冲刺四级应试讲座,听力部分,一.真题入手,知己知彼四级考试的命题和选材都具有继承性,许多考查点都有重复性,所以可从真题入手,熟悉常考词汇和命题规律总结不同题型的出题思路、命题点等(很多出题思路和考点在历年的考试中重复,甚至是原题重复)是提高四级考试分数的捷径。尤其是2000年以后的,除词汇外建议大家整套做,原因在于你可以把握整套题目的控制时间分配和时间的调配,做完每一套题以后,不要做完就完了,还要花一个小时分析为什么对,为什么错,然后提高做题的感觉和感悟能力。,二.找出差距,各个击破1.听力注意要加大力度,以全真题为主,反复操练,找出差距。增强应付复合式听写的能力,因为复合式听写要求的是听、理解、记忆、拼写、组织五位一体的能力。由于新题型中听力无论是难度,题量还是分值都加大了,所以听力的训练量和训练难度都要加大。尽量注重听懂每一句话。2尽量在做题的过程中模拟实际考试的步骤(浏览题干快速阅读文章定位答案位置理解含有答案的部分对比理解选项对应答案),不要依赖任何字典和参考书。做完后注意回看总结自己的得失,某道题错了,原因是什么,哪个步骤上出了问题,下次坚决不犯同样的错误。同时回读文章和选项的时候注意总结文章中好的词汇句型,可以使用字典,掌握方法是第一位的。,3完形填空、简短回答问题以全真题主,注意掌握方法,特别是全文的结构和对主旨的理解。完形填空应注意语篇的把握、选项和考点的分析、以及前后答案线索的寻找。简短回答问题和阅读理解的步骤一样,只不过自己总结答案,但是答案最好直接来源于原文,安全第一。4写除了加强语句的准确和正确外,注意分类写作习,如书信、图表、利弊、选择、谚语、描述等,同时可以参照学习模板作文及范文。5对于翻译的 练习在于对于词组,词汇的掌握,这是新题型中刚出现的,这也是小点给分的。,三、训练速度,临场发挥 做每一套模拟和预测题时都要注意把握时间,在联系中训练做题的速度和答题的准确性。在考场上充满信心,并且用心和细心答每一道题四、调整心态,增强自信始终给自己积极的心理暗示,要有志在必得的勇气和信心,对自己说:“我一定能通过考试。”始终保持高昂的士气。,听力,听力对话要决对话出题不重复;But之后是考点;建议词语要采纳;否定词语意思反;意流指示藏玄机;比较等级是题眼;虚拟语气否定看;特定词语场所辨;职场用语很明显。,听力短文要决,听力短文要决题文同序短文题;重复原文既答案;转折之处是偏爱;因果关系是重点;发现结论有文章;并列关系要关注;数字词语是一关;预测问题走捷径;多听多练是关键,听力是需要一定时间积累的一个项目,但是在短期内获得一定的提高还是有可能的。第一,专攻十个小对话,因为对话的长度比较短一些,提高起来见效比较快。第二,多做听力真题,做完一遍以后,核对后面的答案,你可以进行一定的归类,找出第一遍听出来的错误点,是因为单词不认识,还是句子不理解,还是这个你没学到,还是语音,还是具体的东西,联读这类东西,归类以后再听第二套和第三套的时候,经过一定量的归类应该会有一定的提高。,听力A内容主要以学生日常生活、学习、家庭、未来工作为主,题目的类型有考时间、地点、身份、人物之间的关系,计划与行动,提供与请求,包括态度与反映,还有隐含推理,这几种里面,隐含推论题的难度稍微大一点,如:What does the man/woman mean/imply?What do you learn from the conversation?What will the man/woman do?What does the woman suggest the man do?这些提问方式已成为主流,题量不少。听力B有两种可能,如果是三篇的听力文章,大家要听清楚开头和结尾,因为听力的文章开头和结尾部分一般都会问问题的,而且还要听明白文章中间的各类关系,比如说它是转折还是因果,还是对比,或者是比较,文章的内容多半涉及到科普、人文、新闻报道、轶闻趣事,多为英国和美国为取材的来源。至于复合式听写的选材和解答,它的选材同听力的文,第二,多做听力真题,做完一遍以后,核对后面的答案,你可以进行一定的归类,找出第一遍听出来的错误点,是因为单词不认识,还是句子不理解,还是这个你没学到,还是语音,还是具体的东西,联读这类东西,归类以后再听第二套和第三套的时候,经过一定量的归类应该会有一定的提高。考试过程中集中精力,全力以赴,保持适度的紧张,不能太紧张,太紧张会影响发挥,第二个也不能不紧张,太放松也不行。所以一定要保持平和的心态,一定要学会在某些时候要学会放弃,你不要台苛求自己。某一道题,某两道题没有听明白,没有关系,不要影响你下面的做题。听力B有两种可能,如果是三篇的听力文章,大家要听清楚开头和结尾,因为听力的文章开头和结尾部分一般都会问问题的,而且还要听明白文章中间的各类关系,比如说它是转折还是因果,还是对比,或者是比较,文章的内容多半涉及到科普、人文、新闻报道、轶闻趣事,多为,英国和美国为取材的来源。至于复合式听写的选材和解答,它的选材同听力的文章差不多,有的同学对复合式听写可能特别害怕,而今年很有可能考它,怎么办呢?前面的单词一定要精确,大家知道一般是听三遍,你在第一遍的浏览的过程中,应该可以大致判断出前面七个单词所属的词性,一般说来,七个单词会有两到三个名词,两到三个形容词,还有一道两个现在分词和过去分词,一般现在分词会出现的。后面的长句难度更高,在你听第一遍的时候,千万不要匆忙写,你要力求听明白这个句子的大意,抓住主要的框架,这是造句的根本,第二遍组织自己的语言,两遍之间的有50秒到一分钟的时间,还是足够的,注意要填的长句有两种可能性,第一种是单句但它的并列成分可能比较多,还有一种可能是主从复合句,有的同学不能把整个听下去,我希望同学们听懂多少写多少,因为你写下来前半部分可以得一半的分或者部分的分。,听力理解部分的题型一般有以下五种:1)计算题:可能是日期、时间、价格、人数、年龄、物品、数量等,因此考生一看到试题选项中是数字时,就应特别注意听清材料中的数字,常要求计算;2)判断题:这类考题在对话和短文中都会出现;要根据所获信息的关键词,迅速准确地判断出对话人之间的关系、身份、地点、时间,要力争听懂全部信息,不要被个别词所迷惑;3)语法结构题:要理解否定与肯定、比较、让步、条件等语法现象;4)词汇题:对某个词或词组的理解判断能力,考生应具有较大的词汇量和辨音能力;5)语意题:对对话或短文中的某个词或词组或句子的理解能力,有时还要求考生能间接地理解字里行间的含义并进行判断。在试卷中,这类考题战比例并不大,但却是拉开考分、判别考生听力理解能力的关键题。,复合式听力是试题由两个部分组成:第一部分是听写单词,要求考生在空格中填入所缺的单词;第二部分是表达,要求考生根据所听内容写出要点。全文是一篇250字左右的短文。朗读三遍。第一遍是全文朗读,没有停顿,要求考生注意听懂全文内容。第二遍朗读时,第一部分在每个空格之后略有停顿,让考生填入所缺单词;第二部分之后停顿5分钟,让考生根据所听到的内容写出主要意思。第三遍同第一遍一样,没有停顿,供考生进行核对。考试时间为15分钟。复合式听写旨在考核学生的听的能力、拼写能力、记笔记能力和书面表达能力。