Medical Englishfor postgraduates,主讲人:彭继兰,Word building基本意义单位 第一种符号 第二种符号(word)(root)人 man anthrop 花 flower antho 时 time chron 色 colour chrom,石 stone lith 水 water hydro 生命 life bio 头 head cephal 牙 tooth dent,lith-lithoscope 结石检查器 lithectomy 结石切除术 lithoid 如石的-lith urolith 尿结石 nephrolith 肾结石 cholelith 胆结石,aerolith 陨石 megalith 巨石 monolith 独石柱 trilith 三石(塔)zoolith 动物化石 entemlith 昆虫化石,The parts of human body 人体部位 1.头head capit-caput-L cephal-G 2.颈 neck carotico-G cervic-L 3.胸 chest pectus-L pectoris a.steth-G thorac-G,4.腹 abdomen abdomin-L lapar-G5.腰 waist n.lumb-L lumbus L n.6.盆,肾盂 pelvis pelvi-L7.肩 shoulder om-L8.臂 arm brachi-L brachium n.9.肘 elbow cubitus L,10.前臂 forearm antebrachi-11.腕 wrist carpus-L12.手 hand manu-L manus n.cheir-kair G,13.指(趾)finger(toe)dactyl-G dactylogram/fingerprint 指纹 phalanx n.G digitus n.L14.臀 buttock(breech/nump)clunis L n.gluteal G a.gloutos n.pyg-G,15.股 thigh femur-L n.16.膝 knee genu-L17.小腿 leg crus L 18.踝 ankle talus L n.19.足 foot ped-L pod-G,organs and tissues 组织和器官1.cell 细胞 cyt-cyte G2.gland 腺体 aden-G3.muscule 肌肉 muscul-L my-G4.skin 皮肤 derm(at)-G5.bone 骨 oste-G6.joint 关节 arthr-G7.heart 心 cardi-G 心肌 myocardi-,8.brain 脑 encephal-G cerebrum 大脑 cerebr-L cerebellum 小脑 cerebell-L9.bile 胆(汁)bili-L chole-,chol(o)-G10.liver 肝 hepat-G11.stomach 胃 gastr-G12.intestine 肠 enter-G,13.lung 肺 pneumon-G 肺炎 pneumonia,pneumonitis 14.pneum(at)-呼吸,空气,肺 气胸 pneumothorax 15.bronchus 支气管 bronch-L 16.spleen 脾 splen-G 17.kidney 肾 nephr-G ren-L 18.testis 睾丸 orchi(d)-G,19.womb 子宫 metr-G uter-L 20.breast 乳房 mast-G mamm-L21.spine 脊柱 rachi-G22.eye 眼 ophthalm-G ocul-L 左眼 oculus sinister(0.S.)右眼 oculus dexter(0.D.),23.ear 耳 auri-L 外耳,心耳 ot-G otitis media 中耳炎24.nose鼻 nas-Lotorhinolaryngology耳鼻喉科学 rhin-Grhinophyma(肥大性)酒糟鼻25.throat 咽 pharyng-Gpharynx n.pharyngitis 咽炎 throat 喉 laryng-G larynx n.,喉炎 laryngitis26.tooth dent-L dentistry 牙科学 dentist牙科医生 denture 义齿,牙托 odont-Godontolith 牙结石27.blood vessel angi-G vascul-L vascular adj.vasospasm 血管痉挛 vasoconstriction 血管收缩,28.vein 静脉 ven-L phleb-G 29.artery 动脉 arteri-L30.nerve 神经 neur-G neurasthenia神经衰弱31.blood 血 haem-,hemat-,hem-32.bladder 膀胱 G cyst-cystitis 膀胱炎 cystofibroma 囊性纤维瘤,33.bile duct 胆管 cholangi-34.fat 脂肪 lip-G35.fibre 纤维 fibr-L36.trachea 气管 trache-G 37.meninx 脑膜,脊髓膜 mening-G 38.spinal cord脊髓 myel-G,39.encephalomyel-脑脊髓 40.colon 结肠 colo-G41.thrombus血栓 thromb-G(embolus,plug)42.platelet血小板 thrombocyt-G,Diseases and morbid condition 疾病和病态1.炎(inflammation)-itis G2.疼痛(ache)-algia G neuralgia 神经疼痛 myalgia 肌肉疼痛 arthralgia关节疼痛3.膨出,疝(hernia)-cele G gastrocele 胃疝4.扩张,膨胀(dilation)-ectasis G bronchiectasis 支气管扩张,5.充血,血症(congestion)-emia G anemia 贫血症 leukemia 白血病 bacteremia 菌血症 6.巨大,肿大(swelling)-megaly G hepatomegaly 肝肿大 splenomegaly 脾肿大7.瘤(tumor)-oma G fibroma 纤维瘤 lipoma 脂肪瘤 encephaloma 脑瘤,8.病,(异常)增多(abnormal increase)-osis acidosis 酸中毒 leukocytosis白细胞增多9.减少(decrease)-penia G lymphocytopenia 淋巴细胞减少 leukocytopenia 白细胞减少10.麻痹,瘫痪(paralysis)plegia G hemiplegia 半身不遂 quadriplegia 四肢瘫痪,11.下垂(prolapse)-optosis gastroptosis 胃下垂 choleocystoptosis 胆囊下垂12.