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    King shop school car to watch the summary view store is located in the LAN-Xin railway, 215 students, and students to and from school has about 90 people to cross the railway, more than half of the students live in the school in the vicinity of the rail line along the railway more than 10 square kilometers. Railway is economy of artery, to makes railway along general people master railway legal regulations and security knowledge, enhanced love road watch consciousness, ensure railway security smooth, years, I school has been put love road watch work as education students of focus to caught, made has significantly of effect, years no occurred had railway security accident, emerged out a and a "love road watch small guard", General teachers and students and masses of love road watch consciousness General improve, times by superior recognition, Our practices are reporting on is as follows. And improve the Organization, love the way of protection responsibilities. Set up by the principal of the school is the head security administrator for the Deputy Head of the class teacher for members of the railway protection leading group for propaganda and education, consisting of offices, advocacy groups, education groups and steering groups, organizations responsible for railway protection publicity and education of the whole school, command and coordination. To "ensure safety of the railway" for the overall objectives, major tasks are: 1, arouse the enthusiasm of teachers, school advantages into full play, watch the propaganda and education work of joint railway. 2, railway watch teacher and student awareness, to ensure against road-related casualties. 3, education in primary and middle school students the courage to fight against the Railway Safety Act and found to have damaged railway safety relevant parts of the report in a timely manner to ensure railway safety. Do Division, responsibility and student teacher assessment, evaluation and love road linked to the protection and safety, enhance the sense of responsibility. Second, programming, watch love road work routine. School developed has railway watch publicity education work programme, put love road watch work into school education teaching plans, full using class teaching, and theme class, timing, education students learning railway method, about love road security matters, school requirements daily of campus broadcast to has five