,English Curse of Chemistry,Huiming Lin,教材:1、化学专业英语(周光明,西南师范大学出版社)2、化学专业基础英语(魏高原,北京大学出版社)3、化学与化工英语(张荣,华中科技大学出版社)4、化学与应用化学专业英语(王辛宜,华东理工大学出版社),Why must we study the course?,The content of the course,Figure n.数字;算术;人物;身材 vi.计算;出现;扮演角色 vt.计算在内;估计;推测;认为 1 An organizational chart showing the relationship of the scientific discipline called chemistry to other scientific disciplines图1组织结构图显示的学科称为化学等学科的关系,what is chemistry and why is it important,Scientific disciplines(vt.训练;使有纪律;处罚;使有条理 n.训练;纪律;学科;符合行为准则的行为(或举止))and technology科学和技术 Scientific disciplines represent abstract bodies of knowledge(科学学科代表知识体)Technology is the physical application of scientific knowledge to the production of new products to improve human survival,comfort(n.安慰;舒适;使人舒服的事物;给予援助或安慰的人或事),and quality of life(Technological advances began affecting our society about 200 years,and new advances still continue,at an accelerating(n.加速;加速度;加速升级;(优秀学生的)跳级)pace(n.一步;长度单位;步幅,步调;快步 vt.踱步,走来走去;步测;调整步调;训练马溜蹄 vi.踱;溜蹄 prep.蒙恩准,怀着对的敬意),to have a major impact on human society)技术是科学知识来生产新的产品来改善人类的生存,舒适的物理应用,和生活质量(技术进步开始影响我国社会约200年,和新的进展仍在继续,在加速,以对人类社会产生重大影响,What is chemistry and why is it important,chemistry the Matter(n.事件;(讨论、考虑等的)问题;重要性;物质;vi.要紧,重要;化脓;有重大影响;有重要性;):be it animal,vegetable or mineral,is composed of chemical elements or combination thereof(adv.它的;其;关于那;由此).它是动物,植物或矿物,是由化学元素或它们的组合Chemistry:is involved(adj.复杂难懂的;与他人有密切关系的;受牵扯的;作为一部份参与的 v.表明(某人)with 参与 the understanding of the properties(n.特性,属性;财产,地产;戏道具;所有权)of the elements,how they interact(v.相互作用;互相影响;互动)with 互动 one another,and how the combination of these elements gives compounds with many undergo(vt.经历,经验;遭受,承受)chemical changes to generate(vt.形成,造成;产生物理反应;产生(后代);引起)new compounds.化学:参与的元素的性质的理解,他们如何相互影响,以及如何这些元素的组合,提供了化合物与许多发生化学变化,生成新的化合物。,what is chemistry and why is it important,Why is it important chemistry plays a pivotal role in the natural sciences.It provides the essential basic knowledge for applied sciences,such as astronomy,materials sciences,chemical engineering,agriculture,medical sciences and pharmacology.化学在自然科学中起着举足轻重的作用。它应用科学提供了必要的基础知识,如天文学,材料科学,化学工程,农业,医学和药理学。,what is chemistry and why is it important,Introduction,Chemistry English is a compulsory(adj.必须做的,强制性的;义务的;必修的)course for the undergraduate(n.(未获学士学位的)大学生,大学肄业生)students of chemistry.It aims at enlarging(enlarge 英 nl:d 美 nl:rd vt.&vi.扩大,放大;扩展,扩充;拉长说,详述)students,vocabulary in chemistry and improving students,ability to read,comprehend(英 kmprhend 美 k:mprhend vt.理解,领会;包)and use English,so as to lay a solid language foundation for future teaching and research,facilitate(英 fsltet 美 fsltet vt.促进,助长;使容易;帮助)reading Scientific materials in English and promote(英 prmt 美 prmot vt.促进,推进;提升,助长;促销;使(学生)升级 vi.成为王后或其他大于卒的)international exchange.化学专业英语是应用化学专业本科学生的一门必修课。它旨在扩大学生的词汇量,提高学生在化学,阅读能力,理解和使用英语,从而为今后的教学和研究的一个坚实的语言基础,促进科学阅读英文资料,促进国际交流。,English is a scientific language in research.Especially since china entry into WTO,it has become very necessary for chemistry students to master both chemistry and English.Therefore,based on more than ten years of teaching experience of English in chemistry,we have edited this textbook in the hope of facilitating the Learning of chemistry English.英语是科学语言的研究。特别是中国加入WTO以来,它已成为非常必要的化学专业的学生掌握化学和英语。因此,基于超过十年的化学英语教学经验,我们编辑这本教科书希望促进化学的学习英语。,During the process of editing the textbook,we tried to make sure the content(英 kntent 美 k:ntent n.内容;(书等的)目录;满足;容量 kntent adj.