出血(hemorrhage)-rrhagia rhinorrhagia 鼻出血 gastrorrhagia胃出血,Surgical Operation(外科手术)1.穿刺(puncture)-centisis G abdominocentisis 腹腔穿刺 thoracocentisis 胸腔穿刺 2.切除术(excision,removal,resection)-ectomy G thyroidectomy 甲状腺切除术3.切开术(incise,incision),otomy G tracheotomy 气管切开术 angiotomy 血管切开术,4.造口术,吻合术(anastomose v.anastomosis n.)-ostomy gastrostomy胃吻合术 enterostomy 肠造口术 colostomy 结肠造口术 tracheostomy气管造口术5.缝合术(suture)orrhaphy cardiorrhaphy,neurorrhaphy,angiorrhaphy,Position 方位,1.在之上,在之外 epi-G(on,out)epicondyle 髁上骨 epicardium 心外膜 epicardiectomy 心外膜切除术 epidermis 表皮,在上,超过(above)super-L supra-L superacute 超急性的 supernormal 超常的 superextension 伸展过度的 supra-epiocondylar 位于髁上骨之上的 supranormal 超常的 suprarenal 肾上的,肾上腺的,2、在下,次于,不足 sub-L(under)subacute 亚急性的 subtotal 次全的 subclinical 亚临床的 subcostal 肋下的 subnutrition 营养不足下,在下(beneath)infra-L,infracostal 肋下的 infracortical 皮质下的 infraorbital 眼眶下的 infra-axillary 腋下的3、向内,在内(within)end(o)-G endocrine 内分泌 endotoxin 内毒素,金,endoscope 内窥镜 endogenous 内源性的内,在内(within)intra-L intracardiac 心脏内的 intramuscular 肌肉内的 intraoperative 手术中的 intravenous 静脉内的 intrahepatic 肝内的,在内,入内,进入(within)intro-L introgastric 导入胃内的 intromit 插入 introvert 性格内向的 introflexion 内屈4、外,外侧(outside)ect(o)-G ectocardic 心脏异位的,ectogenous 外源性的 ectotoxin 外毒素向外、在外(outside)exo-G exotoxin 外毒素 exocrine 外分泌 exocardia 心脏异位外,额外、向内(outward)extra-L,加在形容词之前表示超出、越出之外 extracellular 细胞外的 extrasystole 期外收缩的 extralegal 法律权力以外的 extraordinary 非凡的5、在前(before)ante-L anteflexin(子宫)前屈 antemarital 婚前,A.M.=antemeridian 午前、上午 antemortem 死前(before)pre-L precardium 心前部(心口)premature 早产的,precapillary 前毛细血管 presystole 收缩前期,前,初,前体(before,forward)pro-G proenzyme 酶原 procedure 程序 prochromosome 初染色体6、post-L(after)postmeridian 午后的 postdiastolic 舒张后的 posthepatitic 肝炎后的,postcerebral 大脑后的 postwar 战后的 postcerebellar 小脑后的 postmortem 死后(尸检)postgraduate 研究生retro-L(backward)向后,倒退 retroperitoneal 腹膜后的 retroaction 反作用的,retrobronchial 支气管后的7、旁,外,副,远处 para-G parathyroid 甲状旁腺的 paraplegia 截瘫的,下肢麻痹的 parasympathetic 副交感的8、在周围 peri-G pericardium 心包,periosteum 骨膜 perimeter 周长,Comparison 对比1.macro-大(异常体积)G巨球蛋白 macroglobulin巨细胞 macrocyte巨结肠 macrocolon肉眼检查 macroscopemega-G 巨直肠 megarectummegalo-G 巨 脾 megalosplenia,micro-小 G 微生物 microbe 显微镜 microscope 显微外科 microsurgery 微型手术刀 microtome 微波 microwave,2.multi-多 L 多病灶的 multifocal 多核的 multinuclear 多型的 multiform 多菌感染 multi-infection 细胞簇 multicell pluri-多 L 多核的 plurinuclear,全血球减少 pluricytopenia 多种耐药性的 pluriresistant poly-多 G 多腺瘤 polyadenoma 多血管炎 polyangiitis 红细胞增多症 polycytemia 多动脉炎 polyarteritis,oligo-少,不足 G 红细胞过少 oligocytemia 白细胞过少 oligoleukocytosis 营养不足 oligotrophia 胆汁过少 oligocholia,3.tachy-快 G心动过速 tachycardia呼吸急促 tachypnea记速器 tachymeter快速免疫法 tachyphylaxis心收缩过速(期外收缩)tachysystole,brady-慢 G心动过缓 bradycardia呼吸徐缓 bradypnea心舒张期延长 bradydiastole,4.hyper-过高,超过 G高血压 hypertension高脂肪血症 hyperlipemia代谢过盛 hypermetablism体温过高 hyperthermia hypo-低下,过少 G低血糖症 hypoglycemia贫血 hypohemia=anemia低血压 hypotension甲状腺技能减退 hypothyroidism,Examination 检查(方法和仪器)1.-ography 造影术,X光照相术,描记法 胆管造影术 cholangiography 心动描记法 cardiography 放射照相术 radiography 断层摄影术 temography 胆囊造影术 cholecystography,2.