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    in 26 cases, long-term measures to implement the rate is 77% deployed 40 couples free pre-pregnancy health checks. -Balanced development of education. I attach great importance to control fits and starts work, to ensure that school-age children to school on time, "hope dream" poor students go to school to help poor students, help students complete nine years of compulsory education. Township school-age children enrollment rate up to 100%. -Home to poverty alleviation work in order. Complete the rural minimum living standard security system and the effective connection between pro-poor development policies, establish the Township poor electronic records and paper file documentation work, and cooperate with the superior unit holders, such as the statistical work of the poor masses. As of now, I enjoy the low 94 families, a total of 305, 44310 rural minimum living standard security issued organization 7 operational training full-time staff with disabilities participated in the County Federation organized 15 disabled people to participate in free training in farming skills; organization of 14 patients with cataract receiving free checks, participate in the examination will now undergo surgery had been successful. -Waste management policy in place. Seriously implement the subsidy policies such as direct subsidies for grain, returning farmland to forests this year agriculture agricultural policy subsidies total 554940, of which: farmers direct subsidies for grain 389880; reforestation subsidies 165060. -Comprehensive management of public security work steadily. Full implementation of the measures for comprehensive management of social security, increasing crackdown on all illegal and criminal activities. As of now, my alarm 30 received, 7 all kinds of disputes, mediation successfully 6; State criminal case 3, case 7, has been investigating the 7. -Stabilisation work of letters and calls for further strengthening. Received mass petitions from 10 successful mediation, 8, investigation 1, collective skipping appeal event does not occur. Meanwhile, further strengthen publicity and mobilization work, carried out in schools, kindergartens and surrounding environment group woven fire safety and food safety 6 times, 1 traffic safety publicity and education, legal literacy, drug pictures and materials via issuing 600 and guard against cult of special publicity activities 2 attended by 300 people, mixture of anti-evil propaganda 70. Advancing the "law of six" thematic activities, through the easy way, with the film projectionist the village broadcast education 44, 3600 people returning to watch. -Further development of spiritual civilization construction work. Evening leisure time, organizations in the elderly in the rural culture of Hui Xiang Hui