minutes of railway security knowledge education, all class weekly are to Shang a section love road watch aspects of security class, monthly introduced a period love road watch aspects of window publicity, reached has alarm ringing of effect. Third, explicitly demanded that the love road protection work. Schools to establish and improve a love road watch schedule, enacted the railway safety "ten no" Protocol, the Convention on the safety and other regulations and requirements, so as to enable departments to further their work. Which publicity group is responsible for railway watch legal regulations and about common sense of publicity, annual organization a to two times above railway method, and security management Punishment Ordinance, for main content of publicity, further strengthened General teachers and students of concept and love road watch consciousness, education students do "three not": that not to railway Shang play, without stones, hit train, is not rail Shang stacked roadblocks. Education groups to include railway protection knowledge education in carrying out quality education, class of railway transport in the main channel of textbooks in economic construction in the role and significance of guiding students to take care of the railway工程名称临港重装备产业区B0210-A地块临港产业制造园二期项目交底部位主体结构部分  工程编号  008日期2012年11月11日  交底内容:首层高支模施工1、施工准备:1.1、辅楼的地面基层垫层砼已经浇筑完毕。竖向钢筋第一步焊接完毕。1.2、轴线、模板线(或模边借线)放线完毕。水平控制标高引测到预留插筋或其它过渡引测点,并办好预检手续。1.3、高支模方案得到批准确认,员工已经认真学习,懂得支设方法要领。2、操作工艺2.1 工艺流程:按专项方案搭设支撑支架1#、2#楼梯模板支设(钢筋绑扎穿插施工)支架验收柱子上步钢筋立焊、箍筋绑扎框架柱模板支设框架柱(楼梯)砼浇筑框架柱模板拆除梁底模支设梁钢筋绑扎梁边模、顶板底模支设模板预检2.2 支撑体系构造: 按照经过专家论证的高支模方案,本工程首层模板支架采用Ø48×3.0钢管扣件连接。2.1.1 竖向支撑构造:竖向钢管纵横间距800。梁利用两侧立杆增设800的小横杆用于承重梁砼,400×850、400×700的大梁两侧纵向增设(两根)800立杆,其他梁中下增设800立杆直接连接于梁下横杆上。2.1.2水平拉结构造:钢管距地200全设扫地杆,向上步距1.8m,中间部位隔杆扣件拉结,离顶板下300钢管拉杆拉结。2.1.3 剪刀撑构造:外围以及每开间设置竖向剪刀撑,6m高左右设置水平剪刀撑一道拉结立杆。2.1.4 扣件采用经检测符合要求的直角扣件、转向扣件以及接头扣件。2.3 模板构造:模板采用1830mm×915mm×15mm的优质胶合板。2.4 安全维护:在6m高度水平位置设置检测合格的安全网一道,必须确保拉结牢固。 2.5 施工方法:2.5.1 支撑搭设:根据方案的要求尺寸,以及方案所给的立杆布置图,划好立杆分布线,铺设好50厚脚手板,根据实际情况可以做微量调整,但总体间距必须控制在800左右,在脚手板上弹好线,以确保立杆平直。选择立杆长度,合理搭配,普通开间顶板下钢管总长为7890,配电间的钢管立杆总长为7740,材料对堆放间的钢管总长为8050。梁下立杆根据不同规格有异,原则是高出承重小横杆50左右。 从弹好的立杆线的一个角或跨中立开始安杆,采用横向水平杆临时固定,开始竖杆时不少于三根,立出两排后按方向推进,要注意立杆的搭配接头不得在同一水平线上,接头位置互相错开。在搭设须注意校正调直。一步架完成后要及时搭设剪刀撑,水平剪刀撑安装在板下1m左右,水平剪刀撑可分别连接于立杆和拉结杆上;竖向剪刀撑沿支撑四周布置,每个开间设置一道竖向支撑,竖向支撑应连接在扫地杆上,斜杆与地面夹角为60左右,每7根立杆为一档,剪刀撑的斜杆有一根安装在立杆上,另外一根安装在拉结钢管上。 2.5.2 模板安装:柱子、墙体模板的安装本厂房辅楼有600*800的柱子12根,800*800(各附一根350*700的短肢柱)的柱子2根,400*400的柱子6根,200*300规格的楼梯柱7根,350*2700规格的楼梯墙两跺,350*3000规格的电梯井墙一跺。