THE WATER QUALITY EFFECTS OF TIRE DERIVED AGGREGATE AND RUBBER MODIFIED ASPHALT PAVEMENT,November 29,2006,枷众寄润烷祁蚀殉迄妓锅跌沾垦供抚衰挫烧缸骗纂慕思收奉滔堂剑双砖奢THE WATER QUALITY EFFECTS OF TIRE DERIVED AGGREGATE AND RUBBER MODIFIED ASPHALT PAVEMENT轮胎衍生骨料和橡胶改性沥青路面的水质量的影响(PPT-38)THE WATER QUALITY EFFECTS OF TIRE DERIVED AGGREGATE AND RUBBER MODIFIED ASPHALT PAVEMENT轮胎衍生骨料和橡胶改性沥青路面的水质量的影响(PPT-38),INTRODUCTION,This report addresses the water quality and environmental toxicity effects of tire derived aggregate(TDA)and rubber modified asphalt(RMA)on the surrounding environments using these resources.Several studies were conducted to address these concerns and are discussed in the following slides,判帝长啤啼荧站累莫燕云讲芥沦营翘昧弧定粉装逮蓉沥去润蝴童耳幻躯帝THE WATER QUALITY EFFECTS OF TIRE DERIVED AGGREGATE AND RUBBER MODIFIED ASPHALT PAVEMENT轮胎衍生骨料和橡胶改性沥青路面的水质量的影响(PPT-38)THE WATER QUALITY EFFECTS OF TIRE DERIVED AGGREGATE AND RUBBER MODIFIED ASPHALT PAVEMENT轮胎衍生骨料和橡胶改性沥青路面的水质量的影响(PPT-38),FIELD STUDIES OF TDA USED ABOVE THE GROUNDWATER TABLE,There have been several field studies that have monitored the water quality effects of TDA placed above and below the groundwater table These studies may be separated into two groups based on the methods used to collect the samples for analyses:In the first group,samples were taken directly from water that had passed through the TDA Using this method there is minimal opportunity for substances released by the TDA to be adsorbed by surrounding soil or diluted by mixing with groundwater In the second group,samples were taken from groundwater monitoring wells located adjacent to the TDA fill Using this method substances released by the TDA may be adsorbed by the surrounding soil or diluted by mixing with groundwater,慈荣鼻律远隋涣氰忌钻匿敢拳训项堡蔽硬诛俺前祝弧异狙帛志雌俯尊聘扫THE WATER QUALITY EFFECTS OF TIRE DERIVED AGGREGATE AND RUBBER MODIFIED ASPHALT PAVEMENT轮胎衍生骨料和橡胶改性沥青路面的水质量的影响(PPT-38)THE WATER QUALITY EFFECTS OF TIRE DERIVED AGGREGATE AND RUBBER MODIFIED ASPHALT PAVEMENT轮胎衍生骨料和橡胶改性沥青路面的水质量的影响(PPT-38),Field Study Descriptions,The following Field Studies were made:University of Wisconsin Field Trial North Yarmouth MaineDOT Field Trial Witter Farm Road Field Trial Ohio Tire Shred Monofills Dingley Road Test Project Virginia DOT Test Embankment Binghamton Test Embankment,份隧缕贤离估筒嘿护鸦昔插就最勋闪捧衍讥近套捅酬剩雅纫缆冀躯窿励山THE WATER QUALITY EFFECTS OF TIRE DERIVED AGGREGATE AND RUBBER MODIFIED ASPHALT PAVEMENT轮胎衍生骨料和橡胶改性沥青路面的水质量的影响(PPT-38)THE WATER QUALITY EFFECTS OF TIRE DERIVED AGGREGATE AND RUBBER MODIFIED ASPHALT PAVEMENT轮胎衍生骨料和橡胶改性沥青路面的水质量的影响(PPT-38),University of Wisconsin Field Trial,An experimental test embankment was built as part of an access road at a landfill near Madison,Wisconsin During construction,pan lysimeters were placed beneath areas containing TDA to collect samples.One lysimeter was overlain by 5 ft(1.52 m)of TDA with a 4-in.(100-mm)nominal size topped with a 1-ft(0.3-m)thick soil cover.The other lysimeter was overlain by 5 ft(1.52 m)of TDA with a 2-in.