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    初中英语教学设计学校: 武汉市鲁巷中学 教材版本: Go for it.教师高克军年级七年级学生人数44授课时间2015.4.13课题Unit 6 Im watching TV. Section B 2a-2c课时安排5 课时第 4 课时授课类型新授课一、学情分析了解时差,用现在进行时谈论人们正在进行的活动。二、教材分析2a 不同地方的时间是不一样的。 2B 通过阅读一片有关朱辉的电视报道完成一些任务,提高阅读能力。2C 组词造句。三、教学目标设计·语言知识any, other, young, child, children, race, host, study, state, the United States, American, dragon, Dragon Boat Festival, miss, wish, delicious, still. 现在进行时 be+ 动词-ing·语言技能阅读(略读和精读) 复述·学习策略与思维技巧小组合作学习, 思维导图,自我总结反思·情感态度与价值家是最好的地方。四、教学重点难点·教学重点目标语言 现在进行时·教学难点American, races, miss, wish, still, Dragon Boat Festivalthe United States五、教学方法(学法)任务型教学小组合作学习六、教学媒体运用多媒体,课件,导学案,家庭作业单七、教学过程设计教学环节1教学过程Know about the time difference.(2a)1. Listen to a song named What time is it?2. Role-play a conversation and answer two questions. Maria: Hi, David! Im calling from Sydney.David: Sydney? What time is it there?Maria: Its 10:00 p.m.David: Its 4:00 a.m. here in Los Angeles!Maria: Oh, I forgot about the time difference. Sorry. Go back to sleep! Ill e-mail you later.Q1: What time is it in Sydney?Q2: What about Los Angeles?3. Read the times by the clocks in 2a.4. Guess what American students are doing now.教师活动播放歌曲,呈现对话,引导提问,激发想象学生活动 欣赏歌曲,朗读对话,回答问题,读出2a中的时钟表示的时间,猜想美国学生正在做的事情。设计意图了解时间差教学环节2教学过程Read a TV report about Zhu Huis story.(2b)1. Know some background information about the story.2. Ask and answer about the pictures in the ppt.3. Read quickly and answer two questions.Key 1:Key 2:4. Read carefully and fill in the form.His family in ShenzhenActivitiesHis host family in New YorkActivitiesMom and auntThe motherDad and uncleThe fatherCousinZhu Hui5. Try to translate the following sentences.1) But there isnt a Dragon Boat Festival in the US, so its like any other night for Zhu Hui and his hot family.2) Zhu Hui misses his family and wishes to have his moms delicious zongzi.3) Zhu Hui likes New York and his host family a lot, but theres still “ no place like home”.6. Make up your own mind map according to the story.教师活动1. 介绍阅读文章的背景。2.引导学生谈论图片。 3.指导学生快速阅读并回答两个问题。4. 督促学生仔细阅读并填表格。5. 指导学生翻译重点句子,并给予点评。6. 帮组学生绘制思维导图。学生活动1. 听老师介绍阅读文章的背景。2.和老师一起谈论图片。3. 快速阅读并回答两个问题。4.仔细阅读并填表格。5.翻译重点句子。6.绘制思维导图。7.小组讨论,全班展示。设计意图根据阅读前,阅读中,阅读后的理论要求,采用独学,讨论,展示的方法,以及快读和精读的阅读技巧,提高阅读能力。教学环节3教学过程Making phrases.(2c)1. Look at the examples and try to make as many phrases as you can.2. Match the verbs in column A with the words in column B.3. Find and underline the sentences that includes the six phrases in 2b.教师活动1. 给出一些组词的例子。2. 鼓励学生造出更多的短语。3.带领全班核对2c的答案。3.要求学生展示划出的含有2c中配对短语的句子。学生活动1. 用所给动词造出尽可能多的短语和句子。2. 完成2c中的配对任务。3. 在2b中划出含有2c中配对短语的句子设计意图词语的正确搭配对于造出正确的语句很重要,一词多用,不仅可以巩固用词能力,还可以锻炼发散思维能力。教学环节4教学过程Retell Zhu Huis story 1. Work in groups.(with the help of the form, underlined sentences, or mind map)2. Show it in front of the whole class.教师活动1. 介绍复述技巧2. 学生在小组内复述时巡视,必要时提供帮助。3. 倾听学生的复述展示并点评。学生活动1. 听老师介绍复述的技巧。2. 借助表格、划出的句子和思维导图,在小组内复述朱辉的故事。3. 选出代表在全班展示。设计意图复述故事可以检验学生对文章的理解程度,有助于提高口头表达能力,也能提高阅读和写作能力。八、教学情境设计1. Listen to a song named What time is it?2.Role-play a conversation and answer two questions.Maria: Hi, David! Im calling from Sydney.David: Sydney? What time is it there?Maria: Its 10:00 p.m.David: Its 4:00 a.m. here in Los Angeles!Maria: Oh, I forgot about the time difference. Sorry. Go back to sleep! Ill e-mail you later.3. We are having an English class. Guess what American students are doing now.九、学生学习活动评价设计小组竞赛To be No.1分成6个小组,根据活动完成的质量和效果评分。十、板书设计左边是课题和重难点,中间是PPT, 右边是小组竞赛计分板Blackboard designingUnit 6 Im watching TV.Section B 2a-2c2a. the time differencein different places2b. studying in the United States living with an American family Dragon Boat Festival making zongzi/eating zongzi watching the boat races like any other nightreading a story to her young childrenmisses his familywishes to have his moms delicious theres still “no place like home”PPT To be No.1 !G1G2G3G4G5G6T1T2T3T4T5TotalNo.十一、作业设计1.Unit 6 Im watching TV. Section B 2a-2c 导学案 题目及答案见附件一2.Homework for Unit 6 Im watching TV Section B 2a-2c 题目及答案见附件二十二、反思教态亲切自然,亲和力强;举手投足充满激情,催人上进;教学策略丰富,看MV问答,情景剧角色扮演,略读和精读,填表格,制作思维导图,当堂检测,复述故事,小组合作,组间PK,形式多样,效果明显;学生积极参与各项课堂活动,主动交流,大胆展示,勇于质疑和点评;教学活动安排环环相扣,衔接自然;板书设计布局合理,重点突出,详略得当。本节课增长了知识,锻炼了思维,提高了能力,陶冶了情操,培养了习惯,铸造了灵魂。德育渗透恰到好处,East or west, home is best. 金窝银窝,不如自家的草窝。家是最好的地方。无论将来到哪个外国深造学习,都应该回家报效祖国。在组词造句时,学生的思维发散得很妙,超过了老师的思考。在画思维导图时,他们的动手能力非常强,令人惊叹。