高度根据柱、墙上梁的截面尺寸确定,详见首层柱高控制图。在柱钢筋绑扎完毕并经隐检确认合格后开始柱、墙模板施工。柱子、墙体模板工艺流程:找出柱子位置线、控制线烧焊定位筋安装加工好的柱模板安装柱箍安装拉杆和斜撑办理模板预检。找出柱子位置线、控制线:找出轴线、边线、控制线这是控制柱、墙体位置的关键,本厂房辅楼内的柱、墙轴线已经弹出,由于柱、墙在垫层上,不方便弹边线,但至少给出了两道离边300的控制线。烧焊定位筋:根据定位线、轴线确定柱、墙边线位置,将模板边缘位置用14钢筋焊接于箍筋上,截面控制在规定尺寸-3mm,本厂房柱子宜焊三道控制筋。安装模板:吊装第一片模板,并临时支撑或用铅丝与柱子主筋临时绑扎固定,随即吊装第二、三、四片模板,作好临时支撑或固定。先安装上下两个柱箍,并用脚手管和架子临时固定。逐步安装其余的柱箍,校正柱模板的轴线位移、垂直偏差、截面、对角线。支撑加固:按照600的间距在同一个截面用M14园钢螺栓对拉,首套箍距地面350,墙体采用M14对拉螺栓,间距600,梅花形布置。初步拧紧后吊线校正。四周(侧)采用钢管抛杆支撑于垫层上(支撑点需用方木稳固,确保不打滑),采用两道支撑,第一道离地3m左右,第二道 离地5.5m左右对拉两个拉(支)杆,与地面呈45°70°左右。柱模安装时,先要在柱根部对角留出清扫口,柱模安装完毕后,将柱模内清理干净,封闭清扫口,然后办理预检。 梁、顶板模板的安装梁模板工艺流程: 弹出梁轴线及水平线并进行复核搭设梁模板(支架已经搭设好) 安装梁底楞安装梁底模板梁底起拱绑扎钢筋安装梁侧模板安装上下锁品楞及腰楞和对拉螺栓复核梁模尺寸、位置与相邻模板连接牢固。顶板模板单块就位安装工艺流程:搭设模板支架 安装纵横底楞调整模板底标高并起拱安装模板检查模板上皮标高、标高。轴线及水平线:在柱子混凝土上弹出梁的轴线及水平线,并复核。承重小横杆:根据梁高确定梁底小横木高度,小横杆长度1200左右,主支架两排纵向立杆之间距离800。对于规格为400×850、400×700的大梁,在两侧纵向杆每两根之间加设一根立杆,使得承重立杆间距为400;对其他截面较小的梁,在梁中小横杆下增设一路立杆,间距同小横杆间距800即可。安装梁底模板:必须拉线控制梁底模,高度对照梁的设计要求。梁底模板经过自检无误后,用钢管扣件将其固定好。侧模板安装:在底模上绑扎钢筋,经验收合格后,清除杂物,安装梁侧模板,将两侧模板与底模用脚手管和扣件固定好。模板上口要拉线找直,梁内外用支撑固定,复核梁模板的截面尺寸,与相邻梁柱模板连接固定。龙骨采用50×90木方,梁侧模板与板模板交接处的拼接采用板模压梁模的方式。竖向外背楞直接借用支撑立管及立管旁绑一个短钢管,所有高度不大于(含)600的梁,在梁高上部三分之一处设一道对拉螺栓,对拉螺栓选用M14螺栓。对于大于600梁在梁高上、下部三分之一处设两道M14对拉螺栓。梁、板模板横向内背楞选用50×90木方立放,梁、板底按照23/1000起拱。平模铺设完毕后,用靠尺、塞尺和水平仪检查平整度与楼板底标高,并进行校正。 组装完毕的模板,要按图纸要求检查其对角线、平整度、外型尺寸及紧固件数量是否有效、牢靠。并涂刷脱模剂,分规格堆放。 楼梯模板的安装由于楼梯柱子连着框架柱,楼梯应与框柱同步施工。楼梯模板工艺流程:抄平弹线立钢支撑安装主龙骨安装阴角托梁安装次龙骨校正标高铺多层板模板设计:楼梯踏步的板底模板采用15厚多层板模板,龙骨采用50×90方木,踏步板底支撑采用48×3.0脚手钢管,支撑顶部配可调顶托;楼梯踏步模板采用现场加工定型的木模板。第二、三段休息平台上用鱼尾撑支撑踏步侧板两端钉在梯段侧板木档上,靠墙的一端钉在反三角木上,踏步板龙骨采用50×90木方。制作时在梯段侧板内画出踏步形状与尺寸,并在踏步高度线一侧留出踏步侧板厚度钉上木档。支设楼梯模板时注意第一个踏步与最后一个踏步预留足建筑地面做法厚度。在休息平台处两人个踏步错开立面建筑面层做法厚度,楼梯施工缝留在平台板内距踏步600mm处。3、质量标准3.1、保证项目:模板及其支架必须具有足够的强度、刚度和稳定性;其支承部分应有足够的支承面积。3.2、基本项目:模板接缝不应漏浆。模板与混凝土接触表面清理干净并涂隔离剂,严禁隔离剂沾污钢筋与混凝土接槎处。3.3、允许偏差项目:项 目项 次允许偏差值(mm)检查方法1板面平整1用2m靠尺塞尺检查2模板高度+3用钢尺检查3模板宽度+0 -1用钢尺检查4对角线长±2对角拉线用直尺检查5模板边平直2拉线用直尺检查6模板翘曲L2000拉线用钢尺量最大弯曲处7孔眼位置±1用钢尺检查成品保护:运输安装模板时要轻起轻放,不准磕碰,防止模板变形。拆模时不得用大锤砸或撬棍硬撬,以免损伤砼表面和棱角。拆下的模板发现变形或损坏及时修理,并分规格。其它应注意的问题在吊运模板时,要注意模板表面不得磕碰划痕。木工机械一机一闸,有漏电保护装置,并装有防护装置装好地线,操作人员经过培训后,专人操作。木工棚内要有消防器材,并经常检查更换。作业区内禁止吸烟要挂禁烟牌。留下的木削、刨花、碎木要当日清理运到指定地点。4 模板拆除施工工艺 4.1 模板拆除的一般要点: 4.1.1 侧模拆除:在混凝土强度能保证其表面及棱角不因拆除模板而受损后,方可拆除。 4.1.2 底模及冬季施工模板的拆除,必须执行混凝土结构工程施工及验收规范的有关条款。作业班组必须进行拆模申请经技术部门批准后方可拆除。 4.1.3 已拆除模板及支架的结构,在混凝土达到设计强度等级后方允许承受全部使用荷载;当施工荷载所产生的效应比使用荷载的效应更不利时,必须经核算,加设临时支撑。 4.2 模板拆除的一般要点: 4.2.1 拆装模板的顺序和方法,应遵循先支后拆,后支先拆;先拆不承重的模板,后拆承重部分的模板;自上而下,支架先拆侧向支撑,后拆竖向支撑等原则。 