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    专业外语,第一讲 专业英语的特点第二讲 写作第三讲 翻译技巧第四讲 英译汉第五讲 汉译英,第一讲 专业英语的特点,1.语法规范,词义较窄As against last year,our cotton output has increased by three times.,2.结构严密,长句较多,The reason is that the prices of the taxed articles are pushed up(we may suppose)by nearly the amount of the duties,and that,therefore,unless the aggregate money income of the country is reckoned in such a way that it is pushed up correspondingly,this aggregate money income divided by prices,that is to say,the real income of the country,would necessarily appear to be diminished by the imposition of these duties even though it were in fact the same as before.,其原因在于:纳税后的商品价格(我们假定)已上涨了近乎税收的数额,因此,除非该国的总货币收入也按照这种方式计算,即作相应的增加,否则,这种总货币收入除以物价,即该国的实际收入必然由于征收这些税而显得减少,尽管在事实上和以前一样多。,被动语态多It is reported that the growth rate of GDP in China reached as high as 10.4%last year.,4.动词的非谓语形式广泛使用Grapes are the most important fruit crop accounting for about one quarter of the world.,5.名词化结构多The control of inflation helps develop the national economy more healthily.,6.术语、缩略语多,复现率低GNP,GDP,PPP,IMF WTO,GATT,APEC,第二讲写作,一、短文写作二、论文提要、摘要及英文索引三、信函(E-mail),一、短文写作,1.命题作文(1)经济增长的因素(2)经济全球化对中国经济的影响(3)中国经济发展面临的问题,2.看图作文Changes in the Food Consumption of a Small Town,Table,This table shows that food consumption of a small town changed a lot from 2000 to 2005.In the table,grain is the only food which decreased in its consumption.The small town consumed 384 tons of grain in 2000,but 288 tons in 2005.It decreased by 25%in ten years.In contrast,the consumption of many other kinds of food was on the rise.The town consumed 32000 kilograms of meat in 1975 and 96000 kilograms in 2005.Milk consumption was 50000 pints in 2000 and 150000 pints in 2005.Thus,meat and milk consumption tripled in ten years.Also a rapid growth can be seen in the consumption of eggs,fruit and beer.The eggs consumed in 2005 was 60000 kilograms,an increase of fivefold over 2000.The consumption of fruit was only 8 tons in 2000,but in 2005 it rose to 48 tons,six times that of 2000.As for beer,the consumption was raised from 4000 gallons to 40000 gallons,a tenfold increase.However,the consumption of both fish and vegetables in 2005 went up moderately.From these changes we can come to the conclusion that the living standard of the small town was greatly raised.People in the town consumed more nutritious food and paid more attention to nourishment.,Pie chart Diagram(Curves),Pie chart,According to the pie charts,there have been major changes in the relative size of the major employment sectors in Great Britain over the last 60 years.In 1945,25%of people between the ages of 16 and 65 were unemployed.Of those who had a job the largest percentage(45%)worked in the industrial sector,followed by those in the service sector(15%)and in agriculture and fishing(12%).Only 3%of the population were employed by the government.As the diagram indicates,by 2005 major changes had taken place in the internal structure of the workforce distribution.The most significant change is the considerable drop of the unemployment rate from 25%to 10%.The relative size of different occupational sectors had also changed noticeably.The industrial sector reduced to one third of that in 1945(from 45%to 15%),ranking the second among all the sectors.Similarly agriculture and fishing sectors had declined slightly,from 12%to 8%.In contrast,the service sector had more than tripled from 15%to 52%,turning out to be the largest employment sector.The rising trend was also true with the government employment,which had boomed fivefold by 2005.,3.议论文,()Damage to the environment is an inevitable consequence of the improvement in the standard of living.Discuss.,Recently,in some developing countries,environmental disasters have become the by-products of the economic development.Therefore,some people say that damages to the environment is as unavoidable consequence of the improvement in peoples living standard.Personally,I do not agree with the opinion.In Western history,economic development indeed caused a variety of environmental problems,such as air and water pollution,the desertification of arable land,and the disappearance of forests.Not until the 1970s did Western people as a whole realize the importance of environmental conservation.As is accepted by many people,developing economy does not mean sacrificing the environment.Therefore,there should be a new definition for living standard,which lays more emphasis on the quality rather than on the quantity of life.In order to improve peoples real living standard,we should try our best to avoid any forms of damage to the environment.,(2)The idea of going overseas for university study is an exciting prospect for many people.But while it may offer some advantages,it is probably better to stay home because of the difficulties a student inevitably encounters living and studying in a different culture.To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?,There is no doubt that studying in a foreign country,with its