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    文章内容:RDP分发服务器架设操作系统:WINDOWS 2003 R2 ENTERPRISEHP自带软件:RDP6.9 sp4准备工作:分发服务器必须安装以下组件:DHCP、IIS、FTP(允许匿名访问)、.NET 2.0、MS SQL server 2005桌面、 microsoft AIK(FTP和sql的设置参考错误!链接无效。和错误!链接无效。从SQL开始说,SQL的组件可以再RDP映像中的database文件夹中找到,如图:然后双击setup,弹出以下界面:End User License AgreementMICROSOFT SOFTWARE LICENSE TEENSMICROSOFT SQL SERVER 2005 EXPEESS EDITION SERVICE PACK 3 These Licerie terms are an agreeinent betweeri Microsoft Corporal ion (or based on inhere you Live one of its aTTiliates) and you. Please read them.They apply tothe soft vrare nammd. abcvej wliich iricludes the m.e di a on which you receiv已d. if any. Th已 tennm also apply t o any Microsoftw updat es,* supp 1 emerit s3* Int e met-base d servicesj and非 support services当然同意,下一步:最好把client和support file都装上点安装,安装完毕后,点next:继续next:l± crosoft SQL Server 2005 SetupWelcome to the Microsoft SQL Server InstallationWizardSetup will help you inzt:all, modi fy >:>r remove Mi soft SQL Server. T>:> :ontinue, >:li ck Next.验证成功后,依然next:|禅口 MILTOWSr9lc« Conflskratiixi Check¥n : vhil* 1* TTTt-Wi at 4L*rind l西 4-vntL kJ ant hllkta-mSrueessn TMUJI Sk«13d IrrwQ 1 UEU.ELEh*:4L15:&Acli axI SlBtUT|岫四.|-SEQ. S«r*?w Idi Lian iK-xtaix SfTBtn CiapStKC-411整 VixjfKir! Hfur4¥s£gSikccss】 Tul-IliiiJbiTuruuLLSiK«ia厘 1+t holb,Bh,-iL,ri匚wigS«£4EE唾 Intwnjr1; Bcjl-Brar BjTiujariHsnt £M Fl*ntiqpjavH+x'L£ikc«ecA5T kt Verdin R4L51tr«Uin E*i£fljrBiin.i:Stksiss整 1 ixirun HDA£ T«rxL4n KfqiirwinLSocmi嘻 Idi/lLoii iZboee ChwhSiKoess下面选择安装组件和路径,最好把客户端也选上。接下来选择windows验证模式(切记):Hi rr a a f LS»rv«r JUDO'SEalli I i dxl S«lnp-uthBfitiK-atiioni MoriteThe sjttiertlcation nwde speofi&s ,囱rtp used when ccmeitlngtuSL 5ttg,Ss:t t诡 3jthsrtket wde E use ftr ths5pnfY the-u Idcfti pssard hdm:下面这一步也尤为重要,要选择把用户加入安全组。不然你会忐忑的jjHicrosoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition SetupConfiguration OptionsConfigure user and administrator accountsT dd user to the SQL 5erver Administrator roierver Express installation programTfils-eption adds the user whofe running the 5to the 5见万莒rveiTystem_AdmiRi财ofc. By default, users on Microsoft WindowsVista operating system are not members of the SQL Server System Administrator role.下面是错误的东西如何存储,不管他了,默认吧。crosoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edi ti on SetupError and Usage Report SettingsHelp MicrosoFt improve some oF the 5QL Server 2005 components and services./ Automatically send Errob/epcte for 5QL Server 2005 to Microsoft or your 匚orporate terror reporting server. E&or reports include information regarding the condition of SQL 底 Server 2005 when an error occur'red, your hardware