4.2.2 模板工程作业组织,应遵循支模与拆模统由一个作业班组执行作业。其好处是,支模就考虑拆模的方便与安全,拆模时,人员熟知情况,易找拆模关键点位,对拆模进度、安全、模板及配件的保护都有利。5、质量标准 5.1 保证项目:模板及其支架必须有足够的强度、刚度和稳定性;其支承部分应有足够的支承面积。检查方法:对照模板设计,现场观察或尺量检查。 5.2 基本项目 5.2.1 接缝宽度不得大于1.5mm。检查方法:观察和用楔形塞尺检查。 5.2.2 模板表面清理干净,并采取防止粘结措施。模板上粘浆和满刷隔离剂的累计面积,墙板应不大于1000cm2;柱、梁应不大于400cm2。 检查方法:观察和用尺量计算统计。 允许偏差项目 墙、梁、柱轴线位移 5 尺量检查 标 高 ±5 用水准仪或拉线和尺量检查 墙、柱、梁截面尺寸 +4 -5 尺量检查 每层垂直度 3 用2m托线板检查 相邻两板表面高低差 2 用直尺和尺量检查 表面平整度 5 用2m靠尺和塞尺检查 预埋钢板中心线位移 3   埋管预留孔中心线位移 3     中心线位移 2 拉线和尺量检查   外露长度 +10 0     中心线位移 10     截面内部尺寸 +10 0   每层垂直度 3 用2m托线板检查  6、 成品保护 6.1 预组拼的模板要有存放场地,场地要平整夯实。模板平放时,要有木方垫架。立放时,要搭设分类模板架,模板触地处要垫木方,以此保证模板不扭曲不变形。不可乱堆乱放或在组拼的模板上堆放分散模板和配件。 6.2 工作面已安装完毕的墙、柱模板,不准在吊运其它模板时碰撞,不准在预拼装模板就位前作为临时椅靠,以防止模板变形或产生垂直偏差。工作面已安装完毕的平面模板,不可做临时堆料和作业平台,以保证支架的稳定,防止平面模板标高和平整产生偏差。 6.3 拆除模板时,不得用大锤、撬棍硬碰猛撬,以免混凝土的外形和内部受到损伤。 7、模板工程技术应注意的问题以及质量控制措施7.1、在模板工程设计过程中以及施工前,模板设计人员与项目工程管理人员要多次进行技术交流及技术交底,从而确保模板施工与其它各项施工紧密结合,确保模板施工有序地进行。7.2、现场施工时,由模板设计人员现场进行模板管理及施工指导,模板设计人员与现场工程人员紧密配合,确保工程顺利进行。7.3、容易出现的问题以及防治方法:梁、板模板:梁、板底不平、下挠;梁侧模板不平直;梁上下口涨模:防治的方法是,梁、板底模板的龙骨、支柱的截面尺寸及间距应严格按照方案要求,使模板的支撑系统有足够的强度和刚度。梁、板模板应按设计或规范起拱。梁模板上下口应设销口楞,再进行侧向支撑,以保证上下口模板不变形。 柱模板:支模时,先立两端柱模,校正垂直与位置无误后,柱模项技通线,再支中间各柱模板。柱距不大时,通排支设水平拉杆及剪刀撑,柱距较大时,每柱分别四面支撑,保证每柱垂直和位置正确。 墙模板:墙体烂根,模板接缝处跑浆;防治方法是,模板根部砂浆找平塞严,模板间卡固措施牢靠。7.4、板施工完全按照现场文明施工方法,完全遵守现场安全施工守则,确保模板施工安全文明。7.5、按规范要求留设同条件养护试块,经试压后决定拆模时间。8、 质量记录 本工艺标准应具备以下质量记录: 8.1 模板工程技术交底记录。 8.2 模板工程预检记录。 8.3 模板工程质量评定。 技术负责人: 交底人: 接交人:Establishment of the patriotic Health Committee, the implementation of Division of responsibility, school of health management. , Room, group, grade school health work of grass-roots organizations, is responsible for the Department of health management. All classrooms, offices and other indoor sanitation, daily cleaning, keep the floor, table, wall clean table, cupboards, chairs and all the appliances in order and clean. No graffiti, doors and Windows and bright. Lectern, Blackboard in the classroom clean and tidy. School sanitation, according to the Division of school health area of responsibility, responsibility to do: a small sweep a day a week a big sweep, neat and clean, no paper, no spam, no weeds, no sewage, no bags, no Peel. Personal hygiene: education students to cultivate "five", "six nots" personal hygiene habits. Five: time schedule, to brush your teeth before going to bed, to change clothes, bathe, and frequently washing hands before meals and after nails Barber,. "Six" not to drink unboiled water, do not eat unclean food, no smoking, no