IntroducingPlanetEarth,PresentedByName,Let me introduce myself.I am Planet Earth.I am the luckiest planet in our solar system(太阳系).I can support life!,Look at Mercury so close to the Sun.Hot,hot,hot.Even one of my desert rats could not live in that heat!,Cold dwarf planet Pluto(冥王星)sits so far from the Sun.Brrrr.How would you like to be a frozen Popsicle Planet?Not me.,I have all the things life needsland,water,air,and energy from the Sun.,I have four oceans and seven huge pieces of land called continents(大陆).On land,I even have lakes and rivers filled with fresh water that plants and animals need.,I spin like a top(陀螺)so that all living things have day and night.People call this rotating(自转).,Because I am round like a ball,sunlight hits me unevenly(不均匀地).This makes parts of me hot and parts of cold.,My fat belly gets the most direct sunlight,so it is hottest along my belt.This area is called the equator(赤道).,My North and South Poles get the least direct sunlight.The Suns rays are weaker here than at my equator.These areas are my coldest.,Whether its hot,cold,or in between,creatures live all over me.,People live on all my continents(大陆);a few even live around the South Pole in Antarctica(南极洲).,Most people live in my milder(更温暖的)parts where they can build homes and grow crops.,People travel all over my planet.Long ago,people got lost when sailing across my oceans.They needed a way to identify locations(确定方位).,So they invented a global grid(网格),or lines that cross each other to form points anywhere on Earth.,The lines that run north and south are longitude lines(经线).The lines running east and west are latitude lines(纬线).,This grid(网格)tells people where they are.,Oh,I almost forgot.I am tilted(倾斜),too.As I travel around the Sun during my yearlong trip,I stay in my tilt.Sometimes I tilt(倾斜)toward the Sun,and some-times away from it.,My tilt creates seasons.In January,my top half,or northern half,is tilted away from the Sun.Thats winter when children in the northern half go sledding(去玩雪橇).,At the same time,the southern half is pointed toward the Sun.Its summer there.,When I get halfway around the Sun and its July,Im still tilted.But this time,my northern half is tilted toward the Sun,and its summer.,My southern half is pointed away from the Sun,and its winter there.,I am a fair planet.I give each of my halves seasons and equal amounts of sunlight.,They just get it at different times of year.,To all my creatures on Earth,I make you a promise.I will rotate every 24,hours to give you daytime and nighttime.I will continue to tilt to give you seasons.,I will travel around the Sun once each year.,And I will do all these things for billions of years to come.,I am a planet you can trust.,Because Earth is tilted(倾斜的),it has?A.airB.sunC.lakesD.seasons,What are continents?A.animalsB.special oceansC.Islands in lakesD.Large piece of land,If you plan a trip to the equator,which item should you leave at home?A.umbrellaB.swimsuitC.warm coatD.Sunscreen(防晒霜),take from home,Thank You!,