action. Called the whole party to carry out "two-" learning the significance of this is: implement "the party controls the party, strictly administering the party" at all . Problems in ideology, organization, work style, discipline, maintaining and developing the party's advanced nature and purity, and enhance the party's cohesion and combat effectiveness. We must from the height of politics overall interest, fully aware of "two" learn the significance of education, educational activities in the enhancing ideological consciousness and conscious action. Second, clear focus, enhanced effectiveness. "Two" base lies in the doing. The focus of this study is very clear, is to study the party Constitution and party rules, studying carefully the XI series of important speech, General Secretary. Study the party Constitution and party rules, clear basic criteria, establish a code of conduct. All the party members and cadres should conscientiously study the party Constitution and seriously learn self-discipline guidelines, disciplinary regulations and other regulations in the party. Remember membership, strengthen the party member's consciousness, grasp the work of baseline and bottom line, do love the party, the party of the party party, party, party, party for the party. To study the series of important speech, understanding and mastering the XI series of important speech, General Secretary the connotation and core ideas, learn, learn, learn and do it. The starting point and the foothold of this study and education, is to guide all members of the party politics and faith, show good manners and discipline, moral ethics, conduct, devotion, as a qualified party, ideologically, politically and in action, and the Central and provincial party was very consistent. To practice party's purposes, close ties with the masses, serve the people wholeheartedly; strengthening the party spirit and moral, and always maintain the pioneer, pioneering and enterprising spirit, usually when I can see that, the moment swept up. To boot the party member education from now on, bit by bit, starting effort requires qualified party member, reflected in the daily work life, reflected in promoting poverty, maintaining social harmony and stability, sustainable catch style change style of play, as a township, synchronized to contribute to build a well-off society. Three method to grasp the principles, strong in an orderly fashion. Central proposed, "two learn a do" not once activities, this on requirements we in carried out process in the: to highlight normal education, to branch for unit, to "three will a class", party of organised for basic form, to implementation members daily education management system for basic relies on, let each members are accept once deep of thought baptism, real put party of thought political construction caught in daily, and strict in often. Should pay attention to the guidance, according to different fields, industry members of the practical, educational content, objectives and tasks, organization, work initiative category request classification designed by studying, focus on enhancing pertinence and to prevent learning education "routine" and "pot". To strengthen the leadership and urged leading cadres and cadres to participate in the Organization as ordinary party members, lead to give a Party lecture, lead discussions, spearheading criticism, demonstration members actively engaged learning education, efforts to achieve satisfactory results. To insist on balanced, tightly around the Township overall work, implementation of educational "Thirteen-Five" planning,砌体结构设计规范·圈梁、过梁、墙梁及挑梁·墙梁 7.3.1 墙梁包括简支墙梁、连续墙梁和框支墙梁。