Unit 2 Healthy Eating课时练习5一线课堂 1-5 C D A B A 1 C B A 2 energy lose fit two fat few raw vinegar high energy 1 customers 2 newly-opened 3 slimming 4 Curiosity 5 lose weight 6 getting away with 7 threw down 8 energy-giving 9 a balanced diet 10 ought to一线作业 阅读理解A 1-4 D D C CB 5-8 B D C A,课时练习6一线课堂 1 feeling 2 curious 3 strength 4 healthily 5 sugary 6 weakness7 fatty 8 slimming 9 hopeful 10 energetic 1 go on a diet 2 lost his balance 3 are curious about 4 told a lie 5 lay on the grass 6 enough strength 7 ought to 8 gets tired of 9 get away with 10 win her love back一线作业1-5 C A C A A 6-10 A A C B D 11-15 A A B D D 阅读理解 1-4 A C B C,课时练习 7一线课堂 1 have to 2 have to/will have to 3 had to 4 neednt/dont have to 5 neednt 6 Must 7 dare not 8 ought to have received 9 neednt have hurried 10 ought to have got/should have got 1 have to attend 2 mustnt play 3 needs repairing/to be repaired 4 neednt/dont have to return 5 neednt have told 6 shouldnt/oughtnt not to have said 7 must be working一线作业 单项填空1-5 B D A A C 6-10 D D D C D 11-13 B D C 完型填空1-5 CBCBD 6-10 ABCCA 11-15 DAADC 16-20 BBAAD,课时练习 8一线课堂1-5 D B C C C一线作业 1 consult 2 Fibre 3 digest 4 limit 5 benefit 6 breast 7 garlic 8 sigh 9 combine 10 carrot 1 in debt 2 before long 3 spy on 4 combined with 5 cut down 6 put on weight 7 glared at 8 earn ones living 1-5 A D D A C 6-10 C C D D C 1-4 B C A C,Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note 课时练习 9一线课堂 1-5 C D C C A 1 Henry comes from San Francisco.No,he doesnt know London at all.He was sailing out the bay when he was carried out to sea by a strong wind and was survived by a ship for London.2-EDBCGFAAmerican;fortunate/lucky;given 1 is based on 2 brought up 3 novels 4 Adventures 5 businessman 6 spotted 7 by accident 8 account for 9 envelope 10 As a matter of fact一线作业阅读理解A 1-4 C A C D 5-8 B D D A,课时练习 10一线课堂 1 scene 2 permit 3 stare 4 faults 5 spotted 6 account 7 seek 8 wander 9 embassy 10 patience 1 grow up 2 make a bet 3 on the contrary 4 accounted for 5 To be honest 6 take a chance 7 stared at 8 by accident 9 go ahead 10 brought up 一线作业 单项填空1-5 D A C B A 6-10 B C B B C 11-15 B C B D C 阅读理解1-5 C B A C A,课时练习 11 一线课堂 1 because 2 that 3 what 4 where 5 whether 6 how7 who 8 as if 9 why 10 what1 I think(that)the students can do a lot more.2 I want to know who that boy is.3 I asked whether/if Mrs.Lee was in the classroom.4 Im not sure whether/if her aunt lives in Paris.5 Can you tell me why he didnt come back last night?1 how he saved that boy2 why I couldnt go to the party yesterday3 The problem is 4 My advice/suggestion is5 His trouble/difficulty is,一线作业单项填空1-5 A A B A A6-10 A C D D B11-15 D B A A B 1-5 A B D D C6-10 C A C D B11-15 A A D B C 16-20 A D B C A,课时练习 12 一线课堂1-5 A C C B D一线作业1 pineapples 2 dessert 3 amount 4 rude 5 manner 6 screaming 7 genuine 8 indeed 9 bowed 10 barber1 in rags 2 As for 3 whatever you like 4 take a chance 5 get into trouble;in trouble1-5 A D A A D 6-10 A D A A A 1-5 C A C B D,Unit 4 Astronomy:the science of the stars课时练习 13 一线课堂1-5 B B C B B1.E C B D A.8 10 3 5 9 7 2 4 6 1 12 11.formation;development 1 theory 2 billion 3 globe 4 violent 5 atmosphere 6 harmful 7 multiplied 8 laying existed 10 prevents 一线作业阅读理解A 1-4 B C B DB 5-8 C B B C,课时练习14一线课堂1 system 2 theory 3 violent 4 unlike 5 harmful 6 exist 7 Astronomy 8 religions 9 globe 10 chain 1 begins with 2 in time 3 depend on 4 as well we 5 cools down 6 prevent from 7 give birth to 8 lay eggs 9 in all directions 10 in his return 1-5 B D B D B 6-10 B C B B A 11-15 B C D D B阅读理解1-4 B C B D,课时练习 15一线课堂 1 That 2 What 3 That 4 Whether 5 Whoever 6 that 7 that 8 that 9 what 10 that 1 Who won the game 2 What he said 3 That we will be late 4 Where he will go 5 It is a pity that 一线课堂 1-5 D C B D B 6-10 B C D B A 11-14 B B D A 1-5 B A C C A 6-10 D C D B B 11-15 C A C B D 16-20 C D B C B,课时练习 16一线课堂1-5 B A D A C一线作业1 biology 2 gravity 3 gentle 4 climate 5 pull 6 spaceship 7 floated 8 mass 9 crashed 10 satellites 1 broke out 2 Now that 3 in time 4 cools down 5 depends on 6 got the hang of 7 cheered up 8 different from 9 prevent;from 10 Watch out1-5 B C B D B 6-10 A C A B A 1-4 B C C A,Unit 5 Canada-”The true north”课时练习 17一线课堂 1-5 C B D C C1 The Rocky Mountains Thunder Ray the Great Lakes 2.Par1-D Par 2-B Par 3-E Par 4-C Par 5-A 1 Rather 2 across 3 continent 4 surrounded 5 extremely 6 settled down 7 gift 8 within 9 border 10 slightly一线作业阅读理解A 1-4 D B A C 5-8 A C C D,课时练习 18一线课堂 1 continent 2 chat 3 scenery 4 surround 5 measured 6 aboard 7 within 8 border 9 slight 10 urbanrather than 2 settled down 3 had a gift for 4 caught sight of 5 all the waywas surrounded by 7 manage to do 8 is famous for 9 thousands of 10 be amazed of 一线作业单项填空1-5 D D C C D 6-10 D C B C D 11-15 B B D D C 阅读理解1-4 D B B D,课时练习 19一线课堂1 that 2 where 3 how 4 that 5 that6 whether 7 who 8 that 9 where 10 what 1定语从句 2 同位语从句 3 同位语从句 4 定语从句 5定语从句 一线作业1-5 A D C D C 6-10 A B A C C 11-12 B B 1-5 A B D C B 6-10 C B A B C 11-15 A D A A B 16-20 A C C D B,课时练习 20一线课堂1-5 B A D D A一线作业1 confirm 2 wealthy 3 downtown 4 broad 5 nearby 6 tradition 7 terrify 8 pleased 9 impressed 10 topic 1 dreamed of 2 not;until 3 as far as 4 It is bad 5 at dawn 单项填空1-5 A C A C C 6-10 A C A B C 阅读理解1-4 B C B D,