Uint15Destination,作文练习,Snub-nosed Monkey;Golden Monkey,Cute/lovely panda,graceful antelope,dove tree,yew,ancient castle,写作词汇,羌族自治县Beichuan Qiang Autonomous County 四川盆地的西北部the northwest of Sichuan Basin羌历年 Qiangs New Year防御 defend against贮存 store自然保护区Nature Reserve国家一级保护动物animals under first-class state protection敞开胸怀is open to(自然)景色 scenery 治水 tame the floods,如果你对长时间购物或街头漫步而感到厌倦了,那么就来北川吧!美丽的北川敞开胸怀迎接来自世界各地的游人。,人们不时都有出门旅游的渴望。如果你产生了打包出行的欲望,北川是你可以考虑的目的地。,北川是中国唯一的羌族自治县,位于四川盆地的西北。北川是一个文化和历史名城。人们认为北川是大禹的出生地,大禹因为治水而闻名。每年人们都会汇集到这里来庆祝大禹的诞辰。到此一游可以让你领略到当地人的快乐的生活方式。,碉楼是北川著名的传统建筑,在古代,羌族人用它来防御敌人 和贮存粮食。漫步其间就相当于上一堂历史课。,北川植被丰富,比如珙桐,红豆杉。这里有多个自然保护区,包括小寨子沟自然保护区和片口自然保护区。另外,你还可以看到可爱的大熊猫、漂亮的金丝猴、优雅的羚羊,它们都是国家一级保护动物。所以它也是人们远足的天堂。,美丽的河流伸展着穿城而过,这里优美的景色会使人大饱眼福。每个来这里的人都会有所收获,没有人会带着失望离开这里。,Every now and then,people get the itch to travel.Should you feel the urge to pack your bags and set off on a trip,Beichuan might be one of your destinations.,located in the northwest of Sichuan Basin,Beichuan is the only Qiang Autonomous County in China.Beichuan is a famous cultural and historical county.It is believed that Beichuan is the birthplace of Da Yu,who is famous for taming the floods.Every year people gather here to celebrate Da Yus birthday.,A trip here can give you a glimpse of the happy lifestyle of the local people.Ancient castle is famous traditional architecture in Beichuan.In ancient times,Qiang used it to defend against enemies and store food.A walk between them is a history lesson.,If you get tired of shopping or walking for a long time in the street,come to Beichuan!,Beichuan,a beautiful resort,is open to travelers from every corner of the world.,Well,there is something for everyone here and no one will leave here feeling disappointed.,There are a wide variety of plants in Beichuan,such as dove tree,yew.There are several Nature Reserve,including Xiaozaizigou Nature Reserve and Piankou Nature Reserve.In addition,you can find cute pandas,beautiful golden monkeys and graceful antelopes which are all animals under first-class state.Therefore,it is also a paradise for hikers.,There are beautiful rivers stretching lazily through the county.The beautiful sights here are a feast for the eyes.,