LXP 薄膜 光学 计算.docx
LXPOnline ComputingSign up Sign inThin films, light at interface, roughnesso Thin film stack calculationo Reflectance of complex index material with variable surface roughnessIndex of refraction and luminescenceo fixed ratioo variable ratioo Luminescence SpectraConversions and equivalencieso Photon energy (eV) - wavelength (nm)- frequency(Hz) - wave number (citt1)o Differential frequencyo Differential wavelengtho Permittivity <=> index of refractiono Absorption coefficient <=> extinction coefficientGeneral photonico Gaussian beam propagationo Polarization matriceso Coherence lengtho Finesse & FSRo Other opticalAbouto Abouto Contacto Verificationso Old Miniblog entrieso Legalo Privacyo Questions and commentsLuxpop Miniblog16/Jun/2013: by popular demand: it is now possible to get multiple index of refraction values or execute other funct 16/May/2013: Feedback from Team Azad-1 Student satellite Project,MANIT,India (again): Can you consider adding a code 23/Apr/2013 Feedback from ? Change all inputs to metres Answer: this comes up a lot and requests vary. Most (though 18/Apr/2013 Feedback from Antony Galea (OIST): Plasma frequencies of common materials Ag, Au, etc. in vacuum would b 1/Mar/2013: New feature: added conversion calculation extinction coefficient <=> absorption coefficient. Thank y 5/Feb/2013: Question from ? What are the units for delta_t phase in thin film calculator, wavelengths, radians.?19/Jan/2013: Request from Team Azad-1 Student satellite Project,MANIT,India: Mo Si Multilayers are widely used by m 18/Jan/2013: Feedback from ?: There is a jump of 0.1 in the index of gold at 450 nm(.) Reply: At lambda < 450 nm t 10/Jan/2013: Feedback from Mads Hammerich: Please add arbitrary complex index of refraction rather than fixed n=1 fo 6/Jan/2013: Added electrical resistivity feature to thin film calculation to determine electrical resistance of layeLuxpopMiniblog16/Jun/2013: by popular demand: it is now possible to get multiple index of refraction values or execute other functions with a single query. A new input window (entitled "custom code") running simple code, along with a few custom functions, now gives the user the ability to specify exactly the desired values, along withoutput formatting. See the sample code for guidance.16/May/2013: Feedback from Team Azad-1 Student satellite Project,MANIT,India (again): Can you consider adding a code to multilayer stack to calculate reflectivity for a given surface roughness. we think there are some equation that can accurately model that.Reply: surface roughness on multilayer thin film stacks is a complex endevaour that will take time to set up. As a first small step, we have added calculations to model the impact of rough surfaces on the standard reflection calculation. The Kirchoff approximation is used to model surface roughness on reflection. This holds for small perturbations relative to wavelength, and large illumination perpendicular to the grooves. Thank you for the feedback.23/Apr/2013 Feedback from ? Change all inputs to metres Answer: this comes up a lot and requests vary. Most (though not all) users prefer nm inputs for wavelength inputs since putting the "e-9" to all lambdas is troublesome and error-prone. However, if there is a large number of requests for only metres then the policy can be changed.18/Apr/2013 Feedback from Antony Galea (OIST): Plasma frequencies of common materials Ag, Au, etc. in vacuum would be a useful addition. Answer: good idea. Anyone with a good reference on these please forward and they can be put onto the site1/Mar/2013: New feature: added conversion calculationextinction coefficient <=> absorption coefficient. Thank you to Frank Tooley for the suggestion.5/Feb/2013: Question from ? What are the units for delta_t phase in thin film calculator, wavelengths, radians.? Answer: they are in radians. Output page has been updated to indicate this. Thank you for the feedback.19/Jan/2013: Request from Team Azad-1 Student satellite Project,MANIT,India: Mo SiMultilayers are widely used by many research and commercial works. We would like to suggest that you add Mo in the multilayer calculations materials. Reply: this has been added. Thank you for the feedback.18/Jan/2013: Feedback from ?: There is a jump of 0.1 in the index of gold at 450 nm(.) Reply: At lambda < 450 nm the site uses just one reference. For lambda>= 450 nm, the site uses two references. The two references have a difference of 0.1 on the real value at 450 nm. Users should be aware that fabrication parameters can greatly impact the index value. The multiple references illustrate this point and give users a better appreciation of potential variations. Thank you for bringing up this issue.10/Jan/2013: Feedback from MadsHammerich: Please add arbitrary complex index of refraction rather than fixed n=1 for the incident material on the "arbitrary reflection calculator" REPLY: