1,*,Social Centered Selling LLC|connect.collaborate.close!,Constructivism and objectivism 构成主义和非客观主义,ConstructivismAlso known as structuralism.Development in 1913 20 sConstructivism is a cardboard or plastic fabric pieces of metal glass block combined into the sculpture,*,Social Centered Selling LLC|connect.collaborate.close!,塔特林(Vladimir Tatlin),the originator of constructivism,In 1913,he arrived in Paris,Visit Picasso(毕加索)Picasso use physical materials such as iron board paper for collage works,left a very deep impression on him,*,Social Centered Selling LLC|connect.collaborate.close!,塔特林绘画浮雕,On a plank with different shape of bamboo leather of metal and wireEach material is clearly show their qualitythey Echo and contact each other,*,Social Centered Selling LLC|connect.collaborate.close!,塔特林第三国际纪念碑,Third international tower is designed tatlin in 1920,the tower half higher than the Eiffel Tower.including the international convention center and radio communications center.Failed to eventually create,*,Social Centered Selling LLC|connect.collaborate.close!,罗德琴柯,Good at painting and sculpture,but also an outstanding photographers and designersUnder the influence of tatlin.He became the opponents kazimir malevich supremacist art,*,Social Centered Selling LLC|connect.collaborate.close!,*,Social Centered Selling LLC|connect.collaborate.close!,