,Nobel Prize winner for economics 课程讲解,制作小组:第六组制作人:朱玉朕 王小舰 沈志敏时间:2012年5月19日,人物背景知识介绍,目录,课文及练习,课文拓展,人物背景知识介绍,课文及练习,课文拓展,目录,总体概况,人物背景知识介绍,To figure background knowledge,第一部分,人物背景知识介绍,调研方法,To figure background knowledge,第一部分,美国哥伦比亚大学教授、就业与增长理论的著名代表人物。北京工商大学名誉教授。研究方向主要集中于宏观经济学的各个领域,包括就业、通货膨胀和通货紧缩、储蓄、公债、税收、代际公平、价格、工资、微观主体行为、资本形成、财政和货币政策,以及他最有成就的领域经济增长问题,被誉为“现代宏观经济学的缔造者”和“影响经济学进程最重要的人物”之一。菲尔普斯教授最重要的贡献在于经济增长理论。他继罗伯特索洛之后,对经济增长的动态最优化路径进行了分析,提出了著名的“经济增长黄金律”,从而正式确立了经济增长理论。,调研方法,人物背景知识介绍,To figure background knowledge,第一部分,菲利普斯曲线,菲利普斯()1958年证明,工资膨胀率和失业率之间存在一种反方向变化的关系。即失业率上升时,货币工资率下降;相反,失业率下降时,货币工资率上升。容忍适当的通货膨胀有助降低失业率。,课文及练习,第二部分,The Text and operation,人物背景知识介绍,To figure background knowledge,第一部分,Tapescript,Edmund Phelps【埃德蒙菲尔普斯】has been awarded【awarded】this years Nobel Prize for economics Mr Phelps is a professor of economics at Columbia University in New York City.The Royal Swedish Academy【瑞典皇家科学院】of Sciences honored Mr Phelps for his work in macroeconomics【宏观经济学】That is the study of large forces that affect economics at the national or international level.,Mr Phelps correctly identified【确定】the relationship between unemployment and inflation【失业率和通货膨胀】.Since the 1930s,policymakers【决策者】in many nations dealt with unemployment in the same way.They would let inflation increase to create jobs.,第二部分,课文及练习,The Text and operation,For example,they would make credit【信贷】easier to get.As a result,people would buy more goods.Businesses would hire workers to meet growing demand【满足不断增长的需求】,forcing prices up【迫使价格上涨】.For many years,policymakers accepted that reducing unemployment required higher inflation.Mr Phelps found that inflation did temporarily【暂时】increase employment.But he discovered that,over the long term,inflation hurt job creation.His ideas,were proved by economic conditions in America in the 1970s.That period【时期】was known for stagflation【滞胀】having high unemployment and high inflation at the same time.,第二部分,课文及练习,The Text and operation,Edmund Phelps also found that if employers expect low inflation in the future,they are more likely to hire workers.Today,economic policy experts believe the best way to create jobs is to fight inflation.Mr Phelps also studied national savings over long periods of time.Common sense suggests that a very high savings rate is best.But Mr Phelps showed that national savings rates【国民储蓄利率】can be too high.He argued,that governments should take action to raise national savingsEdmund Phelps did much of his research in macroeconomics【宏观经济学】during the late 1960s and early 1970s.His work continues to influence economists.And it has helped change policy【改变政策】at central banks【中央银行】,which now consider fighting inflation a main goal.,第二部分,课文及练习,The Text and operation,Listening to a passage about Edmund Phelps,a Nobel Prize Winner for Economics Complete his major viewpoints below with you hear.,Exercise A,1 Edmund Phelps studied that affect economics at the evel.2 Mr Phelps correctly identified the relationship between He discovered that,over the long term,inflation hurt.3 Mr Phelps showed that national savings rates can be best savings rate is not so high that it limits,and it is not so low that it limits.,第二部分,课文及练习,The Text and operation,第二部分,课文及练习,The Text and operation,1large forces nation or international 2 unemployment and inflation the creation3 too high demands in the present rowth and investment in the future,Answers,Exercise B,Listen to the passage again.This time focus on the wrong ideas and theories common people and even policymakers held before Supply the missing information.,1 Since the 1930s,policymakers in many nations dealt with unemployment by to create jobs.They ccepted that reducing unemployment required.2 Common suggests that a is best.,Answers,1 letting inflation increase high inflation2 very high saving rate,第二部分,课文及练习,The Text and operation,建议总结,Proposals,第二部分,课文及练习,The Text and operation,课文拓展,第三部分,The text to expand,课文拓展,第三部分,The text to expand,谢谢观看!,Nobel Prize winner for economics 课程讲解,