-oscopy 镜检法,检查法 膀胱镜检法 cystoscopy 胃镜检查法 gastroscopy 喉镜检查法 laryngoscopy 气管镜检法 tracheoscopy 结肠镜检法 coloscopy 肝脏检查法 hepatoscopy,3.(o)metry-计数法,测量法血小板计数法 thrombometry白细胞计数法 leukocytometry红细胞计数法 erythrocytometry结石测定法 lithometry血红素测定法 hemoglobinometry,4.-graph G 描记器,记录器,照片 肠运动记录器 enterograph 脉搏计 angiograph 呼吸运动描记器 pneumograph 肝搏动描记器 hepatograph5.-gram 描记波,描记图,照片 肌运动描记波 myogram 心动图 cardiogram,5.scope-镜,检查器 胃镜 gastroscope 气管镜 tracheoscope 膀胱镜 cystoscope 口腔镜 stomatoscope 石镜检查器 lithoscope 呼吸检查器 pneumoscope 肌缩检查器 myoscope,6.-(o)meter 计数器,测量器 细胞计数器 cytometer 结石测定器 lithometer 血小板计数器 thrombometer 血成分测定器 hematometer 肠腔测量器 enterometer 血管口径张力器 angiometer 肌力计 myometer 呼吸气量测定器 pneumometer,Exercise 1.关节疼痛 8.脑膜炎 2.膀胱疝 9.血管扩张 3.脂血症 10.静脉出血 4.肝瘤 11.脾肿大 5.血小板减少 12.脑瘫 6.神经官能症 13.腰穿 7.子宫下垂 14.肝切除术,Exercise 1.关节疼痛 arthralgia 2.膀胱疝 cystocele 3.脂血症 lipemia 4.肝瘤 hepatoma 5.血小板减少 thrombocytopenia 6.神经官能症 neurosis 7.子宫下垂 hysteroptosis/metroptosis/uteroptosis,8.脑膜炎 meningitis 9.血管扩张 angiectasis 10.静脉出血 phleborrhagia 11.脾肿大 splenomegaly 12.脑瘫 encephaloplegia 13.腰穿 lumbocentisis 14.肝切除术 hepatectomy,15.静脉放血术 16.胃肠吻合术 17.血管缝合术 18.气管切开术 19.支气管镜检法 20.充气胃镜检查法 21.肺x光照相术 22.肾造影术 23.巨淋巴细胞 24.显微外科 25.多动脉炎 26.细胞增多症 27.白细胞减少 28.心动过速 29.呼吸缓慢 30.高血糖症 31.甲状腺机能亢进 32.低血压,15.静脉放血术 phlebotomy16.胃肠吻合术 gastroenterostomy17.血管缝合术 angiorrhaphy18.气管切开术 tracheotomy19.支气管镜检法 bronchoscopy20.充气胃镜检查法 pneumogastroscopy21.肺x光照相术 pneumonography,22.肾造影术 nephrography23.巨淋巴细胞 macrolymphocyte24.显微外科 microsurgery25.多动脉炎 polyarteritis26.细胞增多症 cytosis/polycythemia27.白细胞减少 oligocytosis oligocythemia28.心动过速 tachycardia,29.呼吸缓慢 bradypnea30.高血糖症 hyperglycemia31.甲状腺机能亢进 hyperthyroidism32.低血压 hypotension,Unit One,1.Compared with other nutrients,there is less demand for vitamins and mineral salt.2.Lack of Vitamin C may result in scurvy,a disease which is characterized by painful muscle,weakness,hemorrhage,fragile bones,loose teeth and dental caries.,3.Vitamins are classified according to the letters of English alphabet.They are referred to as Vitamins A,B,C,D,E,K and complex Vitamin B.4.Nutriology(The science of nutrition)is the study of how food affects human body.Or:Nutriology is a science which deals with the study of how food affects the human body.,5.It is thought that Vitamin C can improve short-term memory and even can“cure”schizophrenia.,Unit Four1.Existence(Subsistence)depends on a continuous supply of food and oxygen.The former enters the human body through the digestive system while the latter through the respiratory system.2.Sometimes the vessels of the liver or kidneys may contract,in which case the organ could shrink.,3.One typical symptom of nephritis is edema which means abnormal accumulation of fluids in body tissues or body cavities.4.The long-term damage to nephrons has finally made the kidneys completely lose their functions.5.When renal function is destroyed,the excretory speed of uric calcium slows down.,Unit Six1.Although DNA dactyloscopy(fingerprint)was not used as a method of differential examination,it was used to find/seek hereditary marks