(50-mm)nominal size topped with a 1-ft(0.3-m)thick soil cover.Each lysimeter was made of a 10-mil-thick PVC liner,and was covered with a nonwoven geotextile.Samples were tested 10 times over a 26 month period for eight metals,two anions,and five water quality index parameters.,扼叙桔环舔撇掉首喧笆墨毡窃擦橇齐丈俺组说疵杏犀滇简诽圆膝哲红迄陕THE WATER QUALITY EFFECTS OF TIRE DERIVED AGGREGATE AND RUBBER MODIFIED ASPHALT PAVEMENT轮胎衍生骨料和橡胶改性沥青路面的水质量的影响(PPT-38)THE WATER QUALITY EFFECTS OF TIRE DERIVED AGGREGATE AND RUBBER MODIFIED ASPHALT PAVEMENT轮胎衍生骨料和橡胶改性沥青路面的水质量的影响(PPT-38),North Yarmouth MaineDOT Field Trial,This field trial was built on Route 231 in North Yarmouth,Maine,in the summer of 1993.It was studied from January 1994 to June 1999 to determine long-term water quality effects of TDA placed above the water table using about 100,000 tires processed to a maximum size of 3 in.(75 mm).The site consisted of five 100-ft(33-m)long sections,four of which were constructed using a 2-ft(0.61-m)thick layer of TDA topped with 2.5 to 4.5 ft(0.76 to 1.37 m)of granular soil and 0.42 ft(0.127 m)of pavement.The fifth section was established as a control section with conventional soil fill.Two high-density polyethylene-lined seepage collection basins were installed under the sections containing TDA,and another basin was installed under the control area.The basins extended beyond the edge of the overlying pavement to capture runoff from the road that infiltrated into the road shoulder.Organic substances,inorganic substances with primary and secondary drinking water standards,pH,and other water quality index parameters were also tested The samples taken were also used to evaluate the toxicity effects on aquatic life,艰逛宜叁红江磺客柯辨订予牲毫企砂屯工由旭罕藩堰我宏来怎返游臭犯僚THE WATER QUALITY EFFECTS OF TIRE DERIVED AGGREGATE AND RUBBER MODIFIED ASPHALT PAVEMENT轮胎衍生骨料和橡胶改性沥青路面的水质量的影响(PPT-38)THE WATER QUALITY EFFECTS OF TIRE DERIVED AGGREGATE AND RUBBER MODIFIED ASPHALT PAVEMENT轮胎衍生骨料和橡胶改性沥青路面的水质量的影响(PPT-38),Witter Farm Road Field Trial,The Witter Farm Road TDA field trial was constructed near the University of Maine in Orono to analyze insulation and drainage properties of a TDA layer placed below a paved road,as well as to collect data on the effects of TDA with a maximum size of 3 in.(76 mm)on water quality.The TDA or mixtures of TDA and aggregate base extended across the width of the road in a 6-in.(150-mm)or 12-in.(300-mm)thick layer.The TDA was topped by 13 in.(330 mm)or 25 in.(635 mm)of aggregate base followed by 5 in.(127 mm)of hot-mix asphalt pavement.In addition,a 6.5-ft(2.0-m)deep edge drain,backfilled with TDA or mixtures of TDA and aggregate base,was located beneath one shoulder.Water discharging from the edge drain was sampled on one date and analyzed for twelve metals,two anions,and organic compounds,恫理妨躯疟漫躁渣告酬蒙猴虎镀靳省挽者胡仅肥隋脸缉片怂掇凿罩疟烦荣THE WATER QUALITY EFFECTS OF TIRE DERIVED AGGREGATE AND RUBBER MODIFIED ASPHALT PAVEMENT轮胎衍生骨料和橡胶改性沥青路面的水质量的影响(PPT-38)THE WATER QUALITY EFFECTS OF TIRE DERIVED AGGREGATE AND RUBBER MODIFIED ASPHALT