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    Words From Everywhere,Chuck Pang2012-10-27,from the very beginning,one way,round trip,Number,ONE,hole in one,onerous,Lecture 1,from the very beginning,Number,TWO,twofold,Their targets were twofold:inflation and unemployment.,multifold,It is a machining-controlling system by multifold advanced technology.,THREE,threshold,To cross the threshold is not difficult,but mastery is another question.,Lecture 1,from the very beginning,Number,FOUR,Fourth of July.,firework,Independent Day,Pre-Columbian era native Americans,Colonial period European Countries,British colonization 1,Mercantilism 2,Salutary Neglect 3,The Great Awakening 4,Stamp Tax 5,No taxation without representation 6,The Intolerable Acts 7,First Continental Congress 8,Second Continental Congress 9,Constitution,money and land,Lecture 1,from the very beginning,List of Amendments towards Constitution1st Protects the freedom of speech,freedom of religion,and freedom of the press,as well as the right to assemble and petition the government2nd Protects an individuals right to bear arms4th Prohibits unreasonable searches and seizures and sets out requirements for search warrants based on probable cause13th Abolishes slavery and involuntary servitude,except as punishment for a crime15th Prohibits the denial of suffrage based on race,color,or previous condition of servitude16th Allows the federal government to collect income tax19th Establishes womens suffrage22nd Limits the president to two terms,or a maximum of 10 years,Lecture 1,from the very beginning,Number,SIX,SEVEN,sixpence,1 pound=240 penny1 shilling=12 penny,1/8 Dollar Dollar,Sunday,No opening Wine Store in Sunday morning.,For most Christians,Sunday is observed as a day for worship of God and rest,due to the belief that it is Lords Day,the day of Christs resurrection.,Christianity,Catholicism,Orthodox,Protestantism,THIRTEEN,Lecture 1,词汇是语言的基本材料,是语言的三大要素之一。离开词汇,语言就失去了实际意义。“没有语法,人们表达的事物寥寥无几,而没有词汇,人们则无法表达任何事物。”-英国语言学家威尔金斯,词汇拓展的意义,Lecture 2,词汇拓展 词汇文化内涵和 常用法介绍 旁门左道记单词,Lecture 2,bleak blight blast bold,Living in that _ house over there has nearly driven the hero of the story crazy.A.bleak B.haunted C.gaunt D.acumen,b-不,Lecture 2,bold=b+old,boldface B,blight=b+light,blast=b+last,bleak=b+leak,take a leak,red neck,May I go to somewhere?,Where is john?,WC=,Water Closet,Where is jane?,Jane Eyre,toilet,=toil it out,He successes after years of toil.,B I U,haunt gaunt flaunt vaunt jaunt taunt,姑姑,小龙女。,Lecture 2,acute,chronic,acumen,acu-,punctual,punctuation,punct-,+,acupuncture,comma.Period!exclamation point?question mark,Truth does not need to be emphasized by exclamation point.,Lecture 3,Jobs Love Letter,Jobs Love Letter,Lecture 3,We didnt know much about each other twenty years ago.We were guided by our intuition;you swept me off my feet.It was snowing when we got married at the Ahwahnee.Years passed,kids came,good times,hard times,but never bad times.Our love and respect has endured and grown.Weve been through so much together and here we are right back where we started 20 years ago-older and wiser-with wrinkles on our faces and hearts.We now know many of lifes joys,sufferings,secrets and wonders and were still here together.My feet have never returned to the ground.,Love letters.Sugar Report,sweep off.feet,endure enduring enduranceIt is just the start of an enduring friendship.She reached the end of endurance.Driven beyond endurance,they led the villagers to arm themselves and prepare for action.,Jobs Love Letter,Lecture 3,intuition I had an intuition