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    英汉语言对比与翻译,翻译中英汉语言对比的重要意义,Jean Delisle,representative of French Interpretative Theory of Translation,says in his Translation:An Interpretive Approach,“In other words,each community has developed habits of expression that,over time,have been integrated into the language and lent it certain characteristics.”1He also quotes from Edmond Cary:“Two languages can both be inflected and belong to the same family yet nevertheless differ considerably in the way they express ideas and convey meanings.”1 1.Delisle,J.Translation:An Interpretive ApproachM.Eng.trans,by Logan.P&Creery.M.,Ottawa:University of Ottawa Press,1980:74,翻译中英汉语言对比的重要意义,傅雷在高老头重译本序中说:“译本与原作,文字既不侔,规则又大异。各种文字各有特色,各有无可模仿的优点,各有无法补救的缺陷,同时又各有不能侵犯的戒律。像英、法,英、德那样接近的语言,尚且有许多难以互译的地方;中西文字的格远过于此,要求传神达意,铢两悉称,自非死抓字典,按照原文句法拼凑堆砌所能济事。”11.怒安.傅雷谈翻译M.沈阳:辽宁教育出版社2005:1,翻译中英汉语言对比的重要意义,他也谈到了改变句法结构和保留句法结构之间的辩证关系:“我不是说原文的句法绝对可以不管,在最大限度内我们是要保持原文句法的,但无论如何,要叫人觉得尽管句法新奇而仍不失为中文。这一点当然是不容易做到的,”1 1.怒安.傅雷谈翻译M.沈阳:辽宁教育出版社2005:30,翻译中英汉语言对比的重要意义,就保留原文句法与译文体现原作精神的问题,傅雷也有精辟的论述:“假如破坏本国文字的结构与特性,就能传达异国文字的特性而获得原作的精神,那么翻译真是太容易了。不幸那种理论非但是刻船求剑,而且结果是削足就履,两败俱伤。”1 1.怒安.傅雷谈翻译M.沈阳:辽宁教育出版社2005:2,翻译中英汉语言对比的重要意义,刘宓庆:“西方各语种在SLT与TLT之间的实现形式转换的可行性比汉外翻译大得多。即既实现意义对应,又实现形式对应。这在汉语与西方语言之间的转换中是根本办不到的。基本上,汉外互译必须放弃拘守形式的努力而倾全力于意义。”1思果说:“千万不能跟英文走。”2 1.刘宓庆.翻译与语言哲学M.北京:中国对外翻译出版公司,2001:78.)2.思果.翻译研究M.北京:中国对外翻译出版公司,2001:23),汉语的线性序列与英语的空间结构,关于英汉语言的比喻,英语句子的结构:“葡萄藤型”结构(grapevine structure),意为在短短的主干上派生出长长的枝蔓和丰硕的果实;英语句子的结构:汉语句子因为很少叠床架屋,节外生枝,而是一个短句接一个短句地往下延伸,因此被称为“竹竿型”结构(bamboo structure)。1 1.王寅.英汉语言宏观结构区别特征.载方梦之、马秉义编选汉译英实践与技巧M.北京:旅游教育出版社,1996:42,关于英汉语言的比喻,“波浪形”结构:汉语的句子关系往往是并列、并行的,因此是以时序或逻辑顺序排列的。子句与子句之间的关系须透过上下文才能决定,所以句子是意合的;而且连词的使用也不像英语中普遍,结构也较为简练明快。汉语的句式称之为“流水句”,整个句子像由一个一个独立的子句,按时间顺序或逻辑顺序层层推进。因此,有人把汉语句子结构比作“波浪形”结构,每个子句犹如波浪,前浪推后浪,宛如“万顷碧波,层层推进”。“枝杈形结构”:英语采用主从关系的形合法(use of hypotaxis)。英语可以通过连词(如状语从句)、关系词(如定语从句)和分词、动名词及不定式等构成句子,因此构成方式是形合的;英语利用关系代词引出包孕句(embedded clause),语法结构采用层次结构,关系紧凑严密。也就是说,英语的句子结构是在一个主句中,可在不同的地方插入各种从属结构,层层展开。从属结构包括动词的非限定形式、介词短语和各种从句。有人把英语句子结构比作树状的“枝杈形”结构,犹如“参天大树,枝叶横生”。1 1.郭建中.汉英/英汉翻译:理念与方法J.上海翻译,2006(01):18-19,关于英汉语言的比喻,英语造句着重用关联词语将句子的主干与上下左右勾连,进行空间搭架,因此可以称为“营造学手法”(architectural style),而汉语造句偏重从动词着眼,将各部分根据时间顺序一一予以安排,因此,可以称为“编年史手法”(chronicle style)1 1.林同济.从汉语词序看长句的翻译.载方梦之、马秉义编选汉译英实践与技巧M.北京:旅游教育出版社,1996:433-4,关于英汉语言的比喻,陈安定:英语句子好比“一串珍珠”,而汉语句子则像“一盘大小各异的珍珠,散落玉盘,闪闪发光,灿烂夺目。”1比喻归纳:“英语句子好比一棵参天大树,一串葡萄,一串珍珠,一树荔枝。而汉语(句子)好比一根竹子,一盘珠子,一江波涛。”2 1,2.陈安定.英汉比较与翻译M.北京:中国对外翻译出版公司 1998:7;5,关于英汉语言的比喻,以上比喻可以说基本上代表了英汉对比研究领域对这英汉两种语言各自总体特征的认识。这里我们把它们统一 为汉语的线性序列结构和英语的空间结构。,天目山林深人少,古树掩映,清泉石上流,雾生半山腰,如仙境一般。,天目山林深人少,古树掩映,清泉石上流,雾生半山腰,如仙境一般。,Mt.Tianmu,densely forested and scarcely populated,is like a fairyland where heavy fogs envelop halfway up the mountain and clear streams flow along the valleys.,densely forested and scarcely populated,Mt.Tianmu,is like a fairylandwhere heavy fogs envelop halfway up the mountain and clear streams flow along the valleys.,英汉比喻带来的启示,理论认识层面:翻译就是重构(Translating is restructuring.)。Nida:“To preserve the content of the message the form must be changed.”1Nida:“If all languages differ in form(and this is the essence of their being different languages),then quite naturally the forms must be altered if one is to preserve the content.”1 1.Nida,E.A.