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    Unit 2Growing pains1explain v解释;说明_ n解释,说明归纳拓展explain sth.to sb.explain to sb.sth.对某人解释某事make an explanation作说明,进行解释in explanation of作为的说明/辩解I was used to the familiar bilingual dictionaries,in which the words are explained both in English and Chinese.(2010·辽宁,完形填空)过去我习惯了用熟悉的英汉双解词典,里面的单词都是用英汉两种语言解释的。活学活用(1)He _ us that he was late because of the traffic.他向我们说明了他迟到是因为交通拥挤。(2)He was late.We asked him to _ (向我解释) why.But his _ (的解释) being late didnt sound reasonable.(3)“What will you say in_ of your frequent lateness this time?” asked the teacher.Adoubt BwonderCexpectation Dexplanation2fault n过错,错误;缺点,毛病;责任归纳拓展(1)However,they can hardly blame me;it is largely their own fault.(2009·重庆,完形填空)但是他们并不能责怪我;在很大程度上是他们自己的错。(2)She loves me in spite of all my faults.我虽然有种种缺点,但是她依然爱我。活学活用(1)The police said that the other driver was _he should have slowed down.警方说错在另一位司机他本来应该减速。(2)They are always _ (找毛病) my work.(3)用fault,shortcoming的适当形式填空In spite of all my friends _,I still like him because I dont like finding a _.(4)“I dont think its my_ that the TV blew up.I just turned it on,that is all,” said the boy.Aerror Bmistake Cfault Dduty3scene n(戏剧)一场;现象;场面;景色归纳拓展(1)Firefighters were on the scene immediately.消防队员立即赶到了现场。(2)The police present at the scene had only scratched the surface of the accident.在场的警察对事故只做了简单的处理。活学活用(1)用scene,scenery,sight,view填空The Great Wall whose _ is beautiful is one of the most breathtaking _ in the world,but twenty years ago,beautiful as the _ was from the distance,a dirty _ appeared in front of us when we arrived there.(2)While watching Titanic,most people couldnt help crying when it came to the scene_ Jack saves the girls life but dies in icy water himself.Awhich BasCwhy Dwhere4.mark n分数;记号;标志;得分;痕迹;v.标明;标志;打分数,批改归纳拓展(1)The workers packed the glasses and marked on each box “This Side Up”(2010·课标全国卷,22)工人们把玻璃杯装好,并在每个箱子上标注“此面向上”的标记。(2)You cant afford to get another low mark in English.你的英语不能再得低分了。活学活用(1)Food _ red stars are included in the recipe.标有红星的食品被列入了食谱。(2)The match is to take place in two days and they are busy _ the tennis court.(2011·黄山月考)Aturning out Bmarking outCmaking out Dbreaking out5insist vt. & vi.坚持;坚决主张归纳拓展(1)The only wonder is that so many states insist on closing their ears to the message.(2009·山东,阅读理解C)唯一惊讶的是这么多的国家都坚持对这个消息充耳不闻。(2)He insisted that his answer was right.他坚持说他的回答是正确的。活学活用(1)I insisted that you _ there on time.我坚持要求你准时到那里去。(2)用insist on,stick to填空We _ the important thoughtThree Represents,and _ putting it into practice.(3)Sam insisted that he_ the law and_.Adidnt break;mustnt be punishedBdoesnt break;shouldnt punishChadnt broken;be not punishedDhadnt broken;not be punished6spare adj.空闲的;不用的;备用的;vt.抽出;留出;免除归纳拓展spare sb.sth.spare sth.for sb. 为抽出/分出;免除某人的spare no effort(s)不遗余力;竭尽全力spare no expense不惜一切代价(1)But most of his spare time is spent working.(2009·海南,阅读理解B)但他的大部分业余时间都花在工作上。(2)Nigel coaches a cricket team in his spare time.奈杰尔业余时间担任一个板球队的教练。活学活用(1)Well _ to find the culprits of this crime.我们会竭尽全力追查本案的凶犯。(2)As a teacher,he almost has no _ (闲暇时间),but whenever the students have any problems,he _ (不遗余力地帮助) them.He can hardly _ (抽出一些时间给家人),even his children.(3)Lets_ to carry out the plan.Atry our best Bspare no effortCspare no efforts Dall the above7suggest vt.建议;暗示;使想起_ n提议;意见归纳拓展(sb./sb.s) doing sth.suggest (建议) that sb.(should) do sth.sth. (to sb.) It is suggested that sb.(should) do sth.at/on sb.s suggestion根据某人的建议注意:suggest作“暗示,表明”讲时,引导的从句用陈述语气。(1)Lady Luck suggested I should turn left.(2010·湖南,完形填空)幸运女神建议我应该向左转。(2)Someone suggested sending Liu Xiang to the US for treatment.有人建议送刘翔去美国治疗。活学活用(1)He suggested that the work _ at once.他建议立即动工。(2)His accent suggested that _ Sichuan.他的口音表明他是四川人。