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    Manipulator is now used as a industrial robots in use, the control objectives often appear often in industrial automation. Industrial automation technology has gradually matured, as mature a technology line has been rapid development in industrial automation as a separate subject. Manipulator application began to filter into welding, logistics, mechanical processing, and other industries. Especially at high or very low temperatures, full of poisonous gases, high radiation case, robot in similar circumstances showed great use also brings great convenience to the staff. Precisely because of this robot to get people's attention began to be a high degree of development. Labor rates, working conditions, labor intensive aspects of promoting development. Both at home and abroad to develop the PLC (programmable logic controller) is in various special circumstances and under special conditions set for mechanical devices. Now turned on the development of the microelectronics automatic control technology and the rapid development of the trains, the success of PLC hardware software and simulation control win big and successful development, now continues to develop as a factory automation standards. Because robots are good development of the technology makes a good optimization of productive capital, and robot shows this unique advantages, such as: has good compatibility, wide availability, hardware is complete, and programming that can be mastered in a short time, so in the context of industrial PLC applications became ubiquitous. Manipulator in many developed country agriculture and industry has been applied, such as the use of mechanical harvesting large areas of farmland, repeated operations on the high-speed line that uses a robotic arm, and so on. Today, the high level of automation combined with restrictions on the manipulator development level is slightly lower than the international. The design is mainly arm welding machine by PLC Automation control. This of design let designers on in school by learn of has a must of consolidation, understand has some usually didn't opportunities awareness in world range within some leading level of knowledge has has must awareness, hope designers can in yihou of design in the can success of using in this design in the proceeds of experience 1.2 manipulator in both at home and abroad of research profile automation mechanical arm research began Yu 20th century medium-term, after years with with computer and automation technology of development, Makes mechanical arm on the Grand stage of industrial automation and shine, gradually