美国饮食文化,The eating culture of America,美国的餐饮多元化,大城市中有世界各地风味的餐馆。欧洲餐厅以法国和意大利餐馆为主,这些地方环境很好,价格也较高;中餐馆遍布全美,以广东餐馆为主,多售卖海鲜类菜肴,价格适中;其他还有日本、印度、中东、拉美和东南亚餐馆。比较富有美国当地特色的则是快餐,如以麦当劳为代表的汉堡包餐厅、以肯德基为代表的炸鸡餐厅,此外还有出售披萨、三明治和热狗的快餐店。在正规餐厅里就餐后要付1020%的小费,而在快餐厅里就不必付小费了。总体来说,吃快餐比较节省开支。,饮食文化,The species of food 食物种类,Eating Custom and Practice 用餐习惯,Fast Food 快餐食品,Fast-food chains,American-style,are currently on the increase all over the worldMost of these places work on a similar principle There is a long counter,above which is displayed a list(often with pictures)of the items available,and behind which several people(often students working for the minimum wage)are serving Individual queues form in front of each assistant,You receive what you order more or less immediately and take it on a tray to a table,picking up thing like straws(吸管),pepper,salt,ketchup(蕃茄酱),pickles(泡菜)and napkins(usually paper napkins)on the wayIf you cant see any knives and forks,this means you are supposed to eat with your handsIf you cant see any straws,thats because they are hiding in the straw dispenser(分配器)that you have to fiddle(拨弄)with the bottom of it to get a straw(one at a time)to emergeWhen youve finished,you yourself throw away everything except the tray,Many fast-food places have drive-in facilitiesYou place your order from your car via(通过)a microphone and then drive round to a special window to pay and pick it up You may even encounter places where a waitress bring your meal out,and you sit and eat it in the car from a tray hooked over the door through the open windowYou may be asked if your order is“for here”or“to go”(ieto take away)In some states there is no sales tax on food consumed,Chips 油炸土豆片,Chips in America are called“French fries”or“fries”for short(Note that in the USA“chips”mean crisps)“French fries”are normally thinner than chipsAmericans generally put ketchup on their chips,and you will not normally find vinegar(醋),Pizzas(意大利式)烘焰饼,There are many specialty pizza restaurants in America,and many of them take telephone orders and deliver pizzas to your home,which can often be convenientThey come in different sizes,and a large one can be big enough for a party of four peopleIf you want to share a pizza but cant agree on the ingredients,it is possible to order two different sets of toppings,one set on each half,Ice-Cream 冰淇淋,Shops selling large number of different flavors of ice-cream are very common in America If you are not sure what flavor(味道)you want,generally you can sample a small spoonful of a particular flavor to see if you like it You can either have your ice-cream in a“plain cone”(普通型锥形物)or in a“sugar cone”(甜脆型锥形物),Soft Drinks 软饮料,Fast-food restaurants do not serve alcoholThe soft drinks most often sold are Coca-Cola and PepsiCola,plus fizzy drinks(which are like lemonade)and root beer(which is like cough medicine)Fizzy drinks are known as“carbonated beverages”(碳酸饮料)or,more colloquially,“soda”,“pop”,“soda pop”,and“soft drinks”All these drinks come with lost of ice In fact,you will probably find as much ice as drink in your drinkIf you ask for a soft drink without ice,they will think you are funny but will probably oblige(They may charge you a bit extra,for ice is cheaper than Coke),The Big Apple:来到美国,说到吃,肯定很多人的第一个反应是The Big Apple,不过千万别误会,这可是你吃不了的苹果,它其实是纽约市的“昵称”。如果你旅游的目的地是The Big Apple,那我们可要说Congratulations(恭喜)了,那可是个美食之都。Hero:首先,你该到饭店去点一份hero。别担心,服务生不会当你是“吃英雄”的疯子。Hero是纽约人管大个儿意大利潜水艇三明治的叫法。