Vmware workstation 8安装dos71网卡驱动方法.docx
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Vmware workstation 8安装dos71网卡驱动方法.docx
Vmware workstation 8.0虚拟机中dos7.1安装网卡驱动说明第一、首先在虚拟机加载网络驱动光盘。第二、本文中,我加载光驱后,在虚拟机中启动DOS系统后,盘符为E盘。第三、运行E盘中的setup.exe,开始安装Microsoft Network Client 3.0 for Dos,,如下图所示etup for Microsoft Network Cl lent u3,0 for MS-DOSUelooms to Sotup for Microsoft Metuork Cl lent for MS-DOS BSetup prepares Hletwork C1 ient to rum on your computer.* To get additional informat ion about a Setup screen, press Fl* To set up Netuork Client nou f press ENTER,* To quit Setup u ithnut install inq Network C1ient f press F3 ENTEB=Continue Fl=HeIp F3=ExH F5=Bemoue Color 直接输入Enter回车键继续。第四、路径默认为C:/NET,如下图所示,按Enter键继续etup for Microsoft Network Client u3.0 for MS-DOSSetup uiI place your Netuark C1ient f iles in the following d1 rectory.If this is where you want these files, press ENTER.If you uaot Setup to place the f iles in a d ifferent directory, type the full path of that directory> and then press ENTER.ENTEfi=Continue FlHelp F3=Exlt第五、弹出如下的等待界面,稍等片刻后既可。第六步:由于Vmware网卡驱动,不在默认自带的列表中,所以我们选择第二项如下图所示:Setup for Microsoft Network C1ient u3.0 for MS-DOSSelect an adapter from the list belou.*Mo network adapter *Metwork adapter not shoun on list belou .3Com EtherLink3Com EtherLink 163Com EtherLink 11 or IITP (8 or 16-bit)3Com EtherLink III3Com EtherLink/MC3Com EtherLink Plus3Com TokenLinkAduanced Micro Deuices AMZ100/AM1500TAmplicard AC Z1O/XTAmp 1icard AC Z1O/ATARCMET CompatibleArtisoft AE-1Artisoft AE-Z or AE-3Artisoft AE-Z (MCA) or AE-3 (MCA) Cabletron EZOOO Series DNI第七步,弹出如下图所示的窗口,在路径中输入Vmware网卡驱动所在目录,在光盘中doslan 目录。即E:doslan,然后招回车键EnterPlease specify the location (path) of the OEM driuer you uant to use.If the specif ied path is correct, press ENTER . To spec i fy a different pathj type it, and then press ENTER.E :doslan第八步:弹出如下窗口后,继续回车Enterpetup for Microsoft Network C1ient u3.0 for MS-DOSSe1ect an adapter from the 1ist belou.Aduanced Micro Deuices PCnetEMTER=Continue Fl=HeIp F3=Exit ESC=Preuious Screen第九步:当出现“Set NetWork Buffers5信息时,可按回车键使用最大数的缓冲击区,否则按“C” 键。这里我们按回车键。Setup for Microsoft Network C1 ient u3.0 for MS-DOSSelect an adapter from the list belou.| MuancEd Micro Deuici口 PCnet| ISet Network BuffersBy default Network C1 ient ui11 use more nenory for network buffers to get the best performance. To Setup for best performance, press ENTER.If you uant to continue uithout optimizing performancej press C.第十步:在下图所示窗口中输入一个用户名,我的这里使用的vs9456,也可以起其它名字, 原则上不要跟网络中其它用户名冲突。etup for Microsoft Network C1ient u3.0 for MS-DOSUser Name is the name that identifies you in your workgroup. ,Choose a name that is unique in your workgroup.A user name can haue up to 20 characters, and can contain lettersj numbers, and these characters:User Name :TSiEkf第十一步:在下图所示窗口中,有三个选项Change Names, Change setup Options,Change Network Configuration 0etup for Microsoft Network C1ient u3 .G for MS-DOSNanes:Your User Name is us9456Setup Options:Use the Full Redirector.Run Network C1ient.Network Configuration:Modify your adapter and protocols uith this option.1、首先进入Change Names选项中,按如下图所示设置,然后按ESC返回。2、进入Change setup Options选项,按下图所示设置,按ESC返回This screen enab les you to change your red irector, startupj logon, and net pop-up options.Change Red ir OptionsChange Startup OptionsChange Logon Ua 1 idat ionChange Net Pop Hot KeyUse the Full Redirector.Run Network C1ient.Do Mot Logon to Domain.N"| Th已 listed opt ions ar已 currecC?Fl=He Ip F3=Ex it ESC=Preu ions Screen3、进入 Change Network Configuration 选项,其中 Installed Nework Adapter(s) and Protocol(s) 下面方框中显示已经安装网卡和协议。选择Options下的Add Protocol,添加一个TCP/IP协 议和NetBeUI协议。(1)如下图所示选择Microsoft TCP/IP,及NetBEUI协议然后回车(2)添加好后,如下图所示,然后选择Network configuration is correct.返回。4、添加好协议后,NetBEUI使用默认设置就可以了,接下来设置TCP/IP协议配置。按Tab 键,选择Microsft TCP/IP,然后选择Changes Settings,如下图所示:Use TAB to toggle between boxes.Instalied Network Adapter(s) and ProtocoIts):Options:Microsoft TCP/IPnicrosotT; nerBEui按Tab键可以上下两个列表框中切换MTER=Continue Fl=Help F3=ExitAduanced Micro Deuices PCnet MULink IPX Compatible Transport5、进入如下图所示窗口,按下图设置:etup for Microsoft Network C1ient u3.0 for MS-DOSThe settings for your protoco1 driuer are 1isted belou. If all the settings are correctj select The Listed Options Are Correct. Then press ENTER. If you uant to change a setting, use the UP or DOUN arrow keys to select it. Then press ENTER to see a 1ternatiues for that setting.Protoco 1 Driuer :Microsoft TCP/IFDr iuername = TCFIPSDisable fjutomatic Configuration = 1 IF Addre» = 19Z 168 1 Z48IF Subnet Mask=Z55 Z55 Z55 0Default Gateuay 0=192 168 1 1Default Gateuay 1=19Z 168 1 1NetBIOS Sessions=6| The listed options are correct.'Fl=HeIp F3=Exit ESC=Freuious Screen|说明:Drivername=TCPIP$在此不能修改Disable Automatic Configuration (参数0 ; 1) 0代表应用DHCP自动获得地址;1代表 不自动获得地址。我用的是手动配置地址。IP Address=192 168 1 248这里修改的地址,注意地址间隔要用空格金建分开,不是用“.”来 分隔的。逼可以根据情况自由配置。IP Subent Mask=255 255 255 0 子网掩码Default Gateway 0=192 168 1 200 默认网关Default Gateway 1=网关 2Netbios Sessions=6 默认修改完后选择The listed options are correct .回车,回到上级界面如下图所示:6、再按回车键,返回,此要要求输入网卡驱动所在盘符。输入网卡驱动所在盘符E,然后回车继续,然后等待一会,安装完成,重新启动DOS系统。注意:如查重启后发现网络不能加载成功的,并错误提示:Error8: there is not enough memory available.解决方法:进入C:Net目录下,用edit打开sytstem.ini,将autostart=full,修改为: Autostart=basic。然后保存并重启系统。I loqondoma in=UORKGROUFI preferredred ir = fu11I autostart=bas icI maxconnect ions=8Vmware下Dos网卡驱动及micorosoft Network Client 3.0安装光盘下载: .iso/.page