(3)用suggest,advise的适当形式填空Who do you _ to go there with her?His silence _ refusal.He made a very useful _ that she join in the club activities. (4)He suggested_ a meeting and it suggested that he_ in our plan.(2011·长沙模拟)Ato hold;was interestedBholding;was interestedCholding;should be interestedDshould hold;be interested8do with处理,对付;对待;解决;涉及归纳拓展do with有时可与deal with互换,表示“处理,解决”。 (1)What have you done with my pen?Ive put it away.你把我的钢笔弄到哪儿去了?我把它收起来了。(2)I hate to deal/dealing with large impersonal companies.我讨厌与那些没有人情味的大公司打交道。活学活用(1)用deal with,do with的适当形式填空I dont know how to _ the book _ politics,but you know what to _ it very well.(2)How do you_ a disagreement between the company and its customers?The key to solving the problem is to meet the demand made by the customers.Amake do with Bdo withChandle with Ddeal with9be supposed to应该;理应归纳拓展I have reached a point in my life where I am supposed to make decisions of my own.(2009·浙江,14)我已经到了自己做出决定的年龄了。活学活用(1)He was supposed _ on the five oclock train.他本该赶上五点钟的那班火车的(但他没有)。(2)The train_ arrive at 1130,but was an hour late.(2011·黄山月考)Awas about to Bwas likely toCwas supposed to Dwas certain to10go out熄灭;发出;播放,播出;公布归纳拓展go off离去;爆炸go without忍受某事物的缺乏;没有某事物也可应Honey,lets go out for dinner.Thats great! I dont have to cook.(2010·重庆,26)亲爱的,我们出去吃晚饭吧。太好了!我不用做饭了。活学活用(1)The bomb _ in a crowded street.炸弹在挤满人群的大街上爆炸了。(2)I was about to go out _.我正要出去,这时电话铃响了。(3)Would you please_this form for me to see if Ive filled it in right?Atake off Blook afterCgive up Dgo over11feel like (doing)想要(做);感觉自己像归纳拓展I was so angry and I just didnt feel like looking for another job.(2008·上海,阅读理解B)我非常生气,不想再找另外的工作。活学活用(1)I dont _ today.我今天感觉不舒服。(2)Well go for a walk if _.要是你愿意,我们去散散步。(3)They were completely different from my own family,yet I felt_ with them immediately.Asorry Bat homeCmyself Dbadly12.now that既然;由于归纳拓展Now that weve discussed our problem,are people happy with the decisions taken?(2009·宁夏海南,35)既然我们已经讨论了我们的问题,人们对我们做的决定满意吗?活学活用(1)Ill never give up _.今后我决不放弃。(2)_(既然晚餐已准备好),wash your hands.(3)_ she is out of a job,Lucy has been considering going back to school,but she hasnt decided. (2011·南京模拟)AEven if BThoughCIf DNow that13The room is a mess,with pizza boxes on the floor and dirty dishes in the sink.译文:_ _ _句式提取:with复合宾语归纳拓展(1)with宾语doing (表主动或正在进行的动作)(2)with宾语done(表被动或已完成的动作)(3)with宾语to do (to do表示将来的动作)(4)with宾语adj. (adj.表状态)(5)with宾语adv. (adv.表状态)(6)with宾语介词短语 (1)Tired,Jim was fast asleep with his back against a big tree.(2010·四川,5)累坏了,吉姆背靠着一棵大树,酣睡着。(2)With all the things she needed bought,she went home happily.买了所需要的所有东西后,她高兴地回家了。活学活用(1)_,he wont have time to go shopping this morning.他有那么多文章要写,今天早上将没有时间去买东西了。(2)_,its time to buy warm clothes.冬天来了,该买暖和的衣服了。(3)The boy went out to play _.作业做完后,小男孩出去玩了。(4)_ the crisis of economy getting more and more serious,the government is searching for ways to improve peoples life.AA BWith CWhen DIf(5)John received an invitation to dinner,and with his work_,he gladly accepted it.Afinished BfinishingChaving finished Dwas finished14Eric sits on his bed looking at Daniel,who has his arms crossed and looks angry.译文:_句式提取:have复合宾语归纳拓展(1)To save class time,our teacher has us students do half of the exercises in class and complete the other half for our homework.(2007·湖南,27)为了节省课堂时间,我们的老师让我们学生在课堂上做完一半练习,把另一半当作家庭作业来完成。(2)It was cold,and she had the fire burning all day and night.天很冷,她日夜烧着炉火。活学活用(1)At that time,he _ to talk to.在那时,他没有人可以说话。(2)Joe _ a car for him.乔让我给他找辆车。(3)Youd better _.你最好把那颗坏牙拔了。(4)Good morning.Can I help you?Id like to have this package_,madam.Abe weighed Bto be weighedCto weigh Dweighed(5)She will tell us why she feels so strongly that each of us has a role_in making the earth a better place to live.Ato have played Bto playCto be played Dto be playingUnit 2Growing pains.