fitness dance square, greatly enriched the lives of the masses. Use of Arbor Day, "51" labor day, "May Fourth" youth day festivals, organize the education campaign for the festive, educational guide people to foster patriotism, socialism, collectivism and strengthen love and loyalty to the party, firmly follow the party go . Implementation of the "one gang double responsibility" established number one responsibility, team member management works. Five are team building. Open-minded, innovative ways to meet the actual needs of target, combining education and political education in party lecture, unified planning, unified plan, take active measures to enhance cadres ' quality and ability. (B) a solid foundation steadily promoting the construction of合同编号:中铁七局集团科研计划项目合 同 书项目名称:时速350km高速铁路客运专线插铺大号码道岔施工技术研究 委托单位:中铁七局集团有限公司承担单位:中铁七局集团郑州工程有限公司起止年限:2011年6月至2011年12月签约日期:2011年 6月20日合 同 书甲方:中铁七局集团有限公司委托乙方:中铁七局集团郑州工程有限公司 研究开发:时速350km高速铁路客运专线插铺大号码道岔施工技术研究项目。根据本集团科技研究开发的有关规定要求,经双方协商,一致同意以下条款: 一、项目的内容和要求1、主要技术要点和关键技术 郑西客运专线新增下行平行渡线工程为郑西客运专线联络线与荥阳南站到发线(3道)连接轨道部分,需要在郑西客运专线下行线插铺一组1/41有碴高速道岔,设计岔心里程为DK22+312.505(K590+467.605),在荥阳南站3道插铺一组1/18有碴高速道岔,设计岔心里程为DK23+360.27(K591+539.87),铺设950米60Kg/m有碴线路连接两组道岔。因郑西客运专线已正式开通运营,新增下行平行渡线工程施工需按既有线进行要点施工。施工期间需要封锁郑西客运专线郑州西站至荥阳南站间下行线路,为保证郑西客专运营正常,上行线正常运营,下行线车辆需逆行上行线,列车按正常速度运行。主要从以下几点进行研究:(1)设计插铺大号码道岔的施工工艺流程,利用网络技术科学安排工期计划,精确计算需要封锁线路时间,使客运专线要点施工做到科学化、合理化。(2)在既有客运专线上,位于高路基段且为电气化铁路的条件下,对大号码道岔构件(转辙器、辙叉、钢轨等)进行装车、运输及卸车的施工方法。(3)客运专线大号码道岔高精度的铺设标准,对底层道砟的摊铺质量及压实度提出了很高的要求,有必要对其施工方法进行深入的研究。(4)大号码道岔铺设的快速定位、组装、捣固、精调;道岔前后与既有线路的顺接和临时接头的防护。(5)快速安装外锁闭装置、转辙机、密贴检查器等部件,转换试验和道岔状态调整。(6)邻线作业,对既有客运专线采取恰当的防护措施,确保郑西客运专线运营安全。研究过程中采用的主要关键技术:(1)由于要与郑西客专正线设置临时隔离网封闭施工,为保证一定的施工区域及安全距离,需将隔离网设置在无碴轨道上。因无碴轨道道床板上不允许打眼固定隔离网立柱,此次施工采用定制的“U”型卡扣连接钢轨和隔离网立柱,将隔离网立柱固定在钢轨上。(2)由于施工场地限制,施工地点无法采用吊装设备卸车。此次施工采用搭设枕木平台,然后逐个抽掉枕木将道岔构件卸车。(3)此次插铺大号吗道岔为有砟道岔,对底层道砟的压实度及平整度要求较高,此次施工采用摊铺机械和夯实机械联合作业,保证底层道砟的铺设质量。(4)在道岔基本到位后,采用可以微调的螺旋杆固定道岔,精调道岔。2、项目要达到的技术指标(1)大号码有砟道岔的铺设质量达到高铁技术标准。(2)总结出一套客运专线插铺大号码有砟道岔的施工工艺。 3、预期成果形态时速350km高速铁路客运专线插铺大号码道岔施工技术研究报告 4、预期经济效益(1)探索要点施工中保证客运专线安全运行的防护措施,减少不必要的设施费用。(2)通过此次研究,优化客运专线插铺大号吗有砟高速道岔铺设工艺,提高施工效率,缩短工期。5、预期社会效益高速道岔是铁路客运专线运营的重要工程结构,其铺设质量直接关系着运营质量和乘坐舒适性。随着越来越多客运专线的建设和开通运营,客运专线之间的相互连接逐渐增多,客运专线插铺大号码道岔施工也会增加。通过此次研究总结出一套完整的客运专线插铺大号码施工工艺,优化既有客运专线施工方案,提高施工效率,减少能耗,为我局以后既有客运专线要点施工积累经验。二、计划进度和阶段目标因本次施工属于客运专线要点施工,具体推进计划排要以铁路局批准的要点计划为准,推进计划具体分为以下几个阶段:1、前期准备阶段(1)结合施工特点编制铁路设备管理单位和郑西客运专线有限公司批准的施工方案及运营安全保证措施。(2)搜集相关资料、规范,咨询有关方面的专家。(3)落实施工研究中需要的设备及仪器,主要为水准仪和CP测量设备。2、科研实施阶段整个要点施工分为轨道施工和道岔铺设施工两部分,重点控制1/41道岔铺设。整个要点施工分三大步进行:第一步:道岔运输、临时隔离网安装、CP测量网设置、既有线路拆除、道岔组装铺设、调整及焊接施工。道岔材料采用火车运输,由荥阳南站(道岔存放地点)经郑西客运专线运送至施工地点,人工卸车。第二步:长钢轨运输铺设。长钢轨在小李庄焊轨基地预先焊接成2根500m和2根475m长钢轨,由小李庄焊轨基地用长轨运输车运输,从郑州西站经郑西联络线进入新荥阳站新铺平行渡线线路,人工配合长轨车自动将长轨卸至平行渡线两侧。第三步:无缝线路大机捣稳定、道床整形、施工隔离网拆除、既有防护网恢复及正式开通。3、成果总结阶段总结整个施工流程,分析思考施工过程中出现的问题及解决方案,编写研究报告。 