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    语法专题十四情景交际,渝水一中付牙平收集制作,考试大纲要求考生能够了解问候、告别、感谢、致歉、介绍、请求等交际用语的基本表达形式。纵观近几年高考英语试题,交际用语的考查一直是热点和重点,有时一个考题要考查多种功能的运用。结合高考要求,现将主要考点归纳如下:,1问候Greetingsa.Good morning/afternoon/evening.Hello/Hi.How are you?b.Fine,thank you.And you?c.Very well,thank you.2介绍Introductionsa.This is Mr/Miss/Mrs.b.How do you do?Nice/Glad to see/meet you.c.My name is.Im a student/worker etc.(here),3告别Farwellsa.I think its time for us to leave now.b.Goodbye!(Byebye!Bye!)See you later/tomorrow.(See you.)Good night.4打电话Making telephone callsa.Hello!May I speak to.?b.Hold on,please.He/She isnt here right now.Can I take a message for you?c.Im calling to tell/ask you.d.Good bye.,5感谢和应答Thanks and responsesa.Thank you(very much).Thanks a lot.Many thanks.Thanks for.b.Not at all.Thats all right.Youre welcome.6祝愿、祝贺和应答Wishes,congratulations and responsesa.Good luck!Best wishes to you.Have a nice/good time.Congratulations!b.Thank you.c.Happy New Year!Merry Christmas!Happy birthday to you.d.The same to you.,7意愿IntentionsIm going to.I will.Id like to.I want/hope to.8道歉和应答Apologies and responsesa.Im sorry.(Sorry.)Im sorry for/about.Excuse me.b.Thats all right.It doesnt matter.Thats nothing.9遗憾和同情Regrets and sympathyWhat a pity!Im sorry to hear.,10邀请和应答Invitations and responsesa.Will you come to.?Would you like to.?b.Yes,Id love to.Yes,its very kind/nice of you.c.Id love to,but.11提供(帮助等)和应答Offers and responsesa.Can I help you?What can I do for you?Here,take this/my.Let me.for you.Would you like some.?b.Thanks.That would be nice/fine.Thank you for your help.Yes,please.c.No,thanks/thank you.Thats very kind of you,but.,12请求允许和应答Asking for permission and responsesa.May I.?Can/Could I.?b.Yes/Certainly.Yes,do please.Of course(you may).Thats OK/all right.c.Im sorry,but.Youd better not.13表示同意和不同意Expressing agreement and disagreementa.Certainly/Sure/Of course.Yes,please.Yes,I think so.Thats true.All right/OK.Thats a good idea.I agree(with you)b.No,I dont think so.Im afraid not.I really cant agree with you.,14表示肯定和不肯定Expressing certainty and uncertaintya.Im sure.Im sure(that).b.Im not sure.Im not sure whether/if.c.Maybe/Perhaps.15喜好和厌恶Likes and dislikesa.I like/love.(very much).I like/love to.b.I dont like(to).I hate(to).,16谈论天气Talking about the weathera.Whats the weather like today?Hows the weather in.?b.Its fine/cloudy/windy/rainy,etc.Its rather warm/cold/hot/etc.today,isnt it?17购物Shoppinga.What can I do for you?May/Can I help you?b.I want/Id like.How much is it?Thats too much/expensive,Im afraid.Thats fine.Ill take it.Let me have.kilo/box,etc.c.How many/much do you want?What colour/size/kind/do you want?d.Do you have any other kind/size/colour,etc.?,18问路和应答Asking the way and responsesa.Excuse me.Wheres the mens/ladies room?Excuse me,can you tell me the way