became an industrial evaluation standards, and its importance can be seen. Now original robotic arm spent most of mass production and use on the production line, which is programmed robotic arm. As the first generation of manipulator position control systems main features, although not back several generations that can detect the external environment, but can still successfully complete like welding, painting, delivery as well as for materials simple movements. Second generation mechanical arms are equipped with sensors and manipulators have the environment there is a certain amount of "sense", when the mechanical arm is to use the program as a basis. Difference is that the robot begand湖州市城市防洪工程(三里桥闸站工程) 施工组织设计AA工程(合同编号:AME/C-1)施工组织设计公司二 年 月continue to respond 5min. Remove the absorption tube, 1cm Cuvette, wavelength of 400nm, to standard pipes zero regulating and absorbs lightdReport of the arithmetic mean of the two-bit significand. 28 allow difference in repeatability conditions of the absolute value of the difference of two independent measurement results shall not exceed the arithmetical average of the 15%. Butyl 29 scope this standard provides for the determination of inorganic arsenic in food total determination method of inorganic arsenic. This standard is applicable to all types of determination of total arsenic in food. The method detection limit: atomic fluorescence spectrometry: 0.04mg/kg solid samples, liquid sample 0.004mg/L) silver salt method: 0.1mg/kg. Linear range: 1.0 µ g10.0 µ g. First, 30 principle in food by hydride generation-atomic fluorescence spectrophotometry may exist in different chemical forms of arsenic, including inorganic arsenic and organic arsenic. 6mol/L hydrochloric acid water conditions, inorganic arsenic in the form of chloride was extracted to achieve separation of inorganic arsenic and organic arsenic. Determination of total inorganic arsenic in the condition of 2mol/L hydrochloride. 31 reagent 31.1 hydrochloric acid solution (1+1): volume 250mL hydrochloric acid. Slowly pour in 250mL water, and mix. 31.2 the potassium hydroxide solution (2g/L): weighing 2G and potassium hydroxide dissolved in water, dilute to 1000mL. 31.3 potassium borohydride solution (7g/L): weighing 3.5G 500mL2g/L solution for potassium borohydride solution of potassium hydroxide. 