,Verdugo Industrial Green Park,Verdugo Industrial Green Park,Colorado St.,Golden State Freeway,Ventura Freeway,Griffith Park,San Fernando Rd.,Broadway St.,Brazil St.,Doran St.,Verdugo Industrial Green Park,Verdugo Wash Confluence,San Fernando/Commuter Rail Barrier,Poor River Orientation,Verdugo Industrial Green Park,Colorado St.,Golden State Freeway,Ventura Freeway,Griffith Park,San Fernando Rd.,Broadway St.,Brazil St.,Doran St.,Verdugo Industrial Green ParkAlternative A(Long-term),Brazil Street PromenadePedestrian/Equestrian Bridge to Griffith ParkImproved Pedestrian Crossing at Doran,Brazil and ColoradoGreenway Connection to Glendale River Walk and North Atwater ParkTerraced Verdugo WashRealigned and Braided Verdugo Wash Confluence,Verdugo Industrial Green ParkAlternative B(Long-term),Grade Separated Crossings at Doran and BrasilBrazil Street PromenadePedestrian/Equestrian Bridge to Griffith ParkImproved Pedestrian Crossing at Doran,Brazil and ColoradoGreenway Connection to Glendale River Walk and North Atwater ParkRiver Element on West SideTerraced Verdugo WashRealigned and Braided Verdugo Wash Confluence,Verdugo Industrial Green ParkPhasing,1.River Greenway,2.Open Space Network Expansion,3.River Zone Completion,4.Open Space Connectivity,Verdugo Industrial Green ParkPossible Channel Improvements-Alternative B,Note:This illustration is a concept that is still under study for hydraulic and regulatory feasibility.,Verdugo Industrial Green ParkOpen Space Network Context,Verdugo Industrial Green ParkOpen Space Network Context,Taylor Yard,Glendale Freeway,San Fernando Road,Elysian Park,Taylor Yard,Golden State Freeway,Taylor Yard,Elysian Valley,Dorris Place Elementary,Knox Avenue East,Confluence 110&San Fernando,Glendale Freeway,San Fernando Road,Elysian Park,Taylor Yard,Golden State Freeway,Taylor YardAlternative A(Long-term),Contiguous Open Space Along the River Interconnected Greenway System along the river and within the adjacent neighborhoodsPedestrian Bridge Across the RiverPedestrian Connection to Elysian Park,Taylor YardPossible Channel Improvements-Alternative A,Note:This illustration is a concept that is still under study for hydraulic and regulatory feasibility.,Taylor YardAlternative B(Long-term),Braided Secondary River Channel Interconnected Greenway System along the river and within the adjacent neighborhoodsPedestrian Bridge Across the RiverPedestrian Connection to Elysian Park,Taylor YardPossible Channel Improvements-Alternative B,Note:This illustration is a concept that is still under study for hydraulic and regulatory feasibility.,Taylor YardPhasing,1.River Greenway,2.Open Space Network Expansion,3.River Zone Completion,4.Open Space Connectivity,Taylor YardPhasing,Verdugo Industrial Green ParkOpen Space Network Context,Taylor Yard Open Space Network Context,Cornfields/Chinatown Area,Spring St.,Broadway,Main St.,DWP,Mission Road Yards,Elysian Park,Cornfields/Chinatown Area,Future State Park,Consolidated Ownership,Proximity to Transit,DWP Exchange Station,Spring St.,Broadway,Main St.,DWP,Mission Road Yards,Elysian Park,Cornfields/Chinatown Area,Cornfields/Chinatown Area Alternative A(Long-term),Rail on StructureTerraced Channel Wall with Linear Park space along the riverLinear Open Space between Cornfields and RiverPerimeter Greenway SystemPedestrian Bridge Elysian ParkGreen Street connections on Main and Spring Street into Downtown,Cornfields/Chinatown AreaPossible Channel Improvements-Alternative A,Note:This illustration is a concept that is still under study for hydraulic and regulatory feasibility.,Cornfields/Chinatown AreaAlternative B(Long-term),Braided River Channel with Open Space IslandLinear Open Space between Cornfields and RiverPerimeter Greenway SystemPedestrian Bridge Elysian ParkGreen Street connections on Main and Spring Street into Downtown,Cornfields/Chinatown AreaPossible Channel Improvements-Alternative B,Note:This illustration is a concept that is still under study for hydraulic and regulatory feasibility.,Cornfields/Chinatown AreaPhasing,2.Open Space Network Expansion,3.River Zone Completion,1.River Greenway,4.Open Space Connectivity,Cornfields/Chinatown AreaOpen Space Network Context,Downtown Industrial Area,4th Street,7th Street,1st Street,6th Street,Santa Monica Freeway,Boyle Street,Downtown Industrial Area,Alameda St.,Downtown Industrial Area,Stable Residential Neighborhoods,Emerging Residential Users,Rail is a barrier to the River,Connectivity Problems,4th Street,7th Street,1st Street,6th Street,Santa Monica Freeway,Boyle Street,Downtown Industrial Area,Alameda St.,Downtown IndustrialAlternative A(Long-term),Rail realigned to follow eastern most tracksPedestrian underpasses below railRiver Greenway on both sides of the RiverGreenway connection to Hollenbeck ParkGreen Street Connections to Pico Aliso HousingRegional Connections on 