This has been done. Thank you for the feedback.6/Jan/2013: Added electrical resistivity feature to thin film calculation to determine electrical resistance of layers and stack12/Dec/2012: Feedback from ?: Could you please (get someone to) revise your HTML with CSS style sheets, and to suggest a more readable (and now easily modified) typography and layout? Ive looked at your HTML source, and this upgrade would be very easy. The result, encduiage moreqpefopie no read your page and use what you have developed. The quality of the presentation should match the quality of the product. ANSWER: The menus at the top of the home page have been converted using CSS to scroll down menus for a cleaner and more compact presentation. All further feedback on appearance as well as content is welcome.30/Nov/2012: Added index of refraction for BCP, NPB and ALq3, used for OLEDs. Many thanks to Mehmet Varal from Selcuk ILTEK, Turkey, for his assistance.26/Oct/2012: New feature: variable thickness thin film calculations. Users can now have the thin film calculator perform multiple sets of calculation simultaneously for different thicknesses. Useful for optimization or for determining impact of fabrication errors.20/Oct/2012: Request from Andrew: please add Ti and Cr to the thin film calculator. Answer: these materials have now been added14/Oct/2012 Feedback from MarcinKuzniak of Queen's University (Kingston): For the user looking for the index of refraction of teflon in the old miniblog entries below, you can use the Shinji ANDO reference from 2006. Luxpop reply: this reference and associated data for teflon and selected other fluoro compounds have been added to the list of materials. Luxpop would like to thank the contributor for this input.10/Oct/2012 Feedback from Emmanuel Maillart: I've tried to calculate the influence of the temperature on the refractive index of SF11. (Luxpop ed. paraphrase: my values are different from yours. Have coefficients been mixed up?) ANSWER from Luxpop: Luxpop could not replicate the calculations provided by the contributor. However, the question did reveal that the pulldown menu should have been clearer in the distinction between traditional and lead-free types for Schott glasses; this could have led to confusion. Luxpop has now clarified the pulldown menu and added the relevant prefixes and suffixes per the Schott catalog to the material types where appropriate, in order to better indicate material types. Moreover, the output calculations were enhanced to show intermediate steps and coefficients for the calculations. Luxpop would like to thank the contributor for this input.24/Sep/2012: Request from ? Please add silicon nitride (to index of refraction calculator) ANSWER from Luxpop: It is already on the calculator under Si3N4. In order to make it clearer to users, the description (silicon nitride) has been added beside Si3N4.14/Sep/2012 (i) Added organic compounds MEH, PEDOT, PFO, SY to the "Long List of Index of Refraction Values" (link below, in the Index of Refraction section). (ii) Also created a new link entitled "Luminescence Spectra" on the home page and added several of these organic compounds. Luxpop would like to thank Danny Krautz of ICFO Barcelona for providing the data and associated references.27/Aug/2012 FEEDBACK FROM Ward Johnson (NIST, Boulder) I am having trouble reproducing the values of index of refraction that your website provides for Si3N4 using the cited reference 2 (Djurisic and Li). For wavelengths of interest to me, in the range of 300 nm to 700 nm, your values for n do not match those given by the "modified LOM" (MLOM) model of Djursic and Li (plotted as the solid curve in their Fig. 2) and appear to be closer to the unmodified LOM 4 oscillator curve. However, your values for k do not match the unmodified LOM curve. Did you take the values of n and k from different models (.)? I would very much appreciate any information that you can provide about this (2008). REPLY: Luxpop incorrectly implemented the Modified Lorentz Oscillator Model in the reference.As a result of this, the result from the second ref may have been off by approximately +/- 0.15 on the n and +/- 0.01 on the k, depending on the wavelength within the visible. (The result from the first ref was not impacted). This error has now been corrected. Luxpop wishes to thank Mr. Johnson for the review.20/Aug/2012 QUESTION FROM ?: I have used n and k values from your website to calculate antireflection coating thickness values as well as reflectivity values. Is it okay to use this information in a peer-reviewed academic journal publication with reference to the L website in the Reference list?ANSWER: For index of refraction values, Luxpop usually itself references other reviewed sources; moreover, Luxpop often returns multiple values from multiple sources. As such, a better way if you are using only Luxpop could be to state "REF