当然,如果你一下子吃了十个Heroes,可能别人就会说话了:“Look at that strange gal!Shes really out in left field!”这里,out in left field 专门用来形容那些古怪或者是莫名其妙的人。Surf nTurf:当然,美食并不只是在纽约才有,如果你有兴趣,不妨到“天使之城”洛杉矶逛一圈,Surf nTurf就是一种在洛杉矶非常普及的美食,其中主食是海鲜及牛排,可能会比较贵,但还有很多叫“dives”的便宜餐厅,你可以以合理的价格买到这种美食。Taco Stand:Taco Stand是另一种在洛杉矶及附近的加州城市都很常见的美食,tacos来自于拉丁美洲,但在美国加州也非常的流行。“stand”是一种街边小摊,你可以在那儿买到一些速食。一般这要比McDonalds(麦当劳)或是Burger King(汉堡王)那样的速食连锁店要便宜,但是食物要可口的多哦!Franks:在美国的街头,你经常会碰到一些Street vendors(街头小贩)高嚷着“Franks”,这时候你可千万别以为他们在寻找名叫Frank的人,Franks在这里是“热狗”的意思。这些小贩就正在Selling Hot dogs(卖热狗)。到餐厅点荷包蛋的讲法是 sunny side up,因为荷包蛋看起来是不是很样一个小学生画的太阳?,Eating Custom and Practice用餐习惯,American eating is funny.They eat almost everything with a fork,and it appears that holding a knife in ones right hand longer than a few seconds is considered to be against good table manners.The system is that if it is absolutely necessary to use a knife,people take the fork in their left hand,and cut off a piece of meat or whatever it is in the normal manner.Then they put the knife down,transfer the fork to their right hand,and only then do they transport the food to their mouth.This is clearly ludicrous(滑稽可笑),but it is considered good manners.,There are several results of this system.First,if it is not absolutely necessary to use a knife,Americans dont use one,because obviously this greatly complicates(使复杂化)things,and you will therefore see them trying to cut things like potatoes,fish and even bacon(熏猪肉)with a fork.Second,towards the end of a course,since only one implement(器具)is being used,food has to be chased around the plate with the fork and for the last mouthful the thumb has to be used to keep the food in place,although one is not supposed to do this.Third,tables are generally laid with one knife and two forks,the outside fork being for the salad.There is no need for foreign visitors to follow the American system and try to eat the salad with only a fork,but if you do use your knife,remember to save it for the meat course.Even desserts(甜食)(except ice cream)are eaten with a fork if at all possible,and the spoon you see by your dessert is meant to be for coffee(but if you use it for your dessert no one will say anything).,Some Breakfast Dishes 早餐食谱,Breakfast in a restaurant is a very enjoyable experience.If you order eggs in a restaurant,the waiter/waitress will ask you how you want them.You can reply that you want them scrambled(炒)or boiled.It is not sufficient,however,to ask for them fried;you will have to specify whether you would prefer them sunny-side-up(煎一面),over(两面煎),over-easy/easy-over(两面煎,但蛋黄仍然呈流体状).American sausage(香肠)comes in slices and is quite spicy.But you can also have link sausage.American bacon comes in small strips,can be rather fat,and is served crispy.It is usually very tasty,and you can eat it with your fingers.Hash brows(油炸土豆片)are shredded(切成碎片的)and fried potatoes.They are wonderful,especially with fried eggs and ketchup(蕃茄酱).,美国人在日常生活中讲究实际,他们没有欧洲人的那种繁文缛节。来的客人多美国人一般都以家庭式自助餐形式招待客人。吃自助餐也一定的顺序:先冷盘,再熟食,最后是甜点、水果。爱吃什么你就尽管在大盘内取什么,不必拘泥,吃饱为止。但不要浪费。开席前,主人会宣布举行祷告仪式。此时不要有丝毫的犹豫,要跟着主人一起祷告,口中念念有词这是尊重他们的宗教信仰。上餐桌时可以随意放松,不必像法国人、英国人那样左叉右刀,绅士似的慢条斯理,一块猪排或一块牛排翻来覆去地切割。你甚至可以用手直接撕鸡腿,面包用手撕成小块吃。主人绝对不会说你吃相难看,不懂规矩。但女士们切勿在饭桌上照镜子补妆;男士们不要在饭桌上吸烟,这有失雅观和礼貌。餐毕离席,把刀叉匙羹放入盘中,不必向在座的每个人招呼,只需欠欠身、点点头,就不失礼貌。饭后你想喝杯咖啡之类热饮料,可以直接向主人提出。主人马上会给你送一杯香喷喷的咖啡或一杯浓茶,说声“谢谢(Thankyou)”就行。,美国人用餐的戒条主要有以下六条:,其一、不允许进餐时发出声响。其二、不允许替他人取菜。其三、不允许吸烟。其四、不允许向别人劝酒。其五、不允许当众脱衣解带。其六、不允许议论令人作呕之事。,美国饮食文化图片欣赏,Thank you!,