to.?How can I get to.?I dont know the way.b.Go down this street.Turn right/left at the first/second crossing.Its about.meters from here.19问时间或日期和应答Asking the time or date and responsesa.What day is(it)today?Whats the date today?What time is it?Whats the time,please?b.Its Monday/Tuesday,etc.Its January 10th.Its five oclock/half past five/a quarter to five/five thirty,etc.Its time for.,20请求Requestsa.Can/Could you.for me?Will/Would you please.?May I have.?b.Please give/pass me.Please wait(here/a moment).Please stand in line/line up.Please hurry.21劝告和建议Advice and suggestionsa.Youd better.You should.You need(to).b.Shall we.?Lets.What/How about.?22禁止和警告Prohibition and warningsa.You cant/mustnt.,If you.,youll.b.Take care!Be careful!,23表示感情Expressing certain emotionsa.喜悦Pleasure,joy Im glad/pleased/happy to.Thats nice.Thats wonderful/great.b.焦虑Anxiety Whats wrong?Whats the matter(with you)?Im/Hes/Shes worried.Oh,what shall I/we do?c.惊奇Surprise Really?Oh,dear!Is that so?,24就餐Taking mealsa.What would you like to have?Would you like something to eat/drink?b.Id like.Would you like some more.?Help yourself to some.c.Thank you.Ive had enough./Just a little,please.,25约会Making appointmentsa.Are you free this afternoon/evening?How about tomorrow morning/afternoon/evening?Shall we meet at 4:30 at.?b.Yes,thats all right.Yes,Ill be free then.c.No,I wont be free then.But Ill be free.d.All right.See you then.,26传递信息Passing on a messagea.Will you please give this note/message to.?b.asked me to give you this note.c.Thanks for the message.27看病Seeing the doctora.Theres something wrong with.Ive got a cough.I feel terrible(bad).I dont feel well.Ive got a pain here.This place hurts.b.Take this medicine three times a day.Its nothing serious.Youll be all right/well soon.,28求助Calling for helpa.Help!b.Whats the matter?29处理交际中的障碍Language difficultiesPardon?Please say that again/more slowly.What do you mean by.?Im sorry I cant follow you.Im sorry I know only a little English.,高考英语试题对交际英语的考查越来越强调综合性,单一的纯交际考查有消失的可能。因此考生在掌握交际用语基本运用规律的同时,必须对习惯用语、词汇功能、语法结构等知识深入学习、熟练运用,以培养综合分析、全面判断的能力。课外还要多感受情景、做大量练习,达到熟能生巧的程度,只有这样才能作好交际英语试题。,1.(2012江西)Thank you for your MP4 player.Ill ask Mary to take it to you soon._.Ive bought a new one.A.No sense B.No hurryC.No way D.No use2(2012四川)Would you please help me with the box?_A.Yes,please.B.No,please dontC.With please.D.My pleasure.,3(2012四川)May I open the window to let in some fresh air?_A.Come on!B.Take care!C.Go ahead!D.Hold on!4(2012浙江)Do you want another drink?_.A.I dont think so B.No wayC.Not at all D.I wouldnt say no,5(2012浙江)Hey,you havent been acting like yourself.Everything OK?_.A.Im fine,thanks B.Sure,it isC.Thats good D.Its OK6(2012江苏)Bill,can I get you anything to drink?