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    M2 My home town and my countryUnit 11. population “(某一地区的)人口;全体居民”,它是一个集体名词。有特殊用法,容易出错。形容人口的“多”或“少”,要用“large、big”或“small”,不用much或little India has a large population. Singapore has a small population. 表示“某地有多少人口”的句型: The population of 某地is(was)数字,该句型中的population前要用定冠词the, 作主语时,谓语动词常用第三人称单数形式。 (be动词用is;实义动词加s或es)某地has a population of 数字The population of China is more than 1.3 billion.中国有大于十三亿人口= China has a population of more than 1.3 billion. 询问某国某地有多少人口时,要用How large.?或What.? How large is the population of .? = What is the population of .? How large is the population of Hong Kong?=Whats the population of Hong Kong? is the population of that country? About 17 million. A. How many B. How C. What D. How much 当主语是表示“人口的百分之几、几分之几”时,谓语动词用复数形式。 About seventy percent of the population in China are farmers. 2.wide 宽的Wide adj 宽的;宽阔的;广泛的,做表语或者定语Widely adv 宽阔地;广泛地3.million 百万 数字+million ,表示确切数目,million要用单数,后不加s,而且不接介词ofThere are about two milion people in the city. millions + of ,数百万,表示不确切的数目,million要用复数,后加s,而且后接介词of Millions of people all over the world come to visit the town. 后面的名词有了the, these, those等特指限定词修饰时,或其后的接的是us, them 这样的人称代词时,则此时必须用介词 of。About three million of them have left there. 他们当中约有三百万人离开了那儿。 与million有相同用法的词还有:hundred(百),thousand(千)billion(十亿)。 口诀: 模糊数字两有(有s和of) 具体数字两无(无s和of)Basketball is so exciting that people play it for fun.A. million B. two millions C.million of D. millions of 4.Pretty good 相当好;adj,漂亮的,侧重女孩的可爱或某事物精致可爱。She is very pretty in the new skirt.adv,十分 How was your weekend, Tony? Its pretty cold. . I had a good time in Paris.A. I'm OK B. Terrible C. Pretty good D. Well done5.In the 1980s 在20世纪80年代 表示“在。世纪。年代”用介词in,在表示整十的年份后加s或者s,在前面加定冠词the.He graduatd from Havard in the 1990s/1990s.6. In fact, it only became important. in fact 事实上 become 指身份、地位的变化7.Its getting bigger and busier.(繁荣)get,此处用作系动词,意思:变成;成为,后常接形容词或形容词的比较级 In the winter,the days are getting shorter and shorter.get 指天气的变冷变热,变长变短 get longer(shorter) turn 颜色的变化go 指物质发生化学变化 the meat goes bad(作系动词)get 实意动词,意思:得到;收到;获得8.as.as. 和.一样. 同级比较结构。两个as之间用adj或adv的原级,第二个as后接被比较的对象。否定形式是not as.as. 或者not so.as.(不如.),指前者不如后者。 My sister is as tall as me. Tom is not as well as Lucy.9.Its streets are much wider and cleaner too. much用于比较级前,表示程度,以加强语气。用于修饰形容词、副词比较级 用于修饰比较级的副词(短语)有: even, far, a lot,a bit,a little,rather, Its much hotter today than yesterday. Iam a little taller than my mother.注意:much和more 的区别much 修饰形容词副词的比较级much 修饰形容词副词的比较级10.Would like to do sth“想,想要”,语气上比like更委婉。Would like无人称和数的变化,变一般疑问句时,要将would提到主语前。有如下常见搭配:Would like sth 想要某物 肯定回答:yes,please. 否定回答No,thanks.Would like to do sth 想要做某事 肯定回答:yes,Id love/like to. 否定回答: Id like to,but.Would like sb to do sth 想要某人做某事 11. Some day it will become as busy as Hong Kong, Im sure.One day将来的某一天用于一般将来时或表示将来的句子过去的某一天用于一般过去时Some day将来的某一天用于一般将来时或表示将来的句子 as as 中间接形容词、副词的原级,否定形式:not as/soasLucy runs as quickly as Lily. om is not as/so tall as Jim.Im sure.我确信。否定:Im not sure. 我不确信。词组:be sure to do 一定要做be sure of sth 确信be/make sure that 确信1). This motorcycle is not as as that one, and it uses less gas.A . expensive B. less expensiveC. more expensive D. the most expensive 2). -I think Bill is taller than Jim.-No. I n fact, Jim is as as Bill. A. tall B. taller C. tallest D. the tallest12.remember to do sth 记得要去做某事(事情没有做),to可以理解为将来 Remember doing sth 记得做过某事(事情已经做了)13.辨析 Its taller than many other buildings. other adj 别的,其它的,后加名词复数another 泛指三个或三个以上的人或物中没有确定的另一个; the other 指已知的两个人或两个事物中的另一个; Other 其他的,通常后面跟名词 Others 其他的,后面不必接宾语 any others + 单数名词,表示不属于同一范围内的任何一个Shanghai is larger than any other city in China.any + 单数名词 表示不属于同一范围的任何一个 Shanghai is larger than any city in India.14.介词in,on,to的用法 in 表示在范围之内; to表示在范围之外并不相连用;on表示在范围之外但相连 China is the east of Asia and the east of Japan. A. in; in B. to; in C. to; to D. in; to15. The population of Shengzhen is larger than that of many other cities in China. that 指代比较级中前面的单数名词 如果前面的名词是复数,用those The people of Shengzhen are more than those of many other cities in China. he rivers in the village is cleaner than in the city. A. this B. that C. these D. those16.Hong Kong is as busy as Shenzhen. be busy (in) doing sth. = be busy with sth 忙于(做). He is busy (in) doing his homework.