31.4 potassium iodide (100g/L)-thiourea solution (50g/L): weighing Ki 10G, 5G water solutionmanipulator control mode and programmable controllers introduction 2.1 Select discussion with manipulator control 2.1.1 classification of control relays and discrete electronic circuit can control old industrial equipment, but also more common. Mainly these two relatively cheap and you can meet the old-fashioned, simple (or simple) industrial equipment. So he can see them now, however these two control modes (relay and discrete electronic circuits) are these fatal flaws: (1) cannot adapt to the complex logic control, (2) only for the current project, the lack of compatibility and (3) not reforming the system with equipment improvements. Spring for the development of China's modern industrial automation technology the substantial increase in the level of industrial automation, completed the perfect relay of the computer too much. In terms of controlling the computer showed his two great advantages: (1) each of the hardware can be installed on one or more microprocessors; (2) the official designer of the software writing content control is all about. Now in several ways in the context of industrial automation can often be seen in three ways: (1) Programmable Logical Controller (referred to as IPC); (2) Distributed Control System (DCS for short), and (3) the Programmable Logical Controller (PLC for short). 2.1.2 PLC and the IPC and DCS contrast contrast 1, each of the three technologies of origins and development requirements for fast data processing makes it invented the computer. The men brought in terms of hardware there, using a high level of standardization, can use more compatibility tools, is a rich software resources, especially the need for immediacy in operational systems. So the computer can effectively control is used to control and meet its speed, on the virtual model, real-time and in computational requirements. Distributed system started with a control system for industrial automatic instrument used to control, whereas now it is successfully developed into industrial control computer used as a central collection and distribution system and transition of distributed control system in analogue handling, loop control, has begun to reflect the use of a huge advantage. Though distributed system has great advantages in loop regulation, but only as a means of continuous process control. Optimization of PLC is the corresponding relay needs was born, its main use in the work order control, early primary is replaced relay this hulking system, focused on the switch controlling the running order of functions. Marked by the microprocessor in the early 1970 of the 20th century emerged, micro-electronics technology has developed rapidly, people soon microelectronics processing technology will be used in the Programmable Logical Controller (that is 第5页松阳县安民二级水电站发电隧洞及堰坝工程 目 录目 录第一章 综合说明11-1企业概况简介11-2承担本工程施工的总体设想31-3承担本工程施工的施工能力、施工力量51-4对招标文件、合同主要条款的承诺5第二章 