三、项目的承担单位、参加单位及主要研究开发人员 1、承担单位:中铁七局郑西客运专线一项目部 单位名称:中铁七局集团郑州工程有限公司 详细地址:郑州市陇海中路8号 E-mail地址: 联系电话:0371-68325687 邮政编码:450052 2、参加单位:中铁七局郑西客运专线一项目部 3、主要研究开发人员姓名性别年龄职务职称从事专业承担任务所在单位王浩男35工程师铁路工程项目经理中铁七局郑西客运专线一项目部侯荣光男36工程师铁路工程项目总工中铁七局郑西客运专线一项目部尚晓男27助理工程师铁路工程项目技术主管中铁七局郑西客运专线一项目部李彦坤女29工程师铁路工程技术员中铁七局郑西客运专线一项目部郭贝女28助理工程师铁路工程技术员中铁七局郑西客运专线一项目部郭元增男35高级线路工铁路工程项目副经理中铁七局郑西客运专线一项目部弓珂女28助理工程师铁路工程技术员中铁七局郑西客运专线一项目部李海军男45高级材料工材料物资部长中铁七局郑西客运专线一项目部王健男45高级材料工材料物资员中铁七局郑西客运专线一项目部1、经费数额: 单位:万元 年度来源源金额总额20112012年度备注甲方下达经费无偿1515有偿乙方自筹735735合 计750750 2、经费使用计划(指甲方下达经费)分项内容经 费 额备 注1、设备购置费4租赁2、材 料 费33、试 验 费14、资料印刷费15、外 协 费16、调 研 费17、咨 询 费18、评审验收费19、其 他 费用2合 计153、偿还计划(指甲方下达经费有偿部分)年度总额年度年度年度备注金额4、需要增添的主要仪器设备设备名称及型号价格(万元)资金来源增添理由 五、甲方的权利和义务 1、负责及时划拨项目经费给项目承担单位; 2、负责协调、监督项目实施,检查项目执行情况,审查项目经费使用情况。经检查审计,如发现违反合同,有权暂停或停止划拨经费; 3、按照中铁七局集团科技研究开发工作管理办法、中铁七局集团科技成果验收评审办法等有关规定,依据本合同第一条规定的内容和要求对项目进行成果评审及验收。 六、乙方的权利和义务 1、负责项目组织实施,进行项目日常管理及检查监督,并按规定于每年年底前向甲方报送项目执行情况统计报表; 2、按照合同规定的开支范围,对甲方划拨项目经费实行专款专用; 3、负责提供应由本单位安排的基建、物资、自筹经费、人工等有关保证条件; 4、接受甲方对项目执行及经费使用等情况进行检查或审查; 5、项目完成后,负责提出项目总结报告,及时做出经费决算,接受甲方组织的项目评审及验收。 七、项目的转包、分包1、非经甲方同意,乙方不得将合同项目及其权利和义务转包、分包给第三者;2、项目部分技术的分包必须经甲方同意后另行签订合同,并将转包、分包合同副本作为本合同的正式附件,交甲方存查;3、因第三方不能完成分包合同的约定义务, 影响乙方完成本合同应完成的义务,由乙方负责。八、成果归属凡使用甲方下达经费取得的成果,发明权归乙方,所有权属集团公司;甲方有权决定该成果的应用方式及范围;乙方对该成果拥有优先使用权。成果对外实行有偿转让,转让收益分配由双方商定。九、技术资料的保密1、保密资料清单。2、非经双方同意,保密资料不得向第三方泄露。3、对必须由保密审查部门审查后方能公开发表的保密资料,乙方不得擅自发表,擅自发表者要承担失密责任,直至依法对当事人追究刑事责任。十、合同的变更或解除 1、任何一方提出变更合同或解除合同的要求,需与另一方协商,签定变更条款或协议,作为本合同的正式附件,方可执行; 2、一方因他方违反合同或发生不可抗力,或因项目所依托的施工任务变更等 ,致使合同履行成为不可能或不必要,有权通知另一方解除合同。 3、当事人一方不履行合同规定的义务,对方有权解除合同。 4、变更或解除合同造成的损失由双方协商或按责任原则分别承担。 十一、不可抗力和风险责任的承担 1、任何一方因不可抗力或生产任务调整不能履行合同的全部或部分义务时,应及时通知另一方,并采取措施减少损失,在合理期限内提供合同不能履行的证明。 2、甲方不履行合同内容,导致项目失败或部分失败,所拨经费(无偿部分)和物资不得追回。乙方不履行合同内容,导致项目失败或部分失败,应全部退还或部分退还甲方所拨经费和物资,情节严重者要追究责任。 3、乙方在执行合同过程中发生风险,应及时通知甲方,并采取措施减少损失。乙方没有及时通知甲方采取适当措施,导致损失扩大的,应就扩大的损失承担责任,甲方有权要求乙方支付违约金或赔偿经济损失。 十二、合同文本要求 1、本合同一式二份,甲方存一份(正本),乙方存一份; 2、本合同附件共 无 份。附件名称:十三、其他附加条款经双方协商订立的下列条款作为本合同正式内容的一部分。十四、本合同签约各方甲方:中铁七局集团有限公司负责人:盖 章: 年 月 日乙方:中铁七局集团郑州工程有限公司承担单位名称:中铁七局郑西客运专线一项目部项 目 负 责人:尚晓单 位 负 责人:盖 章: 年 月 日grass-roots party organizations is focus of new party members. Further strengthening the party education campaign, party organization to more excellent talents absorbed, constantly enhance the party's vitality and vigor, a solid job discovery, training activists. The initiative to broaden the scope of training, at the village level organization of young cadres, wealth experts and other personnel in the discovery, selection, training, and guide them to move closer to the party and injected fresh vitality to the building of rural grass-roots party organizations. Second is to further improve the site present situation of grass-roots party branches. With an emphasis on construction of village-level activities, comprehensive corrosion activities of grass-roots party organization construction in