spitting, no snacking, no public towels, cups. Pay attention to eye health, read and write positions lying upright, not reading, not in the light of local walking and reading, doing eye exercises and timely correction of eye disease, regular rotation zuoci. Gym class, working class, to strengthen students ' safety education, comprehensive physical examination once a year on students, included in the profile. Improving food hygiene: to improve sanitation and hygiene, implementation of the food hygiene regulations, to ensure food hygiene, ensure the physical and mental health of teachers and students. Eliminating four pests, preventing disease: promptly clean up the garbage, sewage, preventing mosquito breeding places, cleaned up the garbage, make sure and clean. Strengthen health publicity poster out in time to publicize health knowledge, use of the health education health education to students. And eye exercises, mental health education during the consultation process, held in common, multiple lectures on epidemic prevention. Health inspection rating system: head teacher, classroom teacher, Member of the class of health checks, monitor the implementation of environmental health and eye exercises every day. Check rankings of school organizations to inform the inspection results. Check every Monday, one month, one to summarize, according to the inspection results issued health flow red flags. Six disease prevention to prevent myopia? When sitting up, head tilted, eyes 33 cm from the book. Eat, walk, bus reading, not too strong, too weak to light reading. Write not too small too close, do not write typo, grass hand. Reading time and a half to 1 hour, you should rest for a few minutes. Controlling the number of TV and time, a distance of 2.5 metres. Pay attention to nutrition, food supplements containing vitamin a. How to prevent tooth decay? To develop good hygiene habits, way of brushing our teeth, mouthwash, before going to bed without eating snacks. Improve the ability of anti-caries of the teeth, acid toothpaste with fluoride. Eat less sugar, eat a lot of food to prevent tooth decay, such as milk and dairy products, fish, fruit, beans, liver, etc. How to prevent trachoma? Without common towels, hand rubbing your eyes, to sand and dust, wash your face to clean the water, promote the use of flowing water to wash, maintain washing equipment clean and wash, cut your nails第5页 共6页


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