that I would find you.,intuitive Her perception of the right seemed almost intuitive.,InstitutionThe government built a charitable institution for the education of young children.,constitutionThe constitution of a primitive society is not necessarily simple.,constitutionality,constrain,institutionalization,Modern corporate governance system is characterized by stock-holding,scaling,institutionalization and scientificalization.,Jobs Love Letter,Lecture 3,wrinkle,wriggle,He felt her shoulders give a wriggle of dissent.,shrug ones shoulders,Ive got an appointment I cant wriggle out of.,wring,Wring out your wet clothes.,The girls pitiful history would wring ones withers.,He was wringing wet after working in the field in the hot sun.,wringing,Jobs Love Letter,Lecture 3,We didnt know much about each other twenty years ago.We were guided by our intuition;you swept me off my feet.It was snowing when we got married at the Ahwahnee.Years passed,kids came,good times,hard times,but never bad times.Our love and respect has endured and grown.Weve been through so much together and here we are right back where we started 20 years ago-older and wiser-with wrinkles on our faces and hearts.We now know many of lifes joys,sufferings,secrets and wonders and were still here together.My feet have never returned to the ground.,乔布斯传中文版原文:20 年前我们相知不多。我们跟着感觉走,你让我着迷得飞上了天。当我们在阿瓦尼举行婚礼时天在下雪。很多年过去了,有了孩子们,有美好的时候,有艰难的时候,但从来没有过糟糕的时候。我们的爱和尊敬经历了时间的考验而且与日俱增。我们一起经历了那么多,现在我们回到20 年前开始的地方老了,也更有智慧了我们的脸上和心上都有了皱纹。我们现在了解了很多生活的欢乐、痛苦、秘密和奇迹,我们依然在一起。我的双脚从未落回地面。,Jobs Love Letter,Lecture 3,20年前,我们相遇,彼此陌生,但我们一见钟情坠入爱河。阿凡尼的漫天雪花见证了我们的海誓山盟。岁月流逝儿女长大有过甜蜜有过艰 辛确没有苦涩。我们的爱意历久弥新,携手与你相伴走过漫漫人生,我们虽已苍老但更加睿智,任皱纹爬上面容任沧桑布满心间,但我们的生活充满快乐欢欣与奇妙。我们结伴前行、你让我飞翔在爱的天空里,不愿落下。,二十年前初相见,爱意迷离入云端。阿瓦尼镇漫天雪,冰清玉润并蒂莲。时光如梭岁荏苒,儿女若星长相伴。岁积月累浓情蜜,从无苦涩度时艰。敬爱相携渐不惑,光阴流逝满苍颜。人生真味共体尝,一任欢欣在九天。,Jobs Love Letter,Lecture 3,sweet nothings,Cold here,icy cold there.You belong to neither,leaves have withered.Your face is pale and blue,a tearful smile.Something in your eyes,whispers words of last good-bye.My heart sinks down,tears surge out.,Hot summer.Cheerful Cocktail.You took my hand.We fled into another world.You sat by my side,long hair tied behind,cool and killing.Smile floating on the lemonade,soft and smooth.How I was?amazed.Your face looked like the cover of the magazine.My head spin.You led my hand,danced along the crazy theme.,Jobs Love Letter,Lecture 3,Light vied with wine,elegance mixed with fragrance,laughing covered by greetings,the crowed was busy at handshaking.You stood there,eyes on me.I trembled at the sparkles,brighter than the light.A masterpiece from God,I felt dizzy.We were not near,yet we were together.,Days ended.You said,you would wait for me at the Alps side.We would ski against snowflakes dancing in the sky.I gave no answer but a good-bye to accompany your flight.Gone was the plane,I suddenly tasted my pain.I knew I had been silly and stupid,you were in my heart,I shouldnt have hidden in the dark.I tried to forget your disappointment.I made believe sometime someday,I would tell you,I feel all the same.,My thought struggled at confessing,somehow hesitation ended in flinching.I continued my role of a fool,clinched to my maiden pride,yet secretly indulged in your promise of the white land-snow measuring down to us,in your arms I am lifted up.The chiming of Christmas bell!,Jobs Love Letter,Before and after our marriage we would come across many problems,while I will always be by the side of you with every step forward.,Lecture 3,Globalization,Commodity Chain,Lecture 4,Globalization,Lecture 4,Globalization,Products Services Technology Capital,Lecture 4,http:/,唯美的超现实主意艺术表现中国传统京剧文化,可惜是外国人做的。