Civil Works, Underground Piping & Building Works Method StatementMETHOD STATEMENT OF BASF INTERMEDIA THF / POLY-THF PROJECT巴斯夫中间体四氢呋喃/聚四氢呋喃项目CIVIL, UNDERGROUND PIPING AND BUILDING WORKS土建、地下管道和建筑工程CONTENTS目录SECTION-1: GENERAL 第一章:概述1. General Information总说明2. Scope of works3. Construction Arrangement4. Control the Construction Schedule5. Construction OrganizationSECTION-2: CIVIL WORKS1. Scope of Works2. Earthwork3. Concrete Work4. Grouting Work5. Road and Paving Works SECTION-3: UNDERGROUND PIPING 1. General2. Installation of Carbon Steel Pipe3. Installation of Galvanized Steel Pipe4. Installation of Concrete Pipe5. Installation of PVC PipeSECTION-4: BUILDING WORKS1. General2. Installation of HVAC System3. Steel WorkSECTION-5: ATTACHMENT DRAWINGSSECTION-1 GENERAL第一章 概述1. GENERAL INFORMATION总说明1.1 Name of Project项目名称 BASF Intermediates THF / Poly-THF Project, Caojing, China, Civil Works, Underground Piping & Building Works. 中国上海漕泾巴斯夫中间体四氢呋喃聚四氢呋喃项目的土建、地下管道和建筑工程1.2. Name of Owner and Contractor业主和承包商名称Owner: BASF Chemicals Company Limited业主:巴斯夫化学有限公司Contractor: Technip Tianchen Chemical Engineering Company Limitted承包商: 德希尼布-天辰化学工程有限公司The Contractor is entrusted by Owner to represent and act on behalf of Owner, with the engineering, procurement, and construction management of the project.业主委托承包商代表业主负责项目的设计、采购和施工管理。1.3. Project Information项目简介BASF Chemicals Company Limited, China, intends to build a new 80000t/year Tetrahydrofuran (THF) plant, a 60000 t/year PolyThf plant and infrastructure plant at the Shanghai Chemical Industry Park (SCIP) in the Caojing Area, People Republic of China (PRC). 在中国漕泾上海化学工业区(SCIP)内,巴斯夫(中国)化学有限公司计划新建一个年产80000吨四氢呋喃和年产60000吨聚四氢呋喃装置及The THF, Poly-THF and infrastructure plant is to be a stand alone facility but some utilities and ancillary facilities will be connected with SCIP facilities. The plant will comprises Process Units, Utilities, Offsites including tankfarm, road loading/unloading, infrastructure facilities including Control Building and Administrative Buildings and Buildings for other services. A site Jetty is to be set-up with 600 Ton unloading capacity.四氢呋喃聚四氢呋喃装置是一个独立设施,但一些公用和辅助设施是和SCIP的设施相关的。这个装置包含工艺装置、公用工程、装置外的罐区及道路装卸设施和控制室、行政管理楼等其他服务建筑。该地方已建成了拥有600吨装卸能力的码头。The Project site is about 56 km away from the Shanghai City and 60 km from Pudong International Airport. It is about 15 km from the Shanghai Petrochemical Corporation. Its geographic location is 120o28E and 30o46N. The site is a reclaimed area.项目地点距离上海市中心大约56公里,距离浦东国际机场60公里。离上海石化公司大约 15公里。它的地理位置是东经120o28、北纬30o46。场地属于填海再造地区。2. SCOPE OF WORKS工程范围2.1 Civil Works土建工程Construction of civil works shall include the following area:土建工程的施工包括如下方面:a) General Area总图b) THF Production四氢呋喃生产c) Central Boiler锅炉中心d) Flare Stack火炬e) Isobutane Storage异丁烷仓库f) Poly-THF聚四氢呋喃g) Used FF Water Basin / FF Storage Tanks有效的消防水池/消防储罐h) Interconnecting Pipe rack连接管架i) Cooling Tower冷却塔j) Tank farm罐区k) Road and Parking道路和停车场2.2 Underground Piping Works地下管道工程Underground Piping Works shall include the following:地下管道工程包括如下:a) Pressurized Underground Piping地下压力管道- Fire water消防水- Cooling water冷却水- Industrial water工业水- Potable water生活水b) Gravity Piping- Storm water雨水- Sanitary water生活污水- Waste water废水 c) Associated Earthworks and trenching相关土方开挖d) Installation of gate valve.闸阀安装2.3 Building Works建筑工程 Building works shall include to the following area:建筑工程包括如下方面:a) Control Building控制室b) Main Substation总变(配)电站c) Cooling Water Substation冷却水变电所d) Gate House门卫e) Fire Brigade House消防队车库f) Firewater Pump House消防水泵房g) Analyser House分析室3. CONSTRUCTION ARRANGEMENT施工安排3.1 Preparation准备Upon signing the contract with the Contractor, mobilization shall be proceeded with for the following items prior to the issuance the notice of proceed.a) Liaison with the relevant authority for granting temporary usage of land where the site facilities shall be installed as soon as possible, such as offices, shops, ware houses and so on.b) Rent and equip the living accommodations for the Construction Contractor staff and workforce with necessary furnishings.c) Organize and arrange the mobilization of the pioneer staff team, construction plant and facilities.d) Install temporary water and electrical power supply.e) Before construction temporary road works, obstructions on site shall be demolished and cleared away.f) Take over from the Engineer the survey datum points and establish and transfer survey control network with duly protection measures.g) Built up the site laboratory and provide it with the facilities as per the specified requirement.h) Submit the working schedule of the first construction portion for the Engineers review and approval.向工程师提交首先施工部分的工作进度表,以供审核批准。3.2 Site Layout现场布置3.2.1 Living Facilities生活设施Housing and camp shall be set up close to the work site with living necessities. It shall be about 1700m2 for caring and catering of work force and staff. 