configuration and other data. ErrorReports may unintentionally include personal informationj which will not be used by Microsoft./Automatically send Feature Usage data for SQL Server 2005 to Microsoft. Usage data I- includes anonymous information about your hardware configuration and how you use our software and services.By installing Microsoft SQL Server 2005 SQL Server and its components will be configured to automatically send Fatal service error reports to Microsoft or a Corporate Error Reporting Server. Microsoft uses error reports to improve 5QL Server functionalityj and treats all information as confidential.Help卜来点击安装:斐口£15 Eetee Kdlii ti u£l SetupReady to install. tupls rea由比 tiEQin nall胡on.岸JSet中 Fds maugh irinrrnatiari ta steft 匚中ng the pracra-n Files. Ta proMed, dkklnstdl. T口 c hangs anyaf 7a ir rtsteilatkmsetbrQSf dick Back. Toarft sstiPi CancelW licrosoft SQL Server 2005 Setup5etup ProgressThe selected corriponents are being configuredProduct| Status©M5XML6Setup finished粉 SQL Setup Support FilesSetup Finished>5QL Native CliBritSetup finished(j>5QL V55 'Vriter5已tu口 Fiii%h已匚15已tu口 Fii性h已d粉 5匚】1 5已r#已r D日t日hm%已5已rvi匚已 W£jrk:5El±ii |二口旧口旧|1:% 日口口是 口ilii 匚口iFidurinci 匚口1 口口1 已it%. 完了,接着往下走:ProductStatus(M5XML6哮 5QL 5已tup 5u口口口rt Fil巳土粉 5QL川日ti#已Cli已nt©5QL VE5 Writ已r嗯 5C)L 5已rv已r 口日tmh日土已5已rvi匚已3Workstation Components, Books Onlin.5已tu 口 Finish已d 5已tu 口 Finish已d 5已tu 口 Finish已d 5已tu 口 Finish已d 5已tu 口 Finish已d Setup finished点击finish方顽二 Al e 3 ihLii 口Li口11 I.口口I.oTGP/IP connedioni -are dis.ablcJli crosoft SQL Server 2005 SetupCompleting Microsoft SQL Server 2005 SetupSetup has finished Lurifigjrdtiun cf Micrnsoft SQL Server 2005Refer to the setup error logs For information descrBing any Failure(s) that occurred during setup. Click Finish to ext the installation wizard.5liiw LidTa mirimize the server gjrfaEe area of SQL Ser ver 2005 same features and serces are disabled by default for new hstdldticns. To configure itie gjrfaEe area of 5QL Server, use theConiiiguring and Managing SQL Server Express* For improved rnangcabiIfy and security;. SQL Server 2005 provides rno re cunirul over the SQL S e rve r su rfa c:e are a o n ?口 lr syste m. To m i nim i ze the surface area, the following default configurations have been -applied toyour instance of SQL$erver:然后再开始菜单点击SQL的设置,进图下图界面:卜图中的几个东西要改成enabled:再进入SQL的服务,如下图:碧 SQL Server Con.fi stitatiou Im&fer文件心 操作叫 查看Q0 帮助如5QLConEi guiA.ti oil Man灯gar 工口口以):SQL Servflr 2005cgie日.