所以短文与听力理解部分的篇章在题材、体裁和难度上大体相同,朗读速度略低于大学英语大纲规定的语速。,一.对话题型分析及应试技巧(一)通过预览选择项预测对话涉及的内容和将会提出的问题。一般来说,考生可以通过四个选择项判断出以下对话类型:1.数字与计算;2.地点与场所;3.身份与人物关系;4.行为与打算;5.原因。1.数字与计算这类题往往涉及对话中所提到的若干数字的判断,或需经过简单的计算回答有关价格、数量、时间、年龄等问题。,例一M:I ran 2 miles yesterday.W:Is that all?You should be running twice that much each day if you want to be ready for the Sports Meeting next month.Q:How many miles does the woman think the man should run in a week?A.4 milesB.14 milesC.28 milesD.60 miles分析:从四个选择项都是数字看,该对话涉及数量或数量的计算。可预测的问题为“How many?”通过对话可知答案为C。,例2M:Whats the time for departure?W:5:30.That only leaves us 15 minutes to go through the customs and check our baggage.Q:At what time did the conversation take place?A.5:00B.5:15C.5:30D.5:45分析:四个选项显示,对话所问的问题涉及某事或某个动作发生的时间,提问方式肯定为“When/What time?”此题也涉及简单计算,答案为B。,2.地点与场所这类题往往涉及对话发生的场所,或某人现在所处的地点,也可能是将要去的地点。解答这类题的技巧在于抓住对话中出现的与特定地点密切相关的词语。例3W:Dear,I feel hungry now.How about you?M:So do I.Let me call Room Service.Hello,Room Service?Please send a menu to 320 right away.Q:Where are the two speakers?A.In a hotel.B.In the street.C.At a dinner table.D.At the mans house分析:从选择项看,可能提出的问题为某人,某物在什么地方,或某动作发生在某个场所。根据对话中所出现的“Room Service”及房间号“320”等关键词可确认答案应为A。,例4W:Excuse me,Im looking for the textbooks for Prof.Bensons course.M:Im afraid theyre out of stock now.Youll have to order them,and it will take three weeks for the publisher to mail them to us.Q:Where does the conversation probably take place?A.In a post office.B.In Prof.Bensons office.C.In a publishers office.D.In a university bookstore.分析:该题四个选项为四个不同的场所,所以要特别关注对话中的内容、词语与哪一场所有关。参照两者的对话,尤其是该男子的话“恐怕这书已经卖光了。你得预定,但也要花三个星期时间出版商才能发货给我们。”可知这是一家书店。答案为D。,例4W:Excuse me,Im looking for the textbooks for Prof.Bensons course.M:Im afraid theyre out of stock now.Youll have to order them,and it will take three weeks for the publisher to mail them to us.Q:Where does the conversation probably take place?A.In a post office.B.In Prof.Bensons office.C.In a publishers office.D.In a university bookstore.分析:该题四个选项为四个不同的场所,所以要特别关注对话中的内容、词语与哪一场所有关。参照两者的对话,尤其是该男子的话“恐怕这书已经卖光了。你得预定,但也要花三个星期时间出版商才能发货给我们。”可知这是一家书店。答案为D。,例6M:Ive just brought your ladder back.Thanks for lending it to me.Where shall I leave it?W:Just lean it against the wall there.Use the ladder again anytime.Q:Whats the probable relationship between these two speakers?A.relativesB.colleaguesC.roommates D.neighbors分析:上述四个选择项表明了不同的人物,所以,将会提到的问题显而易见。要善于从问者和答者的措辞中确定双方不同的身份。正确答案为D。,4.行为与打算这类对话的问题往往是关于“谁做了什么,在做什么,或将要做什么”。其选择项的表现可以是具有相同主语的含有动词、宾语的句子,也可以是动宾结构;或者是现在分词、不定式。例7W:Did you see last nights film on Channel 4?M:Well,I meant to see it,but a friend of mine came to see me.We had a nice long talk about our school days.Q:What did the man do last night?A.He watched television with his friend.B.He stayed at home talking with his friend.C.He went to see a film with his friend.D.He went to see his schoolmate.分析:此题从选择项上可大致预测其可能提出的问题为“他做了什么?”所以在听的时候要注意判断“他”到底做了什么事情。答案为B。