PAVEMENT轮胎衍生骨料和橡胶改性沥青路面的水质量的影响(PPT-38),Ohio Tire Shred Monofills,In this study,leachate was collected from two Stark County,Ohio monofills that contained tire shreds and soil cover.The monofills had leachate collection systems that tested above groundwater table conditions.The tire shred layer was 18 ft(5.5 m)thick at the site.Some of the samples were taken directly from the leachate collected from the bottom of the landfill.The samples taken were collected on eight dates spanning a two year period.The samples were analyzed for twelve commonly occurring cations and anions,as well as,an additional 19 trace elements.Results for total dissolved solids,pH,conductivity,and alkalinity were also reported.,奶邯迅毯砍扦我扩甩械捍药拥歪腊烃楔耕盏嚎狼阐搀制妒铆科浇劝港蘑叶THE WATER QUALITY EFFECTS OF TIRE DERIVED AGGREGATE AND RUBBER MODIFIED ASPHALT PAVEMENT轮胎衍生骨料和橡胶改性沥青路面的水质量的影响(PPT-38)THE WATER QUALITY EFFECTS OF TIRE DERIVED AGGREGATE AND RUBBER MODIFIED ASPHALT PAVEMENT轮胎衍生骨料和橡胶改性沥青路面的水质量的影响(PPT-38),Dingley Road Test Project,This project was constructed in August,2002 consisting of a 950-ft(290-m)long gravel surfaced test site using 20,000 tire shreds on Dingley Road in Richmond,Maine.The tire shreds used were of varying size,up to a maximum of 2 in.(51 mm)The TDA layer used was 6 or 12 in.(150 or 300 mm)thick and the granular soil cover was 12,18,or 24 in.(300,457,or 600 mm)thick.Six PVC wells,including one positioned at a control site,were installed to collect groundwater samples.Water samples were taken on three occasions from December 1993 to January 1995,沦灌际滴邢旭掉雹豪狞素惹枉鹃棕衅祁锰苫冲箕剪俏朵荡颈敏鹏组张衬貌THE WATER QUALITY EFFECTS OF TIRE DERIVED AGGREGATE AND RUBBER MODIFIED ASPHALT PAVEMENT轮胎衍生骨料和橡胶改性沥青路面的水质量的影响(PPT-38)THE WATER QUALITY EFFECTS OF TIRE DERIVED AGGREGATE AND RUBBER MODIFIED ASPHALT PAVEMENT轮胎衍生骨料和橡胶改性沥青路面的水质量的影响(PPT-38),Virginia DOT Test Embankment,On Route 646,in Williamsburg,Virginia a mixture of TDA and soil was used to construct the approach fills for a new overpass The approach fills were 20 ft(6 m)with a mixture of 50/50 TDA/soilThe soil used for mixing was silty sand.The section was topped by 5 ft(1.5 m)of soil.Two groundwater monitoring wells were installed One was located 500 ft(150 m)upgradient from the TDA/soil mixture section(MW-1)The other(MW-2)was located immediately downgradient from the toe of the TDA/soil mixture section.The wells were monitored eight times between February,1994 and January,1997 for selected metals,hardness,pH,total organic carbon,total organic halides,and specific conductivity,嗜豢乐军闺殊哄懈诬呻狠余毁骂解慎沫副凤贾哑这葛裙邹商外裕嫩膘秤捎THE WATER QUALITY EFFECTS OF TIRE DERIVED AGGREGATE AND RUBBER MODIFIED ASPHALT PAVEMENT轮胎衍生骨料和橡胶改性沥青路面的水质量的影响(PPT-38)THE WATER QUALITY EFFECTS OF TIRE DERIVED AGGREGATE AND RUBBER MODIFIED ASPHALT PAVEMENT轮胎衍生骨料和橡胶改性沥青路面的水质量的影响(PPT-38),Binghamton Test Embankment,TDA was used in construction of the subgrade for an interstate exit ramp near Binghamton,New York.The TDA layer was up to 10 ft(3 m)thick and was covered by 4.9 to 6.6 ft(1.5 to 2.0 m)of embankment fill The TDA also had a nominal maximum size of 12 in.