3.2.2 Site Facilities现场设施Proposed working area around 4500m2 in the site will be remained to construct necessary working facilities according to the drawing of temporary construction facilities lay out offered by the Contractor. Site facilities shall include the site office, stores, site laboratory, etc.3.2.3 Concrete Supply SystemConcrete shall be bought from local concrete batching plants with enough capacity to meet the demand of continuous concrete supply. Mixer truck and concrete pump will be used for concrete delivery.3.2.4 Rebar Processing ShopA rebar processing shop with two process lines will be located in the working area, which is capable to meet the demand of site construction.3.2.5 Pre-fabrication Yard of Structural Steel in Small SizeManufacture or process of small steel components needed during the construction of the project in a certain place shall be provided within the working area.3.2.6 Site LaboratoryInstalling and providing the laboratory with the facilities on site for testing and required items shall be approved by the Contractor for its conformity to specification prior to putting it into use.3.2.7 Temporary StoreSet up a temporary store with the area of 180m2 to have the material and semi-product in stock indoors. Another open storage area about 3000 m2 shall be used.3.2.8 Construction Power SupplyPower supply to site shall be connected with the main power supplied by the Owner and Contractor. During the construction period, it shall be the provision of a generator. 3.2.9 Construction Water SupplyWater shall be provided from the main water system for temporary facilities camp, working site respectively by installing pipe with pumps led to each connection. Pipe pressure and flow shall also meet the demands of fire fighting consumption. 3.2.10 Communication SystemEach of working site shall be installed and provided with tele-communication system allowing for mobile phones and walkie-talkies.4. CONTROL THE CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE4.1 Management on ProgressThe management on progress shall be set forth and executed by means of classified levels as followings:(a) The progress schedule at level class one, as guideline of front-to-end schedule, is of the Owner/Contractor and his Engineers control for and directory to overall works and is of dead line to completion at final point. (b) The progress schedule at level class two, subject to approval of the engineer, is of made by the construction contractor himself under that at level class one. This progress is used in control of sub-contractors and remains unchangeable upon being confirmed.(c) The progress schedule at level three, under that at class two, is of made by work teams for control in phases. It can be used for progress control at phase upon approval of the engineer.(d) The progress schedule at level class four, as base of construction resource demand for and execution in monthly progress schedule, is programmed by Project Management Office.(e) The progress schedule at level class five, a weekly progress is of made by the engineer, who is in charge of progress schedule under monthly progress.4.2 Measures of Assurance for Progress FulfillmentThe project manager assignment shall be of fully experienced in construction works. The experienced engineering management staff and skilled workers shall be assigned or be filled to the post for setting up high efficient to site operation. With adoption of advanced new technology, new equipment and new techniques, the uplift efficiency can assure the work progress reached and completing the work in terms of quality, safety and time schedule. Adequate staffing and sufficient plant/equipment provision shall be made as per progress schedule. All measures to take to guarantee the perfectibility and utility of construction plants and equipment. The materials required by and used for the project shall be supplied and delivered to site on time to schedule to satisfy the need of the progress.The multiple level progress schedule management method shall be adopted. The annual, quarter, monthly and weekly progress shall be made accordingly. It is to check daily progress implementation. The special measures shall be made and taken to speed up the works in case that the progress being revised as per actual requirement.The special technical measures and plans shall be made for the key work items and works with considerable difficulties in construction.The particular construction measures for rainy season shall be made to minimize converse effect to execution of the works. All drainage, ditch, pipes shall be kept fluently during the course of construction in rainy season.Two working shifts daily is recommended