sichuan cuisine,.,Sichuan food has a long history.As one of our eight regional cuisines,sichuan cuisine occupies an important position in the history,Sichuan cuisines tradition,The origin of Sichuan cuisine can be traced back to the Qin and Han Dynasties(221BC-220AD),its recognition as a distinct regional system took place in the Han Dynasties(206BC-220AD).As a unique style of food,Sichuan cuisine was famous more than 800 years ago during the Southern Song Dynasty(1127-1279)when Sichuan restaurants were opened in Linan,now called Hangzhou,the capital.The hot pepper was introduced into China from South America around the end of the 17th century.Once it came to Sichuan,it became a favored food flavoring.In the late Qing Dynasty around 19th century,Sichuan cuisine became a unique local flavor,enjoying the same reputation with Shandong,Guangdong(Canton)and Huaiyang cuisines.,.,The birthplace of sichuan food are the ancient Ba and Shu statesSichuan cuisine is based on chengdu and chongqing,represented by tow local dishes,.,Excellent environment,rich resources,provide the advantages the formation and development of sichuan food,The characteristic of sichuan food,Out standing hotSweetOilDeliciousHeavy flavour,.,Sichuan food use“three pepper”-chili(辣椒),pepper(花椒),pepper(胡椒)and fresh ginger(姜).While fry,boil,simmer,ect.are all used in cooking methods,Gongbaojiding 宫保鸡丁,Twice cooked pork回锅肉,Boiled fish水煮鱼,Mapo beancurd麻婆豆腐,Fuqifeipian夫妻肺片,Spicy chicken辣子鸡丁,Flavored pock鱼香肉丝,.,How to cooking a dish of sihuan cuisine?,.,1 chicken,cut into 1 cm square bamboo shoots Ding,a pinch of salt,soy sauce,cooking wine mix well with the wet starch is good,and then mix with the oil spots.2,Qing Sun cut into small.Ginger and garlic are sliced.The foam pepper chopped stand-by.Then soup,onions,ginger,garlic,cooking wine,soy sauce,sugar,wet starch,monosodium glutamate across with sweet juice.3,with major oil and stir into the hot-Chao Shao,oil heat,fry diced chicken into eight mature into foam pepper,followed the next duplicating the Qing Sun,and then put on a good Euryale ferox juice into the Chao Shao,the juice opened and then duplicating the uniform,drip vinegar Serve.Features:slightly sweet,delicious aroma,a traditional Sichuan dishes.,.,1、笋鸡肉切成1厘米见方的丁,用少许盐、酱油,料酒拌匀,用湿淀粉浆好,再拌上点油。2、青笋切成丁。姜和蒜均切成片。把泡辣椒剁碎待用。再用汤、葱、姜、蒜、料酒、酱油、糖、湿淀粉、味精对面带甜味的汁。3、用旺火把炒勺热放入大油,油热后投入鸡丁炒8成熟时放进泡辣椒,随之下青笋翻炒,接着把对好的芡汁也倒入炒勺中,汁开后再翻炒均匀,滴入醋即成。特 点:微甜,味鲜香,为四川传统菜之一。,