DELL服务器WIN PE下安装磁盘阵列驱动.docx
DELL服务器WIN PE下安装磁盘阵列驱动发表于 2011 年 09月 08日 由swen_bmw支持9G, 10G, 11G安装windows2003,并且2003最好带SP2补丁,不然可能出现蓝屏死 机等现象。8G暂时没有测试。使用该软件后,U盘的数据会丢失!使用该软件后,U盘数据格式将无法被Windows系统使用,需要重新格式化后才能正常使 用,。系统安装完毕后U盘的恢复方法注意事项:软件用USBKeyPrepA00版本,不要用A07版本.1:如果在vista系统中使用工具软件,需要右键点击USBKeyPrepF6.exe,选择以管理员身份运 彳亍.2:制作驱动U盘的过程中,如果提示失败,建议检查是否有其他程序使用U盘,可以尝试关闭 全部其他程序,重新插拔U盘,再开工具制作.3:确认是否有远程控制卡(DRAC).如果有,禁用虚拟介质.(检查是否禁用,检查F11 boot menu 菜单中没有 virtual floppy 或 virtual cdrom)(禁用方法:自检过程中看到CTRL+E,按之进入菜单.选择Virtual Media Configuration,再将 Virtual Media 设置成 Detached.)4:确认BIOS中,Integrated device里面软驱设置为OFF.5:先插上U盘再开机6:安装过程中最好按F6加载,根据提示在选择”S”的地方,需要按3次”S”和回车,来确认使用 虚拟软盘中的驱动.(看到提示”S=Use the driver on floppy”后按”S”确认加载)特别注意:如果在按完S后马上提示插入软盘,检查3, 4注意事项。如果在格式化完分区,拷贝文件的时候提示插入软盘,尝试重启,重新从光盘引导,不按”F6” 尝试自动从U盘加载.(原因是因为windows安装光盘带SP与否的问题。对于更改过的 windows安装光盘或者多合一的安装光盘,很有可能按F6和不按F6都还是会提示插入软盘,解决方法是换原版没有更改的光盘)。Boot Deuice MenuHliwiP IWR 诡加载的方楚.不能有这三 :暇砒"!新会占用u盘虚抵的软盘盘 (* u圈脚l cBRaiiz i 何-* Ifard drive C;* Nheddfd NIC 1 MBA 城£l(d 魁菌* System Stup* Soot tc UtE Hty PartitiQTUse Up/Doun 如r呻 M highlight dEsireO ilen.Use Enter to sc lect hili I igbtEsd iten. Use Es# to continue nornd L hoot.制作U盘驱动方法:(注意 下载的工具和解压缩都是在本地硬盘就好,不要放到U盘上运 行)(如果提示失败,直接点prepare按钮重试两次,一般都可以成功)从下面链接下载对应阵列卡的工具.直接运行.PERC-Si00_S300_2k3点此下载附件PERC-Si00_S300_2k3(X64)U点此下载附件PERC-H200_2K3U点此下载附件PERC-H200_2K3_X64:点此下载附件PERC-H700_800_2K3口点此下载附件PERC-H700_800_2K3_X64点此下载附件perc5i/perc5e/perc6i/perc6e_2k3口点此下载附件perc5i/perc5e/perc6i/perc6e_2k3(64bit)口点此下载附件PERC4e_2k3口点此下载附件PERC4e_2k3(64bit)口点此下载附件sas5i/sas5e/sas5ir/sas6ir_2k3:点此下载附件sas5i/sas5e/sas5ir/sas6ir_2k3(64bit)M点此下载附件sas5i/sas5e/sas5ir/sas6ir_XPU点此下载附件sas5i/sas5e/sas5ir/sas6ir_XP(64bit):点此下载附件Adaptec39320_2k3_XP_2k3(64bit)U点此下载附件Adaptec39320(EMU)_2k3_2k3(64bit)U点此下载附件SATA 1.5-6ch_2k3:点此下载附件SATA 1.5-6ch_2k3(64bit)U点此下载附件PERC 320DC_wk3U点此下载附件cerc 2s_2k3I点此下载附件cerc 2s_2k3(x64)u点此下载附件下载解压缩到希望的临时目录,然后进入解压缩的目录,运行USBKeyPrepF6.exe0vista系统中使用工具软件,需要右键点击USBKeyPrepF6.exe,选择以管理员身份运行.5elect the U街 Flash drive to prepa eU5BKevPrepF6.exeU5B Flash E>讪 Format UtlilCO.CFGMlcr osuft iDffice OudcckKSB Fldli Drivt Driver PrciMrdtiDfi Ulilily点这里制F¥ep-Ere作U盘驱动|dellfi.ashMKfMAGE.EyE颁 ' 双击运行B readme, bet 立本土档 L I KBEnter the volume Label for the dUve:! L31MB - Atzor Flash Disk S.07EnterThe USE flash drive was successfully formatted.Prepare此时您重插U盘再双击U盘,会提示请插入磁盘驱动器,表示U盘驱动做好。-lai x|余 Dell USB Flash DtiwE F62,在屏幕的底部出现信息:Press F6 if you need to install a third party SCSI or RAID driver时,及时按下“F6”键。Press F6 if you heed to intal1 , third psrty 3C3I Dr RAID driwer.3,按完”F6,后,安装程序会继续加载模块。这是正常的。过一会儿后,您将会看到以下信 息、:Setup could not determine the type of one or more mass storage devices installed in your system, or you have chosen to manually specify an adaptor.UlindoNS SetupSetup con Id not determinr the type of one or iwre- i* Etor-agc tlcuices imstia. In you曹 日如tem, or y<ou chosenn t© gimu丑ify an adapter h CurrEnt lyj Setuip iyi 1 load zugpipcirt Imr the fa I louii mg- muss 3tartngic( s ):<noine>* To spec if u fliddi t SCSI fidrupters- CU-ROh rlr i vise - or pecicii I isk coTitrol lers for use with« inclu iwg tliose forNhich yuu. ibave 血.device support disk fFOati 丑 ma容在 storage device mainurtacLur-e-r ris S .