= He is busy with his homework. 他忙于做作业。 Unit 21. 方位east 东方 south南方 west西方 north北方southeast 东南方 northeast 东北方 southwest西南方 northwest 西北方1)短语:in the east of 在东部, in the west of 在西部 in the north of 在. 北部 in the south of 在南部 以上均指某一个地域范围内的方位 Shanghai is in the east of China. 首先上海是属于中国的一部分,且在东部。2)方位词in ,on , to 的用法:属于内部用in , 接壤用on , 相隔用toBABBAonAinto2.My home town is especially famous for its university. especially adv “尤其地”修饰形容词、副词、动词等。 specially 特别地 be famous for因.而闻名 后接闻名的原因 this place is famous for its cottom(棉花).be famous as= be known as作为.而闻名 后接表示职位、名称、身份等的词University 虽然以元音u开头,但其发音却以辅音开头,所以前需要加aThere is a university in this town.3. There are lots of building and churches to visit.to visit 动词不定式作后置定语,修饰building and churches,不定式常放在名词的后面I have a lots of work to do in the morning.4. Enjoy vt.喜欢,后接名词,代词,动名词My sister enjoy music.Children enjoy playing music. 拓展: enjoy oneself = have a goog time=have fun 过得愉快,玩的开心 5. Such as 例如 用来列举同类人或事物的几个例子 Some of the European languages come from Latin,such as French Italian and Spanish. For example 例如 作“例如”讲时,一般只以同类事物或人中的“一个”为例,作插入语,用逗号隔开,可置于句首、句中或句末。For example,air is invisible.6. It has a population of about seven and a half million.half 用于一个或一个以上整数再加一半表示“几个半”时,用“ one (two ) +名词 + and a half ”或“ one (two ) and a half + 名词”结构,此时要注意名词复数形式的变化。 一个半小时 one hour and a half / one and a half hours表示“某物的一半”用“ half a (an) + 单数名词”结构 half an hour 半小时7.England itself is part of an island. part of 不可分割的一部分 Taiwan is part of China.a part of 通常前面加形容词,表示的一部分 eg:It is an important part of the machine.Sleep is part of a person's daily activity cycle.A. a B. the C. another D. / 8. be popular with sb 受到某人的欢迎Jay chou is popular with young people. 9.You will notice how green the countryside is.notice/ hear/ see sb do sth 注意、听到、看到某人做事的过程 notice/ hear/ see sb doing sth 注意、听到、看到某人正在做某事感叹句句型复习:how adj 主 谓 What (a/an) adj n主 谓10.You will need it most days. need 作为情态动词 need do sth 作为实意动词 need to do sth 否定 dont/ doesnt need to do sth sth need doing The clothes needs washing. 11.low和shortde 区别 Low 低的,矮的 通常指山脉或建筑物的低矮,也可指声音、价格或温度低,反义词hige Short 低的, 通常指人个头矮,反义词tall矮的, 通常指物体很短,反义词longUnit 3 language in use3.new york is more famous than any other city in the US 1)比较急+than any other+可数名词单数+in. 在某一范围内.比其他任何一个.都. Tony is taller than any other boy in his class. = Tony is the tallest boy in his class.2)辨析:比较级+ than + any other +单数可数名词 表示同一范围内比较比较级+ than + any +单数可数名词 表示不同范围内比较4、形容词的比较级的规则变化及用法。 (1)规则变化: 类别 构成方法 原级 比较级    单音节词和少数双音节词 一般直接加-erlongtalllongertaller不发音的e结尾时加-rlatelargelaterlarger辅音字母加y结尾时把y变i,再加-ereasyhappyeasierhappier重读闭音节结尾并且只有一个辅音字母时,双写最后的辅音字母,再加-erbighotbiggerhotter(2)形容词比较级用法 表示两者进行比较时用形容词比较级,最明显的提示词是than,其结构为“A+比较级+than+B”。 Li Leis room is bigger than mine. 李雷的房间比我的大。 This mooncake is nicer than that one. 这块月饼比那块好吃。 有表示程度的副词a little,a bit,a few,a lot,much,even,still,far,rather,any等修饰时,用形容词比较级。 I feel even worse now. 我现在觉得更难受了。 It is much colder today than before.今天比以前冷得多。 比较级前面可以加上表示具体数量差别的结构,表示具体“大多少”,“小多少”,“长多少”,“短多少”等。 I am two years older than he. 我比他大两岁。 表示“两者之间最一个(of the two)”时,常用“the+比较级”结构。 Mary is the taller of the twins. Mary是双胞胎中的高个子。 表示“越来越”,用比较级重叠结构,即“比较级+and+比较级”,多音节词和部分双音节词时用“more and more+形容词原级”。 Its getting warmer and warmer in spring. 春天天气变得越来越暖和。 Our home town is becoming more and more beautiful. 我们的家乡越来越漂亮了(3) 不规则变化 总结短语归纳1. pretty good=very good 相当好2. In fact 事实上3. In the 1980s 在20世纪80年代4. Some day 总有一天5. One day 有一天6. Come from = be from 来自7. Lots of=a lot =plety of 许多8. be famous for=be know for 因。而名9. Such as 例如10.part of。 。的一部分11.more than=over 超过;多于12.on the coast 在海边13.in the east/south/west/north.of 在。东/西/南/北句型总结 1.Whats the population of.?=how lager is the population of.? .的人口有多少.? 2.as + 形容词/副词原级 +as 和.一样. 3.would you liketo do sth 想要做某事 4.enjoy doing sth 喜欢做某事 5.remenber to do sth 记得去做某事 6.A +be 形容词比较级+than + B A比B更. 7.+be 形容词比较级+than any other+可数名词单数+ in .比.中的其它任何一个.都.


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