,Welcome,电到你没?,The Second World War,ReasonsProcess Result and influence,reasons,Japan was unsatisfied with the Washington treaty.Italy was angry about Britain and France.The unfair Versailles treaty arouse the Germans strong emotion of revenge.,process,In September 1939,Germany launched a lightening attack on Poland.Britain and France declared war on Germany two days later.Germany proceed to invade Denmark,Norway,the Netherlands(荷兰),Belgium(比利时)and Luxemburg(卢森堡).In May 1940,Winston Churchill became Prime Minister of Britain.,On June 1940,Germany attacked France.Italy declared war in support of Germany.At the end of May,the“miracle of Dunkrik”(敦刻尔克大撤退)happened.France fell into enemys hands.On June 1940,Air battle of Britain(大不列颠空战)occurred.In June 1941,Nazi made a sudden attack upon the Soviet Union.To,In Pacific Arena,Japan declared war on China in 1931.On July 7th,1937,Japan began an all-out attack on China.Finally on December 7th,1941,Japan attacked the United States naval base at Pearl Harbour.The next day president Roosevelt gave a short address.America declared war on Japan.,Pearl Harbour,Turning point,In the European arena:In 1943,Battle of Stalingrad/st:linrd/(斯大林格勒保卫战)marked the turning point of the Second World War.In the Asian arena:Japanese United Fleet was destroyed by US in the Midway Island Battle(中途岛战役).,Counteroffensive(反攻)1,1944,the second European front was opened.The allied armies of Britain and the US landed on the beaches of Normandy.On May 8th,Germany surrendered.,Counteroffensive(反攻)2,Japanese refused to surrender.On August 6th and 9th,1945,the US dropped two atom bombs on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.On August 14th,1945,Japan surrendered.The Second World War came to the end.To,result,World War Two cost more than thirty-six million lives.Millions were left homeless.First time new clear weapon used.Nazi Germany had attempted racial extermination of the Jews.Six millions of Jews died.,Thanks,Thats all,