« If you. do rat have !%a)g device suppart disks from a mss storage device ffiaimijif acturer j of da not yant toi specify ion-a I mass storage devices for uc wi th WindowsEiNTER,| S=3pigic i:Tyi 府d.4 it iom同。DeuJce EHTEIR=Ccjnt inuif: F3=E?dt4,单击“S”,出现U盘中的驱动程序名称mdaws Sctwp¥oui Ihfluic ctioser to cotFigurc a SCST ftdlaptcr for use with Uimdowsr Ing a device support 由imk pr'ovided by an 由dapt巳m maiiufactureif.Select the SCSIa pier you wawt from tlhc Po i 1owim(r 1 i t- > or press ESCto return to the preulous sciECii.PERC5 and PERC6/CEKCB JtAJD C口。心已卜32: Kit。EHTEK=Srlcct F3=Exityindou$ ServerI he f d j 1-n inpi lis t 生 huum t h& ex is t log psErtlt-inmis and win part ir io n c: d a pac e: oini this compoteT .Uq« the- OF ehflJRJIOW keye to Eelactiteni in the liet * Io eet up Windlous or Che « lac ted liten. pross EMTER.* Ta create a part-it i.&n in: the lusinipatitined sp-acis, press C. I。1 c t e t h& e e le c t c d p-a.rt xt ion pgeisw P B973 H;0an dls.k litlAR lUntit-idn&d g*。572 I日55 MB; Ditsk be di?k HEIRPi»tlt loni <0EHI>> PA7 3£9 fl El C i« HD 。的女曲 3*1191&9 MB Klak R at Id 0 on Bus 1 Din prcsas HPRIIu r iIEHeu-Hau*7 包 tT3 MB t WUUU 卫 MU ItehJI 时lEHlnssaJLJ- 1&=1;1。卜。P恩AtjiEivn iF3;wqui上 263. Enterprise Edition £»tupVou dtlkfed t« ci-sat® 日 ncu* nart it-iDn on 418169 MB Dis!k at I d U en bus 1 p廿fcsae IMHJl xIhe m in i num s iz e The 啊axlmuFi $izc Cp®ateItioniirsw piart it ion is i byte-k CMH> . g强 p?*rt it ion. 1g ilig 1G1 mcgKytm <!1B> T Cin fl町二堡I迎FlEHTE H =腿品 tW广 ESIT= MLHnd«aws Sc ryer * En t «-rpr-±ise Edit iiri: up8、将光标移动到C盘位置选择回车进行安装,选择NTFS快速格式化:Uinidous Sgryer P EnteipFisc Edition SstupI Im pnrt it"i-nin iou Lee ted is not f or-niit 1:e-d . 岛忙:亡hep qji. 11 now f or-mat t he£t inmi .the OP and DO UH HUB Oil kegs to seleet t hv f ile 琴 j&Iqe lgu biant and theh pF旧步& E NT ER -t豹卷using the I1TFE File smwttni 也miekI f gnu iant; to se Leet a d i f £ e b n t it ion for Uindoif P ppess EGG,F» BFiia ttjsai.r'-t it i nus int ha:lftlFile;s jjx ten<Qu ic kFoB-iFiiat t h« part it i.口h ue inu t hi* NTBS f ilu tismFotsirif-att Jaep导rtii七 iunule in-七httI?fiTF IJlee -benENTER=Goni; in Lie ESdag岩 14J IndiE SeEfi te lid It iDia SePlease RkJHii t wh 11 ts f! It ijp formdiitw t he par fc i t io>rhloot Neu <Raw> 2丽M3 MB < 22 NB Fe4>onHB Disk H at Id 圈 an bua i isn percsas Mil网.Sstur is f ornattiog.r,如果拷贝文件的时候再次提示要插入软盘,请按照文档开头的注意事项操作尝试. i WindowQ CrjtHKcbiraqInFiwiMtlcinQ Otmaflik0 PretHlng1猷日11诚RmWindows.Fridkarq EtalHIan字禅Lup willin叩 p<T g册nTTilmJtMThe Windows Server 2003 family provides the most productive infrastructure platform for powering networks, appHcations, and Web servicesf/Mkrnsaft»Windows Server 2003Copyright © Micros ort Comoratlon