工程概况62-1工程概况62-2水文气象及工程地质82-3天然建筑材料112-4对外交通条件122-5弃碴场12第三章 施工现场总体布置133-1施工总布置原则133-2风、水、电及通讯系统布置133-3场内施工道路143-4砼系统153-5料场153-5-1砂砾料场153-5-2块石料场163-6弃碴场163-7施工辅助企业、仓库及生活设施16第四章 施工导流184-1设计标准184-2导流方案184-3施工排水19第五章 施工准备205-1前期准备205-2测量放样20第六章 主要项目施工方法236-1施工总体设想236-2堰坝工程施工236-2-1施工程序236-2-2基坑开挖256-2-3C10砼砌块石坝体276-2-4砼工程施工296-2-5翻板闸门施工356-3进水口工程366-3-1土石方开挖366-3-2砌块石施工386-3-3砼工程施工396-4隧洞工程施工406-4-1石方洞挖406-4-2砼衬砌496-4-3灌浆工程施工546-5金属结构制安576-5-1闸门及埋件制作576-5-2闸门及埋件安装576-5-3启闭机安装61第七章 施工进度计划627-1编制说明627-2工期627-3控制性进度627-4施工强度63第八章 进度保证措施66第九章 施工组织709-1组织机构709-2各职能部门的主要任务739-3项目部主要管理人员的职责749-4主要施工人员配备769-5拟投入的主要施工设备表78第十章 施工技术措施8010-1施工技术措施8010-2冬雨季施工措施8210-3降低工程成本措施83第十一章 质量保证措施8511-1工程质量目标8511-2质量保证体系8511-3技术组织措施8711-4工程质量技术保证措施90第十二章 安全保证措施10012-1安全组织保证10012-2安全技术措施100第十三章 施工现场标准化管理104第十四章 环境保护与文明施工10614-1环境保护10614-1-1组织管理10614-1-2技术措施10614-2文明施工108松阳县安民二级水电站发电隧洞及堰坝工程 施工组织设计第一章 综合说明我公司为能参加松阳县安民二级水电站发电隧洞桩号0+0001+300m及堰坝工程的投标而感到荣幸,同时也感谢贵方给予我公司参与竞争的机会。通过认真学习和研究招标文件及有关图纸资料,分析了各种影响施工的因素和工程的特点,我公司有充分的信心保证优质、如期、安全地完成本工程招标文件规定的承包范围内的施工承包任务,为此,我公司将以积极的态度,齐心协力,全力以赴,抓住机遇,迎接挑战。1-1 企业概况简介公司成立于二年七月,经建设部批准企业资质为水利水电工程施工壹级资质。兼营路桥、码头、市政、地基与基础、工民建等工程。公司设三总师一室七部、八个分公司、四个专业公司、设备经营公司和中心试验室。本公司凝聚着坝工建设方面强有力的技术人才和骨干施工力量。现有职工1970人。拥有包括享受国务院特殊津贴的爆破专家在内的各类高中级技术经济管理人员300余人,其中中高级职称169人,各类施工设备2000余台(件),总功率4万千瓦,年施工生产能力:土石方挖填400万m3,砼浇筑120万m3,在浙江省水利水电建筑业中,具有人才、技术、设备、管理等独特的资源综合优势。公司依托大体积砼施工、各类控制爆破和施工机具制造的三大支柱技术,先后在国内外承建了水利、电力、路桥、码头、市政、地基与基础、工民建等各类工程200多项,其中包括奉化亭下水库枢纽工程、奉化横山水库枢纽工程扩建、江山碗窑水库枢纽工程、奉化舍网水库、鄞县下新塘标准海塘、钱塘江海塘北岸险段标准海塘工程海盐段一标、钱塘江海塘北岸险段标准海塘工程海宁段、钱塘江南岸标准海塘工程第一标段、钱塘江北岸标准海塘工程第十五标段、东阳南江水库加固扩建工程、重庆甘宁水库面板堆石坝工程、仙居下岸水库枢纽工程等一批国家、省、市重点项目。在国外承建了乌干达、多哥、伊拉克、叙利亚等国的水利水电、道路桥梁、码头工程项目。公司实施技术兴企战略,开发和应用科技项目50余项,自行研制了包括2×4800升电脑程控自动拌和楼和滑移式缆机近二十几种新型机具,有包括喷砼面板堆石坝、钢丝网水泥砂浆垂直高频振捣工艺、预裂光面爆破、岩塞爆破施工技术在内的行业领先乃至填补国内空白的30余项新工艺、新技术。公司实行管理和创新相结合的质量管理方法,近几年有20余个QC小组获全国、部、省级优秀QC小组奖,一九九九年度在全国水利施工企业中唯一获水利部“质量管理优秀企事业单位称号”荣誉。承建工程优良品率达85%以上,其中奉化亭下水库枢纽工程、奉化横山水库扩建工程,东阳南江水库加固扩建工程获浙江省建筑业最高信誉省钱江杯优质工程奖;同时奉化亭下水库枢纽工程入选中华人民共和国建国四十周年优秀工程选(国家级),奉化横山水库扩建工程获水利部优质工程奖。1-2 承担本工程施工的总体设想针对本工程特点,我们将认真组织施工,并充分发挥一级施工企业的管理力量和技术装备优势,中标签订合同后,迅速进场做准备工作,在建设单位完成前期准备工作的基础上,争取提前开工。1、组织形式和施工队伍该工程中标后,我公司将安排具有丰富水利施工经验的项目部承担本工程施工任务。项目经理具体负责,该项目部承建过北溪二级水电站引水隧洞工程、遂昌应村水利枢纽工程引水隧洞工程等。在水利工程施工方面具有丰富的施工经验和解决疑难问题的能力。各职能部门均配备有一定经验、专业对口的工程技术、经营管理人员,项目经理部拟投入一支160人左右的施工队伍,拟投入管理人员15人,技术工人约90多人。并且在全公司范围内抽调其他骨干力量参加本工程的施工,加强工程现场施工管理,层层落实经济承包责任制,从各个方面保证工程建设顺利、高效、优质完成。2、质量目标:确保优良坚持质量第一、信誉至上的方针。实行ISO9002质量管理体系,严格按施工图纸、技术文件和国家颁发的有关规范、规程精心施工,认真落实质量岗位责任制,诚恳接受有关方面的质量检查和监督,积极配合现场施工监理人员的工作,确保工程质量优良。3、工期目标:施工总工期16个月接到中标通知书后,计划于2003年2月16日开工(实际施工以开工令为准),施工中按施工进度计划随时控制和调整进度,2004年6月16日竣工。施工总工期为16个月。4、安全目标:本工程安全目标为确保无重大伤亡事故,无等级火警事故。