,例8W:I want to ask the Johnsons to come to the party.Do you know their address?M:No.But I like them to come.I think Tom can give you their address.Q:What is the woman going to do?A.Ask Tom to send an invitationB.Get the Johnsons addressC.Invite Tom to the partyD.Tell Tom to pick up the Johnsons分析:上列四个选择项均为省略了to的不定式形式,可预知问题为“将做什么”,依据对话内容,正确答案为B。,5.原因涉及提问原因的对话,其选择项语言表现形式多种多样。从选择项上能够确切地判断为原因类的只有四个选项都用“because”开头的。除此之外,原因类的对话,其选择项常以句子或不定式形式出现,但这时我们难以确切预测所提问题就是针对原因的。例9W:Im hungry as a wolf now.I havent eaten anything since yesterday.M:Lets get some hot-dogs.Q:Why did they want to get some hot-dogs?,A.Because they like a dog and hate a wolf.B.Because they know that a dog likes hot climates.C.Because a good dog can prevent a wolf from hurting people.D.Because she was very hungry.分析:本题是典型的涉及原因类的对话。从选择项上可直观地做出判断,其所提问题将是“Why?”正确答案为D。,例10W:Yes,sir.Can I help you?M:Well,yes.I bought this radio a week ago and there seems to be something wrong with it.Do you think you can repaired?Q:Why did the man come to the shop?A.To buy a radio.B.To fix a radio.C.To complain about a radioD.To return a radio 分析:这段问及原因的对话的选项以不定式形式出现。根据对话内容应选B。(二)要善于理解间接表达法或会话的交际含义,即理解话语的言下之意。,例11W:Hi!Im calling about the three-bedroom house you advertised in yesterdays newspaper.It sounds really nice.M:It is especially if you have children.Q:What do you learn from the conversation?A.They are talking about nice children.B.The man has a house for sale.C.The woman lives in a nice house.D.The man has three children.分析:本题涉及会话含义,“如果你有孩子,你会感觉更不错”的言下之意为“这房子值得购买”,所以答案为B。,例12M:Is Jane looking forward to going home for this ummer?W:She is counting the days.Q:What does the woman imply?Jane is looking for a summer job.Jane is packing for the summer vacation.Jane is on her way home.Jane is eager to go home for the vacation.分析:对话中男子的应答句“She is counting the days.”不能只从字面理解,其言下之意为“珍妮急于回家”,选项D符合这一意思。,二短文题型的应试技巧(一)综合预览涉及某篇听力短文的几道题的选择项,这样可大致推断听力材料的体裁、话题(参见95年6月实题)。听力材料的选材多为叙述和说明文体,内容一般比较具体。考生可利用不同体裁的行文特点,在听的过程中提纲挈领,把握重点。若所听的材料为叙述文,就要留心其中人物、事件、时间、地点等,即五个w(who,what,when,where,why)。若所听材料为说明文,就要注意说明的对象及各个方面,并注意把握主题句。另外,预览选择项还可帮助考生预测问题的大致方向,使其在听的时候能分清主次,有的放矢,记住与问题相关的信息。(二)全神贯注,整体把握。短文与对话相比,内容多,句子比较长,因此在听的过程中要善于捕捉重要信息,把握材料的逻辑脉络。不要因为某一单词或,局部的某一点未听清而犹豫。正确的做法是继续往下听,积极思考,从整体上把握材料的内容。因为并非未听清的部分都与问题有关,况且,整体把握往往可帮助我们推测、弥补漏掉的信息。(三)边听边记,用简单的文字或符号记下主要信息或情节。注意,记笔记应有针对性和选择性,特别是与选择项有关的信息,可及时记在旁边。,07年12月实题11.A.She used to be in poor health.B.She was popular among boys.C.She was some what overweight.D.She didnt do well at high school.12.A.At the airport B.In a restaurant C.In a booking office D.At the hotel reception.13.A.Teaching her son by herself.B.Having confidence in her son.C.Asking the teacher for extra help.D.Telling her son not to worry.,14.A.Having a short break.B.Take two weeks off.C.Continue her work outdoors.D.Go to vacation with the man.15.A.He is taking care of his twin brother.B.He has been feeling ill all week.C.He is worried about Rods health.D.He has been in perfect condition.16.A.She sold all her furniture before she moved house.B.She still keep some old furniture in her new house.C.She plans to put all