_.A.You are welcome B.No problemC.I wouldnt mind a coffee D.Doesnt matter,7(2012辽宁)Sorry,do you mind if I smoke here?Yes,_.A.you could B.go aheadC.I do D.my pleasure8(2012辽宁)Is it OK if I take this seat?Sorry,_.A.here you are B.take itC.its taken D.never mind,9(2012天津)Putting on a happy face not only helps us make friends but also makes us feel better._.A.Id love to B.Im with you on thatC.Its up to you D.Its my pleasure10(2012天津)Were organizing a party next Saturday,and Id like you to come._!I have another one that day.Thank you just the same.A.Good luck B.What a pityC.Never do it again D.Well done,11(2012安徽)Could you be so kind as to close the window?_.A.With pleasure B.Go aheadC.Yes,please D.Thats OK12(2012福建)Bruce,I really appreciate your handwriting._.A.I practice every dayB.Thank you very muchC.No,I dont think soD.Well,its not good enough,13(2012山东)Poor Steve!I could hardly recognize him just now!_.He has changed so much.A.Never mind B.No problemC.Not at all D.Me neither14(2012山东)John and I will celebrate our fortieth wedding anniversary next month.Oh,_!A.cheer up B.well doneC.go ahead D.congratulations,15(2012重庆)Ken,_,but your TV is going too loud.Oh,Im sorry.Ill turn it down right now.A.Id like to talk with youB.Im really tired of thisC.I hate to say thisD.I need your help16(2012重庆)You are confident about the job interview,arent you?_.Im well prepared and feel Ive got everything they need.A.Sure,I am B.Its hard to sayC.I hope so D.Well,maybe,17(2012陕西)Have you finished your first paper?_.Just half of it.How about you?A.Not at all B.Not likelyC.Not a bit D.Not yet18(2012陕西)My mother is preparing my favorite dishes.Go with me and have a taste,okay?_.And Ill be glad to meet your parents.A.I think so B.Id love toC.Im sure D.I hope so,19(2012全国)Do you mind my opening the window?Its a bit hot in here._,as a matter of fact.A.Go ahead B.Yes,my pleasureC.Yes,I do D.Come on20(2012全国)It looks heavy.Can I give you a hand?_.A.No,thanks B.Yes,my pleasureC.No,never mind D.Yes,I do,21(2012重庆联合诊断)Which would you prefer,cocoa or coffee?_.A.Yes,please.B.Neither,thanksC.As you like D.Yes,both22(2012江西重点中学协作体联考)Your mother wont agree with you on that,you know,this hairstyle is not suitable for a student._?I dont care what she thinks.Anyway,I am not a child any more.A.How come B.So whatC.What for D.How so,23(2012江南十校测试)Was that problem as easy as you thought?_.We didnt solve it on time.A.Nobrainer B.IndeedC.Not nearly D.Exactly24(2012江南十校测试)Sorry for what I have said to you._.A.Lets forget it B.No,of course notC.No,nothing much D.I do beg your pardon,25(2012泉州毕业班质检)Lucy,you seem in high spirits.What happened?_ Ive passed the exam.A.Guess what?B.What for?C.So what?D.Well done!26(2012青岛教学检测)When will you be through with your work?