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    Book 5 Unit 1 Great Scientists,Task 1 A guessing game,Who is he?,He has made a famous kite experiment.,He learned a lot from it and invented lightningrod(避雷针).,He is,Benjamin Franklin,Never leave that until tomorrow,which you can do today.,今日事,今日毕.,Who is he?,He is called the greatest scientist in the 20th century.,He is famous for the Theory of Relativity.,He is,Albert Einstein,Imagination is more important than knowledge,想象力比知识更重要.,Who is he?,He invented electric bulbs.,He made more than 1,000 inventions duringhis life.,He is,Thomas Alva Edison,Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.,天才就是百分之九十九的汗水加上百分之一的灵感.,Who is she?,She is a woman scientist.,She discovered radium(镭)and polonium(钋).,In her life,she won the Nobel Prize twice.,She is,Marie Curie,Nothing in life is to be feared.It is only to be understood.,生活中没有什么可怕的东西,只有需要理解的东西.,Who is he?,He made the first telescope in the world.,His observations show that the earth movesaround the sun.,He is,Galileo Galilei,You cannot teach a man anything.You can only help him find it within himself.,你不可能把一切都教给一个人,你只能帮助他从内心去发现(和了解)事物。,1.Which scientist discovered that objects in water are lifted up by a force that helps them float?,Archimedes(287-212 BC)an ancient Greek mathematician&physicist,Task 2 Think and answer,2.Who wrote a book explaining how animals and plants developed as the environment changed?,Charles Darwin(1808-1882)British author of The Origin of Species,3.Who invent the first steam engine?,A.Thomas Newcomen,C.Thomas Edison,B.Archimedes,4.Who used peas to show how physical characteristics are passed from parents to their children?,Gregor Mendel(1822-1884)Czech(捷克人),5.Who was the painter that studied dead bodies to improve his painting of people?,Last Supper,Mona Lisa,Leonardo da Vinci(1452-1519)Italian artist,6.Who invented a lamp to keep miners safe underground?,Sir Humphry Davy(1778-1829)British,Miniature(小型的)Miners Safety Lamp,7.Who put forward a theory about black hole?,Stephen Hawking(1942-)British,A Brief History of Time,8.Who invented the earliest instrument to tell people where earthquakes happened?,Zhang Heng,seismograph,draw a conclusion,think of a method,collect results,make a question,find a problem,analyse the results,find supporting evidence,find a problem,make a question,think of a method,collect results,analyse the results,draw a conclusion,Pre-reading 1.How to prove a new idea in scientific research?,find supporting evidence,Pre-reading 2,1.What impresses you most in 2003?,Which person impresses you most during the SARS?,2.What other infectious diseases do you know?,For example:When you eat some food that is not fresh,You may feel,Maybe you have got _.,Cholera,John Snow defeats“King cholera”,Reading,John Snow Defeats“King Cholera”,Some background information about John Snow and cholera,Who is John Snow?,a famous doctor in London.,What happened to them?,John Snow 约翰 斯诺(1813 1858),英国麻醉学家、流行病专家。他首次提出了预防霍乱的措施。1854年,伦敦霍乱流行,斯诺通过研究霍乱病死者的日常生活情况,寻找到他们的共同行为模式,发现了霍乱与饮用不洁水的关系,由于及时切断了二者的联系,有效制止了霍乱的流行。,John Snow 约翰 斯诺(1813 1858),英国麻醉学家、流行病专家。他首次提出了预防霍乱的措施。1854年,伦敦霍乱流行,斯诺通过研究霍乱病死者的日常生活情况,寻找到他们的共同行为模式,发现了霍乱与饮用不洁水的关系,由于及时切断了二者的联系,有效制止了霍乱的流行。,Four outbreaks of cholera in the 1830s and 1840s killed many people in England.In 1854,“the most terrible outbreak of cholera which ever occurred in the kingdom”began.It was so violent and sudden that 127people died in the first three days.,The terrible cholera,The terrible cholera,Bacteria/germs of cholera,What was the cause of this illness?How did John Snow find it out?,Fastreading:,Read the passage quickly and find the number below and the relevant happenings in the passage.,Read the passage quickly and find the number below and the relevant happenings in the passage.,16,37,20,8,9,pump,38,40,BROAD STREET,CAMBRIDGE STREET,21,John Snows Cholera Map,7,Pub,The first suggested thatmultiplied in the air;.The second suggestedabsorbed this disease into their bodies with their meals.,Another outbreak hit London.,More than 500 people had died in 10 days.,These numbers in Broad Street near the water pump had many of the deaths,20 and 21 Broad Street and 8 and 9 Cambridge Street had no deaths.They didnt drink the water from the Broad Street pump.,These families worked in the pub at 7 Cambridge Street.,Read the passage and number these events in the order that they happened.,John Snow began to test two theories.,An outbreak of cholera hit London in 1854.,He announced that the water carried the disease.,John Snow marked the deaths on a map.,John Snow investigated two streets where the outbreak was very severe.,King Cholera was defeated.,He found that most of the deaths were near a water pump.,He had the handle removed from the water pump.,2,1,4,7,3,8,5,6,Carefulreading:,What cause cholera?,Which theory is correct?,Collect data on those who were ill or died and where they got their water.,Plot information on a map to find out where people died or did not die.,Analyse the water to see if that is the cause of the illness.,Find other evidence to support the analysis.,The water is to blame.The source of all drinking water should be examined so that it is safe.,The passage mainly tells us that _.A.the cause of cholera was polluted water B.John Snow was a well-known doctor in LondonC.the source of all drinking water should be examinedD.John Snow did some research and helped to solve“King Cholera”,What was the key help for John Snows discovery?The government.The woman moving away from Broad Street.The water company.The map made by himself.,summary,Read the passage again and fill in the blanks:John Snow was a well-known _ in London in the _ century.He wanted to find the _ of cholera in order to _ it.In 1854 when a cholera _ out,he began to gather information.He _ on a map where all the dead people had lived and he found that many people who had drunk the dirty water from the _ died.So he decided that the polluted water carried cholera.He suggested that the _ of all water supply be _ and new methods of _ with polluted water be found.Finally,“King Cholera”was defeated.,doctor,19th,cause,defeat,broke,marked,pump,source,examined,dealing,(in 5 minutes),discussion,Read the passage again and answer these questions.,1.Cholera was a 19th century disease.What disease do you think is similar to cholera today?,KEY:Four diseases,which are similar today,are SARS,AIDS,TB(肺结核)and bird-flu,because they are both very serious,have an unknown cause and need public health care to solve them.,2.John Snow believed Idea 2 was right.How did he finally prove it?,KEY:John Snow finally proved his idea because he found an outbreak that was clearly related to cholera,collected information and was able to tie cases outside the area to the polluted water.,3.Do you think John Snow would have solved this problem without the map?Give a reason.,KEY:No.The map helped John Snow organize his ideas.He was able to identify those households that had many deaths and check their water-drinking habits.He identified those houses that had no deaths and surveyed their drinking habits.The evidence clearly pointed to the polluted water being the cause.,5.Why couldnt the cholera be under control at first?,Neither its cause,not its cure was understood.,6.The passage mainly tells us that _.A.the cause of cholera was polluted water B.John Snow was a well-known doctor in LondonC.the source of all drinking water should be examinedD.John Snow did some research and helped to solve“King Cholera”,7.What was the key help for John Snows discovery?The government.The woman moving away from Broad Street.The water company.The map made by himself.,


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