旦.SQL Servar SOOE Jhtwnvk C&nfigjii-ati :-ra'Protc-c-als £cr gLE工FEEWE 畦 SQL Eative Client Configaratian Client Proto匚oL,L留 AliasesN&jhc*| S-ta-ta| Start NodaSarver C.EQLE!FF1ESSSxriTLi ngAnt :triii i cServer Brow 5 er£ : opp t d0 iter ijoot ,Diz4.1leil or两个服务都要开开,当你对着下面那个点右键选star的时候,你会发现变成了灰色,不要紧,进入windows服务里面,找到这两个服务,开启并选择自动,这一步很重要,默认有一个服务是禁用的,一定改过来。Server支持此计耸机通过网裕的艾件、打印、和命名管道共享.如果服务停止,这些功能不可用。如果服务被禁用.Shell Hardware Detection为自动播放硬件事件提供通知-威Smart Card管理此计耸机对智能卡的取读访问。如果此服务彼终止,此计耸机将无法取读智能卡。如果此服募彼禁用,.擀Sp eci:dl A-dni ini e tr at ion C ore ole H.允许管理员使用紧筒管理服蓉远程访问命令-仃提示苻SQL Server (SQLEXPBLESS:)Provides etorage. proceseing and controlled access of data :and rapid tr:hileaction proceeeing.Server Ac t i ve Direct ory Help erEnable e integi'ati on w i th Ac t i ve Direct or i e e .已启动自动本地系管已启动自动本地系登手动本地服窒斐动手动_本地系登禁用网络服建网隙服空SQL Server BrowserFrovi des SQL Server connecti on informati on to cli ent computers.已启动自皈网络服§SQL Server VSS WriterSys tern Event Noti fi cati on5Task Scheduler%TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper整g TelephonyTelnetTerminal Servi cesTermirL:al Servi ces Seeei on Hire>2tory ThemeEUni nt errup t i bl e P ow er SupplyVi rtual D i sk S ervi c eVoIijjti e Shadow CopyWebCl lentW i ndow e Au di c>Wind':',i|i,e FirewInternet Connec.缎Windowm Ima.se Acaui si ti on Cfi'IA)步缺标准/Frovides the interface to backup/restore Microsoft SQL server through the Windows VSS infrastr. 监视系统事件并通知COM+事件系统“订阅者(subscriber)"-如果此服罟被停用,COM+事件系统“订闻. 使用户能在此计耸机上配置和计划自动任答。如果此服荟被终止,这些任罟将无法在计划时间里运行。如果. 提供TCP/IP (ITetBT)服芬上的NetBIOS和网籍上客户端的NetBIOS名称解析的支持,从而使用户能够共. 提供客户端的TAFI支持,以便程序控制电话设备和基于IF的语音连接。如果此服务被停用,所有恢赖于. 允许远程用户登录到此计算机并运行程序,并支持多种TCP/IP Telnet客户端,包括基于UNIX和Window. 允许用户以壹互方式连接到远程计算机.远程桌面、快速用户切换、远程协助和籍端服资器傕赖此服务-. 允许用户连接请求路由到群集中合适的终端服务器.如果这个服务被停止,连接请求会被路由到第一个可用. 为用户提供便用主题管理的经验.管理连接到计耸机的不间断电源(WS)D提供软件卷和硬件卷管理服蓉。管理并执行用于备份和苴它目的的卷影副本.如果此服务被终止,备份将没有卷影复制,并且备份会失败. 便基于Wmdowz的程序能创建、访问和修改基于Intern"的艾件.如果此服募彼停止,这些功能将不可. 管理基于Windows的程序的音频设备.如果此服蓉被终止,音频设备及其音效将不能正常工作.如果此服. 为家庭或小型办公网结提供网谿地址转换,定址以及名称解析和/或防止入侵服宓.为扫描枚和照相机握供囹像捕萩服咨。已启动已启动已启动已启动动 自动 自动 自动 手动 林田 手动 禁用 禁用 手动 手动 手动 禁用 禁用 禁用 检田 -TTT.rTI本地系奇 本地系奇 本地系爹 本地服空 本地系举 本地服空 本地系暨 本地系管 本地系管 本地服窒 本地系登本地系登 本地服建 本地系登 本地系券 本地服幸改过来以后,重启一下,再确认一下SQL的服务起来没有,你也知道了,windows装完一些东西要是不重启一下,上 帝都不和你站在一块。接下来是安装windows AIK,AIK可以再AIK光盘映像中得到,下载地址就是在微软官网搜一下,大概1个多G,打 开光盘映像根下的startcd.exe发任说明d)胡施D¥D (t)SX1L 6.0安装募序【I)退出(Z)Tindovs.HET FraMewurk 安装适用于IT专业人士的入ViridoTn &IE安装程序首先要安装上图中圈圈部分的东东。点击安装,过程略去(比安QQ还简单)。然后安装windowsAIK,点击就能装了,过程同样略去(比上一个还简单)。