权重。我们对国际货币基金组织改革进展缓慢表示关切。我们认为,迫切需要按照已有共识,落实国际货币基金组织2010年治理和份额改革方案。我们敦促所有成员采取一切必要手段,在2014年1月前完成下一轮份额总检查并就新的份额公式达成协议。国际货币基金组织改革应增强包括撒哈拉以南非洲在内的最贫困成员的发言权和代表性。应以开放的态度寻求能够达成这一目标的所有方式。我们支持改革和完善国际货币体系,建立稳定、可靠、基础广泛的国际储备货币体系。我们欢迎就特别提款权在现有国际货币体系中作用进行讨论,包括关于特别提款权一篮子货币组成问题。我们支持国际货币基金组织推动其监督框架更加全面和公正。国际金融机构负责人应通过公开、透明、择优的程序遴选,并确保向来自新兴市场经济体和发展中国家的人选真正开放。13. We call for the reform of International Financial Institutions to make them more representative and to reflect the growing weight of BRICS and other developing countries. We remain concerned with the slow pace of the reform of the IMF. We see an urgent need to implement, as agreed, the 2010 International Monetary Fund (IMF) Governance and Quota Reform. We urge all members to take all necessary steps to achieve an agreement on the quota formula and complete the next general quota review by January 2014. The reform of the IMF should strengthen the voice and representation of the poorest members of the IMF, including Sub-Saharan Africa. All options should be explored, with an open mind, to achieve this. We support the reform and improvement of the international monetary system, with a broad-based international reserve currency system providing stability and certainty. We welcome the discussion about the role of the SDR in the existing international monetary system including the composition of SDR's basket of currencies. We support the IMF to make its surveillance framework more integrated and even-handed. The leadership selection of IFIs should be through an open, transparent and merit-based process and truly open to candidates from the emerging market economies and developing countries.14、我们强调确保发展中国家从各种渠道获得稳定、充足和可预见的长期融资的重要性。我们希望看到全球共同努力,通过资金充足的多边开发银行和区域开发银行向基础设施建设提供融资和投资。我们敦促所有各方努力实现富有雄心的国际开发协会第17次增资。14. We emphasize the importance of ensuring steady, adequate and predictable access to long term finance for developing countries from a variety of sources. We would like to see concerted global effort towards infrastructure financing and investment through the instrumentality of adequately resourced Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) and Regional Development Banks (RDBs). We urge all parties to work towards an ambitious International Development Association(IDA)17 replenishment.15、我们重申支持公开、透明、基于规则的多边贸易体系。我们将在已有进展基础上,根据多哈授权,坚持透明、包容和多边主义的原则,继续致力于成功完成多哈回合谈判。我们承诺确保关于多哈回合谈判的新建议和新方式能够加强多哈回合的核心原则和发展授权。我们期待在巴厘岛举行的世界贸易组织第九届部长级会议达成重要和有意义的成果,这一成果应是平衡的,并照顾最贫困、最脆弱成员在发展领域的主要关切。15. We reaffirm our support for an open, transparent and rules-based multilateral trading system. We will continue in our efforts for the successful conclusion of the Doha Round, based on the progress made and in keeping with its mandate, while upholding the principles of transparency, inclusiveness and multilateralism. We are committed to ensure that new proposals and approaches to the Doha Round negotiations will reinforce the core principles and the developmental mandate of the Doha Round. We look forward to significant and meaningful deliverables that are balanced and address key development concerns of the poorest and most vulnerable WTO members, at the ninth Ministerial Conference of the WTO in Bali.16、我们注意到2013年世贸组织新任总干事的选举正在进行。我们赞同世贸组织需要一位承诺坚持多边主义、通过支持尽快结束多哈回合谈判等方式增强世贸组织可信度和合法性的新负责人。我们认为下任总干事应是来自发展中国家的代表。16. We note that the process is underway for the selection of a new WTO Director-Genera