他们为小组争光不懈拼搏的劲头令人深受鼓舞。下次上课时,我会让各小组选派一人计分,每个任务结束时上报得分情况,以节约时间。老师只负责最后的集中统计,确定总分和名次。如果课前花更多的时间训练如何编制思维导图和复述故事的技巧,学生将能更好地完成任务,课堂展示效果也会更好。附件一Exercises in class. 1. Are there a_ other questions?2. Bill is from the US. Hes a famous A_ writer.3. She lives with her husband, Paul, and three grown-up c_.4. In stories and legends, a d_ is an animal like a big lizard. It has wings and claws, and breathes out fire.5. “The meal is absolutely d_,” she said politely.6. Which country is going to be the h_ of next World Cup?7. My cousin is studying England now. She always m_ her family badly.8. She has won her last four r_.9. Ive got only three months left to s_ for my exams.10. Do you s_ have Julies phone number?Keys 1. any 2. American 3. children 4. dragon 5. delicious 6. host 7. misses 8. races 9. study 10. still附件二Homework for Unit 6 Im watching TV Section B 2a-2c武汉市鲁巷中学 高克军I.写出下列动词现在分词形式。1. clean_ 2. work_ 3. watch_ 4. eat_ 5. play_ 6. study_ 7. take_ 8. have_ 9. dance_ 10. write_ 11. come_ 12. make_ 13. get_ 14. run_ 15. swim_ 16. sit_ 17. shop_ 18. stop_ 19. lie_ 20. die_II.根据句意和首字母完成单词。21. Shes much brighter than all the o_ children in her class.22. Over 80 cars will take part in the r_.23. More s_ are needed before anything can be done.24. Queensland is one of the s_ of Australia.25. Keep s_ while I tie your shoe.III. 用所给动词的正确形式补全句子。26. Look!The boys _(play) basketball on the playground.27. Listen! Linda _(sing) in the next room.28. Her sister _(eat) dinner now.29. Its 9:00 p.m. Peter _(do) his homework at home.30. A: Whats Grandpa doing now? B: He _(work) in the garden.IV.完形填空。 Here are my favorite photos. 31 the first one, you can find its 32 . Im wearing a T-shirt and sitting on the grass. The 33 one is a photo of my family. Im 34 computer games. My grandfather is playing erhu. My father is 35 a newspaper. My grandmother is talking about the TV show 36 my sister. And my mother is 37 the table. I love this photo very much. In the third one, there are two 38 . They are my friends, Tim and his brother. They are playing basketball. In the last one, Im singing and my friends are dancing. 39 I see these photos, Im very happy. They make me think of the happy 40 . I will keep the photos all my life. ( ) 31. A In B At C For D About( ) 32. A dayB night C summer D spring( ) 33. A firstB second C third D fourth( ) 34. A going B doing C playing D reading( ) 35. A readingB seeing C looking at D writing( ) 36. A toB with C about D on( ) 37. A cleaningB sitting C buying D swimming( ) 38. A girls B boysC womenD men( ) 39. A When B Where C WhyD How( ) 40. A time B age C hour D minute V.阅读理解。 We have twenty minutes rest(休息) between classes. Look! Most of us are playing during the break(课间) time. Some students are on the playground. They are playing basketball. Oh! A boy is running with the ball. And another is trying(尽力)to stop him. They look so cool. And there are some girls watching the game. Some students are in the classroom. They are talking. A few of them are reading and doing homework. Look! A girl is looking at the birds in the tree in front of the classroom. She must be thinking of something interesting because she is smiling(微笑).What are the teachers doing? Some of them are working in the office. And some are talking with students. Everyone is doing his or her things, busy but happy!( ) 41. Where are the students playing basketball? A. In front of the tree B. In front of the classroom C. On the playground D. In the tree( ) 42. A girl is looking at the birds. She is . A. happy B. cool C. interesting D. exciting( ) 43. What are the teachers doing? A. Working or talking with students B. Having a basketball gameC. Playing with the students D. Looking at the birds( ) 44. There are_ students in the classroom. A. no B. some C. few D. many( ) 45. The passage is mainly(主要)about _. .A. students B. a basketball game C. break time activities D. teachersKeysI 1. cleaning 2. working 3. watching 4. eating 5. playing 6. studying 7. taking 8. having 9. dancing 10.writing 11. coming 12.making 13. getting 14. running 15. swimming 16.sitting 17.shopping 18. stopping 19.lying 20.dying II 21. other 22. race 23. studies 24. states 25. stillIII 26. are playing 27. is singing 28. is eating 29. is doing 30. is workingIV 31-35 ACBCA 36-40 BABAA V 41-45 CAABC


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