语境填词1He didnt give us a _(合理的解释) about his _(无礼的表现)We all thought it was his _(过错),but he deserved no _(惩罚)2Its a universal _(真理) that _(无私) is quite _(宝贵的),while _(自私) is really _(愚蠢的)3Its _(令人吃惊的) that what _(使感兴趣) me _ (使厌烦) her.选词填空be crazy about,be mixed up,be angry with,after all,go out,be hard on,make no difference,take sbs advice,argue sb.out of,wait ones turn1Whether he will come here or not _.2Dont be a queue­jumper.Youd better _.3Our teacher _ so _ us.4The boy _ computer games.5_,Mike isnt a boy any more.6At last his wife _ him _ buying so expensive a car.7The fire _ when the firemen got there.8Dont _ me.I didnt do that on purpose.9If you _ my _,it would have been better.10We _ after his explanation.完成句子1他女儿扶着他,慢慢的回家去了。He went home,_ by his daughter,_ very slowly.2我们原认为你提到的那本书不值得一读。We _ the book _ you referred _ not worth reading.3既然你去过那里,请给我们讲一讲那里的情况。_ you _ there,tell us something about it.4你刚才和他握手的那个人是我老师。The man _ you shook hands just now is my teacher.5我要是去过上海世博会该多好啊!_ I wish I _ to the Shanghai Expo!6他举手好像要说什么。He raised his hand _ to say something.单项填空1Mr.Zhang didnt believe the reason _ for his being late for class.Ahe explained Bthat he expressedChow he explained Dwhy he expressed2He is a person who is always _ fault with other people.Aputting BseekingCfinding Dlooking for3Mum _ to us,“Be quiet!Your little sisters sleeping.”Awhispered BshoutedCexplained Dreplied4The dead mans wallet and mobile phone remained untouched,so the _ for the killing could not have been the theft.Aexplanation BexcuseCmotive Dresult5He asked us to find a book _ the word “WAF”Amarked with Bbeing marked withCmarked on Dbeing marked on6Im sorry I didnt help you out.Never mind._,you have tried your best.AAbove all BIn allCAt all DAfter all7People may have different opinions about Karen,but I admire her._,she was a great musician.AAfter all BAs a resultCIn other words DAs usual8Dont be too hard _ the boy;he didnt mean _ it.(2010·黄山模拟)Aat;doing Bon;to doCon;doing Dfor;to do9The children were left _ of a neighbour when they were on holiday.Ain charge Bin the chargeCunder charge Dat charge10By nine oclock,all the Olympic torch bearers had reached the top of Mount Qomolangma,_ appeared a rare rainbow soon.Aof which Bon whichCfrom which Dabove which11Eric received training in computer for one year,_he found a job in a big company.Aafter that Bafter whichCafter it Dafter this12Please remain _;the winner of the prize will be announced soon.Aseating BseatedCto seat Dto be seated13He was busy writing a story,only _ once in a while to smoke a cigarette.Ato stop BstoppingCto have stopped Dhaving stopped14_ in the queue for half an hour,the old man suddenly realized he had left the cheque in the car.AWaiting BTo waitCHaving waited DTo have waited15I wish I _ such a promise to her.Adidnt make Bdont makeCnot make Dhadnt made.课文信息填空ActsCharactersThings they doHow they feelAct oneMom and DadJust coming back from 1._Finding the room in a mess and the dog tired and hungry,they feel 2._ and angry.EricPlaying 3._ at homeSeeing parents back early and angry at them,he is surprised and 4._.DanielStay in another roomHowever,he hopes to give an 5._ at first but then feel angry with parents.Act twoDaniel6._ his anger with parentsHe is so angry with his arms crossed.Eric7._ his brotherHe tries to make Daniel 8._ and not angry.MomTalking about the things that happened todayThinking they are hard on their children,she feels sorry and 9._.DadHe is stubborn,insisting on 10._ Daniel.完形填空One of my fathers favorite sayings as I was growing up was “Try it!” I couldnt say I didnt like _1_,whatever it might be,_2_ I tried it.Over the years Ive come to _3_ how much of my success I owe to my _4_ of those words as one of my values.My _5_ job was just one I decided to try for a couple of years until I _6_ what I wanted t


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