满足的,满意的;愿意的;心甘情愿的)is both information and entertaining(entertainment 英 enttenmnt 美 entrtenmnt n.娱乐,消遣;招待,款待;娱乐节目).The aim of teaching chemistry English is not only for training English,but also for learning knowledge.This book covers(vt.覆盖,遮蔽;采访,报导;涉及;包括 n.盖子,覆盖物;(书等的)封面;隐蔽,遮蔽;(保险公司的)保险)the extensive(adj.广阔的,广大的;范围广泛的;物广延的;逻外延的)fields(n.田;(作某种用途的)场地;(学习或研究的)领域;运动场 vi.棒球、板球等担任外场员,担任守队队员;接守,接防;接,掷还(球)adj.实地的;体育1)。在田赛场地进行的2)。田赛的;军事野战的;在实地工作的 vt.保护;把(农作物等)晒在场上;棒球、板球等按(或截)(球);即席圆满回答)of inorganic(adj.化无机的;无组织结构的;无生物的;无活力的),organic chemistry,physical chemistry,polymer chemistry,super molecular chemistry,materials chemistry and biochemistry.It also includes the rules of chemistry nomenclatures,and how to contribute to specialized chemistry journals.Each unit is composed of article,vocabulary,explanation of difficult phrases(n.短语;成语;说法;乐句 vt.叙述,措词 vt.&vi.划分乐句,分乐节(尤指为奏乐或歌唱)and translation.编辑教材的过程中,我们试图确定内容信息和娱乐。教学目的化学英语不仅是训练英语,还要学习知识。这本书领域无机,有机化学,物理化学,聚合物覆盖广泛的化学,超分子化学,材料化学。它还包括化学术语的规则,以及如何有助于专业化学期刊。每个单元由第,词汇,短语和翻译解释的困难。,Every article is carefully selected so that students can relate to their previous chemistry knowledge and learn new things during the study of English.Finally,an article entitled“Chemistrys Golden Age”and its Chinese translation are included for stimulating students interest in future chemistry.每一篇文章都是经过精心挑选,使学生可以与他们以前的化学知识和英语学习过程中学习新事物。最后,一篇题为“化学的黄金时代”和它的中文翻译,包括激发学生未来化学的兴趣。,This textbook can serve for senior undergraduate students of chemistry and a guiding book for the self-study of chemistry English by chemistry teachers,graduate students and other industrial chemists.I hope that teachers,students and other readers will find this textbook convenient and hopeful for your teaching and studying and also welcome any suggestion for its improvement in next edition.本教材可供化学本科高年级学生和教师通过化学化学英语自学指导书,研究生和其他工业化学家。我希望教师,学生和其他读者会发现这本教科书的方便,希望你的教学和研究,也欢迎任何建议的改进下。,Why we must study the course?,The content of the course,第一章 无机材料命名Unit 1 The Rules of Inorganic Nomenclature第二章 有机材料命名Unit 2 General Principles of Organic Nomenclature第三章 材料的结构与性质Unit 3 Structure and Properties of Solids第四章 化学反应Unit 4 Reactions第五章 纳米粒子与纳米结构材料Unit 5 Nanoparticles and Nanostructural Materials第六章 有机高分子材料Unit 6 Organic Polymer Materials 第七章 英文文献写作Unit 7 Paper Writing,ABSTRACT:Self-assembly of one-dimensional nanoscale building blocks into functional 2-D or 3-D complex superstructures has stimulated a great deal of interest.We report the synthesis and characterization of nanopolyhedrons多面体assembled from ultrathin SnO2 nanowires based on the sodium dodecyl sulfate(SDS)-assisted hydrothermal process.As-synthesized SnO2 nanopolyhedrons have uniform diameters around 300 nm and are self-assembled by numerous ultrathin SnO2 nanowires with diameters of 510 nm.The growth mechanism was also studied by investigating the samplessynthesized at different reaction time.Thin films of the assembled SnO2 nanopolyhedrons were configured as high performance sensors to detect methanol,ethanol,and acetone,which exhibited 1 ppm sensitivity,very fast response and recovery times(several seconds for different gases withconcentrations of 1200 ppm)to all the target gases and highly selective detection to acetone.,摘要:自组装的一维的纳米积木为功能的二维或三维的复杂的上层建筑,刺激了极大的兴趣。我们报告的合成和表征nanopolyhedrons多面体超薄SnO2纳米线基于十二烷基硫酸钠(SDS)组装辅助的水热过程。所合成的二氧化锡nanopolyhedrons具有均匀的直径约300 nm和自组装由许多超薄SnO2纳米线在510 nm的直径。的生长机理进行了研究样品在不同的反应时间合成研究。的薄膜组装的二氧化锡nanopolyhedrons被配置为高性能的传感器来检测甲醇,乙醇,丙酮,表现出1 ppm的灵敏度,快速响应和恢复时间(不同气体的浓度为1200 ppm 几秒)的所有目标气体和丙酮的高选择性检测。,