再重启,(又到了和上帝站在一起的时间了)接着就要安装RDP 了,打开RDP映像文件中的RDP目录,你是高手,你一看就知道该点哪个安装了:点击安装后双手远离鼠标,等它吭哧完接下来当然是同意啦:-二 |x|Em) LI破 Lic«wlicenses for Insiglit Software DVDC&p渔址 © 2D05-2010 Hewiett-Packsrd Develepinedt Company. L Ph也 ighl Soft iy a it - End L*r Licen AgiTt-menlFLEASE READ CMLEFTOXYi THE USE OF THE OFTWAHl IS SUBJECT TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THAT FOLLOW C AGREEMENT"), UNLESS THE SOFTWARE IS SUBJECT TO A SEFAHATE LICENSE AGREEMENT BETWEEN YOU ATW HP OK ns SUETLIERS, BY DOWTiLOADIWG. INSTALLING, COPYING, ACCESSmG, OR USING THE SOFIWARE, ORE¥ CHOOSING THE *I ACCEPT0 OPTION IOC ATED ON OR jUXJACENT TO THE WCWEEN WHERE THTS AGimiKaENT MAY £E D1SBLA1TD, YOU AGREE IO THE TERMS OF BUS AOkEEMENL ANY FPLICAEJUE ARRANTY STATEMENT AJND THE TERMS: AKD CONDITIONS4接下来这个框框里会告诉你SQL和AIK在哪里下,了解以后点击继续:HP Insight Controlserver deployaent Install1口1又|O Prerequisites Hardware: ProLiant server with at least 2.0 GHz processor and 2 GB of memory, or an equivalent virtual machine. Operating System: Microsoft VVindovvs Server 2003 x86 or x64 (SP1, SP2, R2j Standard or Enterprise Editions; Microsoft Windows Server 2008 x86 or x64 Standard or Enterprise Editions; or Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 x64 Standard or Enterprise Editions. The server must not be a domain controller. Storage: 8 GB of free space on the system drive, 4 GB for the base installation, about 4 GB for each distribution, and additional space for each captured disk image. Networking: a network adapter configured with a static IP address and all firewalls properly configured. For Windows Server 2008 with a local DHCP service, refer to Altiris Knowledgebase (Article 45903). Microsoft NET Frameworks 1.1 and 2.0 (available at http:"www.micmsoft com/net/Download.aspx). Microsoft SQL Server 2005 SP3 Express, Standard, or Enterprise Editions; or Microsoft SQL Server 2008 SP1 Express, Standard, or Enterprise Editions (installed either locally or remotely; available atht比:/www.micrQSQftcQm/sals8tver/2IXI8/8nAjseefaiilt.aspx). Configured as follows:o SQL Server Protocols TCP/IP and Named Pipes must be enabled.o SQL Server must be configured with a static TCP port; dynamic TCP ports are not supported.running?rno The user performing the installation must be a member of the SYSADMIN SQL Server Security Role, o For remote SQL Server installations on the remote Windows Server, (a) the user performing the installation must have Administrator permissions, (b) the firewall must be properly configured, and (c) the SQL Browser serviceContinue下面就到了慎重的时候了,不能选错哦!下图中的6个是必须要装的然后往下拉,选择你要分发的操作系统,我是2003,这东西貌似很强大的样子,还可以部署VMware:4 i:64 ver si on 8. 60. 0MPIO KF HSM version 4.01.01 SLES 10 SF3 x64 SLES 11 SF1 k64fiVaiLagementMPIO EVA HSM version 4. 01.01rrau Ji irarftr* vtrciaa U. jU. UFraLj vnh lu-drara y>t liaa 8. 60 Dltp 忙蛙心>uaA.UJJ Lml必 Zjm ftihJwE 0003 Q Nidws- 3003 I | H i ndnvi. 