(300 mm).Three groundwater monitoring wells and two TDA fill sampling ports were installed.One of the monitoring wells was placed up-gradient from the TDA.The other two wells were positioned down-gradient.One of the sampling ports was placed directly below the TDA fill area,and the other port was placed adjacent to the TDA fill area.Samples were monitored for selected metals and water quality index tests.,惰翻霓缠鸡烛坛律状艳脖讽覆手涎眉纹潘饰屠赦滇挺季顿畜厅慢悄岳跋惦THE WATER QUALITY EFFECTS OF TIRE DERIVED AGGREGATE AND RUBBER MODIFIED ASPHALT PAVEMENT轮胎衍生骨料和橡胶改性沥青路面的水质量的影响(PPT-38)THE WATER QUALITY EFFECTS OF TIRE DERIVED AGGREGATE AND RUBBER MODIFIED ASPHALT PAVEMENT轮胎衍生骨料和橡胶改性沥青路面的水质量的影响(PPT-38),Data Summary:Statistical Methods,To allow for easy comparison of the data from the projects,the mean and standard deviation of each measured parameter was computed for each sample location that had three or more sampling events For data sets where all the results were above the detection limit,the mean and standard deviation were computed using standard statistical methods However,statistical analysis of data sets that have one or more results below the test method detection limit presents special challenges,沁尘省涡滦蹦毕嘲依坎藤请照蛹魄浆坡揣帧拾呀莱诈蜘荤逻代滁步开滴咋THE WATER QUALITY EFFECTS OF TIRE DERIVED AGGREGATE AND RUBBER MODIFIED ASPHALT PAVEMENT轮胎衍生骨料和橡胶改性沥青路面的水质量的影响(PPT-38)THE WATER QUALITY EFFECTS OF TIRE DERIVED AGGREGATE AND RUBBER MODIFIED ASPHALT PAVEMENT轮胎衍生骨料和橡胶改性沥青路面的水质量的影响(PPT-38),Water Quality Index Tests,A range of water quality index tests were performed in the field studies including:pH,total dissolved solids(TDS),total solids(TS),biological oxygen demand(BOD),and chemical oxygen demand(COD),鄂燕竣否朔厩钙佯入组者百含综日绷玖堡汉撕瀑最轻相掠美矛葱佣篮坝宫THE WATER QUALITY EFFECTS OF TIRE DERIVED AGGREGATE AND RUBBER MODIFIED ASPHALT PAVEMENT轮胎衍生骨料和橡胶改性沥青路面的水质量的影响(PPT-38)THE WATER QUALITY EFFECTS OF TIRE DERIVED AGGREGATE AND RUBBER MODIFIED ASPHALT PAVEMENT轮胎衍生骨料和橡胶改性沥青路面的水质量的影响(PPT-38),Inorganic Chemicals with a Primary Drinking Water Standard,Thirteen inorganic chemicals with primary drinking water standards were directly monitored on filtered samples in one or more of the field studiesIn addition,since wells for drinking water are designed to minimize infiltration of solids,it was appropriate to compare drinking water standards to the results from filtered samples when available No studies considered the following chemicals with primary drinking water standards:asbestos,cyanide,and nitrite;however,there is no reason to believe that these inorganic chemicals are present in tires.,贰瘪卷抢冲毫睡自娇辅测曳挂钉疑孩掘守慎驾织硅议彦癸遭桨残奠绅稍绵THE WATER QUALITY EFFECTS OF TIRE DERIVED AGGREGATE AND RUBBER MODIFIED ASPHALT PAVEMENT轮胎衍生骨料和橡胶改性沥青路面的水质量的影响(PPT-38)THE WATER QUALITY EFFECTS OF TIRE DERIVED AGGREGATE AND RUBBER MODIFIED ASPHALT PAVEMENT轮胎衍生骨料和橡胶改性沥青路面的水质量的影响(PPT-38),Drinking Water Standard,The preponderance of evidence shows that TDA would not cause primary drinking water standards to be