&Taber.C.R.The Theory and Practice of TranslationM.Leiden:Brill,1982:5.,英汉比喻带来的启示,Delisle:Translation is an art of re-expression based on writing techniques and a knowledge of two languages.1“and re-expression(to reconstruct the text in another language writing techniques.”2 1、2.Delisle,J.Translation:An Interpretive ApproachM.Eng.trans,by Logan.P&Creery.M.,Ottawa:University of Ottawa Press,1980:3;83,英汉比喻带来的启示,“It is the meaning of a message that is transferred from one language to another,and the transfer is accomplished by analyzing and then reconstructing semantic relationships.”1“Translation can therefore be defined as the operation by which the relevant signification of linguistic signs is determined through reference to a meaning as formulated in a message,which is then fully reconstructed in the signs of another language.”2 1、2.Delisle,J.Translation:An Interpretive ApproachM.Eng.trans,by Logan.P&Creery.M.,Ottawa:University of Ottawa Press,1980:3;52,英汉比喻带来的启示,实践指导意义:翻译成功的关键之一,就是要实现句子结构之间的转换。汉译英时,要把汉语的线性序列,转换成英语的空间结构,这能在很大程度上避免所谓的Chinglish。英译汉时,要把英语的空间结构,转换成汉语的线性序列,这能在很大程度上避免所谓的“欧化”句子。,对英汉比喻的错误定位,把汉语的线性序列和英语的空间结构与英汉语形合与意合对应起来,把上述提及到的比喻都认为是形合和意合的形象表达。而形合与意合的内涵实际上是关于句子衔接的问题,主张在汉译英时添加应有的连接词,或者在英译汉时省略连接词。连接词的使用与否不能保证译成的汉语就是线性序列的,或者译成的英语就是空间结构的。,重估英汉语言比喻对实践的价值,英语的空间结构,实际上是一种“修饰”结构,也就是“主从”结构;汉语的线性序列,实际上是一种“并列”结构,亦即每个子句都是“主谓”结构(含隐性主谓结构)。汉译英:Step 1:找出句子的重心,用主谓形式将它表示出来,作为句子的“树干”,Step 2:把汉语中其他的“主谓结构”变为英语中的“主从结构”,即变成分词,动名词,不定式,介词结构以及从句等,作为句子的枝桠附属在句子的主干上;Step 3:空间性。既然把英语的句子结构比喻为一串葡萄、枝杈,就说明多数情况下这个树干是在中间的,它的左右两边都有枝杈,达到左右对称。这种对称只是一种近似。,例句,例2 山西省是中国古代文明发祥地之一,有悠久的历史。1.Shangxi is one of homes of ancient civilization in China.It has a long history or Shangxi is one of homes of ancient civilization in China and has a long history2.One of the cradles of ancient civilization in China,Shanxi has a long history3.With a long history,Shanxi is one of the birthplaces of ancient civilization in China.,例句,例3 诺丁山嘉年华每年八月在伦敦的诺丁山举行,为期三天(包括一个周末和银行假日)。1.Notting Hill Carnival is held each August on the streets of Notting Hill,London,lasting three days(Sunday and the following bank holiday).Held each August on the streets of Notting Hill,London,Notting Hill Carnival lasts three days(Sunday and the following bank holiday).An annual event which takes place on the streets of Notting Hill,London,each August,Notting Hill Carnival lasts three days(Sunday and the following bank holiday).,例句,例4 小马儿鼻子冻得通红,挂着两条白鼻涕。Because/since/for the nose of Little Maer became red with cold,it is running.The nose of little Maer became red with cold.So/therefore/as a consequence/as a result it is running.,例句,例4 小马儿鼻子冻得通红,挂着两条白鼻涕。The nose of Little Maer became red with cold,running.The nose of Little Maer,red with cold,is running.Note:汉语的线性序列和英语的空间结构作为最基本的对比范畴,在运用时需要考虑诸如文体、语意重心等因素。,例5 二十岁的暑假,在家乡的大街上偶遇自己的暗恋对象,听说他考上了研究生,被他的进步所打击,心如刀绞,想到这辈子终于不能出色得让他看我一眼,不禁怆然泪下。三十岁之后,到处打听哪里可以花钱买个MBA。汉语在标点使用上的模糊性:“由于汉语句法结构的开放性,应该在哪儿断句,主要取决于写说者或标点人对意义的理解。”1这种“中英文句子在断句,标点上的差异是影响汉英一一对应以及导致中文一句对两句甚至多句现象多发的主要原因”2 1.王峻岩.英汉句法对比散议.载萧立明主编.英汉语对比研究C.长沙:湖南人民出版社,1992:107 2.王克非.双语对应语料库研制与应用M.北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2004:104,例5 二十岁的暑假,在家乡的大街上偶遇自己的暗恋对象,听说他考上了研究生,被他的进步所打击,心如刀绞,想到这辈子终于不能出色得让他看我一眼,不禁怆然泪下。