for hereditary disorders.2.If only a small number of a childs DNA strips tally with his mothers or his fathers,the childs parents are others,not those whose fingerprints have been examined.,3.par.4 on P.394.So called viral transduction is to insert the desired gene into a virus that would infect the afflicted tissue and use the virus to get the gene to its target cells with defective genes.5.The last sentence on page 41.,Unit Eight1.The heart,blood and vessels make up three important parts of the vascular system.2.The oxygenated blood returns to the heart through the pulmonary veins.3.Capillaries are the small blood vessels which Join the arterioles to venules.,4.Mild hypertension is limited by some specialists to the numbers/readings of diastolic pressures between 90-110 mmHg.5.Before middle age a person with systolic pressure above 150 or diastolic pressure above 90 all the time should be considered as a hypertensive.,Unit Eleven1.Leukemia is characterized by abnormal proliferation of leukocytes often with anemia and enlargement of lymph nodes,spleen and liver.2.At present the causes of leukemia is still unknown.The diagnosis can be made according to the examination of the peripheral blood and spinal cord.,3.The changes of quality and quantity in the corresponding types of leukocytes may be found in the patients peripheral blood.4.In the patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia,their lymphocytes were suspected of being immuno-incompetent.So the patients are susceptible to infection with bacteria and may develop virulent reaction to viral infection.,5.Leukemia may occur at any age but children and young people are more susceptible to acute lymphocytic leukemia than the elderly.Unit Twelve 1.High temperature(with much moisture)with(plus)high humidity is one of the most effective methods to kill(eliminate)microbes.,2.Many medical substances have the ability to inhibit the growth and metablism of microbes or kill the microbes.3.The reaction of tissues to infection are similar to those due to injury,They are both included under the process of inflammation.,4.The nature of the process of inflammation depends on many factors,chief among which are the types of tissue in which the infection is lodged and the nature of the causative organism.5.There is no such an operation that is not companied by a certain degree of inflammation.,Unit Eighteen,1.Tumors are abnormal cell of unrestrained growth&tissue masses.2.Although various factors can be considered as carcinogenic causes,the most important cause is mutation of DNA&RNA.,3.As a result of the development of industrialization&technology,there are various carcinogenic agents naturally or man-made in our environment.4.Malignant tumors can detach themselves from tumor site,travel through the bloodstream and lymphatic system,and establish a new tumor site at a distant region within the body.,5.Cause of cancer may not only be extrinsic(outside of the body,or environmental)but may also be intrinsic(originating within the body itself).,