as reported by on date of calculation." where REF is the original source cited by Luxpop. For other Luxpop calculations such as thin film calculations which have only one result and which have a considerably higher content that is unique to Luxpop, it should be fine to say "Calculation result from on date of calculation." In all cases, putting the date of the calculation is an important consideration: as readers of this mini-blog are aware, there are occasionally mistakes that are caught and announced, and as such Luxpop evolves and gets upgraded or corrected over time. Accordingly, reviewers or readers of your publication should be aware of when the calculation was performed.6/Aug/2012 alphabetized materials list in index of refraction calculator pulldown menu, following requests from several users5/Jul/2012 For thin film calc computation results page, added graphical representation of ambient medium, stack, and substrate to better illustrate model19/Jun/2012 Feedback from anonymous user concerning the refractive index calculation for AlGaAs variable compound: "Gehrsitz model is only valid for wavelength below the bandgap, according to the authors. However, this website calculates the index even if the wavelength is above the bandgap." LUXPOP REPLY: As a result of this user comment, the error has now been addressed. The Gehrsitz model is now invoked only below the bandgap, per author original intent. Luxpop wishes to thank the anonymous user for pointing this out.15/Jun/2012 Response from a contributor to the request of 5/Jun/2012 below: "In response to the query about refractive indice of sesquioxides, here are a few values at the wavelegth of the sodium D lines (5893 angstroms). The source of the data is National Research Council Bulletin 118, "Data on Chemicals for Ceramic Use", June 1949. Sb2O3 glass: 2.090. Bi2O3, tetragonal, 1.91. V2O5, rhombic crystal: 1.46, 1.52, 1.76. The other materials asked about are opaque at 5893. If you know or can find the cutoff wavelength for an oxide, the refractive index can be estimated - at some wavelength not too close to the cutoff - from the formula of Wemple and DiDomenico, n-squared - 1 = 15/Eg, where Eg is the energy gap in electron-volts. Van Wood." Luxpop would like to thank the contributor for this response.13/Jun/2012 ADDED by request for thin film calculation: option to input custom power spectral density profile, instead of uniform profile.5/Jun/2012 Request from user Elena Milliken: looking for the refractive index 800nm or any other known wavelength, for the following: Sb2O3, WO3, Bi2O3, MoO3, Nb2O3,V2O5.28/May/2012 ADDED by request: for thin film calculation, added Cu as a dispersive deposition material. Luxpop thanks Danny Krautz for the suggestion and additional feedback.31/Mar/2012 Corrected error in thin film calc for the case of certain components of transmitted power for off-normal incidence and substrate with complex index. Luxpop would like to thank Steve Byrnes of Berkeley for pointing out the error and providing valuable guidance to fix it.30/Mar/2012 Request from user VivekNemani (IISc Bangalore): please help find refractive indices of Cyanine,Phthalocyanine,Azo dyes at 633nm24/Mar/2012 FEEDBACK from ?: You are causing confusion by including crystalline quartz in the fused silica answer. (.) You have probably single handedly caused scores of junior engineers to misdesign lens systems. Get the crystalline quartz answer out of the fused silica page.LUXPOP REPLY: This has been corrected. Crystalline quartz is now off the fused silica answer page, and the pulldown menu terms have been clarified. Luxpop thanks the anonymous and persistent contributors for requesting this correction.17/Mar/2012 Corrected nomenclature mistake on AlGaInAs index of refraction calculation: until today, returned result had an incorrect subscript on the Al (1-x instead of x). Calculation accuracy was not impacted. Luxpop thanks Paolo Bardella for pointing this out.10/Mar/2012 ADDED by request: for thin film calculation: added Si as a dispersive deposition materialCustom code examples. Feel free to modify and experiment to see how different approaches can yield similar results:and plot it.gogoReturn n for Au in steps of 50 nm in .csv format using full array computation. DispUOfine x to be an array from 0 to PI in steps of 0.5. Calculate y=sin(x using disp()x=0:.5:3.14;y=sin(x);disp(x,y);plot(x,y);Functions currently supported and general coding commments:* ret_n('Matl',lambda) or ret_k: return n or k for 'material' wavelength in nm. Accepts scalar or array input. Supported materials: Ag, Al, Al2O3 (no), Au, Cu, Cr, Fe, GaAs, GaN, Ge, ITO, Si,Si3N4, SiO2a* two ways to define an array: (a) list: X = x1,x2,x3,.,xn or (b) X = start:stepsize:end . Example: The following are equivalent:* X=400,450,500,550,600,650,700 or X = 400:50:700* disp(A,B,.,Z): print arrays in csv (comma separated variable) fo