三十岁之后,到处打听哪里可以花钱买个MBA。译文1:In the summer holiday when I was 20,I met my unrequited love in the street of my hometown by accident.I heard that he had passed the postgraduate exam.I was struck by his improvement.As I thought that he would never look at me because of my excellence,my bitter tears just rolled down the face译文2:At the age of 20,I was on my vacation.I met the boy whom I loved secretly in the street of my hometown.I heard that he passed the postgraduate entrance examination,so I was really depressed by his progress and felt as if a knife were piercing my heart.I couldnt help crying when I thought that I couldnt let him look at me with new eyes during my lifetime.But after I was 30,I inquired about where I could buy a MBA.,例5 二十岁的暑假,在家乡的大街上偶遇自己的暗恋对象,听说他考上了研究生,被他的进步所打击,心如刀绞,想到这辈子终于不能出色得让他看我一眼,不禁怆然泪下。三十岁之后,到处打听哪里可以花钱买个MBA。译文1:In the summer holiday when I was 20,I met my unrequited love in the street of my hometown by accident.I heard that he had passed the postgraduate exam.I was struck by his improvement.As I thought that he would never look at me because of my excellence,my bitter tears just rolled down the face译文2:At the age of 20,I was on my vacation.I met the boy whom I loved secretly in the street of my hometown.I heard that he passed the postgraduate entrance examination,so I was really depressed by his progress and felt as if a knife were piercing my heart.I couldnt help crying when I thought that I couldnt let him look at me with new eyes during my lifetime.But after I was 30,I inquired about where I could buy a MBA.,二十岁的暑假,在家乡的大街上偶遇自己的暗恋对象。At the age of 20,during the summer holiday I ran into the young man whom I loved in private in the street of my hometown.,二十岁的暑假,在家乡的大街上偶遇自己的暗恋对象,听说他考上了研究生,被他的进步所打击,心如刀绞,想到这辈子终于不能出色得让他看我一眼,不禁怆然泪下。三十岁之后,到处打听哪里可以花钱买个MBA。At the age of 20,during the summer holiday I ran into the young man whom I loved in private in the street of my hometown.Upon hearing that he had been enrolled as a postgraduate,I was virtually dealt with a heavy blow,believing reluctantly so painful a fact that I could never do well enough to win his favor,bitter tears streaming down my cheeks.After 30,I busy myself here and there,inquiring where I could buy a MBA diploma.,Upon hearing that he had been enrolled as a postgraduate,I was virtually dealt with a heavy blow,believing reluctantly so painful a fact that I could never do well enough to win his favor,bitter tears streaming down my cheeks.,例6 我们有决心,有信心,通过深化改革、扩大开放,变压力为动力,迎接加入世贸组织带来的挑战,促进国民经济不断取得新的发展。We have the determination and confidence that through the deepening of reform and opening wider to the outside world,we can turn pressure into motive force to take the challenges arisen from our accession to the WTO and enable the national economy to achieve new progress on a continuous basis.,We have the determination and confidence that through the deepening of reform and opening wider to the outside world,we can turn pressure into motive force to take the challenges arisen from our accession to the WTO and enable the national economy to achieve new progress on a continuous basis.,我们有决心,有信心,通过深化改革、扩大开放,变压力为动力,迎接加入世贸组织带来的挑战,促进国民经济不断取得新的发展。