as much as practicable and arranged as the case necessary during the course of construction in draught season so as to make fully use of advantageous weather condition. As the measure, it is necessary to put up adequate power generators to safeguard the work execution not to be affected in event of power black out.5. CONSTRUCTION ORGANIZATION5.1 Management System of the Project1) Document Management Systema). The documents include all kinds of reciprocation notes, letters, technology data, meeting records, work briefing, state forms, etc.b). A person shall be specially assigned for the document management and a management procedure shall be setup.c). The person in charge of the document management shall collect and sign for the documents and data as required from various sources.d). The documents shall be registered and keep in the archives in sorts, grades with marks.e). The person in charge of the document management shall provide the documents in case of need and register the state of the transferring.f). All the members of the project shall cooperate the documents management works and provide all original relevant documents.g). The coding system of the company shall be used when registering the documents.2) Meeting Systema). A meeting must have a subject and an object of discussion.b). Prior notification of time, place and discussion subject shall be made to all members who shall take part in the meeting for preparation.c). Schedule the time limit of the meeting. Arrange the approximated time for the various topics.d). Definitude the caller and the presider of the meeting and assure every topic have enough time to discuss.e). Definitude the recorder and the draftsman of the meeting minute.f). The presider shall sum up every topic and decisions when the meeting finished for easy making of the minute.g). If any topics need further discussion after meeting, the presider shall schedule the date of the next meeting.h). The meeting minute shall be sent to all the participants and the peoples who will execute some decisions made in the meeting.3) Daily Work Systema). A weekly regular meeting shall be presided by the project manager to communicate things, harmonize works and dispose assignments. All the members of the project management board shall participant.b). A daily harmony meeting shall be presided by the construction manager. The header of work teams and the subcontractors shall participant.c). The record for the meetings must be made good and clean up to form a meeting minute.d). The special engineers shall execute the decisions made in the meetings and report the results to the construction manager in a period of time.e). The report forms such as Monthly Report of Construction, Monthly Report of Work Progress, Monthly Report of Work Quality, shall be reported to the project manager.5.2 Construction Organization 5.2.1 Construction Organization Chart The construction organization chart of the work is as following:49/66Contract DepartmentDeputy Project ManagerProject ManagerQA/QC DepartmentTechnical DepartmentConstruction DepartmentHSE DepartmentM. & E. DepartmentAdministration DepartmentSurvey TeamSite LaboratorySite SupervisorUnderground Piping Construction TeamRebar Processing ShopHVAC Construction TeamRoad Construction TeamEarthwork Construction TeamConcrete Structure Construction TeamSteel Structure Installation TeamFinishing Construction TeamCONSTRUCTION ORGANIZATION CHARTSBC (Shanghai) of CSCEC5.2.2 Functions of Departments1) SBC (Shanghai) of CSCECIts the home office of the project. SBC (Shanghai) shall arrange experienced engineers from all branch companies and construction teams to form the project management. The skilled work shall be engaged for site construction. The home office shall support the project from the financial, technical, material, manpower, etc. to ensure the construction progress, quality and safety. 2) Project managerAs the general representative of the Construction Contractor on site, project manager shall be responsible for the whole project including progress, quality, cost control, organize and correspond contracts and concerned information, safety and civilization work site, etc. and assure the achievement of the final object of the project management. The project manager will possess the full authority of the Construction Contractor to act on behalf of the Construction Contractor on site as required by the Contract.3) Deputy Project ManagerUnder the leadership of the Project Manager, the deputy project manager will assist the project manager to deal mainly with contracting, key construction techniques, administration, logistics, human resources, and supplying, preserving, maintenance of construction materials and facilities. He will also assist the project manager to deal with