,Lecture 4,习语是一个社会语言和文化的重要组成部分,它们的词义并不等于简单的词义相加,而是具有更强的隐蔽性。,1,You have matches,“You have matches?”,“Its a joke.”,Lecture 4,2.Turn the table,to suddenly take a position of strength or advantage that was formerly held by someone else(反败为胜,转弱为强),She played badly in the first set,but then she turned the tables on her opponent and won the match.,Lecture 4,3.Wearing two hats,“He is wearing two hats.”,Lecture 4,4.With a grain of salt,Lecture 5,5.You are in for a treat!,have a weakness for,be a fool for,be struck on,Lecture 5,6.Skeleton in the closet,Many old families have a number of skeletons in their closets which they are loath to discuss.,Every family has a few skeletons in the closet,and this time of year,its always fun to show them off!In my family closet,we have Old Aunt Harriet.If the truth be told,Aunt Harriet had a taste for wine,but no one liked to talk about it.Of course,Aunt Harriet never admitted to it either,but at least one family photo caught her in the act.,Lecture 5,7.Skin off ones nose,Can you bite your own nose?Go on,give it a go.What about an ear?Street performer Tang Shuquan is offering 100,000 yuan($15,800)to anyone who can beat his Guinness World Record badge for making the most twisted face.Tang,performing here in Chengdu,Southwest Chinas Sichuan province on June 5,2012,was recognized by the record holders at a show in Italy in March and awarded$10,000 and a badge.,Lecture 5,8.Small beer,Ours is a small-beer fast-food joint beside McDonald.,Lecture 5,9.Speaking of the devil,Speak of the devil,and he appears.,Lecture 5,11.Stolen from.dealer,Lecture 5,12.Sweet tooth,Lecture 5,13.Throw the book at Somebody,Lecture 5,14.Tighten your belt,Lecture 5,15.With bells on,Lecture 5,16.Whipping boy,scapegoat,Lecture 5,17.Shoestring,shoestring gamblers,globetrotting(环球旅行)on a shoestring,Adventures on a Shoestring,SHOESTRING MARKETING,Lecture 5,18.After ones own heart,Susan worked with Smith in the same office.She admired him as the man after her own heart.,Tom is working as a postman.That outdoor job is the one after his own heart.,Lecture 5,19.At the drop of a hat,If you need a babysitter quickly,call Mary,because she can come at the drop of a hat.,The soldiers are ready to go to the battlefield at the drop of a hat.,Lecture 5,20.Put somebody to sleep,Lecture 5,Words from Movie 2012,chainsaw,massacre,There was a terrible massacre of villagers here during the war.,slaughter,Wholesale slaughter was carried out in the name of progress.,butcher,He was as great a butcher as the world has been.,Lecture 6,Words from Movie 2012,The huntsman was whipping in his pack of hounds.,huntsman,Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs,short person,Lecture 6,Lecture 6,Words from Movie 2012,scream,If you dont leave this instant,I will scream.,Hes an absolute scream in our friends.,shriek,All of a sudden he let out a piercing shriek.,shout,There is no need to shout angry words at me.,Lecture 6,Words from Movie 2012,avenger,revenge,鹰眼侠,Hawkeye,黑寡妇 Black Widow,绿巨人,Hulk,雷神,Thor,美国队长,Captain America,钢铁侠,Iron Man,Lecture 6,Words from Movie 2012,vow,twilight,Lecture 7,Lecture 7,Lecture 7,Lecture 7,Lecture 7,Lecture 7,Lecture 7,Lecture 7,Lecture 7,Lecture 7,Lecture 7,Lecture 7,Lecture 8,Lecture 8,Lecture 8,Lecture 8,Lecture 8,Lecture 8,Lecture 8,Lecture 8,Lecture 8,Lecture 8,Lecture 8,Lecture 8,Lecture 8,Lecture 8,Lecture 8,Lecture 8,Lecture 8,


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