different language and culture,can be a frustrating and sometimes painful experience.However,although overseas study has its drawbacks,the difficulties are far outweighted by the advantages.First of all,The most obvious advantage to overseas university study is real-life use of a different language.Moreover,on a university campus,the foreign student is not alone.Finally,living and studying abroad offers one a new and different perspective of the world.In conclusion,while any anxiety about going overseas for university study is certainly understandable,it is important to remember that the benefits offered by the experience make it well worthwhile.,(3)Some people think that animals should be treated as friends.Yet others only consider animals as sources of food and clothing.What is your opinion?,It is a sad fact that quite a few people treat animals as sources of food and clothing and the frightful slaughter of them is going on all over the world everyday.I think that for their own existence human beings should protect animals as their friends.Firstly,the majority of animals have long been loyal friends of human beings.For instance,Secondly,animals contribute a lot to the balance of ecological system where human beings live.As is known to all,All in all,it is my firm belief that we should be kind to animals and try our utmost to find more alternatives for animal meat in our diet with the help of modern technologies.Only in this way can the balance of ecological system be maintained and the development of human kind be sustained.,二、论文提要、摘要及英文索引,三、信函,简历E-mail,ZHAO QIANGSchool of Economics,Renmin University of ChinaBeijing,100872Tel:+86-10-62511102E-mail:Name:ZHAO Qiang Sex:Male Birth Date:December 8,1976 Professional title:Professor in Economics Institution:School of Economics,Renmin University of China RESEARCH INTERESTS World EconomyEDUCATION AND QUALIFICATIONS Ph.D.in World Economy,October 2002 Renmin University of China M.A.in Economics,October 1999 Renmin University of China B.A.in Economics,July 1996 Renmin University of ChinaEMPLOYMENT PUBLICATIONS SKILLS English:fluent,第三讲翻译技巧,一、翻译的标准二、词义选择三、省译与增译四、转换法五、被动语态的处理六、数量的翻译七、否定形式的译法八、标题的翻译九、长句的翻译,一、翻译的标准,1.信、达、雅 2.直译、意译与综合译,二、词义选择,1.根据上下文选择词义He is working in the fields.He is working a machine.2.根据词类选择词义The wheel turns round.It is long and round.3.根据不同的学科选择词义 Field,三、省译与增译,.简省译法The worlds production of pear is about a third of the worlds apple production.2.增补译法 China and Japan are responsible for improving their economic cooperation.,四、转换法,1.词性的转换The introduction of advanced technology greatly increased the productivity.2.句子成分的转换 Throughout the world,grain consumption is slightly decreasing.3.句子种类的转换 Interest rate is known to be one of the most important economic levels4.词序、语序的转换 China proves rich in coal.5.标点符号的转换 China is a vast country with great variation in natural conditions.,五、被动语态的处理,1.被动照译 The economic growth rate of one country is generally influenced by many factors.2.被动译主动 The machine is being repaired.3.译成汉语无主句 The inflation can be controlled by proper macro-economic policies.4.某些习惯译法 It was calculated that this project had saved 2 million dollars by the new techniques.,六、数量的翻译,1.数量单位 thousand,million,billion2.增加与减少3.数词短语 first of all,second to none,ten to one,last but one,on second thought,at sixes and sevens,七、否定形式的译法,1.全部否定 no,not,never,none,nobody,nothing,nowhere,neithernor 2.半否定 little,few,seldom,hardly,scarcely,barely3.部分否定 all,both,every,always等词与not搭配 Both the economic measures are not very effective ones.4.双重否定 If there were no sun,there would be no life on the earth.5.表示否定的习惯用语 These economic principles are far from being complicated to us.,八、长句的翻译,1.顺译法 The simple mathematics of inelastic food demand,uncertain weather and improvident food stock policies virtually assures that there will be at least one of food crisis of global significance during the next decade.2.逆译法 We have made a number of creative advances in theoretical research and applied sciences which are up to advanced world level.3.分译法 Manufacturing processes may be classified as unit production with small quantities being made and mass production with large numbers of identical parts being produced.4.综合译法,第四讲 英译汉,Singapore Warns of Risks from Global Slowdown,The city-states economy expanded at a slightly faster pace in the third quarter than in the previous quarter,but the government said a global economic slowdown posed risks.On a seasonally adjusted and annualized basis,GDP grew 5.7%in the third quarter,accelerating from a 3.9%expansion in the second quarter,according to data issued yesterday.The third-quarter increase was slower than an advance estimate of 6%issued last month.Compared with a year earlier,GDP grew 7.2%in the third quarter,slowing from an 8.2%rise in the second quarter and 10.7%increase in the first quarter.The latest estimate for the third quarter was slightly higher than the advance estimate of 7.1%.The ministry said it had raised its growth forecast for this year to a range of 7.5%to 8%from 