various fields, with village-level party organization function setting, achieving more efficient use of venues, activities for grass-roots party organizations and party members, and create good conditions for serving the masses, by using village-level activities. Third is to conscientiously implement the village group living subsidy distribution work. In strict accordance with the parent document, fully according to the actual situation, further improve the village cadres of the group registration through the "one card" uniform forms, living subsidies timely payment on time each month to the hands of village cadres of the group, to ensure, without delay, not in arrears, and to ensure that earmarks. Four village election preparations are made. Organization survey and the Xiang village cadres, a comprehensive understanding of the village Committee. Using visited members, and masses representative and village group cadres of form, understand masses by wants to, and by needed, and by hope; through held members will, and masses will and village group cadres will, understand village level organization status, and exists highlight problem and future development direction; visited understand complex back soldiers, and workers returned young personnel and masses recommended of rich capable, full reserve cadres team, for village "two Board" general election lay solid based. (C) to speed up the pace of the adjustment of industrial structure and increase farmers ' income through various channels. One is to strengthen its efforts to readjust the industrial structure. At the same time accelerate the process of industrialization in rural areas, and actively promote the development of industries with local industry and quality, reasonable and effective solution to my single issues of the industrial structure, for example: turtle and introduced sheep farming project, strengthening the educational plant support. Second, broaden the channels of sales of agricultural products. Actively carry out famous brand construction of agricultural products, to create brand agriculture, expand marketing channels, enhance brand awareness and market competitiveness of farm products. Third, strengthening agro-technical training. Through training, to improve the scientific quality of peasants, farmers ' quality of life, promote the surplus labor force transfer output, really be my shortcut to rural farmers for agricultural development. Four is the comprehensive strengthening of the construction of ecological environmental protection, further establishing ecological compensation mechanism construction of ecological construction and industry, development of local characteristic, strongly supports the ecological transition Industrial construction, focus on the development of9


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