2DD3U&4 IliLW口him CER-UG) 74fEj-:® &.GD. 0耕 Stu-il-u-'iww沁n 8 M 0liii: wptrise CEPTE) wsaw & 60 03% SI: KTiiu1-! CjEM-UE) rrrxa an E: EJJ Hindnv 如叫 口 H i ndin-i. 2DDB 口 桁migE 2006 Hindis 2000 H i ndin-i. 2DDBITH-US) vanlixn T. DD. x£4 Ent aa-pr i xb/S-I Kndu-!nri i an S EO 由& £i止gpEimJ史皿iZU-UEJ 网"皿8.60.口 E I AM tEtf-lEJ vH-sicia T.CO.OR2 s4 ZiLrprs xc/Sk urlu-d CJB-1E.3 wrxa m B ED DM*sts E5X IE 峪m 8.60.0Init ill 吕口口凶0口 W i ndow s KF k86I I Windows Vi sta x64 Busii.EN-US.:l version 8.40.0fitiTLagemeritfitaiLagementM:arLagemerit5 k64 ver eion 8.60.0Install点击安装:同 Features SLES 10 SF3 x64 version 8.60.0 SLES 11 SP1 x64 version 8.B0.0 icrosoft Tindows Cli entr| Wiridows 1LP >:86 Professi ori:al l'EN-US) version 8. -40. 0 r| Windows Vista x64 BusiriesE (EH-US) ver si on 8.40.0HFHFHFHFHFHFHFHFfitmagementLtanagementM:magemeritMaiLagementfitmagementAgentsAgentsAgenteAgerit eAgeritsAgentsforforforforforforRHELRHELSLESSLES4 z<6-4 version 8. 60. 01011WiridowsWindowek64 ver e i on 8.60.0m64 ver e i on 8.60.0k86/k64 ver s i on 8.60.0MaxLagementMPIO EVA HSM vet-Eion 4.01.01MPIO XP DSM version 4.01.01IA64 vei" e i on 7. 00. 0Close接下来的过程是一个漫长等待的过程,重复的操作验证、下一步和安装。过一会你会看到下图蹦出来:全选应用然后下一步就行了:不 KF Ixli eIl! CojlIx«1 scriner durlojug/ Sse tup - Deploymont tcrvEf version 6.94 OptionsEnter requested. LDfarinatioil. rtiis step le optional aiul can "be done after tht* ijiEtallatioH.匠 Set Primary Lookup Eey 侦'Serial Fun ter 4 雄JC Aliress'际 S11 PKE Ixiii d. Deploy Soot Option to低学 De£«uli rimsouC匠 Iil&I'Lc: * SyiLchjrdillzq 日isplay Q-amcz uith ccuputGr nssiw接下来就要选择安装了:下面注意输入系统管理员密码:rr地址®:数普甘髭罚择口 il:i卜图中的实例名一定要和SQL配置里面一样才行。验证使用windows模式。输入SQL Server的用户名和密码输入对SQL数据库具有管理员权限的用户名和密码。使用此凭证更新或创建数据库-如果已安装的SQL Server是Microsoft数据库引擎佃SUE),则就认用尸名为 ,技»密机为空或,* Altiris'* a用户名(H):密码(1):取消 I 帮助然后没啥选的,可以下一步了:卜面重点就是核对IP地址:下图当然选择直接连接到部署服务器了:选择安装在本机:在哪里?Altiris Deployaeut Server部署控制台信息输入有关部署控制台的信息远程计耸机名称此):£、上一步但)|下一步逝):|一消 |帮助|Web控制台也装在本机:都过去以后选择安装:安装 Altirie Deployaent Server安装信息安装组件您已选择安装以下狙件。单击安装开始安装正在安臻部署服务器程序文件 正在安装部署数据库和部署服务器 安装Web部署控制台安装Altiris狙件正在安装 Altiris FXE Server当前任答:完成百普比:0上一步|匚薰邈iXOl取消 | 帮助 |远离鼠标等它完成:最后是不是看到它在祝贺你了。点击完成:安装 Allir i X I!±Eil>ci>3rH安装信息 摘要踌服务后的计算机带要期f启 朝1迎常;拓服家要守要代理®:怦到lfinaoW= 2DDD成吏高用起计飘1 .翊远程安埃 Depl ojTieaii Ment.远泮'y菠 Deployment Accnt 限 IYind.0T= 200D 或更同煎本)(tr安装衍;in林用芝I程供嘏驾井丧件(I)又是一堆的验证、应用、下一步:直到这个东西蹦出来,选择2003光盘的路径和序列号,应用后,选择NEXT:然后又是安装:安装完后点击关闭:然后又是重启,看上帝:重启后桌面上有个图标,就是它的快捷方式了:Dcployn antC oitsole你一定觉得结束了,别急,现在你还分发不成,因为他老人家不支持中文的操作系统光盘,我很纠结,身就是中文版的却不支持中文的光盘,历尽艰辛后找到了方法:找到以下路径和红圈处的文件,并打开。 C: Pragr AB FilAJ.11ri sV«XpritsxDtplSer¥«rhpffeatiaf tssS"s.BS"文怦建)编辑值)查看 收度震 工具(X】 帮助如


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