6.5%to 7.5%,and forecast growth of 4%to 6%for 2007.,The basic reason for the existence of multi-national companies is the competitive advantage of a global network of production and distribution.This competitive advantage arises in part from vertical and horizontal integration with foreign affiliates.By vertical integration,most MNCs can ensure their supply of foreign raw materials and intermediate products and avoid the imperfections often found in foreign markets.They can also provide better distribution and service networks.By horizontal integration through foreign affiliates,MNCs can better protect and exploit their monopoly power,adapt their products to local conditions and tastes,and ensure consistent product quality.,Factors Influencing the Propensities to Consume and Save,It is known that the propensities to consume and save may be affected by the level of a countrys national income.Other factors some related to income levels,some not are also likely to influence this pair of tendencies.Proportion of a countrys population composed of dependents.If in a given country the birth rate is high,there will be a large fraction of the total population made up of dependent children.While these children are consumers but not yet fully effectively producers,the ratio of consumption to savings will tend to be increased.Degree to which wealth and income are distributed or redistributed between rich and poor.The rich may save a higher fraction of their income than the poor.If this is true,an effective programme to move wealth and income from the rich to the poor may cause the countrys consumption rate to rise,its savings rate to fall.,Rate of interest and the availability of savings institutions.Higher rates of interest paid by borrowers to savers may be expected to encourage more saving,lower rates to discourage it.But this may not be true if the savers are trying to save only enough to generate a fixed target level of income from their savings.Whether or not the rate of interest influence the rate of savings,it seems likely that efficient and conveniently located banks and other interest-paying institutions will encourage saving.Rate of inflation.If people are afraid that prices will rise rapidly in the future,they may be encouraged to spend more and save less at the present time.Money saved will tend to decline in value.Things purchased will tend to rise in value in times of inflation.Thus inflation and the fear of inflation may alter peoples inclination to spend and save.,第五讲 汉译英,一位负责扶贫工作的官员说,到2007年底,尽管大多数贫困人口将解决温饱问题,但还将有一些生活极端贫困的人们,他们还需要政府资助。此外,对于那些刚刚脱贫的人们,他们目前的生活状况必须改善。因为他们的生产和生活状况没有从根本上被改变,如果遭受自然灾害的袭击,就可能回到原状况。另外,现在的贫困线标准非常低,要使全体中国人过更好的生活,长期的艰苦斗争将必不可少。,An official in charge of poverty-relief work pointed out that by the end of 2007,although the majority of poor people will have resolved their food and clothing problems,there will be some people living in extreme poverty,who are still in need of the governments support.In addition,the present living conditions must be improved for those who have just freed themselves from poverty.They may fall back into poverty if they are hit by natural disasters,because their production and living conditions have not been changed fundamentally.What is more,the current standard of poverty line is quite low,and it must be a long-term hard struggle to ensure a better life for the Chinese people as a whole.,充分发挥个体、私营等非公有制经济在促进经济增长、扩大就业和活跃市场等方面的重要作用;放宽国内民间资本的市场准入领域,在投融资、税收、土地使用和对外贸易等方面采取措施,实现公平竞争;依法加强监督和管理,促进非公有制经济健康发展;完善保护私人财产的法律制度。,20世纪80年代以来,经济全球化迅速发展并日益成为世界经济发展的新趋势。虽然经济全球化促进了世界各国的生产、贸易和投资,但是发展中国家与发达国家之间的经济差距不但没有缩小,反而进一步扩大了。因此,对发展中国家而言,经济全球化既是机遇,又是挑战。发展中国家应当调整发展战略,加快改革开放进程,以实现经济的快速增长与发展。,中国已经发展成为一个全球极富吸引力的、现实的大市场。世界各国和地区不少有远见卓识的企业家都将目光投向了中国,并从投资活动中获得了丰厚的回报。我相信,中国加入世贸组织后,外商参与中国投资活动的机会将会越来越多,自身发展的空间也越来越大。在中国的投资活动一定能成为沟通世界各国和地区的企业家与中国的一座桥梁,促进中国和世界经济共同发展、共同繁荣。,China has developed into an extremely attractive and realistic big market in the world.A lot of farsighted entrepreneurs from many countries and regions all over the world have focused on China,and have got fat profits in return from their investment.I believe that after Chinas entry into the WTO,foreign entrepreneurs will be given more and more opportunities for their investment,and their development space will be larger and larger.The investment in China will surely serve as a bridge connecting entrepreneurs throughout the world with Chinas market,promoting the common economic development and prosperity of both China and the world.,自GATT成立以后,发展中国家逐步积极地参与了GATT/WTO有关反倾销问题的谈判和规则的修订,并使GATT/WTO的反倾销规则在一定程度上考虑和体现了发展中国家的利益。然而,进入20世纪 90年代以后,发展中国家遭受发达国家的反倾销已经成为国际反倾销的主要形式。其原因主要有以下三个方面:一是发达国家经济的不景气与发展中国家经济的持续快速增长;二是发展中国家的非市场经济地位;三是许多发展中国家不能享受WTO优惠待遇或有效利用WTO争端解决机制。为此,发展中国家应当采取如下相应的对策措施加以应对:积极参与制定和修改国际反倾销规则,维护发展中国家自身的利益;建立和健全市场经济体制,争取市场经济地位;利用WTO多边贸易争端解决机制,限制发达国家滥用反倾销。,Since GATT was founded,the developing countries have gradually actively participated in the negotiations about antidumping issues and amendment to anti


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