可划分为承重墙梁和自承重墙梁。7.3.2 采用烧结普通砖和烧结多孔砖砌体和配筋砌体的墙梁设计应符合表7.3.2的规定。墙梁计算高度范围内每跨允许设置一个洞口;洞口边至支座中心的距离i,距边支座不应小于0.15loi,距中支座不应小于0.07loi。对多层房屋的墙梁,各层洞口宜设置在相同位置,并宜上、下对齐。表7.3.2 墙梁的一般规定注:1 采用混凝土小型砌块砌体的墙梁可参照使用;2 墙体总高度指托梁顶面到檐口的高度,带阁楼的坡屋面应算到山尖墙1/2高度处;3 对自承重墙梁,洞口至边支座中心的距离不宜小于0.1l0i,门窗洞上口至墙顶的距离不应小于0.5m;4 hw墙体计算高度,按本规范第7.3.3条取用;hb托梁截面高度;l0i墙梁计算跨度,按本规范第7.3.3条取用;bh洞口宽度;hh洞口高度,对窗洞顶至托梁顶面距离。7.3.3 墙梁的计算简图应按图7.3.3采用。各计算参数应按下列规定取用:1) 墙梁计算跨度l0(loi),对简支墙梁和连续墙梁取1.1ln(1.1lni)或lc(lci)两者的较小值;ln(lni)为净跨,lc(lci)为支座中心线距离。对框支墙梁,取框架柱中心线间的距离lc(lci);2) 墙体计算高度hw,取托梁顶面上一层墙体高度,当hw>l0时,取hw=l0(对连续墙梁和多跨框支墙梁,l0取各跨的平均值);3) 墙梁跨中截面计算高度H0,取H0=hw+0.5hb;4) 翼墙计算宽度bf,取窗间墙宽度或横墙间距的2/3,且每边不大于3.5h(h为墙体厚度)和l0/6;5) 框架柱计算高度Hc,取Hc=Hcn+0.5hb;Hcn为框架柱的净高,取基础顶面至托梁底面的距离。7.3.4 墙梁的计算荷载,应按下列规定采用:1 使用阶段墙梁上的荷载1) 承重墙梁(1) 托梁顶面的荷载设计值Q1、F1,取托梁自重及本层楼盖的恒荷载和活荷载;(2) 墙梁顶面的荷载设计值Q2,取托梁以上各层墙体自重,以及墙梁顶面以上各层楼(屋)盖的恒荷载和活荷载;集中荷载可沿作用的跨度近似化为均布荷载。3) 自承重墙梁墙梁顶面的荷载设计值Q2,取托梁自重及托梁以上墙体自重。2 施工阶段托梁上的荷载1) 托梁自重及本层楼盖的恒荷载;2) 本层楼盖的施工荷载; 3) 墙体自重,可取高度为 的墙体自重,开洞时尚应按洞顶以下实际分布的墙体自重复核;l0max为各计算跨度的最大值。7.3.5 墙梁应分别进行托梁使用阶段正截面承载力和斜截面受剪承载力计算、墙体受剪承载力和托梁支座上部砌体局部受压承载力计算,以及施工阶段托梁承载力验算。自承重墙梁可不验算墙体受剪承载力和砌体局部受压承载力。7.3.6 墙梁的托梁正截面承载力应按下列规定计算:1 托梁跨中截面应按钢筋混凝土偏心受拉构件计算,其弯矩Mbi及轴心拉力Nbti可按下列公式计算:对简支墙梁,对连续墙梁和框支墙梁,式中 Mli荷载设计值Q1、F1作用下的简支梁跨中弯矩或按连续梁或框架分析的托梁各跨跨中最大弯矩;M2i荷载设计值Q2作用下的简支梁跨中弯矩或按连续梁或框架分析的托梁各跨跨中弯矩中的最大值;M考虑墙梁组合作用的托梁跨中弯矩系数,可按公式(7.3.6-3)或(7.3.6-6)计算,但对自承重简支墙梁应乘以0.8;当公式(7.3.6-3)中的 时,取 ;当公式(7.3.6-6)中的 时,取 N考虑墙梁组合作用的托梁跨中轴力系数,可按公式(7.3.6-5)或(7.3.6-8)计算,但对自承重简支墙梁应乘以0.8;式中,当 时,取 M洞口对托梁弯矩的影响系数,对无洞口墙梁取1.0,对有洞口墙梁可按公式(7.3.6-4)或(7.3.6-7)计算;i洞口边至墙梁最近支座的距离,当i>0.35loi时,取i=0.35loi。2 托梁支座截面应按钢筋混凝土受弯构件计算,其弯矩Mbj可按下列公式计算:式中 M1j荷载设计值Q1、F1作用下按连续梁或框架分析的托梁支座弯矩;M2j荷载设计值Q2作用下按连续梁或框架分析的托梁支座弯矩;M考虑组合作用的托梁支座弯矩系数,无洞口墙梁取0.4,有洞口墙梁可按公式(7.3.610)计算,当支座两边的墙体均有洞口时,i取较小值。7.3.7 对在墙梁顶面荷载Q2作用下的多跨框支墙梁的框支柱,当边柱的轴力不利时,应乘以修正系数1.2。7.3.8 墙梁的托梁斜截面受剪承载力应按钢筋混凝土受弯构件计算,其剪力Vbj可按下式计算:式中 V1j荷载设计值Q1、F1作用下按连续梁或框架分析的托梁支座边剪力或简支梁支座边剪力;V2j荷载设计值Q2作用下按连续梁或框架分析的托梁支座边剪力或简支梁支座边剪力;v考虑组合作用的托梁剪力系数,无洞口墙梁边支座取0.6,中支座取0.7;有洞口墙梁边支座取0.7,中支座取0.8。对自承重墙梁,无洞口时取0.45,有洞口时取0.5。7.3.9 墙梁的墙体受剪承载力,应按下列公式计算:式中 V2在荷载设计值Q2作用下墙梁支座边剪力的最大值;1翼墙或构造柱影响系数,对单层墙梁取1.0,对多层墙梁,当 时取1.3,当 或设置构造柱时取1.5,当 时,按线性插入取值;2洞口影响系数,无洞口墙梁取1.0,多层有洞口墙梁取0.9,单层有洞口墙梁取0.6;ht墙梁顶面圈梁截面高度。7.3.10 托梁支座上部砌体局部受压承载力应按下列公式计算:式中 局压系数,当>0.81时,取=0.81。当bf/h5或墙梁支座处设置上、下贯通的落地构造柱时可不验算局部受压承载力。7.3.11 托梁应按混凝土受弯构件进行施工阶段的受弯、受剪承载力验算,作用在托梁上的荷载可按第7.3.4条的规定采用。7.3.12 墙梁除应符合本规范和现行国家标准混凝土结构设计规范GB 50010的有关构造规定外,尚应符合下列构造要求:1 材料1) 托梁的混凝土强度等级不应低于C30;2) 纵向钢筋宜采用HRB335、HRB400或RRB400级钢筋;3) 承重墙梁的块体强度等级不应低于MU10,计算高度范围内墙体的砂浆强度等级不应低于M10。2 墙体1) 框支墙梁的上部砌体房屋,以及设有承重的简支墙梁或连续墙梁的房屋,应满足刚性方案房屋的要求;2) 墙梁的计算高度范围内的墙体厚度,对砖砌体不应小于240mm,对混凝土小型砌块砌体不应小于190mm;3) 墙梁洞口上方应设置混凝土过梁,其支承长度不应小于240mm;洞口范围内不应施加集中荷载;4) 承重墙梁的支座处应设置落地翼墙,翼墙厚度,对砖砌体不应小于240mm,对混凝土砌块砌体不应小于190mm,翼墙宽度不应小于墙梁墙体厚度的3倍,并与墙梁墙体同时砌筑。当不能设置翼墙时,应设置落地且上、下贯通的构造柱;5) 当墙梁墙体在靠近支座31跨度范围内开洞时,支座处应设置落地且上、下贯通的构造柱,并应与每层圈梁连接;6) 墙梁计算高度范围内的墙体,每天可砌高度不应超过1.5m,否则,应加设临时支撑。3 托梁1) 有墙梁的房屋的托梁两边各一个开间及相邻开间处应采用现浇混凝土楼盖,楼板厚度不宜小于120mm,当楼板厚度大于150mm时,宜采用双层双向钢筋网,楼板上应少开洞,洞口尺寸大于800mm时应设洞边梁;2) 托梁每跨底部的纵向受力钢筋应通长设置,不得在跨中段弯起或截断。钢筋接长应采用机械连接或焊接;3) 墙梁的托梁跨中截面纵向受力钢筋总配筋率不应小于0.6%;4) 托梁距边支座边l0/4范围内,上部纵向钢筋面积不应小于跨中下部纵向钢筋面积的1/3。连续墙梁或多跨框支墙梁的托梁中支座上部附加纵向钢筋从支座边算起每边延伸不少于l0/4;5) 承重墙梁的托梁在砌体墙、柱上的支承长度不应小于350mm。纵向受力钢筋伸入支座应符合受拉钢筋的锚固要求;6) 当托梁高度hb500mm时,应沿梁高设置通长水平腰筋,直径不应小于12mm,间距不应大于200mm;7) 墙梁偏开洞口的宽度及两侧各一个梁高hb范围内直至靠近洞口的支座边的托梁箍筋直径不宜小于8mm,间距不应大于100mm(图7.3.12)。