her old furniture in the basement.D.She bought a new set of furniture from Italy last month.,17.A.The woman wondered why the man didnt return the book.B.The woman didnt seem to know what the book is about.C.The woman doesnt find the book useful anymore.D.The woman forgot lending the book to the man.18.A.Most of the mans friends are athletes.B.Few people share the womans opinion.C.The man doesnt look like a sportsman.D.The woman doubts the mans athletic ability.,19.A.She has packed it in one of her bags.B.She is going to get it at the airport.C.She has probably left it in a taxi.D.She is afraid that she has lost it.20.A.It ends in winter.B.It will cost her a lot.C.It will last one week.D.It depends on the weather.21.A.The plane is taking off soon.B.The taxi is waiting for the.C.There might be a traffic jam.D.There is a lot of stuff to pack.22.A.At home B.At the airport.C.In the mans car.D.By the side of a taxi.,23.A.She is thirsty for promotion.B.She wants a much higher salary.C.She is tired of her present work.D.She wants to save travel expenses.24.A.Translator.B.Travel agent.C.Language instructor.D.Environment engineer.25.A.Lovely personality and inquiring mind.B.Communication skills and team spirit.C.Devotion and work efficiency.D.Education and experience.,Section B:Questions 26 to 29 are based on the conversation you have just heard.26.A.They care a lot about children.B.They need looking after in their old age.C.They want to enrich their life experience.D.They want children to keep them company.27.A.They are usually adopted from distant place.B.Their birth information is usually kept secret.C.Their birth parents often try to conceal their birth information.D.Their adoptive parents dont want them to know their birth parents.,28.A.They generally hold bad feelings towards their birth parents.B.They do not want to hurt the feelings of their adoptive parents.C.They have mixed feelings about finding their natural parents.D.They are fully aware of the expenses involved in the search.29.A.Early adoption makes for closer parent-child relationship.B.Most people prefer to adopt children from overseas.C.Understanding is the key to successful adoption.D.Adoption has much to do with love.,Passage Two:Questions 30 to 32 30.A.He suffered from mental illness.B.He bought The Washington Post.C.He turned a failing newspaper into a success.D.He was once a reporter for a major newspaper.31.A.She was the first woman to lead a big U.S.publishing company.B.She got her fist job as a teacher at the University of Chicago.C.She committed suicide because of her mental disorder.D.She took over her fathers position when he died.32.A.People came to see the role of woman in the business world.B.Katharine played a major part in reshaping Americans mind.C.American media would be quite different without Katharine.D.Katharine had exerted an important influence on the world.,Passage Three:Questions 33 to 35 33.A.Itll enable them to enjoy the best medical care.B.Itll allow them to