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    牛津高中英语教学设计单 元:Unit 4 Public transport 板 块:Task 2Thoughts on the design:本节课是以说、写技能为主的语言输出课。前者旨在帮助和指导学生在设定的语境中,如何比较不同信息,做出最合理的解决方案;后者为整个Task的最终目标:写一篇电子邮件,说明旅游计划的安排。Teaching aims:After this period of learning, students will be able to:1. make a decision to buy the suitable train tickets through a role play activity;2. write an e-mail.Teaching procedures: Step 1: role play: finding out information1. Ask students If you were Father, what information do you want to know? and guide them to list the following items. (PPT 4) Ø ways to travelØ the fastest way to travelØ time of departure / arrival Ø travel timeØ costØ number of train changesThen ask How do you ask? to introduce expressions used to ask for specific information (PPT 5)Ø Could you please tell me how we can get to ?Ø Could you tell me what time ?Ø How long does it take to get to ? Ø How much does it cost to buy the fastest trains?Ø How many times do we need to change trains?2. Get students to work in pairs. One student acts as you and the other your father. Father tries to find more information about the plan of this trip.Possible example: ( A: Father B: you)A: Could you tell me how we can go to Dalian?B: We can go there by train, by car, by air or by coach.A: Then, whats your decision?B: By train. A: Why?B: (refer to information in Part C) Explanation 通过角色扮演,运用问话技巧获取信息。同时将前一课时中的内容作个总结,为下一个环节做好铺垫。Step 2: Discussion: buying tickets1. Go through the timetables of the train tickets first and decide on the fastest trains. (PPT 6)2. Remind the students that we need 3 tickets from Nanjing to Beijing and 6 tickets from Beijing to Dalian and the budget is 2,200 yuan to decide on total expense. (PPT 6)3. Work out the whole arrangement of this travel, preparing for the writing task. (PPT 7)4. Ask students to note down all the information on their worksheet.Explanation 至此学生对整个行程有了全面的了解。为写作方面起见,将行程的日期定在4月30日由南京出发,并确定好所有时间。本课时配有一张学生用的worksheet,以方便写作。Step 3: Writing1. Show the students what should be included in the e-mail. (PPT 8)2. Discussion: (PPT)Ø the outline of this e-mail Ø what can be included in each paragraphØ provide some sentence patterns and useful expressions3. Write the e-mail on the worksheet. (PPT 10)Explanation 写作先给学生确定内容,然后引导学生列出大纲,通过口头提问,给出部分句式或短语,使得写作难度降低,同时逐步引导学生完成写作任务。通过大纲整理素材,使写作条理清晰。学生习作可独立完成,也可小组合作完成。HomeworkRevise the writing and hand in the worksheet the next day. Worksheet Unit 4 Module 7 Task Name _ Class _I. Our travel arrangement: We will go _.Nanjing Beijing: Train No. _ leave Nanjing: _ on Apr. 30th arrive in Beijing: _ on _ Beijing Dalian:Train No. _ leave Beijing: _ on _ arrive in Dalian: _ on _Total travel time: _ Total cost for 6 people: _II. An e-mail to UncleØ tell him the transport you chose and explain whyØ inform him of the train tickets (the times of arrival and departure , the total spending )Ø remind him not to be lateDate: From: To: Subject: . Dear Uncle,_第 3 页 共 3 页


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