Assassins Creedis a historical fiction action-adventure open world stealth video game series which have extremely high degree of freedom.Its developed by Ubisoft Montreal.(育碧蒙特利尔工作室),Assassin:刺客,暗杀者,Creed:信条,教条,The Assassins Creed games primarily revolves around the rivalry(竞争)between two ancient secret societies:the Assassins(刺客组织)and the Knights Templar(圣殿骑士),and their indirect relation to an ancient species pre-dating humanity(史前人类),whose society,along with much of Earths biosphere,was destroyed by a massive solar storm.,Animus1.0,Animus2.0,AC1,2,3Main character:Desmond Miles,Abstergo Industries The modern-day face of the Knights Templar,Main Weapon-Hidden Blade,Assassins skills,Leap of faith(信仰之跃),Eagle vision(鹰眼),Assassins skills,Reach the view point(同步鸟瞰点),Hide(隐匿行踪),Assassins Creed刺客教义,When other men blindly follow the truth,remember.当其他人盲目的追寻真相和真实的时候,记住。Nothing is true.万物皆虚。When other men are limited by morality or law,remember.当其他人受到法律和道德的束缚的时候,记住。Everything is permitted.万事皆允。We work in the dark to serve the light.我们服侍光明却耕耘于黑暗。We are assassins.我们是刺客。Nothing is true,everything is permitted.万物皆虚,万事皆允。,THANK,YOU,