receive free medical treatment.C.Itll protect them from possible financial crises.D.Itll prevent the doctors from overcharging them.34.A.They cant immediately get back the money paid foe their medical cost.B.They have to go through very complicated application procedures.C.They can only visit doctors who speak their native languages.D.They may not be able to receive timely medical treatment.35.A.They dont have to pay for the medical services.B.They neednt pay the entire medical bill at once.C.They must send the receipts to the insurance policy.D.They have to pay a much higher price to get an insurance policy.,Section CMore and more of the worlds population is living in towns or cities.The speed at which cities are growing in the less developed countries is(36)_.Between 1920 and 1960 big cities in developed countries(37)_ two and a half times in size,but in other parts of the world the growth was eight times their size.The(38)_size of growth is bad enough,but there are now also very(39)_ signs of trouble in the(40)_ of percentages of people living in towns and percentages of people working in industry.During the nineteenth century cities grew as a result of the growth of industry.In Europe,the(41)_ of people living in cities was always smaller than that of the(42)_ working in factories.Now,however,the(43)_ is almost always true in the newly industrialized world:(44)_.,Without a base of people working in industry,these cities cannot pay for their growth:(45)_.There has been little opportunity to build water supplies or other facilities.(46)_,a growth in the number of hopeless and despairing parents and starving children.,95年6月实题Section A1.A.Librarian and student.B.Operator and caller.C.Boss and secretary.D.Customer and repairman.,2.A.Look for the key.B.Repair the car.C.Fix a shelf.D.Paint a shelf.3.A.To make the woman angry.B.To please the mans mother.C.David is the mans good friend.D.David is good at carrying on conversation.4.A.He must meet his teacher.B.He must attend a class.C.He must go out with his girlfriend.D.He must stay at school to finish his homework.5.A.He wants to pay.B.He doesnt want to eat out.C.He wants to eat somewhere else.D.He doesnt like Japanese food.,6.A.He didnt work as hard as he was supposed to.B.He didnt pass the physics exam.C.He did better in an earlier exam.D.He found something wrong with the exam.7.A.He is attending his sick mother at home.B.He is on a European tour with his mother.C.He is at home on sick leave.D.He is in Europe to see his mother.8.A.They dont know how to get to Mikes home.B.They are discussing when to meet again.C.They went to the same party some time ago.D.They will go to Mikes birthday party.9.A.Five lessons.B.Three lessons.C.Twelve lessons.D.Fifteen lessons.10.A.Find a larger room.B.Sell the old table.C.Buy two bookshelves.D.Rearrange some furniture.,Section B11.A.Courses in British history.B.Language courses.C.courses in sports.D.Teacher training courses.12.A.To attract more students.B.To make the