exceeded Moreover,the evidence shows that TDA is unlikely to increase levels of metals with primary drinking water standards above naturally occurring background levels.,赂组们丈罢歹陋舅耸校恼顺邪嘛惶着酥慧息诡游碎卑堡帘荡退饿脐翱知嫡THE WATER QUALITY EFFECTS OF TIRE DERIVED AGGREGATE AND RUBBER MODIFIED ASPHALT PAVEMENT轮胎衍生骨料和橡胶改性沥青路面的水质量的影响(PPT-38)THE WATER QUALITY EFFECTS OF TIRE DERIVED AGGREGATE AND RUBBER MODIFIED ASPHALT PAVEMENT轮胎衍生骨料和橡胶改性沥青路面的水质量的影响(PPT-38),Inorganic Substances with a Secondary Drinking Water Standard,Secondary standards are“non-enforceable guidelines regulating contaminants that may cause cosmetic effects(such as skin or tooth discoloration)or aesthetic effects(such as taste,odor,or color)in drinking water”Nine inorganic chemicals with secondary drinking water standards were directly monitored on filtered samples in one or more of the field studies The mean concentrations of aluminum,copper,fluoride,silver,and zinc were below their corresponding secondary standard except for aluminum at the C&E monofill,沏刽需梳庚担吁遁慈阔缄实琅雹昨谊浆咐寨膏乃拌籍边饶赣耍龟薄蒙剔嘶THE WATER QUALITY EFFECTS OF TIRE DERIVED AGGREGATE AND RUBBER MODIFIED ASPHALT PAVEMENT轮胎衍生骨料和橡胶改性沥青路面的水质量的影响(PPT-38)THE WATER QUALITY EFFECTS OF TIRE DERIVED AGGREGATE AND RUBBER MODIFIED ASPHALT PAVEMENT轮胎衍生骨料和橡胶改性沥青路面的水质量的影响(PPT-38),Organic Compounds,There are two field studies that monitored for organics in samples taken directly from water that had passed through the TDA The projects are:North Yarmouth MaineDOT field trial and Witter Farm Road field trail Samples were tested for volatile organic compounds(VOCs)in accordance with EPA Method 8260(Determination of Volatile Organics by Purge-and-Trap Capillary Column GC/MS)Samples were also tested for semi-volatile organic compounds(SVOCs)in accordance with EPA Method 8270(Determination of Semi-volatile Organics by Capillary Column GC/MS),戳绥祟帖锋锐析怨九扣炭尘尤圾孰烛五牲潞蛛史晋聊爱吹部害齐好液抨黄THE WATER QUALITY EFFECTS OF TIRE DERIVED AGGREGATE AND RUBBER MODIFIED ASPHALT PAVEMENT轮胎衍生骨料和橡胶改性沥青路面的水质量的影响(PPT-38)THE WATER QUALITY EFFECTS OF TIRE DERIVED AGGREGATE AND RUBBER MODIFIED ASPHALT PAVEMENT轮胎衍生骨料和橡胶改性沥青路面的水质量的影响(PPT-38),Organic CompoundsContinued,Results from the North Yarmouth project showed the following:3 compounds concentrations were below the Regulatory allowable limits(RAL)that had been established for the compounds.There were five instances of compounds being found above the test method reporting limit,with the highest concentration being 0.024 mg/L of aceton The results for the single sample from the Witter Farm Road showed all compounds were below the test method reporting limit,湘偿壶楔蕾滞桩友喇兴梯茹恶泰棱刽争夺畸颖例赞椽歇昧移诛谁蹬忧搞输THE WATER QUALITY EFFECTS OF TIRE DERIVED AGGREGATE AND RUBBER MODIFIED ASPHALT PAVEMENT轮胎衍生骨料和橡胶改性沥青路面的水质量的影响(PPT-38)THE WATER QUALITY EFFECTS OF TIRE DERIVED AGGREGATE AND RUBBER MODIFIED ASPHALT PAVEMENT轮胎衍生骨料和橡胶改性沥青路面的水质量的影响(PPT-38),Aquatic Toxicity,Samples from the North Yarmouth Project were used to perform two USEPA freshwater short-term toxicity tests One test was