1st,4th,6th and 7th StreetsFin wall provides access to RiverInflatable dams create pools,Downtown Industrial AreaPossible Channel Improvements-Alternative A,Note:This illustration is a concept that is still under study for hydraulic and regulatory feasibility.,Downtown IndustrialAlternative B(Long-term),Depressed or Elevated RailLarge Riverfront Park with Recreational FieldsConnection to Hollenbeck ParkGreen Street Connections to Pico Aliso HousingRegional Connections on 1st,4th,6th and 7th StreetsRiver Greenway on west side of RiverTerraced River Wall with Open space and Habitat,Downtown Industrial AreaPossible Channel Improvements-Alternative B,Note:This illustration is a concept that is still under study for hydraulic and regulatory feasibility.,Downtown IndustrialAlternative C(Long-term),Through Rail lines from West moved to Eastern Bank of the RiverRedevelopment Deck and Open Space over MTA Maintenance YardsConnection to Hollenbeck ParkGreen Street Connections to Pico Aliso HousingRegional Connections on 1st,4th,6th and 7th StreetsRiver Greenway on East side of RiverTerraced River Wall with Open space and Habitat,Downtown IndustrialPotential Phasing,2.Open Space Network Expansion,3.River Zone Completion,1.River Greenway,4.Open Space Connectivity,Downtown Industrial Open Space Network Context,Community MeetingJune 2008,LOS ANGELES RIVERECOSYSTEM RESTORATION FEASIBILITY STUDY,U.S.Army Corps of EngineersCity of Los Angeles Bureau of Engineering,Study ObjectivesStudy PartnershipsCorps of Engineers Civil Works ProcessFeasibility Study,Incorporate a watershed perspective for this study to improve the overall health of the Los Angeles Basin,Los Angeles River Feasibility Study Objectives:,Restore a degraded urban river environment to a more natural riparian habitat Habitat restoration for native species Provide additional recreation and open space opportunities along the river corridor,Feasibility Study Partner:,City of Los Angeles Department of Public Works,Bureau of Engineering,Participates in the decision process and the preparation of decision documentscosts and schedules objectives designplan selection project implementation,Operation and Maintenance(O&M),Role of the Study Partner in the Feasibility Process,FCSA Feasibility Cost Sharing Agreement Signed-April 2008Cost:$7.3 Million-Cost Shared 50/50 Army Corps 50%Bureau of Engineering 50%In-Kind Cash,Feasibility Study Costs,Reconnaissance Study or 905(b)Feasibility Study Plans and SpecificationsProject Authorization By CongressProject Construction/Implementation Operations and Maintenance,General Overview of the Civil Works Process,Define existing problems and identify potential solutions utilizing existing informationDetermine whether there is a Federal interest in proceeding forward with a feasibility study,Reconnaissance Study,Feasibility Study,Describe and evaluate alternative plans and fully describe the recommended planThe Feasibility Report is a Decision Document recommending a specific plan to Congress,6,Select,Recommended Plan,Compare,Alternative Plans,Evaluate Effects of,Alternative Plans,Formulate,Alternative Plans,Inventory&Forecast,Resource Conditions,5,4,3,2,1,Six Step Feasibility,June 2008-F2 Public WorkshopApril 2007-F3 Baseline(Without-Project Conditions)and Conceptual Alternatives Identified October 2007-F4 Alternatives(With-Project Conditions)Review ConferenceJanuary 2008-F4A Alternative Formulation BriefingJuly 2008-F5 Draft Report Public ReviewSeptember 2008-F6 Public HearingNovember 2008-F7 Issue Resolution Conference(if needed)March 2009-F8 Final report to South Pacific Division(SPD)Spring/Summer 2009-F9 Civil Works Review Board(CWRB),Study Milestone Schedule,NEPA:National Environmental Policy Act,The Army Corps is the lead Federal agency for NEPA for the LA River Feasibility StudyProgrammatic EIS/EIR completed by Bureau of Engineering Army Corps will proceed with site specific EIS/EIR for the Feasibility Study,Army Corps of Engineers Technical Expertise:SurveyorsHydrology and Hydraulics Engineering Geotechnical EngineeringEnvironmental SpecialistsArchaeologistBiologistEngineering DesignPlan Formulation,Feasibility Study Project Delivery Team:,Catherine ShumanUSACEPlanning Division915 Wilshire Boulevard,14th FloorLos Angeles,CA 90017(213)452-3797 catherine.m.shumanusace.army.mil,Contact Information:,Questions?Comments?,Table Exercise,We have 2 stations for each Opportunity SiteOne each for the A and B Alternatives(An extra for the Downtown Industrial Site Alternative C)We invite you to draw,post notes,ask questions,and especially fill out a questionnaireAppropriate use of spaceAppropriate mix of open space,urban uses,recreation,water usesPlease share your ideas!You can comment at the tables,on the questionnaire,or on our comment cards available where you signed-inOne more thing,Little Ed is still swimming!,