With confidence and determination,and through further reform and opening wider to the outside world,we will respond positively to the pressure upon us,meeting challenges arising from Chinas accession to the WTO,and pushing forward the development of our national economy.,With confidence and determination,and through further reform and opening wider to the outside world,we will respond positively to the pressure upon us,meeting challenges arising from Chinas accession to the WTO,and pushing forward the development of our national economy.,例7 全党必须坚定不移地高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜,带领人民从新的历史起点出发,抓住和用好重要战略机遇期,求真务实,锐意进取,继续全面建设小康社会,加快推进社会主义现代化,完成时代赋予的崇高使命。,The whole party must unswervingly hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics and lead people in starting from this new historical point,grasping and making the most of the important period of strategic opportunities,staying realistic and pragmatic,forging ahead with determination,continuing to build a moderately prosperous society in all respects and accelerate socialist modernization,and accomplishing the lofty mission bestowed by the times.(),The whole party must unswervingly hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics and lead people in starting from this new historical point,grasping and making the most of the important period of strategic opportunities,staying realistic and pragmatic,forging ahead with determination,continuing to build a moderately prosperous society in all respects and accelerate socialist modernization,and accomplishing the lofty mission bestowed by the times.,全党必须坚定不移地高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜,带领人民从新的历史起点出发,抓住和用好重要战略机遇期,求真务实,锐意进取,继续全面建设小康社会,加快推进社会主义现代化,完成时代赋予的崇高使命。Unswervingly holding high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics,the whole party must lead people to make the best of the important strategic opportunities available at a new historical point.Staying realistic and pragmatic and forging ahead with determination,the whole party must continue to build a moderately prosperous society in all respects and accelerate socialist modernization in order to accomplish the lofty mission bestowed by the times.,Unswervingly holding high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics,the whole party must lead people to make the best of the important strategic opportunities available at a new historical point.Staying realistic and pragmatic and forging ahead with determination,the whole party must continue to build a moderately prosperous society in all respects and accelerate socialist modernization in order to accomplish the lofty mission bestowed by the times.,总结,通过以上各例,我们总结一下英汉两种语言的结构特点对汉译英的启示:汉译英的基本过程是将汉语句子的时间和逻辑序列转换成英语句子的空间架构,具体来说:一是切忌想当然以为能在英语中找到汉语原文近似的对应,就采用直译的方法,二是按照英语行文的需要重新分句,三是分析和确定每个句子中的不同成分之间的逻辑关系,四是按照各成分之间的关系重新安排各个句子,使汉语句子的线性序列变成英语句子的空间构架,五是照顾到英语文体和语义等因素的要求。,Exercise,端阳喜庆农历五月初五为“端阳节”(亦称“端午”、“端五”),为中国传统节日,相传是为纪念战国时代的诗人屈原。这一天有吃粽子、赛龙舟等风俗。图中远近两龙舟作竞渡之状,装饰华丽,乾坤八卦旗飘扬;船头立招财、利市二神,舟尾插“顺风大吉”旗,旗前站风神和足踩祥云的和合二仙;舟顶一少年高举“日进斗金”旗,仿佛在指挥桨手齐力奋进。画面热闹壮观,并体现了祈吉祥、求财旺的愿望。,


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