加强安全教育和安全管理,严格执行关于安全生产的有关规定和制度,按照安全生产保证措施,层层设置专职和兼职安全员;认真落实安全生产岗位责任制,有效开展安全月(日)活动,确保安全文明施工,避免一般事故,杜绝重大人身和设备事故。加强治安保卫工作,建立治安保卫工作机构,配足保卫值班人员,加强安全保卫教育,贯彻现场保卫责任制,接受指挥部和地方政府及有关部门对安全生产、保卫工作的指导帮助,督促检查,确保工程施工安全。5、文明施工目标:严格按文明施工有关条款施工,争创文明施工样板工程。1-3 承担本工程施工的施工能力、施工力量根据投标的总设想,我公司安排的施工人员和设备详见施工组织设计第九章。1-4 对招标文件、合同主要条款的承诺我公司全面认真地阅读和松阳县安民二级水电站发电隧洞桩号0+0001+300m及堰坝工程的招标文件及设计图纸,参加了现场踏勘、澄清疑问等活动。现向贵方表示:愿以文件所列的施工范围、工程内容、进度、质量要求承担该工程施工任务,确保本工程项目经理与技术负责人及主要技术、管理人员在工地时间每月不少于20天。求实、信誉是企业发展之本,也是我公司一贯遵循的守则,一旦我公司中标,我们将全面履行招标文件的各项规定及我公司投标书中的各项承诺,在实际施工过程中严格按照水利施工规范要求,文明施工,同贵方密切配合,确保该工程保质保量按期完工。敬礼 投标单位:公司日期:二三年一月第二章 工程概况2-1 工程概况安民二级水电站位于浙江省松阳县境内小港流域支流安民溪上,是安民溪流域梯级开发的第二级水电站,工程任务为发电,装机容量4000kw。电站拦水堰址位于安民一级水电站厂址下游250m处,跨流域引水堰址位于大东坝镇五部村上游约1.6km的小港溪中游土名滚进处,厂址位于小港青石坝电站堰坝上游650m的腾省。本工程由跨流域引水堰坝、引水隧洞、拦水堰坝、发电引水系统和发电厂房待建筑物组成。本标为发电隧洞桩号0+0001+300m及堰坝工程标,其合同名称:松阳县安民二级水电站发电隧洞桩号0+0001+300m及堰坝工程施工合同;合同编号为AMC/C-1。电站拦水堰坝位于大东坝镇五部石角自然村上游,发电引水系统位于拦水堰坝右岸,由进水口、发电隧洞、调压井、岔管等组成,全长3362m。一、拦水堰坝拦水堰坝位于安民一级水电站厂址下游250m处,松阳至安民公路从坝址处经过,为不影响公路防洪,堰型先用无坎宽顶堰,上设水力自控翻板闸门。宽顶堰堰顶高程230.04m,正常蓄水位233.5m,设计洪水位234.79m(=5),校核洪水位236.29(=33.3),非闸门段坝顶高程236.90m。拦水堰坝坝顶长48.3m,分闸门段和非闸门段。闸门总长32m,上设四扇翻板闸门,结构形式为双主梁、支承采用连续铰,门叶牌采用钢筋砼结构,每扇宽8.0m,闸板高4.0m,闸门基础为梯形,边坡1:0.3,顶宽7.53m,最大坝高10.68m,相应的基础宽13.908m,坝体材料为C10砼砌块石,外围为C20砼面板厚20cm。非闸门段坝顶宽7.53m,坝顶至闸底板高程段上、下游面均垂直,闸底板以下高程段坝断面为梯形,边坡1:0.3。坝体为C10砼砌块石,面板为厚20cm的C20砼,在闸门后两坝头设800通气孔。二、发电隧洞桩号0+0001+300m段发电引水隧洞沿右岸布置,进水口紧挨拦水堰坝,进水口闸孔2孔。潜孔式布置,每孔尺寸3.0×4.0m,闸门段长4m,闸门采用平板钢闸门,闸板尺寸b×h为3.4×4.4m。设15t螺杆启闭机二台,在进水口拦砂坎后设回转式自动清污机二台,栅底高程229.0m,安装高度6.14m。进水口0+020.030+025.72m(即闸门槽中心线)为方形截面,开挖尺寸为3.6×4.6m,衬后尺寸3.0×4.0m,闸门槽后设长6m的渐变段(桩号0+029.720+035.72)与圆形断面发电隧洞街接。发电隧洞开挖洞径4m,衬后洞径3.4m,桩号0+0002+434m段纵坡为0.01015,调压干电池布置在进水口3256.35m处(本标段至桩号1+300m),调压干电池之后水平转弯后接出口贫管,由两根贫管接入厂房。本标合同工程计划于2003年2月16日开工,全部工程于2004年6月16日竣工,总工期16个月。2-2 水文气象及工程地质1、水文气象本地区属亚热带季风气候区,全年冬冷、夏热、春暖、秋凉,四季分明,季风明显。气候资源丰富,降水丰沛,光照充足。多年平均气温16.8oC,月平均最高气温33.1 oC(7月),月平均最低气温1.4 oC(1月),极端最高气温40.1 oC(1961年7月23日),极端最低气温-9.9 oC(1983年12月31日);每年的4月16日至10月15日为汛期,10月16日至翌年4月15日为非汛期。多年平均降水量 1982mm。工程拦水堰址多年平均流量表、各月不同雨强降水日数、遂昌站气象特征值、坝址设计洪水成果表、水位流量关系分别见表1-1、表1-2、表1-3、表1-4、表1-5。表1-1 安民二级水电站坝址多年平均流量表 单位:m3/s月份一二三四五六七八九十十一十二流量1.161.674.435.886.739.824.093.02.891.481.231.0表1-2 各月不同雨强降水日数 单位:mm 月份雨强123456789101112全年10.112.715.418.618.418.718.214.714.714.表1-3 遂昌站气象特征值月份平均气温(oC)平均最高气温(oC)平均最低气温(oC)极端最高气温(oC)极端最低气温(oC)平均水汽压(hpa)平均相对湿度(%)平均蒸发量(mm)平均风速(m/s)最大风速(m/s)相应风向15.311.11.427.4-9.77.07744.01.210.0NNW26.711.93.029.0-7.98.08046.31.210.0NNW311.年16.822.012.240.1-9.916.7791225.51.116.0NNW表1-4 坝址设计洪水成果表 单位:(m3/s) 频率分区各频率()、设计洪峰流量(m3/s)1%2%3.33%5%10%20%拦水堰坝1086958850759621492安民一级下泄流量517455403360298246表1-5 坝址水位流量关系表


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