_?My boss usually finds something for me to do at the last minute.A.Who knows B.Would you help meC.I beg your pardon D.Anything the matter,27(2012苏锡常镇四市教学调查)Im afraid I can only make a small contribution this time._.We really appreciate your assistance.A.The best things come in small packagesB.The more,the betterC.It is better to give than to receiveD.Every little helps,28(2012苏锡常镇四市教学调查)How are things with you?_.I now make enough money to pay the bills and keep food on the table.A.From bad to worse B.Cant complainC.Too bad D.Too good29(2012成都诊断二)Excuse me,Sir!Could you tell me the way to Tianfu Square?Sorry,but Im a stranger here as well._A.Thanks,anyway.B.It doesnt matter.C.Never mind.D.No problem.,30(2012成都诊断一)Will you go to see Harry Portter with me tonight?I have two tickets.Thank you,_,for my mother is ill at home.A.but why not B.but Id rather notC.and I wont D.and Ill go31(2012皖南八校)Jack,my bike was stolen yesterday.Could you lend me yours?_.A.Help yourself B.Of course,I couldC.Never mind D.Dont mention it,32(2012山东诊测三)Have you been wasting time on computer games again?_.Ive been studying a lot and I need a break.A.No way B.Not reallyC.I dont agree D.I couldnt agree more33(2012合肥质检三)Why not join us in the collective dancing?_.A.Sure,please B.I dont like dancingC.Thats all right D.OK,coming,34(2012长春调研)What time shall we meet at the school gate?_ it 8 oclock.A.Lets make B.Lets fixC.I suggested D.I say35(2012皖南八校)If only there were no examinations!_ We all need more rest.A.Why do you think so?B.For what?C.I think so.D.I couldnt agree more.,36(2012江南十校)Are you finishing your task?_.We need no less than three hours more.A.Far from it B.ExactlyC.Not a little D.No wonder37(2012东北三校)Jackson was late for Mr.Blacks literature class this morning._?As far as I know,he never came late to class.A.So what B.Why notC.How come D.What for,38(2012东北三校)The mooncake is really delicious.Can I have another piece?_A.You can.B.Behave yourself.C.Be my guest!D.Do it yourself.39(2012威海质检)Its settled.Were going to the East Coast._ I can take lots of pictures.A.Great!B.Fine with me.C.Really?D.Why?,40(2010江苏泰兴调研)I wonder if you could give me a lift?_.A.With pleasure B.Its my pleasureC.Youre welcome D.A piece of cake,答案1B。考查交际用语。对方想让Mary把MP4转交给答话人,再结合答语后半部分的内容可知答话人不急于要回借出之物,所以用no hurry“不必着急”。no sense“没有意义”;no way“决不,没门儿”;no use“没用”。2C。考查交际用语。With pleasure.“很乐意帮忙。”,用于答应别人的请求。My pleasure.“别客气。”为他人表示感谢时的应答语。,3C。考查交际用语。go ahead“可以,干吧,开始,进行”。come on“(表劝说,鼓励等)来吧,走吧”;take care“小心,当心”;hold on“握住不放,坚持,(打电话用语)等一会儿”。句意:“我可以开窗放一些新鲜空气进来吗?”“行,做吧!”4D。考查情态对话用语。句意:“再来一杯吗?”“好的,我很乐意。”此处I wouldnt say no表示“我不反对,我很乐意(再来一杯)”,对问话人的建议表示“接受,不拒绝”。所以选D项。,5A。考查情景对话用语。句意:“你好像不太对劲,没事吧?”“我很好,谢谢。”此处表示“感谢”,故用A项“Im fine,thanks”。6C。考查交际用语。句意:“比尔,给你拿点什么喝的呢?”“我挺想喝杯咖啡。”You are welcome是对方表达谢意时的应答语。No problem是回答对方的求助的用语。Doesnt matter是对方表达歉意时的应答语。7C。根据答语中的Yes可知,回答者表示介意,即不想让对方抽烟。由此可知C项正确。,8C。根据答语中的Sorry可知,这个座位已经被占了,所以选C。9B。考查交际用语。由“面带微笑不但能帮助我们交朋友,而且能让我们感觉更好些”可知选B,表示“我同意这点。”