promoting poverty, fostering enrich the industry, creating a development environment combining . Set, Township people's Congress to be deployed as soon as possible in accordance with the arrangements of the county people's Congress also developed Township people's Congress general programmes, strengthen work guidance, time is set up, their boundaries, voter registration, assignment and elected representation, voting work in ensuring that rural leadership General compact convergence. To co-ordinate better general coordination work and other work, and always maintain the continuity and stability, ensure that thinking does not come loose during General, order, work continued. Second, it is the cadre selection system to innovation. Rural transition, is the play of party building this year, the Township party organizations must conscientiously strengthen leadership, carefully organize and let the general process of become a motivating spirit, increase productivity of the process. Clear guidance, positive incentives cadres. Insisted cadres officer is first guidelines, by performance with cadres, for development distribution team, insisted in precision poverty precision poverty line, and in advance major project construction, task in the, and in solution complex contradictions in the found mining cadres candidates, real let good cadres out from, and selected have Shang, and with have good, let wants to officer who has opportunities, and can officer who has stage, and dry done who has status. To improve the selection and appointment system, strict management of cadres. Seriously implementation village cadres can go up or down several provides, especially in cadres can Xia aspects to active exploration, strengthened "Xia" of play, refinement "Xia" of case, clear "Xia" of standard, strongly put those in its bit not conspiracy to its political, and no performance, and masses not satisfaction of village adjustment down, promoted formed can who Shang, and Yong who Xia, and bad who tide of effective mechanism. Caring village management cadres and strictly organically, further formed in the Township, work hard, strive to pioneer in a good atmosphere. In addition, we have strict work requirements, according to XX of the 15th session of the Party Committee of a general programme of work, Township 102 deputies elected. Thirdly, carrying out general discipline strictly. Township party committees are clearly and firmly safeguard the seriousness and authority of the Organization and personnel work discipline, acts of violation will resolutely, in the General tolerance to iron discipline to ensure general work smoothly. Xiang party will always put discipline and rules is in front, real put are wind Su JI firmly caught in hand Shang, while insisted education prior, and warning prior, and prevention prior, will discipline requirements told of publicity in place, in-depth detailed to do team members and cadres of thought political work, put cadres of thought condensed up, put hand Shang of work promoted down, real let General of process became told political, and Gu overall, and keep rules, and promoting development of process, ensure for out masses satisfaction degrees, and for out officer essence God, and for out style are energy. Here, I again emphasize that undeniable need not withdraw, change must involve adjustment of cadres, some comrades have some idea, considered themselves to be "is it time to move a muscle" and "should mention". Have ideas can understand, but I hope that party members and cadres in the general process is to