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    Vision RAKLIEtusivu视觉 raklietusivu.ppt

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    Vision RAKLIEtusivu视觉 raklietusivu.ppt

    www.rakli.fi erkki.aaltorakli.fi,Vision 2010what is Vision 2010-why it was created-how it was createdErkki Aalto14.03.2006RAKLI-The Finnish Association of Building Owners and Construction Clients,Foundations for a good life,VISION 2010The Finnish Real Estate and Construction Clusters Vision for 2010,FOUNDATIONS FOR A GOOD LIFE,www.visio2010.fi,CO-OPERATION THROUGHOUT THE REAL ESTATE AND CONSTRUCTION CLUSTER,A CHANGE IS NEEDED THAT INCLUDES THE WHOLE INDUSTRY,Why is the Vision necessary?,The changing market and business brings forth a great number of positive challenges,Vision 2010:Foundation for a good life,Co-operation is the key to generate future success and well being,CO-OPERATION THROUGHOUT THE REAL ESTATE AND CONSTRUCTION CLUSTER,FIVE GLOBAL TRENDS,Customer relationships are evolving towards partnershipsTechnology is reshaping the business environment Ownerships and support functions are in transformationImportance of environmental aspects is growing Internationalization of investments and businesses,CO-OPERATION THROUGHOUT THE REAL ESTATE AND CONSTRUCTION CLUSTER,TOWARDS VISION 2010,Functional and physical infrastructure markets as a success factor,Significant added value to customers in co-operation with ICT-cluster,Excellence in environmental expertise,Occupant oriented housing market,Superior functionality and quality of facilities(spaces&services),12345,Vision 2010Foundations for a good life,CO-OPERATION THROUGHOUT THE REAL ESTATE AND CONSTRUCTION CLUSTER,Foundations for a good life,Visions,StrongShared Will,Functional Spaces Infrastructure Markets ICT Environment Housing Markets,Vision 2010The Finnish Real Estate and Construction Clusters vision for 2010,Life Cycle Expertise Partnership Customership,Education,Research,Associations,Public Sector,Enterprises,Making the Visions to become True,Key Issues,Key Actors,Production:Investment in research and development has multiplied A major part of development efforts is allocated to the promotion of sustainable developmentThis element is included in all university education and research relating to the clusterThe cluster competes successfully for the best students,4.Vision 2010:INTERNATIONAL LEADERSHIP IN ENVIRONMENTAL EXPERTISE,Business environment:The environmental expertise of the Finnish real estate and construction sector is internationally renownedLifecycle evaluations are part of public sector decision-making Ecological and economic targets are equally important.Units describing environmental burden are used along euros in evaluations,4.Vision 2010:INTERNATIONAL LEADERSHIP IN ENVIRONMENTAL EXPERTISE,Foundations for a good life,Vision 2010 Basic Elements,Global trends affect the future of the cluster,Customerships growing into partnerships,Technology changesbusiness environment,Omwnerships and support services in trasformation,Common Visions,Technology programmes,Knowledge accelerator,Education,Communication and interaction,Governmental Policy,Visions into Action,Innovation environment,Growing importance of environmentalaspects,Investments and businesses become global,Functional and physical infrastructure markets as a success factor,Significant added value to customers in co-operation with ICT-cluster,Excellence in environmental expertise,Occupant oriented housing market,Superior functionality and quality of facilities(spaces&services),Partnerships&co-operation,Company R&D strategies&projects,Vision 2010Foundations for a good life,Customer Promises,Comfortable and safe homes and workplaces,Competitiveedgefor the customers,Well being and a clean environment,CO-OPERATION THROUGHOUT THE REAL ESTATE AND CONSTRUCTION CLUSTER,Real Estate&Construction Forum 2004,Environmental CompetitionBest Practices within each visionPreparing for the theme of the year 2004,Environmental Classification,Classification of buildings based on their environmental properties and performance,Real Estate and Construction Forum 2006,Foundations for a good lifeReal Estate and Construction Cluster,OrganizersThe Association of Finnish Architects Offices ATLThe Building Information Foundation RTSThe Confederation of Finnish Construction Industries RTThe Electrical Contractors Association of Finland STULThe Finnish Association of Building Owners and Construction Clients RAKLIThe Finnish Association of Consulting Firms SKOLThe Finnish Real Estate FederationThe Property Maintenance Association,Real Estate and Construction Forum 2006,ThemeInformation-Knowledge-Interaction,Real Estate and Construction Forum 2006,Real Estate and Construction Forum 2006,Functional and physical infrastructure markets as a success factor,Significant added value to customers in co-operation with ICT-cluster,Excellence in environmental expertise,Occupant oriented housing market,Superior functionality and quality of facilities(spaces&services),12345,Vision 2010Foundations for a good life,Real Estate and Construction Forum 2006,5 Visions,StrongShared Will,Functional Spaces Infrastructure Markets ICT Environment Housing Markets,Vision 2010The Finnish Real Estate and Construction Clusters vision for 2010,Life Cycle Expertise Partnership Customership,Education,Research,Associations,Public Sector,Enterprises,Making the Visions become True,Key Issues,Key Actors,STEPS TOWARDS VISION 2010,2000 Foundations and Goals2001 Global Trends and the Five Visions2002 Common Values and Networks of Excellence2003 Governments Policy and Best Practices2004 Environmental and Life Cycle Indicators2005 Strategy Update,National Assets in Finland,Housing,Other buildings,Soil&Water Struct.,Forests,Built land,Machinery,Equipment,Other,Built Environment 400 000 M,72%,Tangible Assets in Finland,total in 2005 560 000 M,Source:,Employment in Real Estate and Construction Cluster,Person Years/Annum,New Buildings,Facility Mgt,Renovation,International,Infrastructure,VISION 2010 Strategy Update,Focus on Knowledge and Information ManagementSteering Board Work Shop in February12 Expert Interviews in AprilVision Work Shops on each of the five Visions in May-June,in total 150 participantsFinal Update of the Strategy was defined by the Steering Board,the Steering Group and the Secretarial Group in September-October,VISION 5 TOTEUTUMINEN,REALIZATION OF VISION 5,Occupant oriented housing market,Degree of Realization,Information management,Life Cycle knowledge,Partnership knowledge,Customer knowledge,STRENGHTENED TRENDS,Accelerating and deepening globalizationIncreasing and more networked servicesInformation management key to successGrowing importance of energy-and eco-efficiency,OIKEAA TIETOA OIKEAAN AIKAAN OIKEAAN PAIKKAAN,CORRECT DATA TO CORRECT PLACE AT CORRECT TIME,GROWING IMPORTANCE OF ENERGY-AND ECO-EFFICIENCY,our industry needs a common understanding of the needs and means of improving energy efficiencywe have to invest in the implementation of environmental indicators and classification of buildingswe have to develop alternative businesses based on renewable energy resources,PROFITABLE DEVELOPMENT FOR ALL,Renewed Real Estate&Construction Cluster,Life Cycle Functionality,New Business Models,New Products&Processes,Information Management,Knowledge,Quality,Safety,Productivity,TEKES TECHNOLOGY PROGRAMMES,CUBEBuilding Services 2002-2006InfraConstruction and Services 2001-2005MASIModeling&Simulation 2005-2009SaraValue networks in construction 2003-2007ServeInnovative Services 2006-2010,CO-OPERATION HAS TO CONTINUE,Degree of Realization,Comments?Questions?,Erkki AaltoRAKLI-The Finnish Association of Building Owners and Construction Clientserkki.aaltorakli.fi,


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