。Id love to“我很乐意。”;Its up to you.“你拿主意!你决定!你说了算!”Its a/my pleasure.“这是我的荣幸/不客气。”,用于回答别人的感谢,相当于My pleasure。10B。考查交际用语。由空格后一句可知,说话人婉言拒绝了对方的邀请,故应用B。What a pity!“真遗憾!多可惜!”用来“感慨伤心遗憾的往事”,或“面对眼前可望而不可及的事情”。,11A。考查交际用语。别人请求你的帮助时,回答可以用“with pleasure”,表示“很乐意(替别人效劳)”。12B。考查交际用语。回答别人赞美、表扬之类的话时,应该用表示感谢的答语,所以B项正确。A、C、D显然不符合英语的语言习惯。13D。考查交际用语。根据空后的“他变化这么大”可知答话者认可了对方的话,Me neither表示“我也没有认出来”,符合语境,故选D项。Never mind“没关系,不用担心”;No problem“不麻烦,没事儿,没什么”;Not at all“一点也不,根本不”。,14D。考查交际用语。对方要庆祝结婚四十周年,答话人当然应向对方表示祝贺,故选D项。congratulations意思是“恭喜恭喜!祝贺你!”cheer up“振作起来,高兴起来”;well done表示赞赏,意思是“做得不错”;go ahead“前进,干吧,说吧,开始干”。15C。考查交际用语。根据题意可知,说话者是在婉言批评Ken把电视声音开得太大了,显然只有C项符合语境。这句话的大意是“我不想说,不过你的电视声音太大了”。其他选项不合语意。,16A。考查交际用语。根据答语中的“Im well prepared and feel Ive got everything they need”可知,答话者充满自信,因此选A。17D。考查交际用语。Not at all“不客气,一点也不”;Not likely“不可能”;Not a bit“一点也不”;Not yet“还没有,尚未”。句意:“你做完你的第一份试卷了吗?”“还没呢。只做了一半。你呢?”18B。考查交际用语。上文的“Go with me and have a taste,okay?”是向对方发出邀请。而对别人的邀请,肯定的回答应该是B项,如果是否定的回答,则用“Sorry,but.”。,19C。as a matter of fact暗示答话人不希望对方打开窗户。20A。考查交际用语。前句“Can I give you a hand?”表示主动提出帮助,不需要对方的帮助应用“No,thanks”回答,故答案为A。回应别人的感谢说:My pleasure;告诉某人不要担心某事说:Never mind。21B。考查交际用语。句意:“你喝可可饮料还是咖啡?”“都不要,谢谢。”问句是特殊疑问句,不必使用yes或no来回答,由此可排除A、D两项;C项表示“随你的便”,语意不恰当。,22B。考查交际用语。根据答语后半部分内容可知说话人不在乎母亲对自己发型的看法,所以用“那又怎么样”。How come“怎么会呢?”;What for“为什么?”。23C。考查情景对话。句意:“那个问题有你想得那么简单吗?”“完全不是,我们没有按时解决它。”Not nearly表示“完全不,远不及”,所以这里选C。24A。考查情景对话。句意:“很抱歉对你说了那些话。”“别去想它了。”这里的“Lets forget it”表示“别去想它了,忘记吧”的含义,所以选A。,25A。Guess what?“你猜怎么着?”用于引出令对方惊奇的事情。What for?“为什么?”So what?“那又如何?”26A。该题考查交际用语。be through with意为“完成”。句意:“你什么时候能完成工作?”“谁知道呢?我老板总是在最后时刻给我安排一些事情。”27D。考查谚语。根据句中的“make a small contribution”可知“我”的贡献很小,即便如此对方对“我”的帮助还是很感激的,因为“Every little helps”意为“涓涓细流汇成河”。,28B。考查交际用语。从题中“I now make enough money to pay the bills.”可知现在“我”的日子过得还不错,因此选B。29A。考查交际用语。按照西方人的交际习惯,即使对方没有提供帮助,也要表示感谢。B、C两项用来表示安慰;no problem表示事情容易做或乐于相助。30B。考查交际用语。说话人先表示感谢,再表明“由于母亲生病在家,他不能去看电影”,因此是意思的转折。句中的but用来表示歉意,不必翻译。,31A。Help yourself.行,你用吧。32B。考查交际用语。句意:你又在浪费时间玩电脑游戏吗?我一直在学习需要休息一会儿。可知“事实并非如此”,故选B。A没门,不可能;C我不同意(指对方的观点或意见);D我非常赞同。33D。考查交际用语。对方建议说话人跳集体舞,说话人说“好,马上来”。A项用来表示允许对方做某事;B项语气太生硬;C项表示“没关系;不用谢”。,34A。本题考查考生对句子结构的掌握情况。A选项运用了make宾语宾语补足语(名词)的结构。此题易误选B。要想选B的话,应在8 oclock前加个介词at。35D。考查交际用语。这里表示同意别人的观点,所以用I couldnt agree more,意为“我完全同意”。36A。考查交际用语。根据答语“We need no less than three hours more.”可知,这个任务还远远没有完成,far from意为“远非”。,37C。考查交际用语。so what那又如何;why not表建议或同意;how come为何会,表惊奇,惊讶;what for为何,为什么,表目的。依下文可知,这里表示对Jackson今天上午上课迟到感到很吃惊。38C。考查交际英语。该句“Can I have another piece?”中的can表请求之意,征求意见。“Be my guest!”表“请随便,请随意,请不要客气”之意。39A。本题考查交际用语。由第二句I can take lots of pictures.可知说话人非常乐意,故选A;B语调过于平淡;C、D不符合语境要求。,40A。考查交际用语。语境为请求提供帮忙,With pleasure很乐意,符合对话要求;“Its my pleasure”和“Youre welcome”不客气,用于别人表示感谢时的反应;A piece of cake小事一桩。,


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